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Posts posted by meganoth

  1. Ok. Maybe the creator or warzuk knows a better way but probably this is just part of warzuks being a hardcore mod. If the mod still has coffee and it reduces stamina usage you might just copy the definiton of coffee to a new item coffeeXL in items.xml and boost duration and stamina reduction to the hillt. (If it isn't you could copy the code from vanilla)


    Since coffeXL won't be in any loot list it won't change anything for players but you can get yourself stacks of it from creative menue


  2. Here is the no-code solution if your character is strictly the admin toon and you don't want to use him for playing:


    You might just give him loads of xp with giveselfxp and add all the perks that improve stamina usage (sexrex, cardio) or increase mileage from food (Iron gut). Also levels themselves are good as they increase your total stamina pool. Then get a stack of spaghetti from creative menue and you should be set for a long time. (This is for vanilla though, the mod may have some other perks you need. If the mod has learning-by-doing you are probably out of luck)


  3. 12 minutes ago, Crater Creator said:


    I feel like the traders are at least that good if not better now.  The traders really are the great equalizers, providing critical items like that first iron tool to shore up your vulnerabilities.  I'd like to see more of those 'lottery ticket' moments from looting, too, and for the traders to be less reliable, more transient in what they offer and when.

    Agreed. One hope is that they really get the specialization of the traders "right". If one finds Trader Chen first it would mean quite low chances to buy a better axe.


  4. 32 minutes ago, CheSco9 said:

    Yeah, you are absolutely right. You know, what is so sad about all of this? It will happen either never, or after a long time. Why? Because all this work went into making a new Joel model. It baffled me. Also the fact, that an armor update gets cancelled to A21 is also upsetting. It does not make any sense. So, Joel model, right? All polished. Player model, player armor and clothing? Still the same, like, straight from A15 or something. And, from my logic, if the Fun Pimps make a new player stuff, they can also use it as stepping stone for bandit and survivor NPCs. Good in theory, isn't it? Too bad. Not gonna happen. 

    You don't know why they postoned armor. It could be the programmers not having time to add code for it, it could be the UI guy having some other important sutff to do, it could even be that they got a late idea for a new feature with armors that they don't have time for.


    They also have different priorities than players do and players among them as well. I'm waiting for legendary weapons since plans for them were announced in A17. Why should they implement your armors before my legendary weapons?



  5. 12 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:


    A personal pat on the back I suppose. 😜 

    Currently the only persons able to pat on your back are in your apartment or building and probably don't even know what a 'Servant Daze 2 Dye' is and why you should be patted on the back for needing thousands of hours to creating a paint with a strange name 😉



    (assuming a lockdown in Canada)

  6. 8 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:

    In A17, you looted POIs specifically for loot. Especially a shotgun messiah or a working stiff tools because you don't want to spend 2+ minutes cutting down a tree or chopping that rock.


    But due to the changes in A18 and A19 with the loot tables, you know that if you raid a Working stiff Tools you will find literally nothing but stone items, because a number known as gamestage depicts it that way. I consider it to have moved away from a scavenging game. Scavenging is going through shelves and shelves of stuff "hoping" to find something, now its just "if i raid this, i KNOW i'll find nothing useful, but once that number goes higher, MAGICALLY more stuff appears".


    Edit, I forgot to add the first bit. In A16, raiding POIs was a daunting experience because there was less stuff to loot, a lot of places had almost nothing, and the zombies were quite horrifying. Now its just running quests endlessly to level up and get more money to purchase an item because places will NOT get any loot other than stone items. Its a game of leveling and a game of questing. Not so much a horror/survival.


    If you reduce loot to some tools and weapons you already lost the bigger view because you concentrated on something you as a player should ignore if you want to immerse yourself into the game world.

    I loot all the time in early game because my prioirites are to feed myself and start getting resources and mods and books.


    The devs seems to think the current situation isn't optimal as well, AFAIK loot tables are getting a makeover and there definitely will be the choice to raid other biomes for better loot (tables)


    I consider the current loot tables too strict as well, there should be lottery-ticket type chances to get better stuff for better loot tables. In actual play this won't change anything though, if every 12th player finds an iron tool on day 3 that would be IMHO the optimal balance. It would mean that in 4 player co-op games the miner gets an iron tool in every 3rd game.


    In fact single players will have a sub-standard chance to find much better stuff when the game has to be balanced for multiplayer as well.





    You might just inspect the mod you are using to see how it does its magic. You need to learn the syntax of XPATH, but if you want to mod yourself you probably should do that anyway. There is a tutorial about it somewhere in the forum


    Headshot multiplier should be somehwhere in progression.xml while all weapons and ammo should be in items.xml. Weapons added through a mod would  have the definitions in their mod directory defined as XPATH. Note that ammo has the damage and weapons just add a modifier so it might be easier to modify the ammo instead of all the weapons

  8. 23 minutes ago, warmer said:

    I feel really silly.  I always assumed bleeding damage was only effective on living things. I figured anything with a missing limb/s would have bleedout, ie Mr. Torso.


    How is that dude "alive" if bleeding damage kills a zombie? Hmmm

    I urge you to hunt and scientifically experiment on a real zombie to answer all those questions and submit your paper to Scientifc American. I would start the search in Haiti if I were you 😁


  9. 43 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

    Without Demolitions, I can just sit in my base and hold my M60 while I pull on the trigger mowing down waves of zombies while my turrets just annihilate the Z's.


    Or I can have to constantly adjust my tactics during the Bloodmoon horde:  Throwing the kill switch on my turrets when I see / hear the D's show up, switch to sniper rifle and start shooting their heads with AP ammo; then switching back on defenses when they are not appearing.


    Wonder which one makes for a more interesting defense play.......

    For us with the knowledge to build bases that can handle demos that is easy to say.


    In my last singleplayer game (which I played in a18) I built a base that was quite good as a standard zombie base but was likely a death trap with demos, I would have had to make extensive changes to it.



  10. 1 hour ago, Kosiam said:

    Until these OP mobs are nerfed I am out. Once again, TFP take something fun and make it complete BS.

    If you want to get the attention of a developer it would make more sense to start a new thread.


    Meanwhile, if you play singleplayer and just want to nerf demos, edit Data\Config\entityclasses.xml in your install directory, search for the line with Explosion.BlockDamage and change that value to something less than 5000. Directly below that line is Explosion.EntityDamage, which you could decrease as well if you want to survive inside the blast radius.


    There is nothing dangerous in editing these values and if you want to go back to vanilla, just use steams "verify", or edit the values back.



  11. 4 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

    Regarding the new ambient noises added in the newest A19 update, there should be some exclusive ones for Rekt. When you approach the guy you would hear eldritch whispers in your ear saying, "Kill him..." or "Blast his head off..." or "End him... He deserves it...", and then a little minigame could play where you have to resist shooting him with your gun... ;)


     I don't know what other ideas you had this year, but this is the best one of them all. Definitely. 😁


  12. 6 hours ago, onovbuton said:

    has there been any feedback from one of the devs regarding the controller problems... or are we just been ignored... would love to know thanx

    I don't know of any dev comments about it. But they usually don't comment on all the bugs or issues talked about here. Accusations of being ignored will also often fail to change anything 😉.


    Did anyone make a proper bug report yet, I didn't see one ? If not, devs might get the impression that it can't be so important if no one made that effort.


    Lastly, it has to be said again, this is an EA game, everyone who wants a polished exerience should wait for release.


  13. 3 hours ago, Aldranon said:

    Thanks for the ad blocker, i might go back to Firefox for a more relaxing viewing.


    With over 50 years of keeping everything hidden and not willing to release what they knew until forced... That says some things might be unsettling or even a bit scary.

    Ether way, I'd rather know the truth no matter what it is.

    That might be the reason.


    Another could be that nobody in the military was ever fined for keeping things secret. They might fear that newer files could give away information about reconaissance capabilities or even older files might show which "friendly" countries where spied out with U2's ...


    Independent on whether the sightings really were aliens or not I don't think the military kept them secret to protect the population from knowing that aliens exist. After all fear-mongering is by far the best method for the military to get their budget increased.


  14. 3 minutes ago, hiemfire said:

    Now I'm imagining loading up the drone with scrap iron, wood and cobble during a salvage session, turning my back and hearing it "repair" the POI I'm scavenging in... They may just be reusing the symbol, but it shows the same grey circle with the up arrow currently both when repairing and upgrading blocks, so the game may consider both to be the same thing.

    This would be your contribution to rebuilding the civilization 😁


    Seriously, AFAIK the game knows which blocks are player built.


  15. 6 hours ago, Croustian68 said:

    Cool tutorial i have access to console server online but not actually in game how can i give me the access ?

    You need to give yourself the rights to execute the neccessary commands by editing serveradmin.xml (which can be found inside the savegame). Then just login with your client and hit F1.


  16. 3 hours ago, RhinoW said:


    List should tell you that there would be options to increase the difficulty, as zombies aren't just "zombies", they got 2 different variants that could serve different purposes when destroying the base, or could be tiered direct upgrades to the zombies themselves. Meaning, having a full concrete/steel base wouldn't make the game trivial (which wouldn't anyways).



    Why do you see it as a nerf? They continue to have the same impact early on, and only have a harder time destroying harder blocks, which would make sense, as you are actively trying to find better ways to make the zombies more ineffective towards your base. Also, you are bound to have blind angles on your base or have the zombies separated into 2 groups if you have an actual square fortress/wall, so shooting them isn't always constant action.


    It is a nerf. Basic zombies are weaker as soon as you can build better materials.




    Wait, so by that logic, you should always have enemies that scale with you in order to give them a use.


    I don't see how this would follow. There is a difference between weaker zombies being still dangerous to your base in masses (like now) and weaker zombies being as good as ineffective against the base (like you want it). I don't want the basic zombies to scale with me, I like it fine as it is.



    Doesn't that kind of ruin the point of progression? You never really notice the difference in that case, as there would be nothing to compare yourself to. One could argue they could be removed near the true endgame, but...that already happens mate, they are replaced with radiated versions. After (old) gamestage 300 (correct me if im wrong), 90%+ the zombies you are facing are radiated.


    And commons aren't weak, they would become weak as a sign of your efforts. Must admit, my opinion here is totally biased because of my experience ever since the A17 pathfinding update. Zombies focus on the block with the lowest health and breach through concrete walls like butter, so much for using and upgrading military bases with concrete walls around them. Worst part? We literally had 2 open gates in front of the base, set with traps, and they ignored the open entrances to destroy 2 previously damaged concrete blocks.


    Ok, lets assume TFP implements your idea. Then what would change in that scenario? Nothing, since the stronger zombies would still breach through that concrete wall with lowest health and obliterate you.





    So I still believe concrete (not even gonna mention steel) should be that impenetrable block against a small horde of trash zombies (unlike lesser blocks), and a "normal" block for actual base buster zombies. Reminding the problem here is the late game, how they still deal too much damage to concrete, screwing with damage values for the zombie itself, means it alters it's interaction with ALL blocks, not specific tiers, hence the damage reduction based on tier. Giving specific zombies the ability to consistently deal 40, while weaker zombies have a falloff, means they will always be VIP targets, and at the same time, you realize your base becomes stronger against hordes. Not just *this upgrade adds about 5 extra seconds of survival time to the block against X recurring scenario because it's health increases*. There are many more variables that make damage interesting, right now, 2-1=1 is the most basic and most boring of them all.



    Now I really don't see (in vanilla) that upgrading to concrete gives you just 5 extra seconds. From cobblestone to reinforced concrete is a factor of >3 in hitpoints if I'm not mistaken. If zombies could destroy that block in 5 seconds, they already could destroy the cobblestone in less than 2, you would have been toast the previous horde night. Are you playing on insane? I really don't see that happening in lower difficulties.


    If this was just exaggeration: Weaker zombies are already weaker. A normal zombie does 8 block damage while a feral already does 24 and the cop 100. You need a lot of normal zombies even with group bonus to destroy a reinforced concrete block while ferals are 3 times as effective and cops 12 times, and they get the group bonus as well, even from normal zombies. That is a seriously steep progression and you want that even steeper?


    If you have the feeling zombies do too much damage, simply turn down the difficulty.



  17. 35 minutes ago, RhinoW said:

    Radiated zombies? Ferals?


    What should that list tell me?

    35 minutes ago, RhinoW said:

    Game stage integration with the damage dealt? And even so, isn't that the point of using up all your resources and hours of work to make a fortress to hold off a horde? It's not like you'll stay there scratching your b*lls and not shoot them, you know damn well players would still want to play normally.


    Then why is it neccessary to nerf basic zombies? Just shoot them before they destroy your base.


    Lets look at it from a different viewpoint: Even in later stages you have a mix of all zombies. If you make half of them ineffective what is their use? Why not remove them completely then if they pose no danger?


    I don't see where you show what would be gained if those weak zombies were even weaker.


    35 minutes ago, RhinoW said:

     And getting a full concrete base takes time, I play with 2 other friends and we only get a stable concrete income by day 30 (90m days), and that is because we specialize in 3 major categories. I really can't imagine a single guy going through all the hassle to stabilize his base in full concrete, only to have 2 of it's blocks destroyed and become a free real estate for the horde.


    Besides, that's an existing thing with automated slaughterhouses anyways...it's not like cheese strats don't already exist  (except these cost less and actually exploit pathfinding).


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