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Posts posted by meganoth

  1. 3 hours ago, Zark said:

    Unfortunately, A20 might be the update where I decide to quit because the climate survival I once enjoyed and loved has been stripped away.


    I loved having the amount of clothing slots because I like tweaking the settings to also make it a winter survival game. Having 4 slots will ruin this mechanic and the game for me. Ever since A16 or A17, the "weather snow 0.4" command that added a layer of snow depth no longer worked. That disappointed me because I enjoyed playing with the weather settings to add a unique level of challenge for my friends where there would be cold fronts and snow in the desert or pine.


    The old system could easily be simulated in a mod. Just create armors that have huge random variations in heat and cold resist (maybe this is even what TFP is doing with the 4 slots right now). Or even have seperate items "scrap chest armor with shirt", "scrap chest armor with duster", "scrap chest armor with poncho" (if the xml is generated with a small script it really isn't that much work)


    I'm sure TFP is trembling now with fear since you threatened to quit 😄


  2. 7 hours ago, n2n1 said:

    In rwgmixer.xml. I use the very old code (similar the one that was in A16) - it still works.

    And what you described - was in A17 (static map of biomes).

    Of course mod, he did it based on the capabilities of the game itself. No third-party utilities and integrations are used.

    Just take a look at the screenshots i made there.


    Ok. I have never played around with rwgmixer. I can't assess how much randomness would be in the old biome generation and how probable it was that you saw the same biome map.


    1) Who knows, the generator might just select between 10 or 20 fixed versions of a biome map internally. Very unlikely since someone should have noticed this in A16 already.

    2) Since all the rest of RWG is procedurally generated I would assume biome generation also uses the (user-provided) seed that is used for the rest of world generation. Are you sure that the other poster used a different name for WorldGenSeed AND GameName than you? Are you sure your biome does not depend on the WorldGenSeed or GameName?

    3) A possibility is that your mod itself shrinked the possible biomes that can be generated by the biome generator.

    4) Another possibility is that the old unused code that generates the biomes in your mod is buggy and removes all the randomness it would get from the random number generator.


    I'm not saying you are wrong. This could be the basis of a proof, but at the moment this is just another weak indication there could be something wrong, with too much uncertainty what it really means. I'm sure you know more about this than I do and might be able to dismiss one or more of the possibilities I listed. But to dismiss all of them you would need access to the internal biome generator code and have analyzed it.


    In summary, to prove it you have to give a lot more details and in this case only TFP internally could find out if this is a problem of its RNG in general or just some bug in old code that isn't used anymore. And how likely is it that they will try to follow any argument that leads to analyzing unused code that is probably on the way out of the code base? If you are really sure then you could make a bug report, but I suspect it likely will be ignored because of using old code.


    If this were a murder investigation we would be at the point where we have a missing person that doesn't answer any calls. And we have a few suspects, one of them so old he will be dead before you can convict him. But neither do we have a dead body nor any proof of foul play at all. We need the dead body, not more people who tell us they didn't see him since yesterday. 😉


  3. 5 hours ago, n2n1 said:

    No - it's not. I can change the ratio, size, and shape of biomes for generation - so this is definitely not a presets. 

    Where can you do that ?


    5 hours ago, n2n1 said:

    What You're talking about - was earlier.

    But i agree that it doesn't have much to do with loot. I just wanted to show that now there is nothing random, and very frequent recurrence in everything.

    (of course, there is a mod here, but we are talking about algorithms that lie deeper)

    Mod? Are you talking about Nitrogen?

  4. 52 minutes ago, n2n1 said:

    Just by the way:

    I can give an example, when in a discussion about the distribution of biomes i was shown a map.



    To check (without knowing seed) i generated any two maps.... and one of them - was exactly the same as i was shown....



    A coincidence? I do not think so.




    I just want to repeat once again - it doesn't matter how the algorithms work, whether they are a real random or a masked sequence of numbers.... good - this is when her work is not thrown in the eye. And that the player would not pay attention to it. And that the player would not pay attention to it.


    This is not a good example. RWG world generation is done very different from loot randomization.


    For starters the biome map is not generated, it is AFAIK one of a few preset maps. I don't know how many, at one time there was even only one. So it is very very probable that you will see the same biome map when generating multiple worlds.


    Generally, when generating worlds, YOU set the seed for world generation. The name you give the world is the seed. Another seed you set is used for grass, plants and stone distribution. These seeds are definitely not random numbers and deliberately so.


    Please correct me if I somehow misunderstood you.





  5. 48 minutes ago, Ricowan said:

    Fatal already replied to this with "Now the seed used for the random generator could cause issues if not varied enough or reused/repeated."  The "seed" is what is used to change where in the pre-generated list of random numbers the game starts, when picking new random numbers.  The seed probably just needs to be changed more often, and it sounds like the devs are looking into that.


    The seed does not need to be changed at all, it just needs to be sufficiently random when you start the game. This is why date+time plus timings of user input and mouse movements are often combined to get a good seed.


    To my knowledge Fataal did not inditacte anywhere that they are looking into that. Until now nobody could show them that a problem really exists.


    Players often fall into the psychological trap of seeing patterns that they deem non-random, but the occurence of patterns IS truely a sign of randomness. If you throw 5 dice and get all 6's, then it doesn't tell you the dice are faulty. But if you threw those dice a million times and it would never show that pattern, THAT would indicate they are not random.


    Look into the forum of every RPG or wargame and you will find people who complain about the RNG not being random because they saw a spectacular series of good or bad events. The problem is that when 1 million players play a game, there is a good chance that one of them will see a one-in-a-million event

  6. Asking to make sure: You looked into the "Application" section of the event viewer about the crash log, right?




    Your friend is able to crash 2 servers from afar by sending a poisonous network packet. But he is able to connect to a lot of other servers without sending that packet. So what is the difference that makes only your servers react this way?


    The follow up question would be: Did you and your friends server have something in common? Did you set up the servers similarily (by one of you following the other on how to setup the server)? Do you have the same server provider (in case of a cloud server) or the same internet provider? Do you have your servers operating system set up similarly (for example same virus scanner or same cache config)?


    One common thing is that on your servers the litenetlib connection fails and the network code falls back to steamnetworking. You can see that in his client log there is always the line "INF NET: LiteNetLib: Connection failed: ConnectionFailed".


    So the user that crashes your servers could check if the line above turns up in his logs when he connects to other servers. If no, it is very likely a precondition to crashing the servers and if you can do that in any way you should try to get litenetlib connections to work and see if the problem vanishes. If yes, it still could be a precondition, but other factors are involved too.


    The other thing you could do is make a bug report. For that some data is needed so the bug can be replicated by TFPs testers (the logs sadly don't help much). Data could be the network packets at the time of the crash. You can record them with wireshark I think. Then someone at TFP could look at the last packet and check the code that is started when that packet is received.


    Much better is a crash log on the server though. Since there is nothing in the eventviewer logs, you could start the server in a command line window (cmd.exe) and see if something is printed in that window when the server crashes. Or do something else so crashes are reported, like starting the server in a de@%$# (if that is possible, might clash with the DRM stuff of steam). I don't know how to do that in detail, I'm a linux user. Does anybody else know?





  7. The names of your output logs have dates that are seriously different than the dates inside the logfiles. Did you change the dates when you added the line numbers?


    The stack overflow in the path finding routine you indicate with the line numbers looks like a recursion problem. It always happens at horde night. Do you have a huge horde base? Does any of the mods add blocks used in your horde base?


    There are also warnings "Particle System is trying to spawn on a mesh with zero surface area" in two of the logs. My best guess would be that this is a problem with one of the mods.


    And there are lots of null reference exceptions in the logs except in the 12-14 log. I assume those two are the later logs and those are secondary signs of a problem that started with the first log.



  8. To add to MonkCrimsons info, after the pipe guns weapons are probably finished, except maybe for legendary weapons as an upgrade to the existing weapons. If you want more weapons, look at some of the mods in the Mod section of the forum.


  9. Do you get a crash log message in windows? On the server PC start "eventvwr" and look for a log message at the time of the crash. If not, someone with more knowledge of windows debugging might suggest other ways to create or find a crash log.


    A client should not be able to crash the server. Maybe @Jugginator wants to take a look at it.


  10. No. What you should try is get evidence that there is really something wrong. At the moment we just have a rumor that could as well be coincidence.


    7 days has a long backlog of confirmed and unconfirmed bugs. I don't think devs or testers will go on a witch hunt for a bug that a few people seem to think they may have sensed on the ghost radar while meditating on which base to build 😉


  11. 2 hours ago, Pwn3dg4m3r said:

     As to not just repost what i replied to Roland with just refer to my post to him minus the "you've been polite" part cause of your "go educute yourself on wikipedia" snooty remark.

    Wikipedia is an independent source of information. It is an easy way to define terms that people in a discussion use differently and then possibly go into a rather senseless argument about it. Show me something written in wikipedia and I will generally accept it as true.


    If you think this is impolite then tell me how to do it better? Should I lecture you myself like a teacher? Should I make fun of you?


  12. 2 hours ago, Pwn3dg4m3r said:

      This will more than likely be my last post on the matter since no one seems to understand what I'm warning about in this update.


       Everything in my post has bee  nothing but facts:

       player will have to carry multiple sets of armor now IF they want to accomplish what they use to be able to do.


    This is called a conjecture. Please read the wikipedia article on what a "fact" is. 


    If you think this is beside the point, sorry it is not. If you just want to emphasize that you are so sure of it that you don't accept any dissenting opinion on that, just say so, but please don't use the word "fact". It has been misused a lot lately.


    2 hours ago, Pwn3dg4m3r said:


     2: We don't have to wait for something to be released before we are allowed to give criticism, (good or bad although it does seem like only good is allowed here) thats kinda the point of releasing content updates.



    This is a discussion forum, anyone is allowed to post opinions as well as opinions on opinions of other posters. If your post wasn't allowed, a moderator would have deleted it. It still is here, you just got involved in a discussion where (almost?) everyone else seems to have a different opinion.

    Nobody will stop you from critizising, but nobody will stop others from talking to you and possibly telling you you are wrong.


  13. 19 minutes ago, Pwn3dg4m3r said:

        I never said anything about gaining or losing bonuses, also saying I'm being forced to do something does not automaticly invalidate my arguement especially when its true, let me explain.

        I'm the gather/builder in our little group my daily routine is; harvest the crops, chop wood, then mine ore and skin any wild life I come across and also loot some poi's here and there.

         Now with the new armor system I'm going to have to carry at least 5 sets of armor (4 pieces per set =20pieces in total,thats alot of inventory space),with me just to do what I'm already doing without it.  One set for farming, one for chopping wood, one for mining, then 2 for climate so i dont over heat or freeze.  (Also maybe skinning can't remember if that was a ser aswell.)

         With all that space taken up I now won't be able to haul as much as I use to which means more trips back and forth so it takes much longer now to get anything done.

         You could say that I should use my vehicle storage, to that i say I already do and if you've played 7DTD, which we all have, you know that even using vehicle storage, inventory fills up very fast already, now we have to sacrifice more precious storage space caring around armor that allows us to do what we are already capable of doing now without it.


    What you didn't explain is why you are FORCED to carry those sets and switch between them.


    Can someone only chop wood in the woodchopper outfit? Surely not. The outfits were described by TFP as having a few bonusses, nothing more. Are those bonusses essential or important ? We will have to find out.

  14. 2 hours ago, Pwn3dg4m3r said:

        I feel like you didn't even read my first post, everything you said i didn't do, I did.


     Not being constructive or leaving a alternate solution?  I left a suggetion of an alternate way to go about uncluttering.


      State my issue?  Felt like that was was evident, even since I did state multiple time that the issue is the new armor system and did inform the reader that it was cause of consent armor swapping that would waste the players time.


        Also I don't think you know what the term "wall of text" is.  Its not a post that just has alot of typing, its a post that doesn't have breaks or indentions or both and is just a long seamless stream of writing.


    I agree with you, your post was not agressive nor unconstructive.


    What Xtra may have meant is the overstatement in it: When you declare they "killed the game" or start your argument with "I am forced to ..." you already lost the argument when all you might get or loose in the game are a few inessential bonusses. Now whether they are inessential or absolutely neccessary for survival has to be seen, that is a matter of balance and will have to be found out by actually playing A20.


    Are you forced to find any of the books in the game? Like the one that lets you walk over mines? It's a great book and I love finding it. But is it essential?


    On the other hand: Would a farmer suit that gives you a bonus to farming for example be essential? Well, at a certain early time in a game it would be enough for me to switch to it. So absolutely yes, the danger is there and it makes sense to warn them of potential missteps or problems in their plan. But they probably will not listen if someone calls it a failure without even having seen and played it.



  15. 9 hours ago, Khalagar said:

    Main thing I hope for the pipe weapons that devs have been suspiciously silent on, is a stone age Junk Turret type weapon. They have confirmed a pipe baton, but that's not a good solution as that's only for a melee weapon.


    I still like my idea of a Blowpipe weapon, as a ranged early game int option! Could use junk turret ammo and scale somehow with Junk turret perk points

    A possible stone age turret could be a rotating knife on a stand. Looks simple, is simple (just a motor with a sharp object on top), and is an obvious downgrade to the pusher.


    It would act like a transportable spike trap, doing a little damage and just slowing down the zombie a bit

  16. 3 hours ago, Khalagar said:


    I mean, they can just . . y'know, increase the amount of brass found to compensate?


    I agree that brass items are just clutter that needs to be optimized. It takes way too long to scrap and when your bag is full, you have to just leave it behind. It's gotten so bad that literally the meta tactic is to just smelt dukes for brass instead and ignore all brass items in loot unless you have enough space to haul them around. I'll usually carry a stack of radiators back, or a stack of doorknobs, but they are one of the first things to go when storage space gets tight.


    Especially since crafting bullets to begin with is really inefficient compared to just buying them or getting them from quest rewards / loot. Crafting and mining in A19 are fairly pointless as you will spend longer gathering the resources than it would take to just go find / buy more. Just use a melee weapon on isolated zombies and stop spraying and praying with an m60 and you'll have entire storage boxes full of stacks of bullets within days.


    I've always been a HEAVY mining and crafting focused character, but after hundreds of hours in A19 alone, I've basically completely stopped mining for anything. Between stamina woes pre-augur and lack of demand, I basically only mine for shale once per playthrough to get a lifetime supply of gas, and mine for iron once every week or two in game (if even that often) to get iron for my junk turrets and don't bother mining for anything else


    Traders generosity is at the center of almost every problem we talk about these days. Will you throw away brass once you don't get 120 bullets from a single quest reward or by buying a big stack from the trader?


    Trader rebalance is in the works, it probably makes sense to first wait for what it brings, then look at other measures again.


  17. 12 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

    @madmole Xeen had a pretty interesting solution for the "scrapping issue"; why not add a mod that can be installed into the workbench that reduces scrapping time, similar to how the Anvil/Advanced bellows works in the forge. (Not in function, but in idea/purpose.)


    I think it would be great anyway to have a diverse selection of mods for the other workstations.


    I don't get it. If you find some brass items you either scrap them in your backpack to save space or take them home to your base. And the only reason for the latter is to get the smelt bonus, right?


    Now why would you take the unscrapped stuff home to scrap it before smelting it, losing the bonus again??? Forgot to add: ??????? 😉



  18. On 12/18/2020 at 3:20 AM, TSBX said:

    That's why you want to make a workbench. It allows you to offload crafting and scrapping to a secondary source so you can focus on your here and now in your inventory.


    Scrapping is sacrificing when compared to melting  things into the forge. It's a meaningful choice, and we like those, right? :)


    As I understand it the suggestion was to remove the scrapping timer, not the scrapping itself. You still would have the inventory to manage, i.e. decide whether to take all items home, scrap them instead for some loss or even dump them.



    16 hours ago, jdifran said:


    Brass doesn't exist in nature, so they'd have to add copper and zinc ore (which they've already said they don't want to do).  And by mid levels I'm swimming in brass and often have so many dukes I can afford to just smelt them.


    From a gameplay standpoint, these useless items are just extra clicks that add nothing of interest to the game other that cluttering your inventory.


    And what's the point in wasting developer resources creating models, icons, and xml for objects like this that serve no gameplay purpose other than to be smelted or scrapped?  Sure, you can install a harvested brass faucet on your sink, so maybe keep that.   Radiators should probably stay but also be required in vehicle recipes, imo. 


    At least, all of those items could be replaced with a single "brass junk" item or a "lead junk" item with an icon that looks like a small pile of miscellaneous items.  They'd be different from "brass" or "lead" and would scrap to these (at a loss) like the other items.


    I agree they are flavor items. Now SOME flavor should be kept or added to. Especially since it doesn't seem that graphics artists are the most limited developer resource of TFP




  19. 2 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

    too be fair the spider zombies climb was rather poor so i don't miss it lol

    i like the leap, the leap could be better! but it works 

    (should be named the grasshopper zombie)

    I agree, the new spider hops on platforms that other zombies can only admire from a distance.


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