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Posts posted by meganoth

  1. 1 hour ago, Xtrakicking said:

    This streamlining stravaganza sure is frightening...

    I don't care much about the streamlining of building, but I can't help but wonder what's next on the streamline list and where exactly will the line be drawn...

    The building changes are part UI improvement, part streamlining of materials. And I would assume the former is undeniably positive and without downsides.


    The latter is a two-sided coin. On the one hand it is safe to say that the majority of people will use the better variant of any material almost exclusively whenever they build something. I.e. they will always use reinforced concrete when building with concrete.

    So in this respect the removal of simple concrete is generally similar to the removal of wooden sticks even though in actual gameplay there are lots of small exceptions to the rule. I actually often think about upgrading specific blocks or not, while my 3 co-players deftly apply upgrades to everything in reach.


    Another difference is in POIs. Here we will loose a finer differentiation in buildings. I.e. when we are taking over POIs as bases there are weaker and sturdier stone buildings depending on the stone used. Or a building with lots of concrete still might need some upgrades but could be easier to adapt for a low level character (hacking away those stairs before nightfall takes a lot longer if the blocks have HPs doubled). Still, the impact is small


    In summary, as a long time player I don't like the removal of the material variants and it isn't just because I'm used to them. But I can live with the change.

  2. 8 hours ago, Brian9824 said:


    Just out of curiosity does that come with other balance changes like reduced zombie damage to higher tier blocks or increased hp?  The change would result in the higher tier blocks losing a massive amount of durability otherwise.  


    Occams Razor: If they just add up the hp of lower tier stages to higher tier stages they don't need to change anything else to keep the current balance (with a minor exception). If they don't they would need to waste hours of development time for a rebalance of everything else. 


    7 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

    @madmole What would you say about the fuel requirement for the chem station, forge, and campfire being removed? It adds no challenge and it just disrupts the flow. Sure it's realistic, but that doesn't help it from being an unnecessary extra step in my opinion. It's easy enough to gather wood for fuel anyway, so I don't see balance being an issue.


    A compromise could be that one of the mods you put into the workstations also reduces fuel use greatly. So once you have that you just need to put in say 100 or 500 wood and never need to add to it for the rest of the game.


    If you remove all resource sinks for wood, why is there even a need for steel fireaxe and chainsaw in the game? They would be the next to cut. 


  3. 7 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:


    This already exists. Go into DM mode, press Esc, and show structural integrity; it'll be one of the options shown to you. It'll all be in green; the darker the shade, the less structurally stable it is, if I'm not mistaken. Nonetheless it could be improved upon to use the more universal system - red, orange, yellow, green.


    If you can see any difference between the lighter and darker shade of green you either have a better graphics driver, monitor or better eyesight than me.



  4. 4 hours ago, kish123 said:

    I created an account on this forum after buying the game on xbox a few days ago because i'd googled the game & watched a couple youtube videos..  now none of these stated their was a difference in what i was watching and reading about in comparison to what i was paying for so therefore i do believe this to be scamming your customers. 
    this was irritation enough not only did i purchase it but so did two of my friends. 


    This is a valid concern and I don't understand why TFP does not make the effort to change the store pages to make it evident that the console version is a different version than what is available on PC. I can only assume that it isn't easy to do that, unlike Telltale TFP likely has no contacts to Sony and Microsoft at all. Still, they are owner now and there must be a way to update that store page.


    On the other hand there are some indications that there is a difference, the version on playstation is from 2016 and telltale is given as publisher. not TFP.  While youtube videos made by TFP are recent and talk about alphas and early access, which would not normally be sold on console (AFAIK). If you are refering to videos made by players, well, TFP obviously can't do anything about that.


    Still, the console store pages should have been updated with a warning a long time ago.




    Now the actual reason i made an account here is because after reading the forums i was disturbed by how the forum moderators speak to frustrated customers. an employee of the company or not, you're speaking to paying customers of that game... if you're not a people person, if you're not going to attempt to understand the frustration

    then maybe you need a different job.


    As a moderator my only job is to make sure people obey the forum rules. I'm not an employee of TFP, I don't get payed for this and I am speaking only for myself. Expect me and other moderators on this site to be as friendly or unfriendly as everyone else.



     will honestly never purchase a title that TFP release ever again, you have partitions that your supporters fought for you to take back control of the game, now a year or so later they voice their frustration with you and instead of hearing it, understanding it and apologising they feel this way your moderators across many threads attack customers and attempt to rip apart their statements. 

    Genuinely disappointing.  


    In my opionion TFP failed at informing console users on the console store pages and I have said this before.

    But most frustration and protests from console users comes from the fact that the console version will not be updated and a new version will have to wait for the PC version getting finished, and in my opinion TFP has enough reasons for doing exactly that.



  5. 54 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

    Hmm, i'm not sure if i'd say it that way. That's where i'd use "Schuß".

    However it is technically correct, because there is only one bullet in your revolver.... practically doesn't matter if the cartridge is still attached to the bullet.

    But if you ask someone to give you a bullet, it makes no sense if he hands you just a bullet. You need the whole cartridge including the bullet. ;)

    What are the chances that he makes the effort to remove the bullet from the cartridge so he can give you just a bullet ? 😉


  6. 1 hour ago, Liesel Weppen said:

    Interesting, i never thought about this, even if i know the difference. In english imho it's often called "bullet" if not in general named "ammunition".


    Thinking about it, in german i never name it bullet (Geschoss) nor cartridge (Patrone)... so in my mother language i'd never say literally translated "i'm out of bullets".... i always say "i'm out of ammunition" (and i'd also never say "i'm out of cartridges"). However, in english "i'm out of bullets" sounds acceptable for me... Is this commonly mixed up this way in english?


    In german if talking about amount of ammunition we also say "Schuß"... don't know if there is a specific translation but in general "Ich habe 20 Schuß" means "i can shot my weapon 20 times". That is independent of a weapon using cartridges or bullets (like the blunderbuss).

    Probably that is "rounds"? I have 20 rounds left?

    But it also common in German to say the equivalent of "bullet" ("Ich habe nur noch eine Kugel im Revolver") for smaller amounts of ammunition, while ammunition itself is often used when talking about it generally or for huge amounts. 

  7. 4 hours ago, Roland said:

    It's all concept art and preliminary modeling and design talk right now. I don't think any programmers are doing anything unless they are secretly doing something as a side project on their own time they hope to pitch later. That has actually happened with 7 Days to Die. Nothing being worked on for the next projects is stealing anyone away from 7 Days to Die and if you look at the new job descriptions they are for people who wouldn't be involved with 7 Days to Die anyway (Unreal Engine has nothing to do with 7 Days to Die). So none of it will slow down or impact this game's development in any way.

    But if the new people block the coffee machine, 7D2D developer#s time is wasted!!! 😉


    (a joke belonging to a different era)

  8. 3 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    Did you guys even watch most of the video??


    No. 7 minutes is not a short video in my book.


    3 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    At some point he (the player) jumps down and goes right behind some zeds, and they keep ignoring him and hitting the wall.

    Blake_ gave the best explanation IMO, but you guys ignoring the fact that the AI is not working very well doesn't help the game or faatal. :nono:


    Which is why I said "and only retarget if they actually have a path to you"

  9. 1 minute ago, MechanicalLens said:


    Then all the player would have to do is move from one side of their base to the other. Technically speaking though, this is already achievable - have multiple bases connected by bridges.

    Zombies don't need to change targets every few seconds. Their chances to destroy your structure increase anyway if they continue to hit blocks until destroyed (and only retarget if they actually have a path to you.


    If you have more real estate than the zombies can destroy in one horde night you haven't anything to fear anyway.



  10. 25 minutes ago, JCrook1028 said:

    Lmao. They dove give a f about me.... as they start pounding on his face. They are hitting the structure he is on just as much as the wall. When they can't get to you they will hit anything in sight. This guy has no clue what he's talking about.


    Exactly. The behaviour is as expected (they hit a random block if they can't reach you).


    On the other hand it could hint at a possible improvement to the AI to make it look more "intelligent". If Z wants to hit a block it should prefer blocks nearer to the player.


  11. 4 hours ago, skullpoker said:


    If that is the case, TFP should probably check out some MP servers. Many of them are beyond 1k days. They tend to only restart when their save is irreparably corrupted.

    Why? TFP is aware that the game is used in a lot of contexts for which they don't and can't balance and optimize for.

    They know that for example people play with more than 8 players or try 16k worlds. Or persistant worlds. But they stated repeatedly that that is outside their focus. And that moddability is there to allow people to do stuff outside the "vanilla range".


  12. 2 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

    No. They're going to finish the PC version of 7DTD. Though they have had plans for their next game for a few years now. The team has increased in size considerably since then, and with 7DTD nearing beta-testing and release soon™️, they can afford to split a couple of programmers off to start working on the base code for it in the relatively near future without affecting 7DTD development. (They're also hiring BTW, as previously mentioned.)


    I'm not seeing that they can afford to split of programmers "soon", they have too few of them at the moment. And usually it is designers who start pre-production on new games. I expect Madmole to be one of the first to switch over to a new game.



  13. 4 hours ago, pregnable said:


    Third rank, Nearby allies 10% less damage from all sources, take half damage from bleeding and stop bleeding twice as fast... Depending on how the damage reduction stacks, the 10% could break the game.  I could see an immortal team of sledge users abusing this, heh.  Might need tweaking. 


    "Depending on how the ..." 😎   Your "game-breaking" ability magically appears by your assuming that Gazz f** up royally and nobody noticed this even though this perk is in since A17.


    Lets assume it just removes 10% of the damage after everything else has been added and removed (as an example) and it becomes a nice present for everyone but nothing too OP


    4 hours ago, pregnable said:


    Rank 4, allies get +1 to ALL ATTRIBUTES when near you... lolwut... if you play with any kind of a large group, this is probably stupid strong. 


    Surely a large group won't stay together for long. If they do they waste a lot of their power because they constantly stand each other in the way. I already get this with 3 and definitely 4 players.


    4 hours ago, pregnable said:


    Lets say you only want to max out 2 main attributes, and that is all you care about... not only are you getting 6 levels worth of skill points, but for any you are wearing +1 gear for, you are also bypassing rank 9, as well as 10, getting another perk point. 


    Everyone can and usually does save the points of the last rank because of +1 gear, so this is not something that can count as wonderful advantage of the perk.


    And in this game (in vanilla) you are practically past any serious danger once you maxed out one attribute. Some people, especially builders, might play on for various reasons and incidentally level up other attributes, but that is just some sugar on top. You are already king of the hill at this point.


    Remember TFP is only concerned about vanilla. I don't think TFP balances or cares much about anything that happens long after a player has one attribute filled up. They surely expect most players or groups of players to restart at that point.



  14. 4 minutes ago, Reckis said:


    If it was just a rifle I wouldn't "whine", but even with three levels of stealth (sorry I don't remember the specific perk name atm) opening a cabinet, locker, or door draws an unreasonable amount of attention. As if my character can not learn how to do these things more quietly.

    Did you turn off your helmetlight? What did your stealth meter say? If it was at 40-60 you have not really been stealthy

    1 hour ago, pregnable said:


    In solo it is useless, in multiplayer it is too strong. 



    I do not have a problem with it, but I do not see the last rank of it sticking around.  Just curious about what the plans are for it. 


    If they really want to keep it in the state it is in, I will just abuse it in multiplayer for fun, when I am not going solo. 


    I do not really like using stuff that I think is going away though.

    Please tell us how you will abuse it. Do you want to save the 3 perk points for attribute level 10? That is nice but to stay at that level you have to follow your charismatic leader around all day. Most players would not want to do that and pay the points instead.


    At the time it would be most beneficial (right at the start of a nw game to get a forge right away for example) you don't have the attribute bonus anyway


  15. 1 hour ago, Blake_ said:

    That statement is like saying you love kids. It can be interpreted however we like, but we as human beings will be annoyed and ban Blake before hearing that you are a father and a great man. The same goes for a dev trying to explain that vehicles are OP in armour, free lights and balance/torque and should be balanced with a proper mod system. We should ban Blake nevertheless. To hell with Blake. 


    Roland, can I ban Blake now? Please, Roland, He said to ban him. Its only fair to ban him now. Please Roland, please. If not, can I ban someone else? I want to ban someone today. It's my turn now!







  16. 13 hours ago, Khalagar said:


    They can de-aggro, kind of. But it's WAY more based on distance than it is your stealth skills. If you just put 900 blocks between you and the zombie, yeah they will finally stop chasing you, but it's not reliable or even usable really. It's easier to just get them stuck on a janky piece of furniture than to escape via stealth (without just sprinting away)





    It's ALWAYS the lumberjack zombie that hears me and will tear through 400 concrete walls to find me in the middle of the shotgun messiah


    If you run for 900 blocks, then yes, it is because of distance, and yes, that is practically unusable. But then you are obviously not using stealth at all.


    That does not invalidate that others simply run a much smaller distance and disengage with stealth. (Sorry, yes, this is a get gud comment, from someone who shouldn't because he died 4 times on day 1 in a newly started game because he couldn't adjust to reliably fight with a lvl1 club. Don't ask).


    12 hours ago, wolfbain5 said:

    I am actually hoping they just fix the trees in stealth. in a party with my wife, I am in the attic, she is 2 km away, she chops down a baby pine tree, and my stealth meter goes to 100? that is just wrong


    The game seems to have a lot of strange failure modes. I never have observed this in my MP games. Do you use mods? If not you might create a bug report


  17. 12 minutes ago, Blake_ said:

    That is correct (both of your statements). They do disengage in a wonky way if you happen to be both skilled and lucky. Yet as you noted,  that behaviour needs to be well done, solid, balanced and reliable even in crazy situations. Right now is wonky (more so if they run, in that case I should call it useless ) and it just makes you feel like stealth is doing absolutely nothing VS your ability to run for your life without it. 

    I can't say anthing about the situation when they don't run as I did test it only with a high level character WITH running zombies.

    In the weapon factory though, so lots of space to get a decent lead before you try to restealth. I can imagine it getting dicy if you are doing this in a labyrinth of small corridors and rooms.





  18. 5 hours ago, Blake_ said:

    Once they see you they won't unsee you.

    Wrong. It just doesn't work reliably. So if you ran and hid and some zombie still sees you you have to do it again. You can increase your chances greatly if you throw a small stone back into the general direction of the zombies after hiding.


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