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Posts posted by meganoth

  1. 12 minutes ago, RhinoW said:

    Damage is good as is in my opinion, however , i believe all objects in the game should have keyword labels (if they don't already) to determine % damage reduction with fists (weak), mid and high tier damaging weapon/entity. Concrete should have significant damage reduction against weaker things, currently it is completely overwhelmed by anything more than 5 zombies attacking it. I'm all for strength in numbers, but not when zombies are strong on their own.

    Wood/Cloth  0% damage reduction (current)
    Iron -25% damage
    Cobble -40% damage
    Concrete -60% damage
    Steel -80% damage

    Bonus health is good against a single opponent, but damage reduction would be good for normal zombie hordes and long term stability.
    And then you have bruisers and the demolishers that would ignore the damage reduction, making the extra block health do its part.

    Currently the only thing (at least from what I could tell) that differentiates a concrete block from a wooden block, is the extra hit points.

    Result would be that in later horde nights basic zombies could be practically ignored as they would do almost no damage to your structures. This simple strategy would be very effective then: Kill only higher level zombies and let the basic zombies alive.

  2. 3 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

    With the breakdown system being removed and therefore steel (presumably) getting a huge nerf to its overall health, players will be increasingly drawn to using hatch hallways, or steel hatches as walls themselves. Again I bring up the suggestion that zombies should have a 6x damage multiplier to all doors and hatches.


    Madmole himself said that for example concrete will likely be as strong as the old r concrete was. This surely includes all the hitpoints that would be lost because the breakdown system was removed. My goodness, you really must think the devs are idiots who can't even keep the balance in such a trivial case. 



    Previously cobblestone (say 500 HP) downgraded to wood (150 HP) downgraded to nothing

    Now cobblestone (650 HP) downgrades to nothing.

    Nerf? None.




  3. 10 hours ago, Aldranon said:


    They both could end up being really big news!  The Cicada thing was a joke as I actually like the sounds they make.  :)


    With the UFO's, the leaked video of two Navy pilots chasing the "Tic Tac" UFO had an item that most don't know: It broke the sound barrier but didn't make a sonic boom, not even a tiny one!  No one knows how that was possible!  This points to technologies where the new CERN discovery might just be the tip of the iceberg.  



    Or it might point to being an optical illusion. Optical illusion's superpower is to not produce sonic booms 😉


  4. 13 hours ago, Blake_ said:

    That depends. What is more costly, 1 entity with pathing and AI  or incremental hp calculations/ full heal for many blocks at once (workbench task) ? My experience tells me the drone is more costly than many blocks, but if the base is huge then we might just need a CPU with two cores per faatal to handle the situation.


    You misunderstand the idea. Think of a drone as it is planned now, just with a mod that repairs blocks in a small radius around it. No further AI programming, no additional behaviour.


    The drone would not fly around independently of the player, that would be OP in my book. No, you yourself have to walk around your base and the drone will follow you, i.e. what it does anyway. In a small vicinity around you it would repair, in fact it would preferably be the same range in which you can repair blocks. The drone would be just a second nailgun operating beside you.

  5. 3 hours ago, BobbyLee298 said:

    I wasnt talking about the drone, im talking about eather repurpose the Land claim block to do this or make a station, you can still use a nail gun obviously because this feature is for later game. 


    Ya i probably is alot of programming but thats what happens when you make a game, heck if were waiting 2 years anyway i can wait another 2 months for a feature that would improve the building part of gameplay, and its a optional feature that im sure every person who says they wont use it, would at some point.

    And if ya really hate it, you can always use a nailgun to fix the 200 blocks even the ones out of sight


    The problem of your idea is not whether any plyer hates it. The main problem is that the devs probably don't want to completely automate this part of the base maintenance. I'm no dev but I'm fairly sure they won't do this even if no programming were necessary for it. Because for example you could just build a crafting base on a big block of concrete and without any defense just ignore any wandering hordes coming by. Not going to happen.


    There are lots of things players want but will never get in vanilla.

  6. 6 hours ago, Khalagar said:


    Yes you can, and you are also not nearly as effective with it, which was my point. Having some build diversity is nice when playing in a group of friends so you can actually cover different niches. Every single player will carry a drone for the storage, so it would be nice if the player who actually spec'd into the tree had a drone that's actually better than the unspec'd ones


    You say you don't care what other trees do, but you probably would if you were playing coop and your friend was completely spec'd into strength while you were focused completely on the m60, and then you realized that because of a bug they could use the M60 and do the exact same damage you could. It would just make you want to respec and get your points back


    You are nearly the only one who thinks INT is worse than FOR in this regard. When I play INT with two turrets and an unspecced M60 in hand I feel generally as powerful as a FOR player with one unspecced turret. If you actually calculate raw DPS maybe the M60 player is still slightly ahead, but that is balanced by the INT player having advantages on horde night and the M60 player having to resupply his turret more often to the point he might not even think it worth it. (IF the INT player still needs a little push, increasing the ammo capacity per perk point would be the thing in my opinion, by the way)


    I play coop by the way and I am the INT player. And I actually don't care that the strength player can use a turret and actually does. THAT is what coop means, working together and knowing that the other guy covers your back, you want him to be as good as possible.

    I'm not a saint, I certainly would get envy if the other player were totally OP and I always on the brink of death but I don't have that feeling with INT, far from it.



    3 hours ago, Crater Creator said:


    It seems to me that the drone can already fall neatly into the established system.  If you perk into Robotics Inventor, your drone(s) would gain the advantages of:


    • being able to be crafted in the first place
    • better craft quality
    • better damage
    • better fire rate
    • better clip size
    • better active range
    • better active robots at once



    And as you level up Intellect itself, your headshot damage and dismember chance with drones increases.  This is all stuff that would happen just from extending the existing design.  If you have all that, while someone not perked into Intellect doesn't, is that not appealing to Intellect builds?  Is that somehow putting Intellect builds at a disadvantage, when it's all the same kinds of stats that other attributes/perks affect?


    On the carrying capacity... well it may offer something cool to everyone on that front.  But on the other hand I'll happily use, say, explosives without perking into Perception, because explosives do some uniquely cool things that no other weapon class does.


    You obviously missed Madmoles information that drones will not have offensive capabilities. And newest info is that even the shock weapon, which I thought would mainly be crowd control, will not be included in the drone, The drone actually needs a totally new perk advantage to fit.


    Love your new avatar icon by the way.



  7. 3 hours ago, Khalagar said:

    That would just give Int builds the same drone everyone else gets, when the drone is supposed to be the T3 Int item. It would be like if a shotgun build could use an m60 exactly as effectively as a fort build could and do the same damage etc. It'd be nice if they would elaborate on what makes the Drone actually match the other T3 weapons and what makes it unique for people with the full set of junk turret related skills compared to a level 1 character who was handed one by another player


    I just gave a possible answer to one half of your complaint, the drone being useless for the INT player. I consider it the more important question. If I play INT I don't care what a strength player could do, I care what I can do as INT player.


    There surely will be some perk bonus affecting the drone. But I don't know what it will be.


    PS: Did you know that the INT player can use the M60? When the M60 is supposed to be the T3 weapon of the Fortitude player. 😉

  8. 2 hours ago, Khalagar said:


    I wish they'd elaborate more on this, as they haven't really explained how they are going to make the drone appeal to Int builds and not just be a staple in every build. If you can just throw the drone down like a junk turret, there's zero chance that every single build isn't going to carry one just for the storage capacity alone.


    Clear PoI --> Throw down drone and load it with your crap --> Carry 2x more stuff than usual and head back to the base


    The original plan mentioned was that junk drone would take a turret spot . . . which would be awful for int builds, so I'm hoping they have been theory crafting some kind of way for the drone to be improved by your intellect perks so at the very least it's better than someone with 0 int using one. If it competes for a turret spot it's going to be . . . ouch

    Possibly the drone priority is lower than the other turrets. If the player drops down a turret the drone vanishes/powers down. Collect the turret again and the drone is back. This way the INT player could operate all his allowed turrets and still use the drone, i.e. it would not be awful for INT builds


  9. 2 hours ago, Croustian68 said:

    All the files are modified 2 minutes ago i pick all of them ? i also have error back up file in region folder end in .bak

    You are right, it doesn't work that way (anymore). But if you let the game run, press ESC and alt-tab out of the game you should see differences in the modification date.


    I just tested it now and it worked, only that there are often 2 region files with the newest date, possibly because most of the time more than one region file is loaded.


    By the way, here is another method to find the correct region file:


  10. 1 hour ago, v3tro said:

    It`s interesting how some of you jumped on a guy pointing out that this community is "toxic", assuming he is emotional etc.  proving his statement to be correct. You don`t need to use foul language to be toxic. Also implying that someone doesn`t understand sarcasm, humor, irony whatever is irrelevant when that is not what he actually meant( as I understood it) and again further proves his point.

    As a hard-core 7dtd fan and years of lurking I have "learned" most of posters personalities(and snowdogs small wiener *wink*) and can honestly say that this is the best community I have seen, probably because average forum members age could be 35+ish?
    So mature adult gamers here, but sometimes it`s saddening to see bunch of you guys being "toxic", could easily call it "unpleasant" or "unnecessary rude" to new members. 
    Lately it has become more obvious as forum is becoming less active and some of you guys are becoming more negative, whether it`s due to worlds current situation or lack of A20 news doesn`t change the outcome.

    Then again, this forum has never been very "new member-friendly" unless it`s Adam who spammed every post and became forum child. 😀 

    Members of this forum is like a family, very tight one.

    How many active members are here? probably less than 50, and everyone knows everyone as majority of you guys are here posting and busting each others balls for years already, so when there is a newcomer and god forbid he doesn`t share the families opinion.. well good luck to that poor soul.


    You make arguments and say that some people can`t handle "bluntness", "criticism" etc., but when it`s the other way around you can`t do it either and become emotional.. go figure.

    There are many of you(if not all) who actually provide legit and valid criticism with good points, but no one is perfect and sometimes your criticism is just "I don`t like this, because... ummmm... I don`t like it". (Could date this back years for every change - molds, gore blocks, digging zombies, pathing, food, leveling, lbd, farming, now upgrades)


     I guess I wrote this in hope that some of you could actually take one step back and look at the bigger picture or someone`s thought, especially if one says that we should be more friendly towards devs/members and be less "toxic", but answer to that is "Are you a mod? If not, mind your own business" like wtf, lol.



    I blame rum for this post, so on a more positive and topic related note, do you guys think we will see something new and interesting in todays dev stream or will it be just them playing and showing new twitch integration?


    Go into a room with 50 people of all types, some of them nice, some of the "normal",, some of them more of the confrontational type. Accuse them all of being toxic (which is hyperbole as true "toxic" posts would be removed by moderation) and watch what happens.


    Whether true or not, they will object. And if 10 people tell you you are wrong it automatically feels like you are pressured and there is a mob forming even though it is just that many people reading the post have a different opinion and want to tell you that.


    Now when asked for an example of this toxic community, point to someone who only has 2 posts(!!) in this forum and whose post is not even close to something that needs moderation, even by higher standards. This leads to more objections and more feelings of being pushed in a corner. Naturally you would feel your opinion of an unpleasant place is confirmed.




  11. 5 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:


    Nah thanks. I'd rather have control over repairing my base and not having the drone waste forged steel on repairing blocks that are missing 5 or 10 HP from a few grenades I had tossed down during the last horde.

    Edit: Backtracking. As a feature, sure, but I probably won't use it regardless. 😛


    Simple. The drone could be set to only repair damage bigger than some specific number.


    Anyway, you also can't control which zombies the turrets attack, that is the inherent disadvantage of automated thingies. And as you say, nobody needs to use it


  12. Here is one chunk reset method: Start the game, go to the chunk you want to reset, destroy a block (but probably not the one you are standing on). Stop the game. Then look into your savegames directory. You should see a "Region" directory with lots of files ending in ".7rg". Move the file with the newest modify date to somewhere safe.


    Done. If it doesn't work as expected you can undo the change by moving the file back into the "Region" directory.

  13. 2 minutes ago, dahkdm said:

    So, a rose is a rose by any other name. Even if it isn't what you would specifically call "toxic" -- that's probably a difference between our idiolects, and there's no issue with that -- there's still something misguided and antagonistic behind it. You can call it whatever you like, but my point is that I've noticed it's common in this community.

    This community is "great" in bluntness which might be mistaken for toxicity. Bluntness can't go softer than what the developers themselves exemplify 😉


  14. 1 minute ago, MechanicalLens said:


    That's a fair thing to ask for, but people are people, so unless you have them attached to puppet strings (in more ways than one), then that ain't gonna do much. Instead I would suggest you focus on your own path. Set a better example if you think that's what you're striving for. Guilt tripping people rarely works out.

    Please don't lecture. Oh wait.....

  15. 28 minutes ago, dahkdm said:

    Shown: someone not acting toxic at all.


    There's a clear line between reasonable and unreasonable criticism, and comments like "you need to optimize A19 before A20" are just silly. There's a general thread of antagonism throughout this whole community and it is lame and alienating.


    Just a nitpick: "silly" is definitely not the same as "toxic".


    But I can confirm that this community is silly, no question about it 😁

  16. 8 hours ago, Sal said:

    No offense to the designer but this looks terrible IMO.  It looks like it was designed using windows paint.  I'm confident they could do much better if they put a little more thought and time into it.  But as it stands, this just looks like a lazy attempt at a money grab. 


    I mean, cmon lol......two axes crossing each other?  The weapon cross is such a played-out design.  What is this the coat of arms?


    I would want this on my desk, but that's just my opinion.


    The stone axe is the first thing everyone builds after the bedroll and is used for much of the early game. It is one of the designs you could immediately connect to 7D2D (as long as it isn't a stock design 😉). So fitting choice. Probably crossing it with the nail gun would have been better in my view, but other than that it is a good choice.


    Now what was your so much better idea again?


    And yes, it is a money grab. Merchandise always is, from any company. If you buy merchandise and don't know this you should be flogged thrice with a good consumer guide 😁

  17. While the success of Valheim provides some valuable lessons, just copying what it did would be a mistake. Games have success because (a) they get the crucial word of mouth and (b) because they find a niche that isn't filled at the moment.


    The first can't be copied. It is a function of luck and in some cases the right decision to hire the right streamers on the right platform(s) and generally the feel of the first 2 hours of gameplay. With none of the current hypes there is any guarantee that they will have long-term success. Lots of people already stopped playing Valheim and lots of people only bought it because EVERYONE was playing it. I know, I bought it exactly because I wanted to know why it got all that buzz.


    Now it doesn't matter for Valheim anymore, they got enough sales to last them a few years whatever happens. But such a hype can't easily be replicated and in the case of 7D2D being on the market for 8 years makes it twice as difficult to generate a sudden hype. Not impossible, but very very hard.


    The latter (occupying the niche) can not be copied directly as well. Because now that niche is filled by Valheim, simple as that. There is space for multiple games in any niche, but it is a clear case of diminishing returns the more games try to go there.


    But I concur with Guppycur on the general principle that difficult, complex or grindy games can have a lot of success, they just need to find a place where a demand exists that is not met by other games. And that is the problem when you try to cater for the mainstream players. There lots of bigger shinier AAA and "easy listening" games fill that demand and a game by a small developer would need to compete with all the AAA companies on THEIR home turf.


    That is why 7D2D may still need ways to make the first 2 hours fun for any beginner, but after that needs the complexity and depth to keep its core audience for the long-term success.

  18. 50 minutes ago, Blake_ said:

    I like the wet concrete mechanic. I won't miss it if it's gone, so while I agree with you, the time sink and tactical value it offers is just not consistent to other high hp blocks that you could  just make instantly. We already have to wait for items to craft, and that is enough. A steel block would take time to craft and quite a few resources, so it really is a simplification, arguably a "good enough" one . The benefits are quite a few, like performance gains (less calculations where it matters) + easier to understand + less OCD panic from that hidden corner that you don't know if it's dry .... etc. The building-survival part has enough in its plate with repairing and the full shape menu crafting to bother with extra CPU overhead just because it might not dry in time but worry not it still is as strong as cobblestone (bruh).

    Don't sweat over performance, event-handling done right is very very cheap. You have the drying events in a list sorted by time (sort is done by a fast insertion sort) and each tick just check the first entry whether it is due.



  19. 3 hours ago, Khalagar said:


    I mean, this just loops back to the issue of "Intellect doesn't have an endgame weapon" then where it's the only perk line that isn't balanced to stand on it's own as a fleshed out build.


    I don't really understand the logic of why Int isn't supposed to be a full build. Yes you can use the two turrets + hold a gun too if you want to spend the points and resources to do so. . . and doing that should definitely beat out someone who spent far less resources to do the same thing


    Easy made up example comparison (not real numbers)


    Fully perked Autoshotgun with all mods vs horde = Lets say 20 perk points invested and 50 shotgun shells


    Fully perked Dual junk turrets vs horde = 20 perk points +  thousands of junk ammo and a dead player


    Fully perked dual junk turrets + unperked auto shottie vs horde = 20 perk points + thousands of junk ammo + probably still 30 or more shotgun shells


    Hyperbole doesn't help your argument. I have played INT in my last game and it was great. When attacked by a few zombies I could "play" with one of them while the turrets removed the rest. I didn't feel underpowered. At all. Not like Perception does. INT also has the only tier 1 weapon that is useful in end game horde nights. It offers the most variable gameplay you can find in the game. It actually is my second favorite build after agility.


    Now possibly my impression of INT is wrong, after all it is a subjective. Like yours I guess.




    ATM Junk turrets drain way more resources for less payoff and relies on dipping into other builds


    There is no rule that non-specced weapons are not allowed in your hand. If you feel somehow "dirty" or uncool with a nonspecced weapon in hand or feel the need to handicap yourself because of a self-invented principle then accept the consequences or mod the game.




    If you don't want Junk Turrets to equal a real gun, then Int . . . needs a real gun that stands on it own end game.The drone was stated to not be offense oriented, and no dev has explained what is going to balance the drone to stop it from being used by every other build who *doesn't* have to sacrifice 50% of their damage to use it like an Int build does by giving up a turret slot to use it


    We don't know what the drone will bring to the table.  But even if the drone were useless, INT can't get worse because of it, nobody really is forced to use it. And even if the drone were overpowered it might not be unspecced. Instead of sounding the doom clock now we could simply wait for its appearance and test it.







    I mean, yeah basically? Or at least enough of it to where the player can contribute a bit with melee and get by. Their only real use or role is basically just as an afk type defense weapon, which a lot of players like myself love. I'm always a summoner in games, I love being able to summon an army to fight for me while I walk around looting, even though it's definitely never the best meta build, it's good when it's at least viable and stands on it's own as "functional but boring to many"


    That's literally their only niche, clearing rooms and roaming hordes and stuff while the player mines or is off looting.


    If that's not the intended use of them . . . then what is? There seems to be a pretty big disconnect between dev logic and player expectations here lol




     "player expectation"?  Are you speaking for all or lots of players? Or just you?


  20. 4 hours ago, Khalagar said:


    I almost said exactly that but didn't want to get into the "suggested features" type territory lol. I think them being balanced around hipfiring the Robotic Turret when in handheld mode would give them a pretty solid niche where you could even carry three junk turrets. Two to place, and one to hold for your primary weapon, although it would be hardpressed to compete with the Autoshottie which just kind of obliterates everything else in the game min / max wise



    I'll need to do another round of testing to see if you can even put the shotgun choke mod on the turret or if it makes a difference at all when placed as many mods don't seem to, but I was testing a fully modded junk turret with all the perks against some basic fodder vs even just a double barrel and the resource expenditure was . . . not favorable lol


    The junk turret's fire speed almost works against it where it will just spray out a ton of shells when a double barrel or pump shotgun could do the same job with like 4 shells total. The cost difference of shotgun shells vs shotgun junk ammo isn't really that high, not enough to justify using the lead for the turret shells instead of real shotgun ones



    At what distance did you test? It seems to me the turret is disadvantaged in the game because it shoots while the zombie is still too far away. While the player has the sense to use the shotgun on short range mainly.


  21. 16 hours ago, pregnable said:

    They probably want to simplify it for newer players, while at the same time freeing up room for other things, and freeing up time for new stuff they expect the player to be doing.  Bandits and maybe npcs will be a thing in the future. 


    A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


    Some future feature and its unknown impact on gameplay has little to do with a current feature. Or non-feature, depending on view point.




    I do not really care that much if it stays the same or changes, although I have never been a fan of burning clay, but they made it renewable so its cool, whatever. 


    Although, I do like having my main loot room in a 3x3x3 cube(5x5x5 structure), and having less workstations inside would be pretty great. 



    16 hours ago, Guppys Fur said:


    Damn, how many here didnt got the sarcasm. Well done Sir.


    yeah 4 different Stations are really over the top. why a station at all. Lets craft everything via the players Craft Menu!


    Careful, the last days i learnt only compliments stay here, the rest gets softdeleted aka moved to Nirvana.


    You have two more guesses on the criteria for nirvana movement 😉



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