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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. I can look into it! I tried to increase the stick chance of corpse blocks via XML to help out with that anyways. I think it's helped, but if that mod does it better then it might be worth integrating.
  2. Wasteland ONLY spawns in the middle of the map. There shouldn't be any huge cliffs unless a POI is nearby, but that's not intentional. The wasteland being in the middle of the map is. EDIT: Speaking of wastelands... been playing around with things...
  3. Been there, done that a million times. My main PC is an i7-6800K running at 4.4ghz so I totally get the stability issue stuff.
  4. Okay, so there's good news and bad news. The good news is that it doesn't seem to be the mod crashing 7DTD. And that's also the bad news, because it looks like it's a generic driver crash as it's referencing DX9 a LOT in those log files... which also means it's something I can't easily fix. The only time I ever had a crash like that was on vanilla and my GPU was overheating due to cat fur... Sooooo... I know that's not very helpful, but it's putting out a lot of Visual Studio and Unity-related errors... so that's a pretty serious crash. Does the game run fine on vanilla?
  5. Need more info, like a log file. But 99% sure it's nothing to do with what I changed since it was only blocks, items, recipes, loot, trader, entitygroups, localization and spawning.xml. Optional zip file within the download literally called rwgmixer. Should download automatically. You just need to unzip and replace the one included as default in the download.
  6. Yep. Plants have to be NEXT to water. So 1 block max. XXX XOX XXX I find that pattern works well (O is water, X is plants)
  7. V1.7.2 released! Sulfur drop rates from iron and lead tweaked. Scrap armour recipes on the tailoring workstation are now half cost, like they should be. Spiked club description edited because the workstation wasn't colorized. Horde gamestage code (specifically GS250) has been edited because too many dogs. Sewing kit and tanning rack added to the trader as general stock. Military survivors added to the wasteland. Not hostile unless attacked. Zombie spawn rate increased since survivors were killing EVERYTHING. M4A1 gun added. Drops from military survivors and military zombies (no schematic required atm for testing purposes) OPTIONAL FILES!!! RWGMixer from V1.6 has been added. It's been edited ONLY to add in the female trader POI so you guys can still find it. It is included as a zip file, so replace the one from Data/Config with the one in the zip file. I'm hoping it'll help with the flickering issue, but no promises. Hardcore mode added! Want a challenge? This starts you at 0,0 and REMOVES the day from the UI (you can choose not to copy over the windows.xml file in the zip file if you want to just spawn at 0,0). So get moving and get your bedroll placed ASAP or you will be in a world of hurt.
  8. I make 0 guarantees it will work. But I'm gonna put the 1.6 RWGMixer in as a zip file with the new trader included. If it works? Great... but it's all I can think of.
  9. V1.7.2 may be out tomorrow. Mostly just tiny bug fixes and some balance tweaks. I also have an idea to fix the flashing issue for users having that. It will be an optional thing I include in the download.
  10. Plants need water next to them or they will die. Are you planting them next to water?
  11. Thank you for asking so I checked I honestly thought they were there.
  12. I... actually don't know. They should be. I'll go check. EDIT: Ok, so the answer is no. Apparently I added calipers and welding torch to the trader, but not the sewing kit and tanning rack. They have been added to the general trader list for 1.7.2.
  13. I noticed that too. Which is why I put a full list here... Hopefully we'll get more control over windows and lists in A17 or later.
  14. Skill notes are gained by scrapping schematics, recipe books and skill books. The mastery perks can ONLY be purchased by the appropriate class. They also exist as books out in the world, so you either have to go find the book or pay the points. Personally I pick the class I want to play, then farm skill notes (Hint: Do trader guard captain quests. They reward skill notes), pick civilian as my next class and use the mastery book gained from THAT quest to buy the perk for my main class.
  15. No idea. Don't use linux. I don't see any reason why not if you patch it manually though. I'm actually in the loot list right now to work on something and it's definitely in the "night stand" loot list. May go add it to the desks as well so there's an extra chance for it to drop. EDIT: To expand on this, Desks also share the same loot lists of nightstands. However I've added it to the suitcase as well. I have absolutely no idea at all what's causing it. Like I said, I can't reproduce it locally on the laptop, my streaming PC (GTX 980) or my main gaming PC (GTX 980Ti). I have noticed it occasionally happen on other PC's... I know Max had it on a GTX 970 using V1.6 and I've seen someone else have it with a 1080 on 1.7.1... but that only happened out in the forest and not in the city. So I literally have no idea what's causing it or why.
  16. Yep, coffee is a Farmer Mastery. You can make a blank class book by gathering skill notes, paper, ink and a quill, but it takes 120 skill notes. Or you can build a writing desk and make the blank class book for 60 notes instead.
  17. V1.7.1 is out! Changes as follows Yucca and Tree Sap have been altered so they decay faster. Should be roughly 9 in-game hours for the warning buff, 18 if you get sick for it to COMPLETELY disappear (thanks Erik!) Banana Bread can now be made in the campfire (thanks Erik!) Fruit Salad now requires an empty clay bowl (thanks Chay!) Fruit tree's no longer give seeds if you get all the fruit off them and then destroy the "bare" tree (thanks Chay!) Water placed from the Water Butt can no longer be picked up with a bucket and used as an infinite water source (Bad NBK!) Male Behemoth added! No radiated version yet, but he's there and has a unique model. RWGMixer tweaked. See below, please! Ok, so the lag you folks were having was due to all the POI's and sleepers. So I decreased the amount of wilderness POI's which has REALLY helped in the wilderness, and I added "dead" areas to the cities. These will be places where no POI spawns, but whatever ground the biome is using will. It just helps break things up a bit so you folks don't get lag from buildings and sleepers (sleepers are one of the big problems). Now, a restart is not required, nor is it recommended if your game is running fine. If you are having SERIOUS lag problems, then yes... go ahead and restart your world. However, if you're happy playing as you are, then please do continue to do so. Also, there may be a few things hiding in the files that you cannot currently find in-game... but feel free to poke around with the creative menu.
  18. The organisation of my XML is EXACTLY the same as the vanilla files. You can check that yourself by opening them with Notepad++ (which is what you should be doing if you are editing stuff). If that's too messy for you, then tough. I can read it so it's fine. Ovens do work, you have to build it. You don't just find it. Same for sinks. You don't just find them, you have to build it.
  19. I noticed that too when I was checking the output_log last night looking for errors in something I was putting into the mod. Going to hunt that bugger down and fix it (would you believe I already fixed it once?)
  20. Ok, found the issue with the Yucca warning buff. It takes approx 2 and a half in-game DAYS to get rid of it. So I'm going to play with the timers on that. EDIT: Update on this. 5 yucca triggers the warning. If you stop eating them immediately, the warning goes away in approx 3 in-game hours (the decay for it is set to game time, not real time). I think this is a good middle-ground. I will need to edit sap to be the same way. So thanks Erik! I just need to test something else and make sure that works.
  21. Will double check the banana bread recipe. If the buff did not come back, then it looks like there is an issue on the code side, so will also look into that. EDIT: Ok, Banana Bread recipe is missing for the cooking pot. I straight up forgot to put it in, so I've just done that. I suspect I know the issue with the yucca buff, so I'm going to test a fix after I've slept. If all goes well, I may push a mini patch tonight or tomorrow to fix a few issues.
  22. Stop eating raw yucca. It's the "warning" buff to tell you that you're going to make yourself sick. You can also try debuff warningYuccaBuff in the console. If it comes straight back, then you haven't waited long enough before eating more yucca. If it DOESN'T come back, then I need to have a look at the code but it seemed fine in testing.
  23. Not intentional. When I was testing, it seems to be a stability issue. I had a 5 block row with 2 channels for water next to it and plants would NOT stay in the 4th block for some reason. I put dirt next to it and it was fine. Don't get it, may poke the code to see if I can fix it. In the mean time, I've been doing 9x9 checkerboards and that works great (so 8 plants around 1 block of water, basically)
  24. Okay, so I think I may have the city-lag issue under control. Been playing around, decreased the wilderness POI spawns (I remember I increased it due to cell size to fix an issue, I've since decreased cell size so there were way too many POI's) and put some "dead" areas in the cities. So rather than generating houses and such, it generates little patches of whatever biome your in. I think it looks rather good. There's still some microstutter, but it's not as bad as it was. Max, the RWGMixer actually already does that. I've totally had normal "residential" towns and full on industrial cities with a few apartments when I've been running around in the mod. As for the flickering, I have no idea at ALL what's causing it... because I don't have it on this laptop. Specs: I7-4800MQ CPU, 12GB RAM, GTX 765M 2GB Graphics Card. Game Settings: 1600x900 resolution (windowed), vsync off, anti-aliasing off, texture quality - full size, UMA textures - medium, water quality - high, view distance 8, FOV 75, LOD 50%, shadow distance off, tree quality high, grass distance normal, motion blur off, no SSAO, DOF or sun shafts. I pretty much use those exact same settings on my two desktop machines as well.
  25. Okay, need some input from folks. I've been told there is some lag/stuttering. I tested this out on my machine and confirmed it. I've also confirmed it's especially bad near cities and not quite as bad in the wilderness. Right now, the work-around seems to be "stop running and let the world load." I have a suspicion that, if I increase the distance between cities and POI's, then it might help. But I also know people wanted stuff closer together. Soooo... what do people think I should do on this issue?
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