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Posts posted by meganoth

  1. 6 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    I think it better to first add a lot of stuff : guns , armors type of zombies etc , in next alpha bandits and focus what players saying like : katanas are too op on zombies but it so bad against bandits etc. And focuse on balance in next alpha  ( something like betatesting ) knowing what is wrong, When they add bandits first and more weapons next this forcing them to make balansce twice  

    TFP already announced that the weapons are complete once pipe weapons are in. New weapons would not bring any variation to the game, just the same gun in different skins.



  2. 3 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    Have you any info about new zombies variants?

    No, I don't have any inside info. And the new zombies they were talking about until now seem to be all out now (just today they showed the new cop model).


  3. 3 hours ago, Kosiam said:

    Thanks for the suggestion on modding. I have begun the journey and it is quite daunting but I will get there eventually.



    Congratulations on being a super player! Most of us can not reliably head shot *moving* and sometimes *jerking* targets and inevitably boom, base f'd. Your method does sound fun but when more than half the time at least 1 demo goes boom and then you have to either die or log does not equal fun. You imply I should consider you and your desires, but my friends and my desires do not make sense at all.

    Distribute the players so the demo is able to run between your positions. Always only shot the demo in the back. If he starts to bleep, shoot him with all you got.

    If you got demos you also should be able to produce steel. And steel is able to withstand one demo exploding. Two blocks of steel withstand two demos exploding.


  4. 8 hours ago, Kalex said:

    IF they ever switched to the Unreal engine, that would be the last I played of the game. I can't stand the client tethering to the host in co-op that unreal pushes

    What do you mean by that? I couldn't find anything special about Unreals client server model in the net. Also nothing in this official doc about the client-server model:




    30 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:


    My money is it's Navezgane.

    The twitter text specifically says it is showing off RWG.

  5. 1 hour ago, Yark said:


    It is laziness though. If you've ever worked with a person who felt that the job he or she was doing was "good enough" despite not being done well, then you know about what we're dealing with here. The fact that the quest location names haven't been corrected doesn't ruin the game, but it does communicate very clearly that the development team really does not care. ...


    The quest location names show that this is unfinished software in development (in contrast to a service game for example). Unfinished features, unbalanced parts and bugs, that is EA (Early Access). Because with EA you can peek into development. But you don't decide the priorities


    If you could play games from AAA companies before release you would see exactly the same or worse unfinished heap of software. Oh wait, just look at cyberpunk 2077 for a recent game that shows how a game might look in a state of development. Sure, that doesn't count as an excuse when a game was released, but THIS game is not released yet.


    Whether you like that or not, whether you blame the rules of EA generally or TFP specifically for this, I don't see it likely that the devs will change their development model for you. I also don't think there will be any change in development speed as the only way to do so would be to hire lots of people, half of them for speeding up development and the other half to make up for the delay of getting all of them up to speed on the code. In software development this is done only in emergency situations.


    I'm pretty sure you will still not be pleased by the progress when you come back in a year. Maybe you can even just copy your current complaint post and repost it verbatim. 😉






  6. 5 hours ago, poohl4d said:

    I know 7 has a native linux build, but where Microsoft ones eac there's no build for linux or mac anymore.


    You can turn on eac in the game launcher. When you start the game from steam it automatically asks you whether it should launch the game directly or the launcher.


  7. 10 hours ago, Roland said:


    Why have a dozen different outfit choices if they are all bland enough and samey enough that it just doesn't really matter what you're wearing? Strong bonuses that influence different aspects of the game make the outfits exciting and unique. Sure...some will feel forced to have to swap outfits before they do anything because they can't bear to do something at less than the maximum possible ability and then they will complain about the constant outfit swapping. That can be mitigated by making the outfit swapping process fast and easy. I would rather see an abstracted instant change than see all the outfits be just differently skinned versions of the same basic advantages just so some people won't feel compelled to swap clothes.


    The best choices are the ones you have to stick to.


    One idea someone presented was a cooldown, another would be that all bonuses would be needed at the same time. For example they could all be useful while scavenging (poi clearing, what you find in loot, running speed, armor)


    But the example with the farmer outfit is quite the other way round. Lets say it is a bonus to harvest result just like the LotL perk has. Since you get more you need to harvest less often. And switching the outfit is clearly less time waste than one more produce per plant would save you.


    If harvesting were a fun activity I would laugh as well and chant with you "Look at the idiots who destroy their fun with meaningless chores". Instead this is replacing chore with faster chore. I know what I will do.


  8. 1 hour ago, Matt115 said:

    They are not lazy - I agree with you. But 2 new projects? this rly bad idea. This is bad for cd projekt or CI . TFP is small studio. Making a few project at this same time is good for EA or SEGA ( well prop for saga - they can use assest from previouse games.) Even Call of duty is creating by 3 studios -  1 game one studio ( with small examples sometimes even 3 was working one game) . In Poland we have for example for example TV GRY channel and TFP have opinion that they make game forever and can't go even to beta. So another 2 project in my opionion can be PR mistake. What I suggest? Just  make alpha 20 last alpha , make 2 - 3 beta in 3 years and then - 1.0 .

    And only then started making new idea. Ofc have ideas for future is good , but first just end with one game . Or do something like with Conan Exiles - alpha 20 change into 1.0 - do 2 big 5 $ DLC and start making something new


    In my opinion make something like 7dtd with diffrent setting can make a profit - for example. Fantasy - some mechanic can just be pasted. Zombies in both games etc.  

    Another idea could be something like A plague tale or  Paradise lost (  NOT A POSTAL DLC I MEAN ALTWW2 GAME) - 2 teens try go somewhere in 7dtd universum. It will allow to save time to making assets and some animations right?


    You listed some game companies who (to the public) only work on one title at a time. Are you really sure CD Project wasn't doing some cyberproject while finishing the witcher? Did the whole development team of CD Project work exclusively on the witcher card game?


    I give you two companies who do it very much like TFP and pipeline their development: InXile and Obsidian.


    Pipelining means that the game designers already work on a new project when their tasks on the older project are practically finished. In the next phase graphics artists for example change over when everything has been drawn that will be used in the older project. Meanwhile programmers and some other people like level designers still finish up the older project and mainly fix bugs or polish balance.


  9. 6 hours ago, Skuriles said:

    I love 7DTD, it is beside CIV games and some MMOs the only game I have several 100s of hours played. 
    BUT, I remember the discussion around A15/A16 when it took nearly 1,5 years for a new alpha, and from TFP it was stated, that it takes so long, because they implement a system which allows them to work on the project faster for future alphas. What happened: Every new alpha took as long as the old ones (between 6-15 months). 
    I can live with that, but don't understand what system was implemented to speed up the development to end up with slower release cycles :-).

    But as I'm a developer myself I understand that, and the fact that TFP is working on another project, while 7DTD has still real good sales counts (so money should not be the problem) it will probably take another 2 years to get it gold (or never will be out of EA, who knows). 


    I check out other games or mods and as soon as new alpha drops in, I will check it out. So I will not spend any more time to think about "why is there no new alpha", but just going to enjoy other stuff.

    I would suspect good intentions clashed with reality. If you are a developer yourself you probably already know the only safe way to get faster updates while developing lots of big and small features: Use a revision control system and put every new feature in its own branch.


    Now in theory that is all you need. In practice things are not so easy. Features sometimes depend on other lower-level features.  And some devs just can't adapt and always forget to make new branches for new features. And invariably the biggest features are also the ones everyone wants to be in the new alpha.


    Everything just guessing by the way, I don't have any more knowledge about internal stuff than you.



    2 hours ago, Natanis_Likens said:

    4.  Horde Night.  Only saw this once and it left me just wondering what the hell happened, what happened is this I'm securing a pre-fab house to be my horde base.  On my third(??) horde night a bunch of zombies spawned inside my horde base killing me very quickly.  I did check around to see if they broke into the third floor... nope.  They spawned there... not sure why.  After wards... NO Zombies spawned and tracked me down for an easy kill... again not sure why.  This happened early in the horde night so I should have been swarmed based on my past experience with the game... nope, didn't happen.


    This is intentional to have players not get into a death-loop if their horde base is overrun early in the night. If you are killed in horde night, horde night zombies will not spawn again except if you make noise and some normal zombie notices you.


    2 hours ago, Natanis_Likens said:

    2. Inventory... ok I really hate what you have done with the inventory as well.  Could you not have kept it the same and then have the mods add extra spaces instead of blocking off those spaces and using mods such as pockets to add those back???  This was super frustrating to realize my old inventory space was no reduced by almost half.  Kind of like a pay to win kind of thing that I'm not fond of.


    What are you talking about? Inventory is fully usable from the start, you are just getting very slow if you overburden yourself and use the "overweight" slots.


  11. 2 hours ago, Natanis_Likens said:

    Yet, here I am coming towards the 5th or 6th horde night and I'm still using Stone Tools or Primitive weapons simply because the RNG game me a lvl 6 Stone Axe, Lvl 6 Stone Sledgehammer, lvl 5 Stone Shovel, and a lvl 6 Primitive Bow. 

    If you are still getting stone tools on the 5th horde night it means you are very slow in leveling up. Typical players find iron tools around the second horde night I would guess. I'm not at all saying you are doing anything wrong, it is just that the game adapts to your speed of progress and if you take your time, so does the game.


    I suspect that you have not done many quests. Doing so will speed up your progress.


    The game is hard for new players. And practically you are one since you have stopped playing for a long time and lots of mechanisms have changed meanwhile.



    2 hours ago, Natanis_Likens said:

    Where's the old system of upgrading a weapon based on finding better parts for said weapon???


    Irreversibly gone. Just saying this, the devs made it clear that the game like it is now will be in large parts the game that will be released. You are free to tell them you don't like it but things like this will not change anymore. The devs are happy with it and they seemed to have reasons to ditch the old system.



  12. 2 hours ago, Natanis_Likens said:

    but out the door... good luck not starving to death.   This means that per day you need roughly 35-45 raw meat... it's not hard to get... but the fact is that's PER IN GAME DAY


    Yes, the first days in this game are very much about getting food. Especially new players will have a hard time and suspect this is poorly balanced. But as soon as you learn where all the places are to get food it becomes much more manageable and 2 in-game weeks later your food problem is solved. Here are a few tips if you want to be spoilered:


    1) At the start of the game:

    Do lots of buried treasure quests (gives you cans of food and food recipes).

    Buy cans of food from the machine in the trader compound.

    Raid kitchens.

    Do not always run, especially not in heavy armor, do not immediately start mining extensively, get materials from buildings instead. Do not run when you are using the "overweight" slots (instead scrap early scrap often and use chests in the street to collect stuff you can't carry).

    2) Start early to build farm plots, get a farm going so you can make better food as soon as possible. One point into the farming perk in Fortitude is always a good idea as it doubles the output of your farm.


  13. 1 hour ago, Natanis_Likens said:

    For those that don't know a good example would be grilled meat.  First off you need a @%$#ing perk for it (never mind the fact that you need a cooking grill in order to make this... which depending on RNG is either easy or super hard to get OR you can make them... but guess what... you need a @%$#ing perk first). 


    You can also find the recipe for grilled meat by scavening or buy it from the trader. The perk is there if you don't trust your luck. Granted  one point into the cooking perk isn't a bad way to start a game, but you get 4 free perk points after your tutorial quests. (I myself usually don't put a point there as I find a lot of food recipes in early game)


    The cooking grill is rather trivial to get if you scavenge a few kitchens for food. Scavenging kitchens at the start of the game is advisable anyway because food is a scarce resource at start.


    Also one point into the perk that allows you to build a forge is also a good investment that allows you to build the grill yourself. Or try to find a working forge in a trader or in a building, or get lucky and find the forge recipe in a broken forge. There are lots of ways to get that stuff, you just have to find out what's best for you.


  14. Moved this thread to the correct forum part, it was posted in the console section.


    Generally devs have said they don't have time to read such huge posts, if at all they might skim it. You probably should read the first post in the dev diary first as at least one of your wishes is already announced as being implemented. No need to ask for already announced features.


    The cosmetic slot for bicycles is there in preparation for full vehicle mods and with that feature fully implemented the color will change with the dye.


    Check out the first post in the dev diary, everything expected to be in A20 or A21 is listed there:


    1 hour ago, Natanis_Likens said:

    pick a freaking weapon that will be your main and grind nothing but that Attribute in order to use that weapon effectively... oh but you want to make that weapon... well that's under a different @%$#ing attribute and perk all to gather. 


    Where did you see that? Maybe put some points into YOUR perception perk 😁. (Sorry, cheap joke).

    Actually the perk that improves your weapon damage and the perk for crafting better versions of it are the same.


  15. 2 hours ago, starscream said:


    as you can see from my picture, i've already taken the mods out to take the screenshot. putting the mods back in only increases the damage as mods do.

    i've also switched between explosive arrows and iron arrows without having any effect on the base damage.


    the thing is, i don't remember if the damage was so high when i first found it or if it glitched into high damage afterwards and i didn't notice. the only reason i noticed is because i was looking for a replacement and i couldn't find anything with higher damage than that primitive bow. lol.


    i wonder if it was some interaction with the candy that increases ranged damage...

    I suggested removing or adding mods because it unloads the weapon. With ranged weapons you usually see the damage of weapon + ammo, both have damage values. If you unload a weapon you see only the weapon damage. 


    It doesn't matter that the damage also changes slightly since we are looking for big changes

  16. 4 hours ago, bachgaman said:


    I wonder if you'd be happy with any game or still a collective opinion set the game to your expectations? After all, as I understand it, most of you are so happy that you don't see a problem even in a treasure hunter



    Yes, there is a problem with treasure hunter and I assume players will very seldom perk into it. So why is it still this way? (What follows is a bit second-hand info and mostly speculation)


    1) Because the lead designer didn't play Perception yet, perception as a whole isn't yet balanced. And no, they don't have much problems with leaving unfinished parts lying around.

    2) Because perception is balanced as a whole, i.e. even at release Treasure Hunter may be a dud because other parts of perception are just too good (I consider this not really likely though)

    3) Because the game is partly a sandbox, so some perks might just be kept in the game to fill some playstyle/role people might want to play.

    4) Because Treasure Hunter might have been the best idea they had at the time to fill the perk list, a fitting perk for perception, a prototype. It might mean it will eventually be enhanced or maybe it will be replaced.

    5) Because even if it is a rather worthless perk it doesn't really hinder people playing the game (everyone is free to ignore it), while for example performance problems hinder players with minimum specc PC massively. There are simply other priorities.



  17. 13 minutes ago, bachgaman said:

    Unfortunately, I'm not attracted much to non-original content

    By the way, if the game were too difficult for people like you, you could find a mod making the game easier. Would you like this?

    I know. Why? 
    Another problem with the gamedesign is that difficulty only increases number of shots at zombies to kill. This is an important task for developers, so instead of working on new poorly functioning content, they should adjust old poorly functioning content

    But the community requires them to have new pictures instead of properly configured digits


    requires them? I'm not aware of the community having a significant influence on the priorities of the developers. EA (at least in this case) is "watch and experience the game while it is developed" not "you design the game, the devs do it".


    13 minutes ago, bachgaman said:

    Even if so. This could be one of the components of the right "difficulty." Why not? Do you really think it's harder to implement this than to create active NPC groups (I'm talking about bandits)? I think the development of thugs is worth several hundred similar changes


    And in general, if you weaken the OP mechanics and strengthen weak worthless mechanics, nothing will change in general, but it will become more interesting to play


  18. I have occasionally seen weapons with far out damage values too. It definitely is a hard to replicate bug. It may have to do with ammo calculation as I don't remember ever having seen this on melee weapons AND I think I remember the damage goes back to normal if you add mods (because it unloads the bow) or change the ammo.


    @starscream If you can, make a backup of the savegame, then change the ammo (while writing down which ammo is loaded) and add or remove mods. See if it makes the bow normal again.


    If on the other hand you can change ammo and add a mod and it still shows high damage values it would prove that the bows base damage has the wrong value not the ammo.

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