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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. There is no DFpregen6k. There's DFalls-Vsmall1-NoCP, DFalls-Vsmall2-NoCP, DFalls-Vsmall1-CP, DFalls-Small1-NoCP, DFalls-Small2-NoCP, DFalls-Small1-CP, DFalls-Medium1-NoCP, DFalls-Medium2-NoCP, DFalls-Medium1-CP, DFalls-Large1-NoCP, DFalls-Large2-NoCP, DFalls-Large1-CP, DFalls-XLarge1-NoCP, DFalls-XLarge1-CP, DFalls-Navezgane And that's it. Any other world that has "pregen" in the name is NOT a DF world and thus does not have the POI's.
  2. The ones with Dfalls in front do
  3. Make sure you've downloaded the latest DF, which is 4.03A. Then your map is missing Razor.
  4. It is spawning xml, but you can't just edit the one in the main game folder.
  5. You do realise that's the "max that can be in the world at any one time" option, right? Because that's how you kill your FPS. 😛 You can't just increase that to increase zombie spawns. That's controlled in XML. That setting just lets them stay alive longer.
  6. That's odd. I haven't had anyone else report that issue.
  7. There's a fix for it posted in discord. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/414452645521260546/996269570270699610/twitch.xm "Small, completely optional patch. If you're having issues with the twitch integration, download this. It goes into Mods\0-DarknessFallsCore\Config"
  8. Yep, I was right. Armor Shredder mod puts an effect on the gun, which means when you shoot something, you strip 5% armor. It stacks up to 50%. So if something has 30% armor, 6 shots removes all of it. Personally for the carbine, i'd have fore grip, rod and spring, full auto (it adds to the rounds per minute, yes, really), reflex sight, blessed metal, armor shredder and then either barrel extender or silencer depending on how loud I want to be.
  9. I can tell you exactly why. My intent was to put 1 engine in the generator, load it with gas, have every turret hooked up to a switch with SOME ammo in it and the player just needed to turn it on. Except you can't "save" a prefab with stuff in blocks AND all the electrics hooked up. And before anyone asks, no, the guards aren't coming back. They were op and people kept @%$#ing about them. Shredder mod adds a STACKING buff thant eventually removes up to 50% armor if my memory is correct.
  10. It's basically the same as vanilla A19. So HP does more damage, but less vs anything with armor. AP does slightly less damage, but ignores X amount of armor. Normally I just stick an armor shredder mod on an auto weapon and use HP.
  11. I've wondered that. In my case it was my horde base, but my home crafting base (that had turrets) was somehow completely fine...
  12. I had that in A19 too when I was near all my electric crap. Same with opening boxes, doors, etc. No idea why.
  13. There's been one in the asset files since A16. It's just not rigged up. So I HOPE it will be a reality one day.
  14. Except if you right click your documents folder and select properties, you can move it to another drive. Like I did. 😛 I assume Linux can do the same, but then a Linux user would likely symlink it (or equivalent) anyway. No idea about OS X.
  15. Or you could just do lower tier quests?
  16. I've only seen that error on compo pack maps. It's to do with the trader being unable to select a POI for quests. I haven't been able to reproduce it.
  17. Oh, probably need to fix that map then
  18. You went to Razor. You need to find a vanilla trader.
  19. I believe that was intentional as TFP didn't like the fact that a T6 tool was useless as soon as you found a T1 of the next tier up. Should be better than a 4 or 5 though IMO.
  20. I still don't understand WHY that's a thing. I may try changing the block and see if that helps.
  21. Other users have said getting the fetch satchel from creative and placing it in the POI before the players start the quest fixes it
  22. That can happen on servers. I have no idea why because it should just issue a POI reset command like any other quest
  23. Requires BepInEx to patch it, and I refuse to use that because it makes the mod incompatible with non-steam versions of the game.
  24. Oh fantastic. "Hey, here's a brand new technology, oh but we're going backwards and going to re-introduce image burn in." Maybe ditch the OLED and get a normal LED then. That's what I use for most of my monitors and it's fine.
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