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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Thought so. I got a basic spear working, btw. I also just want to give a thank you to everyone who has tried the mod out, streamed it or made videos. The fact people even consider it to be worth a small amount of their time AND want to share it with others? That's amazing. I honestly thought this would just be a thing for me, my wife and my friends to have fun with. And don't feel you can't offer criticism. I'm always up for constructive criticism or bug reports.
  2. Thank you very much! Glad you both like it I was just watching someone stream it (I believe it was NBornKilla, assuming it's just a shortened version of the youtube name!) and noticed scrap iron tools were worse than stone, so I just pushed a fix for that.
  3. Gun crafting update! You can now craft guns! Recipes for the parts are unlocked with the schematics/books/perks, so you learn how to assemble the gun AND make it's parts. It uses your Gun Smithing skill, so now there's a point in levelling it! (Aside from combining guns) Making the parts requires the use of a CNC machine. This is NOT something you can craft. You have to find it. The CNC machine is part of the rareTools loot group, so you're looking for lumberjacks, working stiffs crates and collapsed workbenches. There is also a chance of buying it from the trader with the appropriate Secret Stash perk. Yes, this makes the CNC machine intentionally rare. It's very unlikely I will be changing it. This has already been pushed to GitHub, so have fun! Working on gun mods next.
  4. And an info update on "planned features." I've been doing some research and I believe I have a "realistic" way to craft gun parts. You'll have to find and loot a special workbench (no, it won't be craftable) in order to make gun parts. The idea is currently in the testing phase... which basically means I have a block that works as a crafting area and I'm trying to see how I can break the game. But I want to tweak it's apperance and such, then I need to add recipes, etc.
  5. Easily done. Blame the lack of coffee. That's my go-to excuse. You SHOULDN'T need a new world, but expect strange-ness (like random cliffs or the like). And yes, I pushed the update last night.
  6. I am so going to have to pick your brains later on getting the hornet back into the game.
  7. Big update time! rwgmixer.xml has been tweaked a LOT. I'm using the cities from Tin's rwgmixer, because they're amazing, plus what I learned from his file to remove water generation (yes, removed) and then one of his lake POI's to create small water POI's for people to find. There's now larger hills, but still plenty of flat ground to build. You want to drink? Find lakes, swimming pools, water towers, etc. To compensate for this, bottle of sap and bowl of sap have been given a small amount of hydration (+1 whenever you drink). You can get these by left-clicking any ALIVE tree (so not tree's in the plains, wasteland or burnt forest) with an empty jar or empty bowl. Ranged-only bandits now spawn in wasteland_hub. Be afraid. Melee bandits now have a variety of melee weeapons instead of every single one carrying a spiked club. A second hub city has been added, but it's rare, and it's on the map SOMEWHERE. Good hunting. The 3 main skyscrapers (Crack-a-book, pharmacutical and the tower) now only spawn in hub city... if random gen likes you. The construction site continues to spawn as normal. Because the center of the map is now so dangerous, I've added a "normal" wasteland around it that has decreased spawns. This is just in-case the game decides to spawn you near the wasteland at the start. Gives you a chance to run away. Any class quest that requires you to make boiled water (in a can) will now give you cans of murky water first since water is harder to find (or they should. If not, please tell me!). That should be everything. You shouldn't need a new world, but expect strangeness if you continue your saves.
  8. Ok, been home 15 mins. Progression.xml edited in all 3 version to fix secret stash issue. Loot.xml edited to tweak calipers and weldingtorch to "normal" tools instead of rare. Same for the trader.xml as well so they're more likely to have them in stock.
  9. Putting this here as a note for myself. Move calipers & welding torch from raretools to normal tools lootgroup, and fix secret stash for all 3 versions of the mod when I get home. Then edit meat stew so it isnt a superfood and add hydration to tree sap as the world has less water. Then check quests.
  10. Yep. I see what i've done. I'll edit it to 30/60/90 when I get home tomorrow night. Cant believe I did that. >_< Thanks for letting me know. Edit - Never mind. I can edit directly on github with my tablet, so done!
  11. Can drop in construction crates/working stiffs crates or on construction zombies. I think I also added them to traders as a rare thing for them to get in stock.
  12. I do not. I have one for my twitch, but that's probably not appropriate And I do hang out in the 7 days to die discord a LOT. EDIT: Actually I'll add a channel to the twitch one I already have when I get back from my holiday. Don't fancy trying to mess around with it on mobile!
  13. Quick patch. P225 and 44mmHP Ammo were too easy to find because I cocked up the probability, so I lowered it.
  14. Problem exists between keyboard and chair. BBM version now has the icons. Server and EAC versions had them, so no issues there. I think the rwgmixer is now in a place I want. However, I will not be pushing it atm as I'm supposed to be away for the weekend.
  15. They do for me. I'll re-push the mods folder with the icon before I go to bed, just in-case. EDIT: YEP! I'm dumb. I pushed it to the EAC version, but not the BBM version. I shall do that tonight, but you can grab the mods folder from the EAC version and use that if you don't want to wait/in-case I forget since it's nearly 1am.
  16. Well I think I got it sort-of working. I made cityLarge the only one allowed to have the skyscrapers that I want to limit, set co-ordiates and it was -500 away from them to the west. So there's progress!
  17. I may need to pick your brain, Tin. Using that rwgmixer, I CANNOT get my city to spawn at 0,0 (or close to it) since it likes to put it's own there. Any thoughts? I do have wasteland_hub around it, if I can restrict things based on biome. EDIT: Though I did find setting a custom cell rule to probability 100 totally crashes the game. So that was entertaining.
  18. Yes, but you HAVE to use SDX to fix it, which I don't want to do so people have the option to use EAC.
  19. I thought increasing the dead cell probability would work, but I wasn't sure if that would screw up the wilderness POI's. Thanks for the hint though! Will play around with it.
  20. Not gonna lie, I couldn't get rwgmixer to do what I wanted. So I grabbed Tin's A16.3 one he posted up and I've been playing around with that. I may end up using that, with some more of my own tweaks. I'm partially posting that here because I want to be transparent, and because I want to give credit where credit is due. Now I just want to make the cities spawn further apart and I will be super happy.
  21. Pushed an update to increase the wilderness POI's. Yep. @KhainesKorner on twitter. Huh. I haven't had that problem, though I've only gotten up to day 7 on testing since I kept having to restart. Honestly, when the choices are: No NPC's at all, NPC's with NRE console spam or NPC's but the trader may disappear.... I'll take disappearing trader. What I can do is increase the amount of traders to 2 per biome and see if that helps.
  22. So thank you dreamdancer and Tin. The POI situation is pretty much sorted. You can still get a somewhat large expanse of land between POI's, but it's not as bad now. And there's a lot more POI's in the wilderness. Currently playing around with my hub city setup a bit.
  23. Yep, I'm fixing the asphalt thing for most cities. There's supposed to be a lot of zombies outside the cities. The cities just have more.
  24. Perfect. An example of where to find the min,max numbers is exactly what I needed. Because, honestly, I was being blind.
  25. Hey, mini discussion is fine. There is still a LOT I don't understand about rwgmixer. Now I need to work out how to add more wilderness POI's.
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