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Posts posted by meganoth

  1. 42 minutes ago, Hrod Land said:

    That's a misrepresentation of what is being said by quite a few people. Nobody is arguing that you should get all the best stuff day one. It's about variety, player motivation and risk vs. reward. For many of us, motivation is dulled by the flat progression curve the last few alphas have shifted the game towards. The game has become more predictable, both in terms of loot and challenge, and I find myself making fewer interesting choices. Like beHype said above, you can just set up camp inside any of the towns and from there on the game will play out pretty much the same every time: orange quality blunderbusses and spears everywhere at the start, and military sniper rifles in garden sheds guarded by radiated wights during late game. It doesn't really matter much where you go (aside from bookstores, those remain a must loot).

    If RWG is indeed getting looked at (it should, even aside from the risk vs. reward discussion), I hope TFP move (back?) towards loot level being dependent on the quality of the threats defeated, not the quantity. A game like Terraria does it really well, imho. You can go deeper for better loot whenever you want, but you're very likely to get killed in return.


    So you say it is different to A15 where you got pistols at first, then shotguns and hunting rifles? After a while you found AKs and snipers. Sure the actual moment was quite random, but there was a loot progression that seldomly varied. And everyone did the same things every playthrough. I partly liked how the minibike book and the calipers sometimes could be found immediately and sometimes almost never but those were single points of uncertainty in A15. If you are talking about even earlier alphas, ok, that is unknown territory to me.


  2. 56 minutes ago, beHypE said:

    Not trying to nitpick but hasn't RWG been a hotspot both for A18 and for A19 ? 


    I mean... I don't even think the POIs need that much work on the inside. Maybe a mask to raise the gamestage for the best POIs is all that is needed.

    What I can't really understand though is the current focus on slow and steady progression, yet the best way to play the game is to hit the nearest city as soon as you spawn because it's, simply put, a cluster of POIs with 0 drawbacks. I feel the game would play so much better if the best POIs were in the cities, guarded by tough/numerous zombies in the streets, and that you'd have to actually work to get a chance to loot them. Day 1 would be a "let's loot that isolated POI in the wild, it will be easier", Day 7 would be "Let's set up near that small town", and Day 15 would be "Let's hit that huge city now that we can". Steady progression, sense of accomplishment, reward. And not some weird "set up near loot city but what you find is capped until you killed enough zombies".

    No, up to now only one programmer was working on RWG, besides other jobs. It  may have been that an artist or designer  helped for a time (not sure, my memory is very flacky) but AFAIK always just one programmer. And if I understand MM correctly, for A20 there will be a real team effort to get remaining kinks out of it. 


    I agree that dangerous cities would be a good feature, but it also means that good players will just jump ahead of any loot progression and then complain about a missing end-game on day 10. Balancing that is almost impossible. But as I said it would be a good feature. And I also liked that you had to find and hit specific POIs if you needed something specific. Which is still the case but less than in previous alphas.


  3. I don't know if they ever get more difficult POIs in the game that can't be just exploited but at least more difficult biomes are in the works AFAIK. It might even happen in A20 where RWG will be one of the development hot spots.

    13 hours ago, dan said:

    Graphics are much better.  Even at night with the brightness up, it still feels like night.  The textures are sharper, trees look better, new HD zombies look great.  Overall a wonderful overhaul to the graphics.


    The game is more difficult so far.  Using a blunderbuss, primitive tools, etc.  Makes it more difficult.  


    However this is also a negative.  You have no chance of finding something good at early levels.  in A18 it was way too easy to get quality 5 and 6 ak's in the first couple days.  But now there is 0 chance of finding something nice because everything is locked behind gamestage.  Not sure the point of the lucky looter perk now.


    It's feeling a little less sandbox and a little more linear with the fact that you only gain specific items as you level and increase your gamestage.   


    The new tools are nice, a ratchet to take apart cars instead of a wrench?  It's great, so much faster.  


    I also noticed they changed mining iron, now you get scrap iron instead of iron chunks.  Not a big deal, but a noticeable change. 


    The crit's are a nice addition.  Sprained arm, etc.  But I don't think I've ever seen my hunger icon gone for more than a minute or so.  The game is a non stop battle for food now.  I thought there was going to be a hunger and thirst meter on your ui, I only get the icon that tells me when I'm hunger and thirsty, which is pretty much all the time.


    Overall it seems pretty good so far, but I'm only a few days into the game.

    So a sandbox is a game where you can get the best stuff at the start of the game? Surely not. At the moment there is still a small chance to get tier1 weapons like pistol or double barrel shotgun in the first few days. And that is fine, otherwise the game enters easy-mode just because you had an unlucky "lucky draw"


    Food and water meters are the thin blue and red lines directly above or below your toolbelt. Easy to overlook

  4. 44 minutes ago, Galifrey1965 said:

    Gonna get a lot of hate for this one but...


    Do we really need to see Jen's cleavage? The new model seems to follow the usual portrayal of women in video games but guys, it's 2020 and if I watch a video I really don't want the male tubers going on about her cleavage. I think the artist did a great job modelling her, but if she is a doctor, give her back her white coat or just go the full hog and give her tramp stamps and a belly button ring...

    Maybe we don't need to but I also don't see it as a problem (naturally as a male I have a lot more tolerance for that as well). Her cup size is somewhat extreme. But the form of her t-shirt would be a common occurence in summer. She also doesn't look like a fantasy character. What youtubers do is not my concern, I mostly ignore them, but would definitely ignore someone who thought talking about her cleavage was funny or interesting in any way.


  5. There is an option to turn off horde night and there is an option to give you 400% lot. There is an option to spawn in a T6 M60 on day 1 or give you 1 mio XP. There is an option to make you invulnerable and fly. This has absolutely nothing to do with the default vanilla game that everyone is playing. And it definitely can't be used to conclude something is not necessary because you have an option somewhere.


    Default vanilla game must be dangerous and balanced, this is TFPs resoponsibility. If you use OP options, creative mode or giveselfxp then balance and fun is all your responsibility.



  6. 1 hour ago, Adam the Waster said:

    you're missing one other con!



    it does not look good! i love my cloth armor! but the look? Eww


    it looks so clunky, the Hoodie drives me crazy! it does not look like the other hoodies!, Chest is ok!, gloves are nice but could less "Clunky", legs are fine but could use some knee pads and the boots are fine!




    maybe ill draw up a new look for the armors?


    but yes Cloth is good!   

    If there are two survivors, which one will the zombies prefer and attack first?  The brain in the spiffy mouth-wateringly good looking package or the carelessly cloth-wrapped brain?


  7. 40 minutes ago, Nahab said:

    It happened to me in Pedalu County map also.  I quit and made a new game in Pedalu County and same problem.  I cheated for an auger and dug down and found the annoying "You are hitting my property" noise so maybe it's spawning under the mountain?  I didn't take the time to try and excavate the entire area to confirm that though.  The xyz was approx 4, 51, 2.  I have re-verified everything and have no mods but I didn't clear the saved game folder in case I decide to revert.  I guess the next step is to back that up and try again without it but I'll try a couple other new maps first to see if I have the same problem in them.


    Did any of you with this problem notice a bunch of these errors in your logs?

    447.841 WRN Could not load prefab 'settlement_trader_04'. Skipping it
    447.841 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab '' does not exist!


    The fact that you landed on Pedalu County again shows that you probably didn't choose a new map seed. Check the folder  ...\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\GeneratedWorlds . Write down the Counties in there. Create a new world and make sure it is in a county that isn't already in GeneratedWorlds


  8. 43 minutes ago, MrJim said:

    I've had exactly the same problem in a random gen map.  Spawn in, trader distance in top right corner says 0.0km, but the yellow exclamation mark says 3km.  Follow the marker, but no trader has spawned at the location.


    My output log: https://pastebin.com/j3j18ucv

    You still have a mod called "Hal's Run and Gun", I assume from a previous alpha?


    More I couldn't find out as that logfile isn't complete.


    But just make a test and delete everything in ...\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\GeneratedWorlds\. If you have older worlds you still would like to play, make a backup first. And then, when creating a new world, change the  game name (i.e. not "My Game" again) and fill in some word as game seed when starting a new world, don't use the empty string. You can even use the same string for game name and game seed



  9. 9 hours ago, ChefVaporeon said:

    I wasnt asking when an update would come out, there's a ton of those posts. I was asking if the devs had said anything more recently than 9 months ago or made any relevant blog posts regarding any console specific information. This point you seem to have entirely missed. 


    Its funny because I actually found the information I was looking for on Reddit as a response to a meme. According to a user on there the devs confirmed during their last live stream that the game will come to next gen consoles as they finish the PC version. Thats pretty much what I was looking for, hard facts not speculation.


    Its possible that rather than being rude and making the community look bad, you could simply say "hey this is what we know and this is what we are pretty sure is going to happen."

    That reddit post is slightly misleading in its summary of Richards talk then. In that talk all is still a plan, a "we want", not a hard fact, not at all different to what was said in the official blog post 8 months ago. That nothing is different about their desire to finally go back to console could be interpreted as a good sign though.

    Also IMHO there are no unsurmountable difficulties in porting to the new consoles so I don't think it is likely that the plan will change. And since they have payed so much money for the console rights also means there is a big incentive to not let that money go to waste.



  10. What information do you think is missing?


    Everything in  https://7daystodie.com/console-news/ is still as true as it was 8 months ago. The plan is to wait for the game to be finished and released on its original platform before it can be ported to other platforms. That is AFAIK the normal method when parallel development in-house isn't possible.


    Just today I read Persona 4 came out for PC now, only 12 years after its console release, and 7D2D isn't even out yet.




  11. My group had built a horde base with a large staircase (3 blocks wide) coming up to our level, with a platform half way up and turrets behind). It was something like this (P = platform, T = turrets).


    >>> P <<<



    [upper level]


    There were 4 shotgun turrets there. I didn't see much of it as I was running around at ground level (I was shotgun guy), but judging by the low damage on the stairs demos generally did not get activated by the turrets. Probably most were activated or even killed before reaching the platform, so I'm not 100% sure about my conclusion. But I'd say there is a good chance that design did work quite well against demos.




    I'm also sure that TFP wants to hear feedback of all kinds (this is one of the two main reasons to do EA in the first place).

    Everyone is free to **discuss** this subject, but (and this is me speaking as a moderator now) please keep it civil



  12. 3 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

    I see the forums still posts "pending" posts late and then make me look like a jerk when it seems I ignored it. Thanks forums.

    1) You already have that. The number with arrows next to it in your backpack locks slots, starting at the top. You can use that to lock slots and then just hit the "stash all" button. Having crafting stations access your storage is STUPIDLY hard and absolutely not something i'm going to look into.
    2) You can fill the clay bowls a stack at a time from your hotbar. So that's 15 with 1 click.
    3) Nope. The point is to make you work for the remainder of the skill points. I don't want people to just grind levels to unlock everything.

    No. The user posted this in the wrong place first and the post had to be moved


  13. 17 minutes ago, II Blittz II said:

    People need to be patient and have some faith. I play on console myself and I would love an update just as much as anyone else. I know it sucks but, you have to keep in mind that The Fun Pimps have to clean up the mess that Telltale Games left behind which takes time. And this is just common sense, but I highly doubt that The Fun Pimps would of spent money on getting back the publishing rights for console if they didn't care or didn't have plans for the future. 

    "Clean up the mess" is about right. Just don't assume that there is any work being done on the console port at this time. AFAIK (and I don't have any inside knowledge, so just guessing from public information) the clean up is essentially waiting for the PC version to be finished, because only then


    1) do they have a version that is stable enough to be ported to console without actually running multiple alphas on the console side (we've seen how well that worked with the telltale port, I don't think they'll ever do that again)


    2) the time is right to hire a publisher/developer combo to do the port for some fixed price.  The alternative would be doing the licencing thing again, but that needs a willing publisher on the other side that (obviously) isn't available at the moment.



  14. 19 hours ago, Sakurambo said:

    in an ideal world they should take responsibily for their action and explain to you why you cannot  get an update

    but this is the real world, where noone is responsible for nothing, is always someone fault

    The people who bought the name "Telltale" in an auction are linked to "7 Days to Die" in about the same way as the company who rented the office suite of telltale after that company went bankrupt. 😁

  15. One possible way to safely work through the night is mining below your temporary hideout. Close off a room so a zombie needs some time to get inside. Add a ladder from above with the two lowest rungs missing (so you can jump on it, the zombies can't. You probably know that already). Dig down in that room, always make sure you can leave the hole fast. Listen to zombie sounds, if a zombie senses you, you have ample time to escape to the first floor before the zombie gets into the room.

  16. Well honestly that would probably have been the smarter route to take. Release a finished debugged A15 version then on next gen rerelease the full game up to A18 or whatever that ends up being. I personally would have been more then willing to buy a revamped version if the original was complete. As it is now there are a lot of questions surrounding a next gen release but my main question would be if they failed the first time what makes you think it wont happen again.


    They? Telltale? Surely that won't happen ever again :cocksure:. Sure sure, you hold TFP nearly as accountable for the console version as TTG and for you it seems TFP already released a console version.


    Companies have a different view. If Dell sells a laptop with the hardware bought as an OEM model from a taiwanese shop and they just slap their brand name on it, add an operating system and their warranty papers into the box, that IS a Dell laptop. You as customer will never come in contact with the taiwanese OEM company and that company will never feel responsible or honor any warranty even if Dell goes bankrupt. I already brought up a similar example with marvel movies (where even a logo of marvel is on the title screen but still marvel won't do a thing if the movie is ****ed up) but obviously that didn't convince you either.


    So again, 7D2D console is a game made by Telltale, licensed by TFP, there is a connection of sorts, the software is 90% the same. But it is an entirely distinct product and obviously TFP doesn't feel responsible for mistakes made by Telltale.


    Now that TFP bought the rights back they are legally owners of the game and responsible for it though. Not that it amounts to much since software is universally sold without warranty.

  17. I would rather not have console versions than an out of date and broken version. TT released an unfinished port that is true but it never would have happened had tfp not sold them the rights to an incomplete game in the first place. What console players got was essentially an unfinished version of an unfinished game that was sold as "complete".


    Actually it is very hard to define when a game is finished. If there are no obviously needed features missing a game finishedness is in the eye of the beholder. A few alphas of 7D2D could have been released after some polishing and nobody would have an objective reason to complain.


    Would any games journalist have batted an eye if TFP had released the A15/console version (after polishing) as the final game and the coming gold version as 7D2D 2 ? If anyone thinks yes, please explain on what grounds.


    The problem with this game seems to have been that IG already had a lot to do to make the game fit on console and not enough time to also polish/debug the game to a state that is expected by most customers. Sadly this is typical now in the games industry: Games get released and the beta test is done by the customers, usually the game reaches some final state after a few months and 2-4 after-release patches.


    And that is especially sad if that after-release polishing is then cut short by bancruptcy.

  18. Well when it takes you 7+ years to work on 1 game that has no clear direction i'd imagine they run through money quick.


    Yeah, sure. Companies throwing out unfinished, unpolished games after 4 years are obviously better than a company that puts more effort into developing a game throroughly :jaded:.


    For example Factorio has been in development for a similar time and you will be hard pressed to find a game that is better optimized and more bug-free than that game. For some that is exemplary, others look at the years of EA development and call it a sham because it is above the average in development time(?) or because the developers take their time to try out different concepts.


    Interesting that Telltale itself has put out an unfinished unpolished game that wasn't long enough in development to remove some serious kinks, a game called "7 Days to Die". :cocksure:


    Experimentation is to be expected for development of novel game concepts. Just look at Blizzard who developed Diablo 3 from 2001 to 2011 (according to wikipedia), made presumably three internal revisions before releasing it to an open beta test. Final release was in 2012. Problems in the network code though needed further patches. Oh, and the auction house also underwent a few revisions until they finally accepted it was a mistake and patched that out completely. The irony: Diablo 3 wasn't even a new game concept, it was an Action-RPG in a long line of similar titles. And Diablo 3 was a big success story for Blizzard, by the way.


    PS: A lot of forum users here (including me) are of the opinion that 7D2D should be in development as long as possible. Once it is finished there will be no new features coming (except for DLC and mods) and it will be at a dead end, just like the console version already is.

  19. Well Microsoft bought Undead Labs midpoint of State of decay 2. Also Microsoft promotes backward compatibility. People still buying old digital copies of 360 games for XBOX1. Yeah half million to one million is a lot of money a tiny indie company. But still heck at $30 for digital 7dtd going price now for XBOX1.


    Sell a half a million is what $15M? Scratch off the Microsoft/Sony cuts off the top. TFP still got a Brinks truck to back up to the bank. TFP need to think their long game. Not get blood in the water this gen and maybe fans gets salty and give the next port a bad name even if its bug free or not for XBOX2/PS5.


    Heck have a sale for $15 with a update and maybe swing for the fences and hope they sell a million copies or more. Million copies at $15 each still $15M then subtract the Microsoft/Sony fees and Iron Galaxy fees. Still money for Fun pimps to go full speed ahead and finish off PC version for gold.


    Then go on to 7DtD2 for next gen and PC. Yeah my idea is a lot of what ifs and a bit of luck for sales. But better then sitting on their hands and only going gold for PC and neglect this gen consoles. Even though this gen consoles probably help flip the bill for some of these PC updates.


    Isn't like TFP are eating Ramen noodle all week for years making this game. What are the sales figures for just PC? A few million copies sold or what? Steam says its $25 or $40 for PC version. After scrolling on the PC Steam page for 7dtd says 10 million copies were sold. So don't go saying TFP are flat broke. Even after Steam gets their cut. Then paying all TFP employees and their studio rent payments if they rent a place or own a building and utilities and what not. Don't tell me 10 million times whatever money they got with full price or sale prices. They could easily have $25M. They cant cough up a half a million or one million? Yeesh.


    Your guess is as good as mine. I would say they have well above 10 or 20 million in the bank, but dropping by 2 mil each year.


    Nowadays most copies are surely sold at steam sales. Like any other game on steam it keeps a nice full price so that it can be sold with big reductions. I remember it was reduced in the winter sale and just now (again, just a month later!) it is in a steam sale reduced by 66% for 8$. Just saying, the $23 is a marketing instrument and a pipe dream.


    They won't be scrounging the street for empty bottles ;-). I'm sure they could cough up the money if they decided to do the patch. But there is not only money involved, there is also a lot of work involved, work they didn't expect nor ever wanted. And especially not at this time when the PC version is getting finished and needs their attention.


    They definitely have more accurate numbers at their disposal. They surely have a lot better idea what to expect from steam or console sales. Since they don't leap at the chance to make a good impression with console players and make money as well, I would say they don't expect a positive balance from it and independent of any money concerns they want this additional task like one wants an appendix operation. And they probably looked deeply at the options and didn't like any of them.

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