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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Hey, guess what? Darkness Falls V5.0.0 STABLE is now released! These are the changes from B28. Darkness Falls V5.0.0 - Stable Build (Build 29) (IDC) Updated IDCCore for 21.2 compatibility. (Laydor) Updated Quartz for 21.2 compatibility. (Khaine) Updated DF XML files for 21.2 compatibility. (IDC) Fixed Laser Workbench being unable to scrap items. (IDC) Added tooltip on mouse over for tool/modifier slots in workbenches. (IDC) Fixed the RWG patch that forces POI's to respect biome restrictions. Fixed Titanium Pickaxe having incorrect repair tool. Fixed Titanium Hunting Knife dropping from the wrong zombies so it was a little too common. Mostly fixed both bunkers not properly resetting in multiplayer (it's still a little iffy, but a LOT better now). Disabled muzzle flash on laser weapons that shouldn't have them in the first place. Adjusted Scrap/Iron/Steel armor recipes. Increased how long it takes for the rain catcher to generate water as it was flooding areas and causing server issues. Added a failsafe to remove backpack items when used because apparently the game isn't properly removing them. Added custom trader lists to Razor, Eve and Anna, who shouldn't have trader lists anyways but you lot found a way to access it. Added Fusion Rocket (I was bored). Added PEP pre-generated maps. Adjusted drop rates of legendary items. Lowered the amount of armor added by HP ammo so it's more viable against higher level enemies. Lowered spawn chance of mastery books in air drops. Changed ranges of Incubi hand items due to potential inability to hit the player. Changed Lord of Hell to use Empowered Incubus hand item due to reported issue with being unable to hit the player. Main Download: https://dev.azure.com/KhaineUK/DarknessFallsA21/_git/DarknessFallsA21 Now, a few points because I'm sure people will ask. 1) This is ONLY for A21.2. Not 21.1, or 21.0. 2) "Is it on the launcher?" The XML file for the launcher has been uploaded. You'll see it in the Azure repro there as DarknessFallsA21LauncherFile.xml. You don't need to do anything with it. The file has been passed on to SphereII. 3) I'll sort out a comprehensive changelog between 4.1.2 and 5.0.0 later. Yes, a new save is VERY STRONGLY RECOMMENDED, because that's what TFP recommend going from 21.1 to 21.2. My 21.1 save works. But NOT restarting is "at your own risk" and you will likely be told to go make a new save if you have issues. You have been warned.
  2. Sorry for not being around. I have been STUPIDLY busy with IRL stuff for the past couple of weeks. I know A21.2 is out. The last major bug for DF got fixed earlier this evening. It's with the testers now. That's the best i've got regarding updates and when you can expect stable. Not gonna give a date, because every time I do, something bad turns up. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand this is the bad bug we just got fixed.
  3. You don't You do lose food after dying. Only other time i've seen that is with the vitamins buff, but can't see why it happens. Maybe check the POI name... 😛 Buy it. You got unlucky on inventory.
  4. I want to preface this with answers may seem like I'm coming across as annoyed. That's not the intent, I'm just very blunt because I've found communicating in that way basically stops any "wriggle room" nonsense. Difficulty - DF was NEVER INTENDED to be a difficult overhaul mod. At all. You lot just apparently wanted it, which is why I've started tying stuff to the difficulty selection instead. The lab/bunker ARE NOT getting further tweaks for the following reasons. 1: One of the things you mentioned is MP related. I'm not doing further MP fixes/tweaks/other nonses because I'm tired of working around TFP bugs. I spend more time on MP stuff than I do on actual mod content. I'm not doing it anymore. 2: End game demons. I am assuming you're talking about the Empowered ones. Those were in A20 and the A21 versions have LESS health than those. I'm not nerfing them. You said in this message that it's supposed to be hard, then complain it's hard? You do realise you won't see empowered demons unless you're playing on a huge server in a huge party (if that's the case, see above about not rebalancing crap based on MP), or on a high difficulty, right? So far, the general reception in the discord is that most people are enjoying that extra challenge. And no, Legendary weapons are SUPPOSED to fall off after demons. They are NOT supposed to be good against empowered demons. You need full tier laser with overcharged cells, blessed metal and armor shredder mods to figh them properly. As for taking multiple clips to kill enemies, works fine for L4D with the Witch and Tank, which are your "boss" enemies. I'm killing normal empowered demons just find with 1 clip. The bosses? Less so. Mod your weapons appropriately. 3: Yes, there's probably going to be more after the laser workbench. If you look in the code, there's a commented out perk that's not done yet so you can get a feel of the intent. Farming - Your suggestion is not possible. You cannot affect plant grow times via perk. I already looked into it, because I think that would be an AMAZING idea. Crafting Speed - Did you update? There's a bug in the base game where craft speed can go to -1 second and complete instantly. We fixed that so it caps out at 1 second instead. I know that's near instant, but that's actually intended if you have enough perks and items. The game also can't math properly so I'm not planning to spend more time on it. Misc stuff. Steve is an issue, yes. Other zombies also have it. I'd have to remake the animation controller for ALL zombies to fix it, which I'm not doing. Bee hive sound effect is definitely just a temporary one for now and will be changed later. I disagree on the M4. The M60 has a mobility penalty while using it. I use the M60 for horde nights and the M4 for POI clearance. Shotgun I have experienced. It's the same code as vanilla. I checked. I can get it to fire one barrel and then the other, but it's SUPER sensitive and no idea. Haven't had that issue with coconut trees (however the "harvested" block needs to be changed" Morning/Night noises is a TFP thing. Actually had nothing to do with me, but I like it. Rain catchers have a tweak in B29 (currently in testing) so they spawn water less often. You're missing out on the dew collectors. They can make Pure Mineral Water instead of water.
  5. This isn't an airport. You don't need to announce your depature. For everyone else. Next build is up. 1) Still only for A21.1. 2) New save not needed. DF-V5.0.0-DEV-B28 - (IDC) Updated IDCCore. - (IDC) Fixed workbenches eating mods when items are combined. - Fixed incorrect UI display for Mining Helmet (stated it was Light when actually Heavy). - Fixed random smoke issue after firing on Black Sky (the black square thing). - Fixed various machete speeds. - Fixed coffee being listed under sous chef 5 AND sous chef 2. Sous chef 2 was the correct entry. - Fixed anti-rad time display in the bottom left buffs list. - Added a recipe to make coal from wood to help people who wish to mass produce ammo. - Added a Supercity map. - Adjusted max quality of dropped power armor as farming it was easier than making it and thus not intended. - Adjusted particle from the cryogrenade/liquid nitrogen mod so heads are more visible (there's still some zombies that need tweaks, but that's XML). - Increased the fuel value of the Fuel Log item from 200 to 300 (so 5 minutes burn time instead of 3 minutes, 20 seconds). - Increased the special buffs granted by master farmer food/drink to 10 mins instead of 2, EXCEPT the 'grandpas' drinks that were increased to 5 mins as 10 would be silly. - Removed some unnecessary unity files to help with size and RAM usage. Main Download: http://darknessfallsmod.co.uk/DF-V5-DEV-B28.zip (you will need to copy and paste this) Backup Download 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ogGfDZXgrTBCSZKLGFHCB38AVJTkrcQ4/view?usp=sharing Backup Download 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m4VEd5SxTuMC9KjNv0faRqSNQDHcqCeb/view?usp=sharing
  6. As mentioned earlier, i've only seen that in multiplayer when resetting the POI for a quest. I would need to know what the POI name is to see if it's vanilla or PEP. Technically NONE of them are supposed to be tradeable, but I can't disable the radial menu option. I'm going to look at giving them actual trader inventories. Delete the old folder and replace. ...that's just evil
  7. With all due respect... They've been CONSISTENTLY pushed back since A16. I'm sorry. It's time to start cracking on, getting stuff done and putting a pin in this project as done. There's been many other survival games STARTED and FINISHED in 7DTD's current dev time.
  8. Only time i've seen that is actually a TFP bug. There's some blocks it doesn't like when you try and "reset" the POI. May have to check which POI it is. I'd talk to your host. It sounds like there may be an issue with either RAM or CPU. Yes. Still A21.1 only.
  9. You see in that screenshot? There's a big bloody button in the top right that says "Open Log Folder"
  10. It's part of SCore. It's not a separate mod. Stop copying things between versions. It's in B27, it's on. It works. 1) That's because the titanium "material", which is needed to allow you to scrap titanium to titanium, doesn't play sounds when you hit stuff. That's also why titanium stuff has iron in the recipes so it makes sense why you get iron when you scrap stuff. You can thank TFP for that (unless they FINALLY fixed that, but they hadn't in A16/A17/A18). 2) Nope. Why should you be able to make it? Either find/buy hazmat and scrap what you don't need, or make anti-rad pills.
  11. And Build 27 is up! Notes and stuff. DF-V5.0.0-DEV-B27 - (IDC) Fixed a random biome NRE that shouldn't happen. - Fixed a couple of warnings regarding hand items. - Fixed sell prices on hatches and the helipad. - Fixed missing tags on armor so the armor specialist perk can work properly. - Fixed Master Hunter localization stating it unlocks titanium arrows/bolts, when it doesn't. It's Bow Crafting 5. - Fixed Titanium Arrows not being locked when they should be. - Fixed Mk2 turrets floating slightly. - Fixed players being able to stuff tools into the empty tool slots and still getting the benefits. - Fixed missing buff for the arc gun so that should now shock properly and also chain to other zombies. - Fixed that annoying bit of overlapping grey when an item is selected in the backpack. - Fixed missing sound on Black Sky when using full auto mod. - Fixed incorrect sound on Black Sky when using a silencer. - Fixed occasional empty lootbags on zombies. - Added an "upgrade" path to buried treasure chests to fix issues with players using the crowbar on it, which shouldn't work ANYWAY but there we go. - Added resistance and immunity to fatigue to the security Pain Tolerance perk. - Added tomato seed unlock to Basic Farming. - Added a sell price to titanium spears. - Added flaming arrow/bolt and explosive arrow/bolt recipes to Bow Crafting. - Added 25% resource gathering bonus to the Laborer Class and Laborer Mastery. - Added stun baton (and pipe baton) damage increase to Yeah Science. - Adjusted Salvage Operations and Mechanic Mastery. Ratchet now unlocks at Salvage Operations 4 instead of 5, and Impact Driver now unlocks with Salvage Operations 5 instead of Mechanic Mastery. - Adjusted Metal Spikes mod so it can now be installed in all blunt weapons (clubs, sledges, knuckles, batons). - Adjusted trader inventory regarding resources (wood, clay, etc). - Removed working vending machines, ovens and sinks from the bunkers in case of POI reset issues in multiplayer. - Lowered max sap duration to 15 mins as 30 was a little nuts. Should still be useful. Main Download: http://darknessfallsmod.co.uk/DF-V5-DEV-B27.zip (you will need to copy and paste this) Backup Download 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GfPeLsBywyyYbJNEfd9aKVb4nG7U8GtB/view?usp=sharing Backup Download 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g4Dsj-sdoSS8-X1ngvZcwsZXWxLH9ka4/view?usp=sharing
  12. Nope. It's still there. Use less guns then.
  13. Mods\1-CustomGameOptions\SaveData\CustomGameOptions.xml That's how you set it for servers. 1) Because it's a stupid option. 2) Because it breaks respawn in multiplayer. Would probably need a log file for that one to work out what the issue is. Also, apologies all for not being around much. We just had a hell of week here. Thought one of the foster kittens was about to die.
  14. Yeah, B26 was posted last page or the page before
  15. You can't just remove it from your base. It's all crafting stuff. Update the mod.
  16. Mostly just customization. I did tweak some loot in one of the later versions and people seem to be doing fine now. 1) Already considering it since the double doors are technically... the BLUE ones... I think. 2) Vitamins don't protect you against food poisoning IRL either. Stop complaining. Cook your food. 3) The demo IS NOT adjusted. At all. What YOU ran into was a Mutated Demo. Maybe don't touch it's nono button? SIde note to this. If you had a junk turret, they DO set off demo's. I can't fix that.
  17. Then try reading your CLASS perks.
  18. No. It's because i'm using the built in twitch integration to hide the time. It also removes the sound. I asked prime if that was intended and was told yes.
  19. Alright you horrible lot. Build 26 is up and ready! Couple of notes. You should NOT need a new save. However, make sure you pick up all workbenches, coops, snares and beehives before you update. Put them back afterwards. This is likely the last build before stable as we've covered most of the bad @%$#. So don't expect more for now. Just enjoy. DF-V5.0.0-DEV-B26 - (IDC) Fixed NRE while scrapping items in the workbench. - (IDC) Fixed stuttering issues and various others. - Fixed Bundle of Flaming Arrows needing bundles of flaming arrows to be made, when it should be arrows, not bundles. - Fixed Succubus Matriarch having too much bonus damage. - Fixed missing mod slot on steel fireaxe. - Fixed some farmed crops having the "Press E" prompt when they shouldn't because the game fails at doing what it's told to do. Are any of you surprised? - Fixed mis-spelled display entry regarding cornmeal food poisoning. - Fixed survivalist torch giving a NORMAL torch if you break it rather than pressing E to pickup. - Changed hold-type on scrap and titanium spears so they can poke through doors properly. - Changed Succubi fireballs to have a large spread so all 3 won't cluster together and just delete players. - Changed vending machines to ONLY spawn broken versions outside of trader POI's. Why? Because of POI reset issues when starting quests in multiplayer. - Added a delay to Succubi fireballs (no idea if they'll play the warning sound, but I did try). - Adjusted heat amount on coop/snare/beehive. Main Download: http://darknessfallsmod.co.uk/DF-V5-DEV-B26.zip (you will need to copy and paste this) Backup Download 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lTXTtx5jcklcvU9hisuhM4mbydzom6IO/view?usp=sharing Backup Download 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_pqkw7lY1F05w5E0t5NJ1AS3oqrc_quW/view?usp=sharing
  20. 1) For B24, yes. For B25, no but it generates a LOT of heat. 2) Not that I know of. 3) Trees always did that. They used to instantly kill you aroiund a13/a14. Then I need to know EXACTLY what the NRE is and how to reproduce it, because the only reported one was with scrapping in the workbench, which is fixed. Nope. It's to do with the workstations. So you could spread them out all over the place and hope?
  21. Yes. It's something I Don't Care patched that shouldn't have caused it. SHOULD be fixed for the next version. We're doing more testing.
  22. RWG mostly works in A21. Just don't delete biomes. You need all of them
  23. I did my usual cos my internet was being potat. Basically uploaded, posted in discord, went to bed. So whoops. Build 25 is up! Patch notes and stuff below. As per previous builds, A21.1 STABLE only. If by any chance 21.2 goes stable, tough, you still need 21.1. No 21.0. No A20.whatever. Only A21.1 Ok? Good. Second thing. There are quest fixes in here. You are very likely going to need a save restart. There are also POI fixes which need a save restart, but are MUCH less critical. DF-V5.0.0-DEV-B25 (Sphereii) Fixed material duplication when using remote crafting. (Myth) Fixed more reported PEP bugs. Fixed incorrect model on grown super corn (both variants). Fixed "Cannot use at this time" on the normal bandage. Fixed Knife Master 2 not properly adding bleed when it should. Fixed Serrated Blade mod not properly stacking bleed like it should. Fixed scout still only teaching Bladed Crafting 1, thus allowing cheap levels in that perk. Fixed Laser Carbine and Laser Shotgun turrets using the wrong parts and unlocking at the wrong levels. Fixed Jason's Machete damage scaling with quality when it shouldn't. Fixed missing unlock for Powered Steel Garage Door 5x3 Helper. Fixed Laborer not properly refunding points in perks the player can't use. (IMPORTANT NOTE: I had to alter the first laborer quest rewards to do this. It may cause a character reset if you have the laborer class!) Fixed Flammable Oil, Nicd and Liquid Nitrogen mods not being installable on some of the junk turrets (sledge and ranged). Fixed wasteland rocks giving nitrate when they shouldn't. Fixed missing door prices. Fixed Joel not properly teaching ammo recipes (was a buff issue). Fixed "Take All" causing NRE's even when the button is not there, and also removed some buttons I forgot about. (IDC) Added new animal snare that works the same way as the coop and beehives. Added missing localization to the science crafting perk to show it increases quality for the rocket launcher, flamethrower and robotic drone. Added feathers to the chicken coop as a potential production item. (IDC) Updated IDC core to fix some reported bugs with the Coop/Beehive/Snare. Updated the descriptions of the Animal Snare, Chicken Coop and Beehives to state how they work. Changed repairable vehicles to a game event block. On repair, the event fires, places the vehicle IN YOUR INVENTORY and then destroys itself. No more vehicles failing to spawn! (Vehicle Repair Kit description has been edited to state this) Changed the size of rad vultures and demon vultures to normal vulture size due to vanilla bug with the hitboxes when they're enlarged. Changed the crowbar. It no longer has a power attack, but unlocks safes and end-POI loot in 1 hit. This grants the "lockpicked" bonus loot. CAUTION: This uses a lot of stamina and creates a lot of heat. If you end up with a screamer party, don't blame me. You were warned. Changed the mesh for the thrown pulse grenade to see if it helps with it... y'know... being thrown properly. Changed all quests from "Craft" to "FetchKeep" to make things easier and remove some bugs. Changed the heat generation on the grow lights because TFP decided to mess with the heat system and completely @%$# it up. Increased spawn rate of repairable vehicles. Main Download: http://darknessfallsmod.co.uk/DF-V5-DEV-B25.zip (you may need to copy and paste this) Backup Download 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oSY3cuUuokOSnZlh7KVVxKVVKabyMvIF/view?usp=sharing Backup Download 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1olw4U_ruEsDbHxQgELygFW0boF9iAHMq/view?usp=sharing Also a small hotfix for an NRE: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/414452645521260546/1155298799347040326/IDCCoreV2.dll Hotfix goes into Mods\IDCCore and it fixes an NRE while scrapping items in the workbench. Ok, I think that's everything. I need more coffee.
  24. I'm not adding more guns., It's just "here's more RAM usage for something that's functionally the same as the others"
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