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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Ah! My apologies. I thought you were editing the max zombies in the gamestage file, not the server file. I believe you are correct, it should spawn 12 zombies per player up to the 40 max and yes, your setting is overriding it as far as I know. The reason the zombies stop for a while is literally because of the crawlers. Basically the game divides it up into "waves" and only spawns the next one once everything in the previous one is dead. Crawlers cause issues with that, which is why you can go without a wave for ages and then a couple of crawlers come along like "...sup? Party still on? Sorry we're late!" So looks like I need to check that... again. I believe survivors and bandits have their own setting, but I'm not entirely sure what that is. They definitely do not count as a zombie. I think you're correct on the roughness, at least from when I initially did some experimentation and ended up with an absolute monstrosity of a world. Kinda wish I'd taken some screenshots tbh. Honestly? Not entirely sure. I think the base is what it starts with, scaled is where you can alter it and FastMountains is the result. But Tin knows way, way, WAY more than me and the rwgmixer is massively based off his work. So if anyone can answer a question about that file full of black magic, it's him!
  2. It's entirely possible I'm just dumb and don't know how to spell. Don't lower the maxspawned. Lower the amount of zombies that the server decides can be spawned as that is what ultimately controls horde nights. You can test this yourself by setting 8 as the max, then 16, 32, etc. I think TFP said 32 gets really, really laggy. Not 100% sure on the duration value, but that gamestage file is an edited version of Guppy's Trickle Fox, so if anyone knows... it will definitely be him. Will check the bars. That should absolutely be perk-locked, though I may have allowed it for construction and miner. I need to check that. Try this. <module name="scaleBiasOutput" type="ScaleBiasOutput"> <property name="sourceModule" value="finalLand"/> <property name="scale" value="250"/> </module> Increase scale. I find increments of 50 works. Bear in mind this will lower the overall areas of flat land so you may get smaller cities. That's the "quick and dirty" way to do it. This is the hard way. <module name="fastMountainsBase" type="FastRidgedMultifractal"> <property name="frequency" value="0.25"/> </module> <module name="fastMountainsT" type="FastTurbulence"> <property name="sourceModule" value="fastMountainsBase"/> <property name="power" value="5"/> <!-- <property name="frequency" value="0.25"/> --> <property name="frequency" value="0.5"/> <property name="roughness" value="1"/> </module> <module name="fastMountainsScaled" type="ScaleBiasOutput"> <property name="sourceModule" value="fastMountainsT"/> <property name="scale" value="0.3"/> </module> Try messing around with frequency and power. That will take a LOT of restarts and world generating though.
  3. MaxAlive just helps fix the "trickle". Num is what determines how many turn up and the server settings ALWAYS take precedent over the gamestage settings. So if you set it to 32, that's what you'll get no matter what I put in the gamestage file.
  4. I made my own horde gamestages. What you could do is go into the gamestage file and set maxzombies to 256 and maxalive to 64. That'll give you a LOT of zombies. You could also swap out any group that says ZombiesNight with ZombiesFeralNight. Most people tend to be around Gamestage 50 on Horde night, and these are the first few gamestages for hordes. <gamestage stage="1"><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="1" maxAlive="50"/></gamestage> <gamestage stage="25"><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="20" maxAlive="50" duration="2"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="20" maxAlive="50" duration="2"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="20" maxAlive="50" duration="2"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="55" maxAlive="50"/></gamestage> <gamestage stage="50"><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="20" maxAlive="50" duration="2"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="20" maxAlive="50" duration="2"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="20" maxAlive="50" duration="2"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="55" maxAlive="50"/></gamestage> <gamestage stage="75"><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="24" maxAlive="50" duration="3"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="24" maxAlive="50" duration="3"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="24" maxAlive="50" duration="3"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="104" maxAlive="50"/></gamestage> <gamestage stage="100"><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="24" maxAlive="50" duration="3"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="24" maxAlive="50" duration="3"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="24" maxAlive="50" duration="3"/><spawn group="ZombiesNight" num="104" maxAlive="50"/></gamestage>
  5. Animation/Pathing will be a little bit choppy because it's using imported animations rather than the ones built into the game. Kind annoying, but it's something on my "fix in the future when I have more experience" pile. Problem I've noticed with the hornets is you sometimes have to spawn about 4 or 5 of them to get the buggers to show up. Don't worry, they WILL find you in-game because I keep having people complain about them. As for the hornet through the door... they aren't supposed to do that... but that was pretty funny!
  6. I figured that was a good compromise since the proper behemoth doesn't work EDIT: And aside from UI, this is what I've been working on.
  7. Yeeeeeeah... I kinda added a LOT of zombies so it breaks the menu. Use the spawnentity command in the console. It'll tell you YOUR entity number, and then list all entities.If my memory is correct, you want 236 for the female one, 237 for the radiated female one and 259 for the male.
  8. Behemoth has extra entries further on. The commented out one is the default one TFP put in. The model is completely broken (no hitbox). So I did 2 of my own.
  9. Okay, huge info dump incoming for you. I'll include all 3 spikes just in-case you missed one. Recipes.xml <recipe name="scrapIronLogSpike4" count="1"> <!-- trap --> <ingredient name="scrapIron" count="40"/> </recipe> <recipe name="trapSpikesNew" count="1"> <!-- trap --> <ingredient name="wood" count="20"/> </recipe> <recipe name="woodLogSpike1" count="1"> <!-- trap --> <ingredient name="wood" count="15"/> </recipe> Loot.xml - This changes the minibike storage back to 32 slot. <!-- minibike storage --> <lootcontainer id="62" count="0" size="4,8" sound_open="UseActions/open_shopping_basket" open_time="0" sound_close="UseActions/close_shopping_basket" loot_quality_template="baseTemplate"> </lootcontainer> Windows.xml under windowCompass. Delete this to remove the day (you may only need to delete the label part) <sprite pos="200,-60" sprite="" color="255,255,255,255" globalopacitymod="1.8"> <label depth="6" width="300" height="30" pos="0,24" text="{daytitle}: {day|always}" font_size="28" pivot="center" effect="outline" upper_case="true" justify="center"/> </sprite> That should do it.
  10. Okay, ignore the 1.6 rwgmixer file. That's not going to be used anymore. Hardcore mode I need to update, but the game STARTS you at 0,0 for spawn point and removes the day from under the compass. So the only way to know what day it is would be via vending machine or trader, AND you start in the wasteland. I need to re-patch that file for clients and servers. Regarding the spikes, that would be in recipes.xml for how much they cost to craft, so easy to change and you only need to do it server-side if you want to do that. EDIT: You can remove the day manually if you like. I can tell you the bit of code that controls that. Again, would only have to be a server-side modification.
  11. Completely agreed with you on the spikes. And I'm actually working on some "block breaker" zombies for 1.8. I could just increase the base block damage across the board, but I didn't want to do that and unbalance everything.
  12. The EAC version is no longer updated because the mod uses SDX, so I didn't see the point in maintaining a code base for expanded storage and one without when they're both going to have patched DLL's anyways. Regarding the tools, I haven't "fixed" them, but I'm inclined to agree with you. Being unable to scrap might be better than no sound, but I'm curious to see what everyone else thinks about that. I can tell you which XML part to edit for the minibike storage later if you want. Backpack can't be tweaked because it's patched in the DLL, so decreasing the size might cause issues.
  13. Alright, CHMOD is usually provided by whatever FTP program you use to upload to the server. Basically you want to connect to the server, right-click the 7DaysToDieServer_Data folder and there should be a CHMOD option. Take a note of whatever the default "numbers" are (usually something like 644), set it to either 775 or 777 and then try uploading. That should fix it. Once that's done, set the folder back to what it was originally for security purposes.
  14. Got full FTP access to the server? You might need to CHMOD the folder. You'd have to do the same for any SDX payload mod, like Ravenhearst or Starvation as well if setting up a server.
  15. Huh. Not sure why you're getting an issue with that DLL. You definitely need the SDX payload stuff and the modified assembly-csharp.dll otherwise the items and blocks.xml files are referencing stuff the game can't load, so it'll just crash. Only thing I'd suggest is try uploading without that DLL as I don't think it's modified anyways.
  16. Yep, random gen is random AF. I've had seeds with barely anything, and then I had one with 3 hub cities...
  17. Well I was gonna say it gives you the coffee recipie... apparently it doesn't. I broke that. So I need to fix it. Thank you for letting me know. Gas can is a schematic you can find out in the world. It was in vanilla too. Mechanic just gets it for free. I think I added quite a few of the Valmod food recipes. I didn't want to add them all due to lag, plus I felt some of them were just not needed. Short answer, no. Random gen is random. There's no way to guarantee that X and Y co-ordinates will put you near a city. If you absolutely MUST start near a city (and tbh, the mod usually starts you near a town at LEAST), then use the RWGPreviewer in the editing tools, scout out a map seed, find a city, take a note of the co-ords and then use DM to teleport yourself there. However the point of the game is to actually go out and find this stuff.
  18. You also need the 7DaysToDieServer_Data folder. Otherwise it'll crash because blocks and items are referencing Unity3D files in the mods folder and the DLL won't be patched to allow access to it.
  19. With Notepad++. a lot of time, a lot of coffee, possibly lots of swearing and selling your soul to the devil. And you can totally make it spawn more buildings. I had to tone it down because cities were too big and there was a TON of lag.
  20. The one I'm using right now is called PatchTest and has a huge city right at the center, plus some larger ones dotted around. However, I'm also using a slightly altered RWGMixer, so no guarantees. I know The Old Gamer usually has a ton of seeds to recommend, ALSO! Heads up for folks. Yes, there is a minor issue with plants and farming. I'm aware of it. I'm looking into it. I may change plants to use the old code when you plant them as a seed, and the new code from stage 2 onwards of growing.
  21. You SHOULD be fine if you keep the tree's away from your other plants, at least from what I have tested. I want to do more testing with mixing plant types to see if there's any issue, but so far wheat and tomato's grow together with no issues. You're exactly right on the classes. Make another class paper and you can take the farmer class It won't cause any issues with your current class. Iron helmet is made in the tailoring workstation with the sewing kit.
  22. Not really. With an AK, it'd be way too easy. It's been designed for most people to be about level 20, on survivor and probably nothing much better than a crossbow with maybe a few spikes. I've literally tried to make the very first one a little easier. It starts to ramp up pretty quickly after that. You can have a look at the code in gamestages.xml if you want to see how it works and how it starts to ramp up. EDIT: To expand on this, one of the folks in the discord said they just had a Day 28 horde and it was absolutely insane.
  23. Titanium sound is a known issue I've been trying to track down for a LONG time. Basically it claims there's no sound file for material_titanium (even though i've defined some and set metal as the parent) and the only way around it is to set the titanium tools as material=metal... but then you can't scrap them. It's bloody annoying. Auto shotgun has been a known issue for a long time, as stated on the first page. MIGHT be fixable, need to talk to some folks with more experience than me! Horde goes by your gamestage. Gamestage is level + days survived and also modified by difficulty. So if you just set it to day 7 without levelling up or anything, you're going to have a tiny horde. Sadly, that's pretty much the way the game works. I mean, I could set it to an insane amount of zombies... Hub city uses the rules from A15. Which means you MIGHT get one. Not you WILL get one. Also, it sometimes spawns approx 200-300 away from 0,0 in any direction.
  24. Huh, that sounds like you're having problems with spawning blocks/entities in general. That is VERY strange... Silenced weapons, I forgot to add a sell price. Cos it's me. So I'll make sure those get added, thank you. Welding Torch can be looted OR purchased from a trader (Lathe is the only item that must be looted). Mortar and Pestle is it's own workstation. So you build it in the forge and then place it.
  25. I -think- I've semi-tracked this down. Was able to reproduce the issue by having tree's near plants. It also seems to be the reason tree's can occasionally be harvested forever. If they're more than 2 blocks away from the plants? It's fine. Currently not sure how I'm going to fix it, but I -will- look into it. For the moment, I would recommend making sure tree's are far away from your plants. Will also do more testing.
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