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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Been stupidly busy. Updated SCore so this should be good to go.
  2. Nope. It doesn't. Because saving would require a C# patch and I wanted it to be XML only.
  3. Cheers. Didn't realise they'd done that so will have a look. They can spawn any non-BM time. I need to re-do that one later. I remember I was having issues getting it into the progression system with the new magazines and stuff
  4. Cannot reproduce this. I'd check and make sure you don't have other stuff installed messing with the backpack. ANY kind of server. If someone is connecting to a dedicated server, or TO YOU, or you TO THEM, then the 2 and 3 mods MUST be installed by everyone. Intended. The warning patch is in case someone decides to use it with my larger toolbelt. Easier than releasing 2 versions since it doesn't break anything. Um, it IS one row. Yes. Buy pack mule. Or you could buy pack mule as intended. I did that so the perk actually has a use. I did not make a mod like that.
  5. You need to check the discord then since I put out the first build for testers a few hours ago
  6. Honestly, with the issues I'm seeing reported with A21.1... it might be even longer than that. Will wait and see what TFP do with the experimental.
  7. Proibably at some point, but I'd need to make a new launcher file. You REALLY should manually install mods instead of using the launcher. Side note, just pushed an update. The wandering horde mod wasn't working correctly, so I removed the code from romero mod and added the wandering horde modlet as a separate thing for easier user configuration.
  8. Pushed a fix for the wandering horde mod as the GS cap wasn't being correctly patched.
  9. A21.1 is still pretty likely tbh. As of right now, i've got 7 XML files left to do just to get the mod to boot enough for basic testing (items, blocks, entities, quests, POIs) Then I need to redo all the loot and trader inventories...
  10. Right, this seems to work, so V3 has been uploaded and main post updated with the download link
  11. The comment you quoted was in relation to the user posting a screenshot, WITH A RED ERROR, for a mod that IS NOT MINE. And yes, TFP changed something. What you posted is the new ModInfoV2, which as far as I know all of my stuff is updated to. I do not deal with errors/warnings/whatever on other people's mods otherwise i'd never get anything done, would I?
  12. I didn't forget anything., The modlet is formatted for Modinfo V2 as per A21 modding instructions. I do NOT care about Vortex. Stop using it. Also that error isn't my mod. It's someone elses. That's how it works
  13. That would make it a C# mod, not an XML mod, which I already stated earlier is why I DIDN'T do it, nor am I planning to
  14. I DID notice that while updating to A21. Should be fixed now
  15. Added a custom main menu music mod. It's more for other modders, but it does put back the A9-ish music for folks who enjoyed that
  16. Absolutely no idea. I have not tested in MP. However it's based on the DF code which DID work in MP in A20 according to various people in discord. So i'm gonna say it's tentatively ok. Save? SHOULD be fine but no promises. You may have to wait for your next horde to spawn before it kicks in. Also, haven't seen you for a while, Pickle. Hope you're doing ok
  17. You can put more points into the minibike perk and unlock the motorcycle and 4x4. Dont be allergic to spending points. 😛
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