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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Left click the tree with a jar or clay bowl
  2. Yes, but I'm not doing it. Part of 7 days to die, for me, is the inventory management... but I felt the standard backpack was a little too small with the extra items. That's why I've only added a 45 slot. You're welcome to mod it and add a larger one if you want, but I won't be.
  3. Yep, I do need to update the first post. Had a busy week and away for the weekend AGAIN, so I shall do that when I get back. Also you get sap from any non-dead tree, so the ones in the plains, wasteland or burned forest are no good.
  4. Server's won't show up in a list because they're modified. You need to remember the port and IP address to connect. I'm not in control of the mod launcher, so don't ask me. I know people were playing the mod last night with the updated version via mod launcher.
  5. v1.5.1 - Content Creator Appreciation Update! This is only a minor update, couple of new blocks and a new feature, but it's mostly putting things in for some of the content creators who have been streaming or recording the mod. Thank you guys, it is massively appreciated. I know there are at LEAST 3 others who have been supporting the mod, and I do intend to get in touch and work something out for you folks as well. New items and quests added for: Games4Kickz, Max_Fox, TheMightyChops and Crackpot_Texas! You guys rock! Items are a little OP and not easy to get OR keep. It's just a little fun for everyone who plays the mod. The new quests are not repeatable, but give a good chunk of skill points. Steel Bars and Stainless Steel Bars added. (upgradeable from Iron, and both types) Unarmed skill and appropriate perk added! Wanna punch zombies to death? Now you can! All om github and ready for you all to play. Enjoy!
  6. Trying out some potential new blocks...
  7. Manually resizing the UMA textures to half size (they're 4096x4096 as default) also really, really helps with basically no degradation in visual quality.
  8. This was down in the south east (1600 S, 5600 E) on the PatientZero seed. Quite a good sized town.
  9. Seems to be working to me... I got that while looking for an error a streamer has been having. EDIT: If anyone is getting Invalid Cast Exception errors, it seems to be related to the electricity system. Basically I had tried to be smart to save myself some blockID's, broke a ton of prefabs (which I didn't realise) so had to put the original file back. So you'll either have to get out of the area you are in to fix it, or start a new world.
  10. Just noticed the Stone Hammer was missing it's description. So I fixed it.
  11. They were just throwing you a housewarming party.
  12. I was gonna say, I just redownloaded 7DTD, copied it out of steam twice and patched it with both versions of the mod and have 0 issues... I did tweak some prefabs, but not massively so. This game can be such a bugger sometimes.
  13. Should be fine without. I just increased the size of the world but left the rad zone starting at the same point, so everything SHOULD be ok. But... y'know... cross your fingers and hope. That sounds like it's getting rid of the UMATextures folder for whatever reason, because that's normal if it's missing when you boot up. I'd make folder manually, let the game do it's thing (because it WILL be slow and laggy), reboot and see if it's fixed. If it is, rename the old folder and download the new one from GitHub and see if that sorts it. If it doesn't, at least you have a backup.
  14. Nope! Not needed. Thanks for reminding me to remove it. The smaller ones are included as default.
  15. A little bit more info regarding my comment on the rad zone. It's set in the files to start generating around 15,000 from 0,0 (it was like this in the previous version as well, so a new world won't be required). In reality, I found it started generating closer to 10,500. I've set the world limit to 25,000 for terrain generation and the rad zone to go out to 30,000. Once I started crossing the 20,000 threshold, there was a chance of errors occurring that basically meant I couldn't move, had to log out, log back in and usually got kicked out to the edge of the rad zone... because the actual "terrain generation" stops somewhere around 20,500-21,000. So be VERY careful. If you're getting near the edge of the map, then you're crossing into dangerous territory.
  16. V1.5 Update! Instant Death Zone removed from the Rad Zone! (do NOT go off the map! Try to stay below 20,000 in any direction) Hub City POI's added to the Rad Zone + a couple of the OP ones from the compo pack, so there's a reason to go looking. Radiated Ground now grants the "Deadly Radiation" debuff. Lasts 30 mins. -1 wellness every minute, -1 health every 30 seconds, -10 stamina every 30 seconds, -1 hydration every minute. Anti-rad meds added to remove the Deadly Radiation debuff. Grants an immunity buff for 30 mins. Can be found as "Rare Medicine" or crafted in the chemistry station. (Unlocked via science skill) Zombie Behemoth and Zombie Behemoth Radiated added. Rare spawns outside of hub city. Loot lists tweaked. Axes skill and Lumberjack perk added. Stone Axe no longer upgrades, but levels the Axes skill, which then does more block damage. Lumberjack perk does more entity damage + harvest amount. Marksman perk added. Used for bows, increases entity damage. Stone hammer added. Counts as a construction tool. Used only for repairing and upgrading. Starter quests changed. Now need to craft bedroll + stone axe. Civilian class now needs to craft a stone hammer instead of a stone axe. Lockpicks and Door Bash from Valmod added! Now you can unlock safes (takes a while, but less time than an axe) and bash doors open without breaking them. Mod name and version number added to the in-game menu (ESC key) Crossbow will take stone, iron and steel bolts only. Steel crossbow added from valmod (was iron in that mod) that will take steel, exploding and titanium bolts. Both types able to take scopes. Combat axe from Valmod added. There's also a titanium version. "resting" buffs have been reapplied to bedrolls and beds. Better beds give a better buff, so now there's a point to making them. Roaming Hordes changed. Now include new zombies and hordes specifically designed to batter your base! Run Forrest Run has been re-activated, but cannot be purchased. You can only learn it from rare books! Trader lists updated to have a chance to sell the anti-rad meds & Run Forrest Run book. Bug Fixes and Tweaks. Slightly increased the damage of the P225 so it's a little better than the Pistol. Tweaked rewards of the Trader Defense quests so the hard one is actually rewarding. Fixed minibike storage for the EAC/non-BBM version of the mod. NPC variety added to trader guards. Already on GitHub, so go download and install it via your preferred method.
  17. Not done yet! Version number is going into the big update, which I just copied to a USB stick so I can go test it out properly.
  18. Same link I always just update github. Makes it easier for everyone + then it works with the mod launcher.
  19. That took me AGES to upload, but done! v1.4.2. UMA Textures reduced in size from 4096x4096 to 2048x2048. This means the game doesn't need to generate them on first boot anymore, and performance has been increased (at least on my laptop)
  20. Okay. I am home and the UMATextures are very slowly uploading to GitHub. Will update this post when they are all done.
  21. I am pretty sure localisation is also client side rather than server side.
  22. Chances are i'm either dumb af and missed it, or dumb af and got the code wrong. So if you spot any, do tell me! EDIT: Oh! You could also be missing a localisation file. That controls perk/skill/quest/item descriptions
  23. What 'ave the Romans ever done for us?
  24. Definitely going to upload the modified UMA textures tonight. Random frame dips are a LOT better on my laptop and the initial load times are way better. Not sure when as I'm still in Wales right now, but definitely tonight.
  25. This is correct. The CNC machine is not craftable on purpose. You have to go find it. Icon files have to be client-side or they won't work. The server only pushes XML as far as I know (had this issue locally. Wife had the icon files in the wrong directory) As for the lag, check YOUR memory usage. I've noticed it tends to happen around UMA stuff (new zombies, survivors, bandits) and the smaller texture files I'm working with has really, really helped with this! So even if I don't push the rest of the mod on Sunday, I will be uploading the new texture files.
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