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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. I agree with you, your post was not agressive nor unconstructive. What Xtra may have meant is the overstatement in it: When you declare they "killed the game" or start your argument with "I am forced to ..." you already lost the argument when all you might get or loose in the game are a few inessential bonusses. Now whether they are inessential or absolutely neccessary for survival has to be seen, that is a matter of balance and will have to be found out by actually playing A20. Are you forced to find any of the books in the game? Like the one that lets you walk over mines? It's a great book and I love finding it. But is it essential? On the other hand: Would a farmer suit that gives you a bonus to farming for example be essential? Well, at a certain early time in a game it would be enough for me to switch to it. So absolutely yes, the danger is there and it makes sense to warn them of potential missteps or problems in their plan. But they probably will not listen if someone calls it a failure without even having seen and played it.
  2. A possible stone age turret could be a rotating knife on a stand. Looks simple, is simple (just a motor with a sharp object on top), and is an obvious downgrade to the pusher. It would act like a transportable spike trap, doing a little damage and just slowing down the zombie a bit
  3. It seems someone moved this thread to the correct place while your new thread is (again) slightly in the wrong place. So lets keep this one and I'll remove the other one in "servers and community"
  4. Traders generosity is at the center of almost every problem we talk about these days. Will you throw away brass once you don't get 120 bullets from a single quest reward or by buying a big stack from the trader? Trader rebalance is in the works, it probably makes sense to first wait for what it brings, then look at other measures again.
  5. I don't get it. If you find some brass items you either scrap them in your backpack to save space or take them home to your base. And the only reason for the latter is to get the smelt bonus, right? Now why would you take the unscrapped stuff home to scrap it before smelting it, losing the bonus again??? Forgot to add: ??????? 😉
  6. As I understand it the suggestion was to remove the scrapping timer, not the scrapping itself. You still would have the inventory to manage, i.e. decide whether to take all items home, scrap them instead for some loss or even dump them. I agree they are flavor items. Now SOME flavor should be kept or added to. Especially since it doesn't seem that graphics artists are the most limited developer resource of TFP
  7. https://www.deepl.com/translator https://translate.google.com/ My advice would be to use one of those above. Their results are much better than what you had posted 我的建议是用上面那些。他们的效果比你发的要好很多。
  8. I agree, the new spider hops on platforms that other zombies can only admire from a distance.
  9. Unofficial answers: 3 - The behemoth is gone, but more boss zombies (like the Demolisher) seem to be planned. 2 - I don't think the spider will be changed, but maybe a boss zombie will get that ability 1 - I suspect the next video will be published shortly before christmas Your translation software has not worked well.
  10. This is done on purpose, for balance. If the axe was as good as other melee weapons but ALSO saving a slot, why even implement other melee weapons, nobody would be using them anyway.
  11. So I assume your next wife had/has to do a water-boiling test before she can apply? 😉
  12. You should open a new thread if you have a different issue. Also put complete logfiles into pastebin or similar and post a link.
  13. Yes, gazz can float if you dump his body into a lake without weights. Are you really so dissatisfied with his work? 😄
  14. PvP is not their focus, but groups of 1 to 8 players are. AFAIK. And naturally we could talk about the definition of "focus" here.
  15. That we still link to this blog post should be a hint. There is no news. Why should there be when the blog says that they will wait for the PC version to release before taking the next steps? PS: Naturally not the exact same question but most of what you asked was answered in previous threads:
  16. Another bottleneck is Blake_ who is working on potato-testing. 😃 I always had the impression that the INT player is supposed to be the guy that uses all the other weapons unskilled plus skilled junk turrets. In early game he is practically as unskilled as anyone else in weapons (more or less), so even without turret there is not much of a difference.
  17. I don't know.. It should be possible to start the server in a different user account (to clarify: a windows user account, not steam account), this would effectively seperate server and client. My guess is that when Jumper started the client, steam saw an already running game and did use that instead of starting another. But hey, I could be wrong, never tried that setup myself
  18. Do we want to be those people? Fishing is an activity that usually can be ignored if you don't like it. I'd still want to open those safes though and not have to play strength all the time.
  19. The problem of mini-games IMHO is that they are mini, but you have to have fun doing them dozens to hundreds of times in a game. I can think of a few possible variants, and I like none of them: 1) puzzle games that challenge your brain, but what is hard for one user may be trivial to someone else. And most puzzle games that are solvable in the matter of seconds get trivial very fast 2) reaction based games. The same problem, very hard for older players, trivial for a 16 year old fortnight player. And personally I really really hate stuff like that. If you really like to play a reaction game hundreds of times in a game, get yourself a C64 emulator and play stuff like Olympic Games. 3) Shooting stuff. Similar to reaction games, also we have enough shooting built into the game, we don't need a second-rate version in a mini-game as well. 4) puzzle game with heavy randomness, for example a card game like poker. May be the most fair solution, but again difficult to get something engaging when it has to be over in 10 seconds. After the 20th time you will have your strategy fixed and mechanically do the same things again and again until you get lucky.
  20. Note for people who have played 7d2d less than 3 hours and might not know: Just pick up the vehicle and set it down again. This makes it YOUR vehicle.
  21. In A19 I don't have this problem anymore because of the yellow direction icon being directly on the vehicle.
  22. The way armor is calculated in this game +10 armor can be a massive difference. Lets assume you had armor 80 before getting the set bonus. This means you would get 20 damage if a zombie hit you for 100. Now with +10 you are at armor 90 and only 10 damage would get through. In other words this would half the damage you receive.
  23. Having helicopter blades sticking in your brain may be detrimental to your health
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