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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. I'll take air kisses, or bro hugs. That's fine. And glad you're enjoying it! I tried that out first before including it, got it all working and went "Yep. I like that. That needs to go in." And I have NO idea what's going on with the guards. They're mostly there for looks rather than function anyways. I never really intended folks to live in the trader, but I figured it would be reasonable for the trader to have guards.
  2. Yep, if the safe gets damaged then you can't lockpick it because the lockpicks use the "upgrade" method to do it. It's an issue on Valmod and WotW as well. Haven't found a way around it, unfortunately.
  3. That's very odd. I know it's working fine for me, and I was watching someone else stream it on a server earlier with no problems as well.
  4. Really? Huh. You shouldn't have been given that as your POI. There are destroyed traders in the mod, have been for a while so you didn't spoil anything. If that happens again, I may look at tweaking the trader file names to avoid that issue in the future.
  5. Yep. That determines how long the corpse stays before it turns into a gore block. Let me know if you find a good middle ground. 45 was the default I believe.
  6. Just increased the time between corpse and goreblock to 5 seconds (was 3). Let's see if that helps with some of the issues. I'll keep slowly increasing it until we get a good middle ground. It's already on GitHub so the launcher may say it needs to update the mod... it's literally just the entityclasses.xml file.
  7. Nope, to both. For the first one, I think I need to increase the time between corpse and goreblock. Second one? That's.... new. Was the safe damaged when you tried to lockpick it?
  8. Already said I'm not increasing the backpack further because one of the points of 7 days to die is "inventory management." Not "Loot everything and carry all of it back to your base." Now, the rest of your points. - Don't get what you mean on the grass? Yes I decreased it. There's still plenty around for quests and crafting and it has INCREASED system performance in all cases when I've spoken to people. - You shouldn't unless the corpses are on top of corpses. The time was reduced because I had server owners complaining about people using the zombie corpse and then the corpse blocks to dupe items (same for the destroyed workbenches). I will try increasing it by a second or two and see if that helps. - Haven't touched the RWGMixer file. The wave shapes just seem to be random depending on your seed as I've had it occasionally, but there's still plenty of flat areas for building. - That's the bomber zombie that used to be on fire. I had people complaining that it wasn't obvious what they were, so I made it obvious (and decreased the spawn rate a bit) - No idea what you're talking about on the tunnel. As I said, I didn't change the RWGMixer file so I suspect you just got a bad seed. - Yes, I'm serious about removing the clock. If you think that makes it unfun and unplayable, then sorry... but tough. I played for 2-3 REAL LIFE days with it turned off before I decided to go ahead with it. There's a clock on EVERY SINGLE TRADER WINDOW in the game. That means vending machines (which you can buy from the trader) and the trader themselves. There's also a class-unique workstation (the radio) which gives the day and time. So I didn't completely remove it from the game, you just have to be more aware of what you're doing, what the light level is like and what the ambient sound is like... you know... how you would in a real apocalypse scenario because your phone battery wouldn't last longer than a day or two. Funny enough, I reduced how long corpses stick around to try and stop that happening because I had server owners complaining. I'll try increasing it by a couple more seconds and see if that helps.
  9. Trader, Guard Captain and any Vending Machine have the time. It's located under the restock time on the left hand side (near the icons for categories for the inventory)
  10. No it's not possible. It's either on or off because it's a UI element. And, TBH, it's not that hard to play without it. You're literally given the location of a trader once you make a bedroll and an axe. ANYTHING that shows the trader window will tell you the time and day (so vending machine or the trader themselves). Also, the crickets in the ambient sound start playing around 7pm. EDIT: If you absolutely MUST turn it back on (and trust me, you get used to it pretty quick), go to Data/Config/XUi/windows.xml and look for this. <window name="windowCompass" style="compass.window" controller="CompassWindow"> <sprite style="compass.window.background.border"/> <sprite style="compass.window.background"/> <sprite style="compass.window.compass.background"> </sprite> <texture style="compass.window.compass.texture" name="compassTexture" rect_size="0.25,1" rect_offset=".8,0" > </texture> <!-- <sprite pos="200,-60" sprite="" color="255,255,255,255" globalopacitymod="1.8"> <label depth="2" width="300" height="30" text="{daytitle}: {day|always} {timetitle}: {time|always}" font_size="28" pivot="center" effect="outline" upper_case="true" justify="center"/> </sprite> --> </window> Just remove the <!-- and --> bits towards the end and it'll turn day/time back on. Code should look like this. <window name="windowCompass" style="compass.window" controller="CompassWindow"> <sprite style="compass.window.background.border"/> <sprite style="compass.window.background"/> <sprite style="compass.window.compass.background"> </sprite> <texture style="compass.window.compass.texture" name="compassTexture" rect_size="0.25,1" rect_offset=".8,0" > </texture> <sprite pos="200,-60" sprite="" color="255,255,255,255" globalopacitymod="1.8"> <label depth="2" width="300" height="30" text="{daytitle}: {day|always} {timetitle}: {time|always}" font_size="28" pivot="center" effect="outline" upper_case="true" justify="center"/> </sprite> </window> But no, it's not an option I can make for people to turn off and on as they wish.
  11. V1.6 update is now live and on the Launcher/GitHub! Classes re-done! (see list below this for more info) Larger player-crafted storage (kitchen cabinets). LED Goggles and Mole Goggles now grant Nightvision. New rebar shapes. Day and time REMOVED from under the compass and on the map. Added to the trader window (under restock time). Junction box added for invisible wires. Unlocked via electricity perk. Less rad zombies during the day (hopefully!). Less bomber zombies during the day (also hopefully!). Bomber zombies had issue with the fire texture, so I changed it to make them more visible. Slightly increased chance of behemoth spawn. Behemoth slightly slower (same speed as a zombie bear) and slightly lower range (same as zombie bear) Removed requirements from Scrap Tool Crafting. Slightly increased XP required to level (player level, NOT skill levels). Wandering hordes tweaked so you should get a little breathing room. 7 Day hordes re-done (less game stages so difficulty should ramp up faster and ferals appear sooner). Writing Desk added (halves cost of creating class papers and skill books). Ink and Quill Added. Grass spawns reduced in most biomes (both forest, desert, snow, plains) so it's easier to see things on the ground and for better performance. Iron and Spiked knuckles added! Levels the Unarmed skill. Class info now follows. Each class now grants items and either perks or skill points, and has a "mastery" perk which can be purchased (for 30 skill points) or you can find a rare book out in the world. Unless otherwise noted, anything gained through class mastery is UNIQUE to that class, meaning you cannot get it in any other way! For the first time, I will be STRONGLY RECOMMENDING a restart. If you do not want to, there are books in the creative menu to give yourself any missing class perks, as they are required for learning the mastery. Civilian Class. Grants the following: Quest 1 - Full black suit. Quest 2 - 2 murky water, 2 red meat, +5 skill points. Quest 3 - 1 painkiller, 1 bandage. Quest 4 - Flashlight and +5 skill points. Quest 5 - 1 painkiller, 1 bandage. Quest 6 - +5 skill points. Class mastery: You MUST find a book to master your class, but doing so grants +30 skill points to spend however you like. Construction Class. Grants the following: Quest 1 - White t-shirt, brown denim pants, worn boots, mining helmet. Quest 2 - 2 boiled water, 2 beef rations, Scrap Iron Tool Perk. Quest 3 - 2 first aid bandage. Quest 4 - Forge Perk. Quest 5 - No reward. Quest 6 - No reward. Class mastery: Gaining the Construction Mastery perk grants the following: Titanium frame recipes for building bases. Titanium bar recipes (normal and centred). Titanium clawhammer (only way to upgrade to Titanium). Farmer Class. Grants the following: Quest 1 - Black cowboy hat, red t-shirt, denim pants, black cowboy boots. Quest 2 - 2 boiled water, 2 beef rations, Scrap Iron Hoe Recipe. Quest 3 - 2 first aid bandage, Farming Perk Level 1. Quest 4 - Animal Coops and Snares Perk. Quest 5 - Mortar and Pestle Perk, Farming Perk Level 2, Sawed-off Shotgun, 50 shells. Quest 6 - Farming Perk Level 3, Iron Hoe Recipe. Class mastery: Gaining the Farming Mastery perk grants the following: Fertilizer Recipe. Wheat Seed Recipe. Carrot Seed Recipe. Coffee Seed Recipe. Hops Seed Recipe. Hunter Class. Grants the following: Quest 1 - Black t-shirt, black denim pants, worn boots. Quest 2 - 2 boiled water, 2 chicken rations, Leather Tanning Perk. Quest 3 - 2 first aid bandage. Quest 4 - Leather Armor Perk (all 5 levels). Quest 5 - Hunting Rifle, 75 7.62mm Bullets, Hunting Knife Perk. Quest 6 - Hunting Rifle Perk. Class mastery: Gaining the Hunter Mastery perk grants the following: Titanium Hunting Knife Recipe. Titanium Combat Axe Recipe. Mole Goggles Recipe. LED Goggles Recipe. Nightvision Goggles Recipe. Repeating Crossbow Recipe. Repeating Crossbow (Scoped) Recipe. Jerky Recipe. Mechanic Class. Grants the following: Quest 1 - ZU Football T-Shirt, Overalls, Ball Cap, Worn Boots. Quest 2 - 2 first aid bandage, Wrench Perk. Quest 3 - Wrench. Quest 4 - 2 boiled water, 2 chicken rations, Gas Can Recipe. Quest 5 - No reward. Quest 6 - +5 skill points. Class mastery: Gaining the Mechanic Mastery perk grants the following: Titanium Handlebars Recipe. Titanium Minibike Chassis Recipe. Titanium Minibike Seat Recipe. Titanium Minibike Handlebars Recipe. Oil Pump Recipe. Large Battery Recipe. Large Engine Recipe. Miner Class. Grants the following: Quest 1 - Brown t-shirt, denim pants, worn boots, mining helmet. Quest 2 - 2 first aid bandage, Scrap Iron Tools Perk. Quest 3 - 2 boiled water, 2 beef rations. Quest 4 - Forge Perk. Quest 5 - No reward. Quest 6 - Iron Shovel and Iron Pickaxe recipes. Class mastery: Gaining the Miner Mastery perk grants the following: Titanium Tools Recipies (Shovel, Fireaxe, Pickaxe). Titanium Auger Recipe (including blade and parts). Titanium Chainsaw Recipe (including blade and parts). Titanium Handlebars Recipe. Scientist Class. Grants the following: Quest 1 - White jacket, black t-shirt, suit pants, suit shoes. Quest 2 - Medical Perk Level 1. Quest 3 - 2 boiled water, 2 chicken rations. Quest 4 - Hunting knife, Medical Perk Level 2. Quest 5 - Mortar and Pestle Perk. Quest 6 - Medical Perk Level 3. Class mastery: Gaining the Scientist Mastery perk grants the following: Antibiotics Recipe. Painkillers Recipe. Paramedic Kit Recipe. Coedine Pills Recipe. Sunblocker Recipe. Anti-Radiation Pills Recipe. Reinforced Steel Upgrade Recipe. Security Class. Grants the following: Quest 1 - Army shirt, army pants, worn boots, ball cap. Quest 2 - Pistol Perk. Quest 3 - 2 boiled water, 2 chicken rations. Quest 4 - No reward. Quest 5 - 2 first aid bandage. Quest 6 - +5 skill points. Class mastery: Gaining the Security Mastery perk grants the following: Titanium Armor Recipes (Chest, Boots, Gloves, Legs, Helmet). Titanium Spiked Club Recipe. Survival Class. Grants the following: Quest 1 - Black T-Shirt, army pants, black cowboy boots, black cowboy hat. Quest 2 - 2 murky water, 2 chicken rations, Leather Tanning Perk. Quest 3 - 2 first aid bandage. Quest 4 - No reward. Quest 5 - Scrap Iron Tools Perk. Quest 6 - Crossbow Perk. Class mastery: Gaining the Survival Mastery perk grants the following: Titanium Machete Recipes (Blade and completed item). Survival Torch Recipe. Radio Recipe. Jerky Recipe.
  12. Like I said, you need a metal workbench. Normal workbench = Hammer and Wrench. Metal workbench = Calipers & Blowtorch. Tailoring workbench = Sewing Kit & Tanning Rack. All 3 are unlocked with a single purchase of the Workbench perk.
  13. You need a METAL workbench for a blowtorch. You get the recipe for that and the tailoring one when you buy the Workbench perk. So you get all 3 at once. - - - Updated - - - Only other way I can think of is via bits on Twitch. Pretty much any other method of payment is insecure, so I don't touch it.
  14. Since I know Guppycur was lurking here, thought I'd post what I found out today. <objective type="Goto" id="trader" value="5" /> is based off the filenames of POI's. It can be a partial filename or a complete filename, but capitilization matters. So <objective type="Goto" id="installation_red_mesa" value="5" /> sends you to the red mesa POI. I tested it with a couple of custom POI's I made and Haidrgna got it working with cabins.
  15. Not sure on that one either. Kickz had it on his server and there were about 8 of us playing with no issues. (that was the BBM version)
  16. No problem I only remembered that because we had that problem testing the mod on our server and my wife was missing the icons.
  17. If you're doing it on a server, then don't forget the CLIENT also needs the icon files AND the localization files because the server does not push them. It only pushes XML.
  18. Couple of things I've spotted. Not sure if one of them is intentional. BBQ Ribs is missing description on both types (item name is fine, description box is blank). Ravens/Crows don't count towards "kill any animal" for Advanced Survival, but they do give actual meat rather than rotten meat so I'm assuming they aren't zombies?
  19. Just saw what you quoted. You can't spawn most non-zombie entites with either the sleepers, wandering hordes or screamers and that error message says it's spawning from the WolfGroup. Already tried with wandering bandits and got an NRE.
  20. If I come across any of the invalid sleeper POI messages, I'll try to grab screenshots of what POI I'm near. Should help track down the issue.
  21. Excuse the fact it's on the C: drive (just easier for testing, cos SSD), but it should look like this. SDX folder is usually only there if playing the bigger backpack version.
  22. Make sure the icons are in the mods/darknessfalls folder (should be an xml file and an ItemIcons folder). If using the launcher, no idea because I don't use it. I'd just suggest hitting pre-sync a few times and see if that helps.
  23. Yes, I do know that, and that's EXACTLY why I said it. Because that is not a good first-time experience, which is what should matter the most over what you actually want to put in. I've had to back down on quite a bit of stuff I want to put in because I know it'd be straight-up frustrating, even if it would be more realistic or make more sense.
  24. So just sit around and punch tree's then? Because I did grab plant fiber, stone and sticks (since apparently shrubs give sticks rather than wood)
  25. You get a starter axe once you craft and place a bedroll. - - - Updated - - - Soooo... do exactly what I did which got me killed? And that would be why I advise changing the bedroll BACK to needing plant fiber. At least then if a player has a bad spawn (even if it needs 40-odd), they can get the axe, start gathering wood and then run.
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