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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. It was a crash to desktop, which usually means the log file is not going to output anything.
  2. To be fair, the base game had cotton for bedroll for years. That doesn't necessarily make it a good idea when your new player experience is spawning in a biome that doesn't even spawn cotton. I gave up on it for today when 7DTD crashed to desktop trying to make a new save since that one was apparently cursed.
  3. Only had one very quick go of the new version... but... Spawned in burnt biome. Can't complete first quest to make a bedroll... because burnt biome doesn't have any cotton. Run to snow biome because it's the closest, collect cotton, start getting murdered by lumberjack zombies while trying to craft cloth, finally craft cloth. Find somewhere to hide after punching a tree to get wood logs so I can actually make a stone axe. Get somehow found by zombies in my hole in the ground (despite being undetected), just after I place my bedroll... which GAVE me a stone axe upon completion of the first quest. Get stuck in infinite death loop, because I can't kill lumberjacks with my stone axe and spawning outside just means more lumberjacks. I would honestly recommend putting the bedroll BACK to needing plant fibers over cotton, because that was honestly hellish.
  4. Haven't had anyone getting serious lag on dedi's. Well, no more than you'd expect with 7DTD anyways. Titanium is completely XML. Just defined a new material and then took an already existing texture.
  5. Thanks for the kind words. Think of the bowls like bottles. You can fill them up from water sources. I haven't put in a recipe to transfer water from a bottle to a bowl because it means you'll lose the bottle (since the game won't let me give you TWO different items in crafting)
  6. Metal workbench. Also has a spot for calipers. I will be editing a LOT of item descriptions in v1.6 to say what workstation they need.
  7. Well thanks to you posting, I found a problem and fixed it. They're SUPPOSED to drop from Working Stiff's crates, but aren't in the loot list. They are now.
  8. Not impossible at all. Probability has already been increased to make it less rare, I often find it in cars and you can sometimes buy it on the trader for 2000+
  9. Titanium blocks are coming with the next update, and they will be class specific. Already got them in the game and working! Not gonna lie, those look pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cool!
  10. Can't do it. They use spawn blocks which only spawn when the game loads in. I already tried. Because I had the same idea.
  11. Yeah, you should be able to. It gives you the leather armour perk which should then unlock bits of armour. So I'll double check it and see what's going on. Also, the bandits are slower than the player. If you run away from them, you will totally outrun them (did that on purpose because they were nuts before)
  12. NPC bad guys use the same range as the player, even on multiplayer. It's tied to the weapon. If you want to melee them, I suggest using the spear (which is why I put the spear in, cos that multiplayer lag reach crap is ANNOYING!) And I'll look into the leather armour issue. I'm re-testing class quests anyways and I know one of them requires you to make leather armour.
  13. Thanks Guppy. Useful info as always
  14. Also if any mods come past here... Is it ok if I open a new thread when v1.6 is ready? I... kinda underestimated how much room I'd need to post mod stuff so my first post is now full. >_< Could do with opening a new thread and reserving the first 2-3 post slots.
  15. Once we can apply buffs to items so they work on equip, yes. I believe that's an A17 feature.
  16. I always figured "trader" referred to the specific NPC type. But it might be worth a try. But if that doesn't work, I can just make it to be a quest to kill 10 zombie guards (because they only spawn in the destroyed trader POI's)
  17. Already got the custom poi with sleeper volume and entities. It's the "making the quest go there" bit I suck with.
  18. Honestly, I've been thinking of doing something similar. I don't see a way to make a quest say "Go here and kill these zombies", so clearing out the nearby destroyed trader might be difficult. But I could definitely do quests for "place and upgrade X blocks" and "go fetch food and water." I'll look into something like that for the next update. I'm REALLY looking forward to A17 so I can just put the quests on the guard captain rather than making players buy them.
  19. Thank you for the kind words and the coffee! I do love my coffee... Had quite a few requests off players to remove the day/time from under the compass... which honestly surprised me. I'm a little unsure on that, so I'm working on something.
  20. There is, but I won't be. Inventory management is part of the game, imo. But if people want to mod their own bigger backpacks in, go for it. I know there's a post in the modding forum somewhere that goes up to approx 120 slot. However, I am looking at adding in a minibike with larger storage, but that will be a class-specific item.
  21. So it's been a week since I initially released v1.5. I hope folks are still enjoying it. Right now, I'm working on v1.6, which will start including class specific stuff. I don't intend to lock anything major from Vanilla to specific classes, but there might be 1 or 2 exceptions (like antibiotics going to the scientist). The reason I mention this is because I expect it to be ready for testing in about a week, and possibly released a week after that... ...and this is the first time I'm actually going to RECOMMEND a restart. I will be including creative menu only items so people can get their class-specific perks if they do not want to restart, but I wanted to give folks a heads up. I also wanted to remind folks there is a link on the first page of the mod to the discord server I've setup. Feel free to join in and come chat.
  22. Hopefully bug squashing update (v1.5.2) Flamethrower caused NRE issues on multiplayer. Tweaked the ammo to hopefully fix it. Gascan item changed back to vanilla as flamethrower now has it's own ammo. Flamethrower ammo added (1 gas can = 1 ammo. Localization needs to be done) Blueberry pancake stack size increased to 50. Please let me know on the flamethrower issue. It seems to be working fine right now, but any input on that is appreciated.
  23. Not increasing the level to 300. 200 is fine with the progression how it is. If you mean the bowl of water for drinking, it's 15 the same as the bottled water. If you mean the dirty water that needs to be cooked first, then I'll look at that. And I'll look into the pancakes as well.
  24. There aren't any ferals in the daytime other than wandering hordes. And to increase the challenge of the mod.
  25. Going to properly update the mod info on the first page later (with the new additions and such). However, I've changed the link to the discord server. I've made a server specifically for the mod to make it easier for folks to get hold of me, report bugs, etc.
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