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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. G;ass jars made PROPERLY don't. A dumbass making it in a forge without properly controlled heating or a mould? Yeah, no.
  2. If you're btiching about empty jars taking 1 slot when you drink being "inventory clutter", then you need to re-evaluate things a bit. I'm not adding them to LOOT, only the ones you drink. And no, you can't easily make a small patch to remove it with how i'm doing it.
  3. We're considering having jars be a 50% return chance. The reason for that is because constantly heated/cooled glass eventually shatters, so it's the best way we could think of to do that. As an example, I have tossed a room temp glass into the washing up bowl, added hot water, cleaned it, let it drain, then picked it up when cool and it's just shattered in my hand. So old glass jars SHOULD have a chance to do that. Also it should make both camps of players happy. Those who want it back, and those who don't due to inventory clutter.
  4. Lockpicks are fixed for B22. Will check the shotguns. EDIT: Checked. Item is fine. Localization is incorrect. Fixed. Fixed for B22. For some reason, TFP doesn't cap craft time at 1 second. We've got a patch to do that now. Intended, but we're discussing it. LOTL only gives a bonus to "wild" crops at level 5. 99% sure this is a UI issue, but we're looking into it. Fixed in B22.
  5. Build 21 is ready! The testers had a version without the zombie loot, and everything seems to be running well. I've had a quick run through zombie loot and can't find anything that might break the game, so I figure it's safe for all of you to have access to. Just to remind folks, as it has been asked in the past, this is for 21.1 (not 21.0) and saves SEEM ok. I tried it on my YT save and didn't get reset, but a new save is always recommended. Have fun! DF-V5.0.0-DEV-B21 - Fixed large fuel log when dropped. Was heckin' chonker. Is now on diet. - Fixed clay bucket turning into a normal bucket when filled and then emptied. - Fixed the workbenches perk being purchasable when the player is a laborer, when they don't need to buy it. - Fixed UI display on lucky goggles since the digging thing works now. - Fixed Improved Heating Element not being installable in things. - Fixed traders selling incorrect quality levels for tools, weapons and armor. - Fixed some incorrect hand items on zombies for when they get their legs blown off and turn into crawlers. - Fixed incorrect hand item on ranged zombies, and spit starting too far away from the zombie so it may appear invisible. - Fixed random NRE with trader quest rewards (this was a loot group fix, not a quest fix, so it should NOT cause a save reset). - Fixed timer disparity on sprains between the buff in the bottom left and what is shown on the players buffs screen. - Fixed crowbar not having bonus against some POI end loot chests. - Fixed exploding arrows/bolts not stacking. - Fixed overlapping text/icons in the bottom right of the UI for collected items - Fixed Bob offering Electric Traps 3 too early. - Fixed constant "You are protected from radiation" spam with hazmat suit and radiation ready mods. - Fixed action skill books being in the wrong category for traders. - Fixed Hornet being unable to hit player properly. - Fixed random NRE's with the DF questline (Scout -> Razor -> Eve -> Anna). - Fixed Big Bunker not resetting when you hit ! because of stupid vanilla code. - Fixed arrow and crossbow bolt bundles giving incorrect amounts vs how many you need to craft. - Fixed Recog, Fortbites and Diazepam instantly disappearing. - Fixed incorrect time display on various drugs and some drinks. Let me know if you spot more. - Fixed steroids not being removed and wrapping around to 1hr duration. - Fixed Hazmat parts not scrapping to Hazmat Fiber. - Fixed nightvision goggles not fitting in the military stealth helmet. - "Fixed" ranged zombies so players have a larger window to dodge and the vomit is MUCH less likely to just phase through blocks and @%$# your day up (vanilla issue, and by "fixed" I mean I had to employ some workarounds, which aren't perfect, but eh). - Fixed Quicker Crafting and Lockpicking books not showing when the perk is completed. - Fixed more Unlockedby. - Fixed security class not giving a crafting tier increase to titanium-reinforced kevlar (mastery did, however). - Added missing armor status buffs to tell you when your armor needs repairing. - Added power armor buff, to go with the complete hazamat suit buff, so the player has a second visual confirmation that they should be safe from wasteland radiation. - Added journal entry for the new dew collector to explain what the tools are, what they do and how to get them. - Added resistance to fire traps to ablative armor and power armor. - Added Sci-Fi Hatch (thank you Vitticeps for sourcing a model!). - Added upgrade path from Vault doors/hatches to SciFi Doors/Hatches with the ratchet, titanium clawhammer and laser multitool (NOT powered versions though). - Added some more glue recipes with leather and also clean water rather than murky water. - Added per-zombie loot. Finally. - Removed extra cement recipe that was just a duplicate. - Removed lots of duplicate localization entries. - Removed bonus loot from lockpicking mechanic from treasure chests as it was breaking quests. - Removed bundles from chests as those aren't intended for DF anyway, and increased other loot in chests to compensate for that being missing. - Removed gravity property from pulse grenades to see if it helps with throwing. - Removed duplicate tool crafting/science crafting entries on the scout. - Removed water canteen for now as it has some issues that need looking into. - Reworked loot a little regarding workstation tools like welding torch and calipers. - Remade all Razor/Eve/Anna quests as a few folks have reported NRE's. - Altered traders so they now perform a FULL inventory reset on restock day. - Adjusted scout so she will stock more items. - Decreased size of POI name tracker (since the skulls aren't present) and lowered it slightly so there's no overlap with the alpha version number in the top right. - Adjusted crit debuffs to add an "IsAlive" check to wellness reducing effects because some of y'all need to git gud and stop getting twatted. - Amount of wellness lost per death is now based on difficulty (none on lowest, 4 per difficulty after that, so 0/4/8/12/16/20 with 0 being scavenger and 20 being insane). - Moved Anna to one of her side rooms, and added an invisible wall to stop her moving and adding more waypoints. - Moved the scout in Joel as it was causing issues for players, and added an invisible wall to stop her moving. - (Lemon) Adjusted Demon Portal spawn probability for the wasteland. - (Lemon) Adjusted ThemeRepeat distance for trader POI's so there's less of them in RWG. - (Lemon-PEP) Replaced player type battery and solar banks with POI versions - (Lemon-PEP) Replaced player type plants (growing) with RandomHelper variants. - (Lemon-PEP) Fixed an rwgmixer.xml xpath issue with vanilla prefab weights. - (Lemon-PEP) Fixed localization issue for the abandoned trader replacements. - (Lemon-PEP) Block fixes and other visual tweaks, loot/sleeper volume fixes and updated RWG spawn tags for all 15+ reported issues in #PEP-bug-reports. KNOWN ISSUES. - Localization as per usual. Please post anything that seems odd or is missing. - Loot is sort-of done so look for anything odd (other than zombies, as noted above). - Both Incubi, and maybe the Lord of Hell, currently have issues when they get knocked down. Will look into this later. Link: http://darknessfallsmod.co.uk/DF-V5-DEV-B21.zip Backup Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10bA3jd2_xIH8yOg4MSJ8laqCP8vaQaFY/view?usp=sharing
  6. That's not a DF problem. That's vanilla. Pretty sure that's all fixed in B20.
  7. You definitely didn't, because that bug is related to the model loading of the cop. And I checked before posting that, it has the correct model, and I would assume it's working fine for other folks since they were asking about getting the no cop spit thing as a potential modlet.
  8. Gamestage doesn't always display correctly. I noticed it in A20 as well this week (can't explain why, but there's a reason I was playing A20). Honey is a CHANCE to cure infection. 70% You had bad rolls. I already explained how the water works. IT TICKS DOWN AS SOON AS YOU LEFT CLICK!. Not when the animation ends. As soon as you click. It adds to the "processing" buff and starts ticking down to regenerate your water. Which means every single time you drink, it's STILL ticking down and therefore doesn't display correctly, because your character already processed it.
  9. Pretty sure that's already fixed. Will check this but also think this is fixed. No. I'd make sure you are DEFINITELY installing B20, but I 100% know that respawn bug is fixed because 3 of my testers spent 2 days on it, and then had it confirmed by the community. However, as per the notes, you LIKELY need a new save.
  10. Regarding razor... from B19 notes. - Fixed Razor's first quest not working in MP, however the quest may send you right outside the compound because Razor is apparently @%$#ing lazy. That was fixed in B20. Update the mod.
  11. Feel free to just spawn them. The loot drop rate is not as we were hoping in B20. It seems better in B21.
  12. They don't do a full reset. That's vanilla behaviour. I'm debating if I want to change that.
  13. Kill with any. I believe Faatal cut down AI calcs on zombies until they get really close to you for performance reasons in A21, which can cause this. Loot, in general, still isn't done. It's not the serious issue you think it is when it's an experimental build. 😛 It's not intended for long play and is kinda expected for people to cheat stuff in to progress while we hammer out the kinks. Also, I posted B20 in discord and forgot to post it here. Will get notes and stuff in a min. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darkness Falls V5.0 DEV Build 20 (Big Chungus) (IDC) Fixed spawn loop bug issue on multiplayer. (IDC) Fixed day/night sounds returning when player obtains and wears a watch. (IDC) Fixed invisible water from rain catcher. (Myth) Fixed zombies doing more damage on higher difficulties that are not insane. Fixed "Loading Asset Bundle" errors that weren't actually breaking anything, they just annoyed me (thanks Sphereii for the tip on what C# to edit to get the file name!). Fixed bellows not working. Fixed rad ready mods not working in military stealth armor. Fixed tac rigging not working in a lot of armor. Fixed missing upgrade path for storage so the broadcast can work. Fixed NRE with improved heating element. Fixed zombies not eating the player on death. Fixed Laborer 3 not telling the player to get the right amount of resources for 2 scrap tools. Fixed a couple of missing icons. Fixed Bellows and Crucible not being locked when they were supposed to. Fixed UI for Stealth Assassin sneak damage not working correctly. Fixed UI for auto weapons not working correctly. Fixed missing unlockedby on Aloe Cream. Fixed model issue when using barbed wire mod on clubs. Fixed demons not being immune to fire. Fixed Titanium Clawhammer and Laser Multi-tool not being able to upgrade doors/hatches. Fixed one of the Working Sink models. Fixed player lights block missing icon and causing NRE's. Fixed Light/Heavy armor localization on the scout so it now relates to the right perk. Fixed various armors and the poncho not being scrappable. Fixed writeable storage not being upgradeable to broadcast storage. Fixed traders not offering T6 quests and breaking things. Fixed incorrect amount of mod slots on Iron Helmet. Fixed lootable vehicles not having a durability bar when harvested/damaged. Fixed slightly incorrect values on The Survivor perk. Fixed Charismatic Nature adding to "trader stage" (the new thing that lets them sell better items faster) twice. Fixed Threat Assessment not being properly removed. Fixed The Survivor localization. Fixed White River Scout not offering Bladed Weapon crafting (Caitlin did though!) Fixed Joel teaching you ammo recipes and then still offering to teach them. Fixed Machete and Steel Spear unlocks being the wrong way around. Fixed missing unlockedby on Fruit Smoothie. Fixed normal stalkers having Physical Damage Resistance when they shouldn't. Fixed crops not growing. Fixed incorrect loot bag on radiated zombie lab male Added copies of the Empty and Playtest worlds to the DF folder so the game doesn't break. Added extra recipes for glue that take boiled water and use less bones. Added workstation tools to various traders to help with folks who can't find things like calipers and the welding torch. Each trader has different tools, so shop around! Added Water Canteen. Localization, icon and model not done. This is for testing purposes. Added T6 quests to scout as it was breaking things. Slightly adjusted font size and icon size of the collected item list, because apparently i'm fixing vanilla bugs now. Slightly increased amount of loot in various named crates. Lowered amount of brass found in trash. Lowered price of mineral infuser. Lowered physical damage resistance of the Mutated Stalker. Lowered player resistance to crits as the TFP bug is supposedly fixed. Increased amount of loot in Hidden Stash, Air Drops and End Loot chests. Rebalanced drink costs for anything that is crafted and gives wellness so the base cost is the same depending on the tier. No more cheap orange tea and tomato juice! Rebalanced food costs for anything that is crafted and gives wellness so the base cost is the same depending on the tier. Changed Silence of the Lambs T5 to spawn and require killing Demonic Screamers. Changed the gore block that zombies drop just on the off chance they're dropping invisible. Removed incorrect reference to required perks in the Chemistry Station perk. Removed some unneeded unity assets as vanilla now has them (cop car, fire truck, for example) to reduce disk space and RAM usage. Reordered some loot items since the game rolls from top down, and it makes no sense to start at the highest prob and work down to the lowest as this means the lowest will likely never drop. Remade all trader rewards to potentially fix NRE's when collecting rewards, and increased all buried supplies base radius by 2 blocks to potentially fix disappearing circle issue. (Lemon-PEP) Fixed over 100 POIs with minor block/texture issues. (Lemon-PEP) Fixed an issue where hitting a certain vanilla block caused NRE's (Lemon-PEP) Fixed open trade routes sending to abandoned traders. (Lemon-PEP) Lowered prefab weights for the whole set to be better compatible with other prefab packs like ZZTongs/MPLogues in future. (Lemon-PEP) Temporarily disabled residential from spawning in outskirts to decrease missing tile bug in the middle of towns. (Lemon-PEP) Reviewed Hidden Stash/Sealed Shipping container distribution across set, removed many plain sight hidden stashes in T1/2 POIs, decreased hidden stash counts for T3/4/5 POIs. (Lemon-PEP) Restored missing sleeper blocks and volumes. KNOWN ISSUES. Localization as per usual. Please post anything that seems odd or is missing. Zombies do not have custom loot lists right now. Loot is sort-of done so look for anything odd (other than zombies, as noted above). Main Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XRArcuxCgKg1bDip9cYdrZRUHY0YdO0Y/view?usp=sharing Backup Link 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mS91cYBsJQtmth6aQs1OuQ5KdcdQRTqR/view?usp=sharing Backup Link 2: http://darknessfallsmod.co.uk/DF-V5-DEV-B20.zip
  14. Again... ZOMBIE LOOT IS NOT DONE! Deal with it for now. The quest code for the circle is exactly the same as vanilla, however I have increased it for B20. I'm pretty sure I can't fix vanilla RWG. Vanilla bug that has been reported. Have a fix for B20 which is tested and confirmed working. Aside from the animal snares, all above fixed in B20. And a general note for everyone. I know I said a lot of this is fixed in B20. That is NOT released yet. The testers just got it today so I want to let them have a little time to ensure it's as good as possible.
  15. Traders thing is due to the patch. We're tryting to decide if we want to fix that or not. I also have a potential fix for other traders so you'll get less. The hunter thing works the same way as animal tracking, Not planning to spend more time on it. Will have a look at the scout quests, but haven't had that reported. Aloe is not intended and has been tweaked locally, which I need to test. I have been told this is fixed. It's a PEP issue. I'll do some loot testing on the working stiff crates. I think hugh sells them too. And i'll look at the treasure.
  16. As per the known issues... Zombie loot isn't done yet. Cheers. I'll check the book They are definitely in the loot tables. Anywhere a tool can spawn, they can. I also just increased loot in hidden stash and air drops because it was pretty bad.
  17. Wrong alpha version. You have to be on 21.1
  18. I'm not messing with the food/drink stuff. I changed it to "give instant food/water" because people kept complaining it "doesnt give the full amount" when that's literally how it works in vanilla. It starts ticking the "process food/water" before the buff even hits your screen. Then people complained they can't over-eat/over-drink anymore. I'm not messing with it more than that. Cop vomit was not invisible for me, at all. I've even got a stream of it.
  19. Yes because DF Has always been like that Unsure. I've had people say they don't spawn water but plants are growing fine
  20. *ahem* So no. That's not a bug. That's the risk you take with experimental builds.
  21. Alright folks, my internet has been bad so uploading this has taken way, way longer than it should have. However, new build is up! This is builds 18 and 19, with quite a few fixes, especially for multiplayer. Hopefully this should address most issues. I don't THINK it needs a new save, but don't be surprised if you need one. Delete the old mods folder and replace, DO NOT JUST OVERWRITE. Darkness Falls V5.0 DEV Build 18 and 19 Patch Notes. Fixed metal chain mod having wrong model. Fixed bowl of water not displaying water amount. Fixed the very hard to find NRE with quests. Fixed incorrect unlockedby on bdubs stuff. Fixed some drinks having an "open" option when they shouldn't. Fixed scout quests not working in MP. Fixed random rocket launcher parts being in loot when they shouldn't be. Fixed bad UI display on Pipe Shotgun and Double-Barreled Shotgun. Fixed missing coil and laser turret recipes. Fixed recipe tracker not working. Fixed Improved Heating Element mod being straight up missing because I'm an idiot. Fixed scouts not being on their own faction like they were supposed to be. Fixed quests not sharing. Fixed incorrect unlockedby on Coilbattery bundle. Fixed grenades and some other throwables (like pipe bombs) not stacking. Fixed Survivalist Torch not having flame when placed. Fixed zombie tracking not always working due to ONE missing tag. One. Fixed Razor's first quest not working in MP, however the quest may send you right outside the compound because Razor is apparently lazy. Fixed finding only high quality stun batons in loot. Junk and Pipe batons should now be mixed in. (IDC) Fixed RWG breaking if you try to generate another world without rebooting the game. (IDC) Fixed players being stuck while respawning by removing the "Spawn Near Backpack" option as that apparently breaks things in modded games. This bug has been reported to TFP. Removed 'Must be read from the hotbar' from the books that increase action skills as that issue has been fixed. Removed Open/Close times on traders to fix potential bug (and also stop people reporting no interaction as a bug). Removed Weapon Crafting requirement from the Chemistry Station perk as that perk no longer exists. Added missing turds to toilet loot (clearly the most important fix here). Edited wandering horde config so frequency is closer to vanilla, as the more often ones were a test setting. Increased selling price of vending machines for food and drink. Increased the amount of food a sticky apple grants to be equal to the baked apple. Slightly increased chances of loot in crack-a-book shelves, crates and bookcases. Adjusted loot so the highest quality item you can generally find, is now quality 39 to encourage crafting and questing (this may be adjusted later so high quality items will be found in specific places). Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y5NHXvUB4d08hRZq1_3YtiudXPqtZ9T6/view?usp=sharing Backup Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XG1a5iEpJ-XwYEE4wFOZ6giVuFPrv_45/view?usp=sharing Backup Link 2: https://mega.nz/file/Yj1z0KaI#d99p-iCN7DLTSTKOuyvDAMgU9L4r1DJVwBocaDdrLbg For the mega link, you need to highlight and copy the URL to your browser. Don't just click it or it won't work. Alright folks, my internet has been bad so uploading this has taken way, way longer than it should have. However, new build is up! This is builds 18 and 19, with quite a few fixes, especially for multiplayer. Hopefully this should address most issues. I don't THINK it needs a new save, but don't be surprised if you need one. Delete the old mods folder and replace, DO NOT JUST OVERWRITE. Darkness Falls V5.0 DEV Build 18 and 19 Patch Notes. Fixed metal chain mod having wrong model. Fixed bowl of water not displaying water amount. Fixed the very hard to find NRE with quests. Fixed incorrect unlockedby on bdubs stuff. Fixed some drinks having an "open" option when they shouldn't. Fixed scout quests not working in MP. Fixed random rocket launcher parts being in loot when they shouldn't be. Fixed bad UI display on Pipe Shotgun and Double-Barreled Shotgun. Fixed missing coil and laser turret recipes. Fixed recipe tracker not working. Fixed Improved Heating Element mod being straight up missing because I'm an idiot. Fixed scouts not being on their own faction like they were supposed to be. Fixed quests not sharing. Fixed incorrect unlockedby on Coilbattery bundle. Fixed grenades and some other throwables (like pipe bombs) not stacking. Fixed Survivalist Torch not having flame when placed. Fixed zombie tracking not always working due to ONE missing tag. One. Fixed Razor's first quest not working in MP, however the quest may send you right outside the compound because Razor is apparently lazy. Fixed finding only high quality stun batons in loot. Junk and Pipe batons should now be mixed in. (IDC) Fixed RWG breaking if you try to generate another world without rebooting the game. (IDC) Fixed players being stuck while respawning by removing the "Spawn Near Backpack" option as that apparently breaks things in modded games. This bug has been reported to TFP. Removed 'Must be read from the hotbar' from the books that increase action skills as that issue has been fixed. Removed Open/Close times on traders to fix potential bug (and also stop people reporting no interaction as a bug). Removed Weapon Crafting requirement from the Chemistry Station perk as that perk no longer exists. Added missing turds to toilet loot (clearly the most important fix here). Edited wandering horde config so frequency is closer to vanilla, as the more often ones were a test setting. Increased selling price of vending machines for food and drink. Increased the amount of food a sticky apple grants to be equal to the baked apple. Slightly increased chances of loot in crack-a-book shelves, crates and bookcases. Adjusted loot so the highest quality item you can generally find, is now quality 39 to encourage crafting and questing (this may be adjusted later so high quality items will be found in specific places). Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y5NHXvUB4d08hRZq1_3YtiudXPqtZ9T6/view?usp=sharing Backup Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XG1a5iEpJ-XwYEE4wFOZ6giVuFPrv_45/view?usp=sharing Backup Link 2: https://mega.nz/file/Yj1z0KaI#d99p-iCN7DLTSTKOuyvDAMgU9L4r1DJVwBocaDdrLbg For the mega link, you need to highlight and copy the URL to your browser. Don't just click it or it won't work.
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