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Refugee (1/15)



  1. how is the chunk reset usually set? I tested on different servers and after a while the nests and the rubbish reappeared. ok ...thx
  2. a small question from me. nests and loot containers (garbage and rubbish) in the area. do they respawn on their own or only after a wipe?
  3. hi modder. i'm brand new to the 7days creator world. so far I have created maps and prefabs for Rust. now i would like to try my hand at this game but i have a big problem at the beginning. if I want to create a new map with nitrogen and have previously edited my heightmap with paint.net, the following message appears when loading the heightmap: importing Hightmap: 😄 \\ NitroGen_WorldGenerator_v0501 \ NitroGen_WorldGenerator / output / NitroGenMap / import_HM.png 😄 \\ NitroGen_WorldGenerator_v0501 \ NitroGen_WorldGenerator / output / NitroGenMap / import_HM.png: Image could not be read Can't read input file! Could not import hightmap from 😄 \\ NitroGen_WorldGenerator_v0501 \ NitroGen_WorldGenerator / output / NitroGenMap / import_HM.png (don't be surprised, but I have deleted the complete path for my safety) I hope someone can help me. since I am German translated with google translator. Thank you in advance for your help
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