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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Yes there are. Search creative for the name of the skill and you'll find books (can also be looted in game). These give +2 to the action skill. Not often. I released that version early to help folks on isolation/lockdown. I MAY update it next week, but no guarantee on that (could be longer) If you are playing on a server, that's intended.
  2. Yep. Caitlin sells them in her secret stash.
  3. It's sort-of a bug. TFP's tags that target blocks aren't working quite right, but i'm not gonna worry about it tbh.
  4. Sap is right-click with a bowl, if my memory is correct, on a tree. To get more than 1 crop, punch it when you have points in Living off the Land.
  5. I do try to. I actually just tried adding a quest to point the player to the big bunker and... really broke something. Soooooo.... whoops.
  6. That's odd, because that's a vanilla sound. So that shouldn't be causing an issue. That error is related to the map having the incorrect map_info file. I'd try manually installing the mod instead as i've noticed folks who do that NEVER have an issue. I'll have to check the farming entry. It may just be a bad comma in the localization. That happens with the trader if the game detects they aren't on their "spawn block". Basically just kill them all, let the bodies despawn and it'll fix it (make sure you hand in quests first). POI issues are an issue with the maps that I need to go fix manually. Basically RWG screwed up when making them. Nope. That's intended. You have to go find the large bunker manually. It's in one of the wasteland areas.
  7. I had the same problem on Nav when using the launcher. It was copying the wrong map info file over. So I added the proper map info to the folder. I'd try re-syncing from the launcher and see if that fixes it.
  8. Absolutely no idea. I haven't tried any. I remember I made one and then forgot to release it... also haven't tested it too much. Oh! That's generated by nitrogen, so i'd try the thread for that in the tools forum. Someone in there might have an idea what they mean. I think someone in the discord said pink is traders though.
  9. If you click on tools and Random World Gen Previewer, the legend is in there. The large map uses a lot of RAM, so that'll be why the host is saying that. However, DF has an edited prefab list for navezgane to include the bunkers and caitlin, so you can absolutely play on that map. I need to go rebuild it in unity for that. Sounds like something didn't download properly. I would try reinstalling it from the mirror and see if that helps. 1. Kill lab zombies and hazmat zombies. You can also get them in bunkers. 2. Eve is a RANDOM spawn in the burnt biome. The small bunkers are also in the burnt biome. No idea what they look like on the preview, but I know there should be one in NW/NE/SW/SE, so 4 total. Those are normal errors. Happens in vanilla too. Ignore them. Yep. That's normal. Take apart ammo you don't need for easy bullet tips and gunpowder. It's part of 0-SphereIICore. I think quite a few people do. It's probably due to the fog effect. That's intended because otherwise I'd need a stupid amount of requirements for it to check for X combination of items. And no idea on the preview thing. I just included it cos you lot kept saying you wanted map previews and nitrogen generated it. Glad you're enjoying it. Also, i've passed your comment on to Jax, because we do talk over discord occasionally. I figured he could do with having his spirits raised. Lathe is used to make gun PARTS. So if you don't want to rely on RNG or the trader to get X part of a gun, you can make it in there. I'd absolutely buy it if I found one in a trader, though they do spawn rarely in loot as well.
  10. I was hoping the lockdown would allow me more time to work on the mod. Instead my RL job requires a TON more work. So... that sucks.
  11. If you're near a wasteland, that's why. Biome spawns don't care what level you are. All wasteland is radiated and requires a hazmat suit to safely enter. <decoration type="model" name="DFalls_Resarch_Lab1" position="-4865,14,4197" rotation="2" /> <decoration type="model" name="DFalls_Resarch_Lab1" position="5358,19,-5412" rotation="3" /> Good luck. givequest quest_classtraininglaborer3
  12. Yep, that'll do it. So what's happening is you're getting to the trader, the game is going "Ok, the wasteland is now within the active chunk, so spawn the wasteland stuff". And then, because that stuff is SUPER aggressive, it's running over immediately to ruin your day. Auger and chainsaw should ALSO be fixed, I think. And yeah, any non-vanilla gun does that. No idea why, not much I can really do about it either. When you press F6, look ABOVE the list of entities. There's 3 boxes. I don't remember exactly what they say, but it should be something like From Biome Spawner, From Dynamic Spawner, From Static Spawner. Make sure From Static Spawner is ticked and THEN spawn the guards. That should make them stay on save. Or you could just take the loss. They're intended to NOT respawn to stop folks living in the trader 24/7.
  13. I have no idea, i'm afraid. I don't own a mac. I have a hackintosh SOMEWHERE, but it's like a 3rd gen i5 using intel graphics... so it barely runs 7DTD as it is. The only thing I can suggest would be either a windows or linux dual boot and run it like that. The problem there, is because she's spawned by biome controls, the game loves to despawn her. Because THAT happens, you then can't hand the quest in. I may have a fix for that... I was working on it last night. Haven't tested it yet though. They're a weapon. So stick them in your hotbar, select them like a weapon, punch some zombies. This happens to me if i'm running 7DTD off my C: drive, but steam is somewhere else. I have to run 7DTD AND Steam as an admin to fix it. I'll double check the mushrooms. Sounds like something may not be configured right. If they have the E prompt, don't use that. Punch them otherwise your perk bonus doesn't apply. Yes it's sort of intended. I globally increased the loot bag drop but reduced the quality of loot so it works more like A16. If you have a scavenger with lucky looter maxed out killing stuff, that increases the drop chance by a further 20%. Not really, no. Is your trader near a wasteland?
  14. As per what Hardcase found, I strongly recommend manual installs atm because the launcher is occasionally corrupting/incorrectly copying files and I don't know why. Press F6 and use that menu. It's WAY better. A bad install of some kind. Would need the server log file to see why it's failing. Dumb idea. Try plugging your laptop into an external display and see if the issue continues. If it does, then you may have an overheating issue so it's turning off the GPU. If the external screen continues to work but the internal screen goes off, you may have a bad cable inside the laptop (it does happen, annoyingly). It's not installed properly. You can tell by all the missing blocks. My guess would be your provider isn't allowing DLL uploads, which then makes the blocks.xml fail. Gotta love those bunkers. Glad you enjoyed it even if it was a little frustrating. If you look at the bottom right of a post, you'l see Quote, Flag and Like. Click Quote. That adds the text of the post to your reply.
  15. Oh, and sorry for delay on replying to this. I kinda started doing some unity tutorials... Oh. My. God. I LOVE Unity Scriptable Objects. I wish we could use this system in modding 7DTD because it would let me do so much stuff!!!!
  16. Open the console (F1) and type givequest name_of_deleted_quest So pickaxes aren't supposed to do that. It's basically just the vanilla code (same for the normal wrench). It looks like it's a vanilla bug. HOWEVER, I have fixed it locally and testers have confirmed it's now working as intended. Wandering traders have like... a 1% spawn rate. If you see one, it should be considered somewhat lucky rather than something to be expected. If you happen to find out which POI it is, let me know. I can then take it into the prefab editor and do some poking. Sounds like the NPC who gave it to you died and she respawned, which does break it... unfortunately. Not sure if I can fix it. I can't see that screenshot to even guess what the problem is. It's an unfixable bug. You basically have to take everything off and put it back on to make the buff work. Nice to see your still around Old Gamer. I'm never being safe... i'm an idiot. Though me and the wife are trying to avoid people to the best of our abilities. The zombie setting (125) is for biome-spawned zombies, not bloodmoon zombies. They ignore the zombie limit. The shader stuff happens on windows as well, and linux, so just ignore those. My concern is that unspecified NULL error. That means something really, really broke. I would try reinstalling the mod from this alternative link: The out of array error seems to somehow be related to maps having the wrong map_info.xml file. Not entirely sure how that happens, but it ONLY happens with launcher installs and I have no idea why. Yep. I added that as a very rare chance just to help out. And thank you everyone for explaining the wellness system. You know how there's red text that says "Check your journal" when you start the mod? This is why. The wellness system is explained in the journal.
  17. That sounds like I screwed up. Will check into it.
  18. Found it and fixed locally. The one that uses plastic had tags=learnable when it shouldn't have, so removed. I know Niil answered a couple of these... but... The wasteland stuff is SLIGHTLY bugged. Currently working on fixing that locally and need to test it. The console I tracked down to a LAUNCHER error. It was overwriting the FrozenZombies.unity3d file with another one, bugging out the cold zombies. I removed the file that the launcher was trying to copy over it (last week I think) so I would try re-syncing and see if that sorts it out. I assume you mean DF Large? If so, then yes. There's a caitlin in either corner, and a bunker in the other corners. So if you found caitlin in a north west corner (as an example), there would be another in the south east corner. The bunkers would then be in the north east and south west corners.
  19. I only see recipes for the steel arrow made from feathers or scrap polymer, not cloth. However, the recipes are definitely wrong. I meant to change them so they could be made in the backpack if you have the parts. So it sort-of is a bug.
  20. I know that going crazy thing. The main issue i'm having is the whole "Can't just pop to the shops" thing. The small bunker has a quest attached to it, and can be reset. The large bunker does NOT have a quest attached to it, but I did set it up as a quest POI so server owners should be able to reset it (at least from what i've been told, haven't tried myself)
  21. I'm doing MUCH better right now. I actually worked on the mod a bit today, so that's good. I just tend to hide for a bit when that happens, because it makes me very irritable and I don't want to inflict that crap on other folks.
  22. Ok, so apologies in advance. I've had a couple of bad mental health days so I just... hid. Feeling better now, but that wwas not fun. Index out of range errors. I've tracked that down to using the launcher. SOMETIMES it copies the wrong map_info file into the wrong folder. I've seen it copy an 8k world map_info to DF large (and break it) or copy an 8k world map_info to navezgane... and break it. Everything has been re-uploaded so hopefully it will be ok, but... yeah... it's doing odd stuff. If there's any pressing questions I need to ask, please re-post them and i'll go from here rather than going back over 3 pages and potentially answering something that's already been answered.
  23. Quick update cos allergies are kicking the crap out of me. As stated, if you look on the launcher (specifically at the screenshot I posted on the last page) there is a "Check here to download from mirror" box. USE THAT. Gitlab is being a pain. I've managed to track it down to it refusing to allow the worlds to upload. So i've got the mod uploaded, but the worlds are missing (as of about 20 mins ago). I will look into it more, but USE THE MIRROR. EDIT: Linking the image again even though it was only on the last page and people apparently didn't want to look. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachmen...7-59-02-04.png
  24. Belowzeros, you can ignore that. It's completely safe. Nope, but it IS tied into the quest system. I believe some server managers can use that to reset it (no idea how though). I'm working on fixing on the boulder thing. Bunkers on the large map (which is the 12k one IIRC) are in the corners. I don't remember WHICH corners, but there's two. One in one corner, one in the opposite corner. So if there was one in the North East, there'd be another in the South West, as an example. It's busted atm. Use that for now. For some reason, GitLab would NOT allow me to re-upload the mod and I don't know why. I've been trying most of the night.
  25. Could've sworn I made sure that works. I'll check it. If I didn't remove that (which I think I did) then it's about 10 blocks above bedrock and very rare. 1. That's because the quest says "Craft" not "Fetch". So yes, you must have the workbench open for it to count. 2. No idea. I can't reproduce it locally to even try and fix it. That's wellness. Read the journal entry for more info on how it works, including getting HP back. In other news for everyone, I need to re-upload the gitlab repo to fix the issue there. HOWEVER, I have added a mirror on my server in germany. If you boot up the mod launcher, you should now see a new option under Darkness Falls. Checking that box and then hitting pre-sync will download the mod from my server rather than the main gitlab server. It's a little faster, but please try to use the main one where possible. I'll do a re-sync in a few minutes.
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