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Posts posted by meganoth

  1. 1 hour ago, Liesel Weppen said:

    I think you didn't understand my post completely. ;)

    I'm a little ambivalent about this, because


    on the one hand i assume that would be an (technically) easy change and easy to add as an option and my general opinion is "if people want to "break" their game, let them do so".


    on the other hand the game IS completely unbalanced if time keeps running. So you are requesting a change that is completely against on how the game is supposed to work. But the devs understandably follow a plan on how the game should work and don't care for corner case settings like your request, especially if this change breaks basically everything.


    But because this should be a very little change, i assume one of the dev should be able to "implement" this easily in (far) less than 1 hour of work. Pretty sure it's just remove the check that stops the time if no player is online from the source... done... If my assumption is correct, for gods sake simply add that f*cking option. Wasted 3 hours of discussion and probably even more thinking about it for a change that takes only 10 minutes.

    Maybe someone can even disassemble the binary, find the correct jump instruction, hex-edit it to "jump not"... could probably work. 🤣


    It isn't only about the potential 10 minutes it costs to add such a switch into the game even though it is more like a few hours of work:

    1) The dev needs to add the option flag to the code,

    2) then add the option to serverconfig.xml,

    2a) and make sure the parser for serverconfig.xml recognizes the option

    3) then add the option to the GUI (with all the problems of formatting and moving stuff around so it looks good again)

    3a) and add the boiler plate code that handles the new GUI option

    4) then add a few lines of code that let the timer run on if that flag is set (this step is probably the smallest part in it).

    5) Then test that setup, potentially correcting any bugs (which are bound to crop up because with so many steps in so many different parts of the total code base a mistake or omission is very likely)


    It is also about the GUI real estate that the option occupies. Most developers want single-page non-scrolling options and not too many tabs. This option potentially competes with lots of other sensible options people were asking for that want to be on that option page


    It is also that any option that gets added adds at least one new test case and one mode of operation the devs and testers of the game have to check upon and support. If we look at permutation of options, it even doubles that number.


    It is one of the most common misconceptions of non-programmers to underestimate the work necessary to support options.



  2. 2 hours ago, Kadigan KS-b said:

    ... Also, my server runs on Linux. From what I can tell, getting the client to run on Linux is still a headache, and it could very well make the minimum requirements higher....


    Buying a second copy just for this is not a sensible suggestion, no question about that. But the reason above has no foundation. While there may be slightly less FPS on average on linux and there are sometimes graphical bugs because of GPU driver differences, support for linux has been exemplary on the whole. I have been playing since A15, on linux, and never needed to skip a day playing the vanilla game. Mods sometimes create problems, but never vanilla.


    Developers are very hesistant to add options. The chance that this option will be added because of your problem is pretty slim as creative mode is easily able to simulate this: Make a writable storage box and write "forge" on it. Whenever you need forged iron, take a stack of scrap iron out of it and drop it on the floor. Add a corresponding stack of forged iron from cm. Voila, the instant forge.


    By the way, the forge seems to get an overhaul in A20 or A21, with the smelting phase being removed. It could make modding of the production times easier.




  3. 21 hours ago, Kyonshi said:

    I dunno if you're trolling me, but ill assume you're not and wanna have a discussion about it :)


    Not trolling, but I can get on peoples nerves 😉



    Again, 28 Days Later infected people are not zombies and this isnt from me ; they visibly dont die and this is easily noticeable. They just get infected, throw up blood and get uber-@%$#ed off. They dont raise from a dead state once killed. That's the setting that's been established. I guess that should be clear by now.


    My point was that, whether they are dead or infected or whatever else, I call them zombies and I call "28 days later" a zombie movie. Many other people do too.


    It is fine if you don't want to call them zombies, but then you probably should not view the things running around in 7D2D as zombies. Because that makes you infer "facts" that don't seem to be true in the game.




    This isnt about being a Romero purist, im not fighting a "war".


    No, didn't think so. I was just saying that as a historical context. At least since the remake "Day of the Dawn" movie came out the name "zombie" was used more and more loosely for everything that had enough in common with a zombie to be called a zombie by the general public.


    EDIT: Ooops, it was "Dawn of the Dead", not "Day of the Dawn".




    In fact, 7DtD zombies drifts considerably from the references Romero established. There's some of them who run like they're on steroids, notably Ferals and Blood Moon zombies. Romero's ones just shamble. They also dont die from a single headshot, like you said. But i assume its a game design decision to give them more fortitude because otherwise, as soon as you'd get a simple Pistol, all you'd have to do is to shoot a single bullet to any of them since the Beretta has enough firepower to do so. The game would get pretty boring. Same thing with regenerative zombies (the radioactive type); game design decision and not a Romero element (as far as i know).


    We are dealing with zombies in this game and whether the devs take some liberties, or not, here and there, there's a base reference which upon the creatures and based and... its zombies. Not ghosts, not werewolves, not leprechauns. I mean you have to gravitate close to the references at least. If im playing Phasmophobia, im expecting to hunt ghosts that behave like ghosts and if the devs tell me that i have to shoot them in the head to neutralize them, or stab them in the heart with a stake, does that make sense? No. Ill probably still play, but we all know its senseless.


    That's all im saying about zombies dying out of excessive blood loss, because it doesnt make sense, if we're being purely technical. Twist and shift it any way you want, it doesnt : they dont have working cardiac system, their blood is useless to them. Now i dont have a problem with that, as i mentioned earlier. The only thing that prevents me from using Blades is the XP bug, not the fact that zombies bleed out. Im not outraged, i wont harass the Pimps to change this, im not at war. They wanna take this liberty, ill roll with it. The only thing that bugs me is people who come in and say anything can be done because zombies are fictional... I guess we can have satanical unicorns doing ballet with miniguns during the Blood Moon then? Doesnt matter, right? Its not "real"! 😄


  4. 17 minutes ago, Kyonshi said:

    Yeah, that's also what grinds my gear. I stopped using katanas (at least until this gets fixed) because of that. But they always give me XP when dying from fire though.


    And another thing that grinds that same gear : people who say "well zombies arent real so they can bleed and anything can happen with them!" and what not.


    You dont say?? They are not real?! Of course they're not... 🙄 But they are in 7DtD and they're considered people who died and for some reason, woke up from their dead state and wander around to kill and eat people – the common walking dead thrope, you know. So they're not alive like us and therefore dont regenerate. And regeneration process needs blood flow and they dont have this either. So they cant bleed out, even less those who died from bleeding out while they were still human. And before someone says so, no, the creatures from 28 Weeks Later are not zombies, they're still alive and can bleed out and die.


    Now the Pimps make them die from bleeding out. Alright, that's how they want it, ill roll with it. But im curious to know how many of us thought at first that the bleeding DoT was only affecting other human players only and didnt bother using blades against zombies because it didnt make sense for them to die from bleeding out? 😉 I know i didnt used those for a looong time until i was bored and started using a katana, just to be surprised that they were strangely affected by that.


    Expectations come from lore and other games but no game designer is forced to adhere to them. Romero purists may differ but they have lost the war long ago.


    Did you expect the zombies to be killed always with one headshot? Were you shocked when they ran? Where is the previous lore for the blood moon and exploding cops ? Why are the innards of an exploded cop red? If the theory doesn't fit the facts you have to change the theory, not the facts.


    You say they don't regenerate? In 7D2D that may be true for their skin, but a lot of them regenerate health quite drastically. How does that fit your theory? The theory where you selected some rule from other movies or games and presented that as fact for this game ("they died and for some reason, woke up").


    When you say "28 days later" zombies are not zombies to you, then I suspect that neither the 7D2d zombies are really zombies by your definition. Case in point, they bleed 😁








  5. Your picture link doesn't work. You can upload pictures into this forum and show them, read the editor hints below the edit window


    If your question is why nobody wants your models, well, there is a trust issue. There are scammers who try to trick people into using their stuff (using a fake identiy) and then accuse them of stealing and then ask for compensation. Trust can only be built up over time.


    If your question is a technical one you really should add more information. What you were doing, the xml code you used, what files you changed, the error messages you get...

    The more details you provide the better.



  6. I usually build a central pillar 3x1 with a staircase winding around it to reach resources at any height. And keep  a ceiling of >5 blocks height, so blotches of sand in there are supported by blotches of resource and stone. Except for a small entrance on a side.


    I might add smaller pillars sometimes, but on the whole I never had a cave-in of the ceiling with often just this one central pillar.


    3x1 because this makes it easy to dig under one block of the pillar and fill it up with wood again without momentarily loosing stability, even if I remove one block too much.




  7. On 5/8/2021 at 6:38 AM, 7daysexpert said:

    from a pesonal stand point and logical stand point bleeding wounds should only wok on other players it shouldnt work on zombies at all as they are already dead so they cant technically bleed


    Technically and logically they are not at all dead as they are still moving around and reacting to the world. Technically and logically they can't exist so you don't even need weapons and armor in this game. Just try it, those zombies must be illusions 😉. Maybe your character in the game ate some halluzinatory drug and has a fever dream now 😁


    Unless you present me with a convincing theory of what exactly they are and how their muscles work without blood etc. (which I'm pretty sure you can't) anything is possible. Your theory and any theory ever posted on these forums is pure nonsense deduced from nonsense facts.


  8. Everything points to your player files on the server being damaged. The only other small potential problem flags I have seen are a 12k world and that you had to connect with SteamNetworking which tends to be a common thing whenever people report network problems.


    Could you ask the server admin to make a copy of and delete your player files again on the server. Since you only mention the ttp files, please tell him to also remove the .map file for your character and edit players.xml to remove the part with your player id.

    And you should, at the same time, delete your local cache stuff in Appdata/SavesLocal.


    Then connect to the server. If the problem happens again, let the server admin send you the newly created player files so you can publish them on the forum. I think a TFP tester should then be able to find out what is wrong with your character data and get a lead on this bug.

    If the problem goes away, I would want to know the lines deleted from players.xml at least, maybe they give a hint to the cause.


  9. 10 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    Question should be :  why do people want to put zombie children in zombie games.

    And there answer is : because it is logical. In days gone you have newts , You need too kill them? Sometimes sometimes not it depends on sitation. That's why attacking witch in l4d2 is in most situation bad idea but is some of them is neccesary ( if she respawned in doors). That's way in re2 you don't kill most zombies - you need to saving ammo. So your question is only half correct . I want to add into for example executing a bandits to get better situation in city in mount and blade. They are kids in this game too. Most of them are just npc in cities. Want i could kill farmes with children? Nope. But if they decide to make a mount and blade 2 into game of throne when you do whatever you want to take a crown. You can execute lords so they children are dangerous too. That's why lord Tywin Lannister ordered to kill some children right? Or using them like "cards". So if they want to make a game of throne it should be option to be cruel as tywin or heroic like Robb. But if they decide to create mount and blade 2 in  something like "king Artur" kiling lords okay it fit but exectuting children shoudn't be a option. That's way zombie children can have place in 7dtd or world war z because they are trying to have "realistic " setting . But they don't fit in dead rising 4 or nza. 

    I can agree - it can be matur without being unreaslic. For example painkiller - it looking very ... specific  i guess? And you can find skeletons, zombie crusader ( a lot of them were bad guys so it have sens.) bad scietntist( logical well a lot of doctors were bad) , drunkers ( i don't need to explain) , russian zombie solders ( this was rly controversial in russia) or... bad kids ( killer boy with knife and buring girl) in orphanage . Painkiller looks  ironical and serious in this same time - bad clown in park , prisoners in prisons, bad cop in riot. 

    So it is neccesary how they implement everything in my opionion 



    When was the last time you asked for a zombie old man / pensioner ? It is logical



  10. 20 hours ago, Kyonshi said:

    Newspaper pages on the ground seem to point out to an aggressive strain of flu that decimated the population and most probably turned people into the walking corpses we now fight against. So if anything, the viral cause may be the main lead for zombification. Now, what's the origin of this strain? That remains to be seen. But so far, we clearly have classic, shambling zombies.


    We still need to explain the origin of the special zombies, like the acid-spitting Cop, the Screamer and the super-zombie wraith or wight or whatever's the name (i dont remember rn). And also who puts the explosive charges on the Demos.


    The Cop seems to be a mutation. So we could put this on effects of radioactivity. The Screamer seems to also have been affected in such way. Or we could also consider scientific experimentation on her (she's wearing a gown that's similar to those worn by people going to surgery room). The Wight seems to have developed super speed and fortitude from the radioactivity or is also a result of unorthodox experiements.


    Nothing indicates a supernatural cause like necromancy, or anything related to some occult and esoteric forces. So i guess we would have to rule this out. Still, the way Blood Moons affect zombies is actually very strange and this doesnt seem to be natural...


    In the middle ages viruses, epidemics and even chance was explained by the supernatural, witches, the devil, religion... Because the scientific explanation was far out of reach


    The times they are a changing and science and the supernatural has switched places


    Nowadays science is the explanation for everything and no scientist or journalist in his right senses would attribute Covid to a witch.

    Any supernatural epidemic would be explained by a scientific theory, missing pieces relegated to further research. Naturally the zombie plague must have been caused by a virus or radioactive mutation, whatever theory fits the facts better at the moment.



  11. 11 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

    ture ture. but...

    Comeone! your telling me you would not want madmole to make a hub cap launcher to cut them zombies legs off.

    plus they can get wacky with weapons. 

    but i do understand
    (flamethrower would still be sexy though)

    I'm all for wacky. But what you suggested in your post were a "Spike rifle or a Junk rifle" and now flamethrower. Sorry to say this, but none of those weapons are really wacky. In actual handling a spike/junk rifle would be just a normal rifle, only ammo production would be slightly different. 


    A hub cap mine launcher on the other hand would be a welcome addition to the INT line of weapons.


    I like that INT plays so differently and people have to actually find out that they have to use guns from other attributes to get the most out of INT.



    3 hours ago, Aldranon said:

    That attributes are directly connected to specific weapons could use a relook and sanity check.


    The fallout system did a pretty good job of making all attributes useful without hard linking them to a specific weapon type. 


    I still don't understand why TFP went the way they did. 

    The fallout system is so free you play it once until you have every skill maxed or until you played your favourite combo to death, then you have done everything the system offers. TFPs is an open class system that invites replays with a different perk focus. I don't want a fallout clone personally. Even though I liked fallout 3, I only played it once. Fallout 3's strong points are the quests, whithout them you get the desaster that was fallout 76.



  12. 2 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    This is something else : if i good remember voice acting is rly expensive. So "men" in this meaning can be recognized like homo sapiens . So in diffrent language it easier to translate it to something neutral - in english man mean race like man elf and  dwarf and gender male/female in polish for example you can say " kup to człowieku!" you can translate it as " buy it man" but you woudn't know a gender of this person.  But what i mean is that TFP isn't treyarch so they can just hire someone and create a lot of voice line - you need to record it well and implement it without bugs. They just need to focus on RWG ,fixing bugs etc so they don't have time to polishing  small details yey


    Sure. But voice recording can happen at any time parallel to any work done on RWG, different people are involved in those tasks. And for TFP there is no immediate pressure to fix a new bug if it isn't critical. So it may get fixed eventually but I would rather bet on winning the lottery than on this bug being already fixed in A20 😉.

  13. 15 minutes ago, bachgaman said:

    I agree

    The thing is, my "masculine" character isn't really male, he's transgender. Transvestite. And I'd like to see him treated with "it." Why does this @%$#ing white male hetero merchant allow himself these sexist statements calling me a man?? I'm offended by that. I demand that the merchant be removed. And want steal a tape recorder from his shop

    Well, but that is an omission in the character menue already because there is no option to select transgender there. Whatever you think your toon is really male.


    But there is a secret recipe in the game to chemically change your toon. You can find it if you wrench up a few mines.

  14. 5 hours ago, bachgaman said:

    Yes, that's the main problem of the game. I would also add that the game lacks a afro-american merchant and a transvestite

    While some people get triggered by any mention of other sexes nowadays, addressing a toon wrongly is a simple bug just like the wrong spelling of an ingame item or calling all guns pistols in the perk menue would be.

    3 minutes ago, Kooyla said:

    I mean they could just remove the male specific stuff when you are a female character. That's a good idea, about the bug report. Where do you go to do that?

    Would that be possible without making the sentences sound wrong? I didn't look up which sentences need treatment so I don't know.


    You can make bug reports by using the link in green on top of the forum page. Then follow the instructions there, except you don't need to add logfiles or be all too specific about your hardware. But probably a list of all critical sentences you noticed might be helpful.


  15. 6 hours ago, Kooyla said:

    I'm a fan of the game, been playing for years. My request is that the traders recognize the fact that I am not a man. It's frustrating being called man all the time.

    If you want you can make a bug report so they don't forget it. Whether it will get fixed probably depends on whether they can hire the same speakers to add new lines.

  16. 5 hours ago, TWORDY said:

    I see there is some sort of dose of confusion around 😦.



    I mentioned ammo types also back in the day, and mods (solely I had a pistol, shotgun, rifle, etc. on mind but devs went further and mods are available for tools also). I am rather satisfied with the presence of mods in the game, but implementation is the other part of the story that would require a long essay on the website.


    Going back to the new/old system. Some huge companies experiment with progression and unlocking systems. I would rather not openly mention for my own were some of the ideas come from, but if You don't know what is all about, it's certainly a business model in the first place.


    I don't know why you make a secret out of it, ideas luckily are still not protectable by patents or copyright.


    5 hours ago, TWORDY said:



    Currently, companies put some effort into giving more freedom when it comes to progression or player specialization. This should not be a secret, especially if some of the mods deal with that. Most successful games and iterations are actually mods created by private people if someone doesn`t know the history of the gaming industry.


    I would disagree. There are some notable subgenre ideas or concepts that started as a mod, the League-of-Legends and battle royales and a handful others, but for each of them I can list two concepts that started as an indie game. For example the 4 subgenres which were started by Minecraft, Dwarf Fortress, Factorio and Slay the Spire.



    5 hours ago, TWORDY said:

    So to make things clear so there are no misconceptions, I never asked for 5 grand perks as specializations. What I had in mind back then was assigning earned points into the ability so the players would not have to repeatedly craft items in order to progress - that was not solely my own conception, including some of the other guys in the forum behind it.


    Right now I believe that splitting entire abilities might slightly improve progression also so the weapons, tool progression might be completely independent in some sense. Pretty much as Health, Stamina, Stealth, Influence Perks, Mechanical skills, You name it. But without at least 3 concepts with graphical representation, it's hard to quantify this type of progression, which is exactly the same as the current one (yes exactly), but the only difference is in more direct access to those abilities - without 5 grand-perks watching over them. Making some of the abilities faster to progress in, easily available (gating by more point requirements), so here players could experience some sense of progression also.


    My "mathematical sense" had a heart attack when you said this 😉. Something is either exactly like something else or it is different, but not both. I assume you simply wanted to say it is very similar.


    TFP changed the system of A17 because it made some abilities too fast to progress in. A system with progressive costs the higher you go into a perk (what you seem to propose here) would certainly have some advantages. But also maybe the disadvantage of making it too easy to get your prefered perk selection and then sticking with it in every game, which eventually will lead you to hurt replayability. Not everything a player wants is also beneficial to him.


    The other aspect is that 7D2D is near the end of development where redesigns will only happen if they can be done with minimal effort or the system in place is too bad to go into release with it. For example a perk tree concept would need a redesign of the UI, the current list design can't adequately represent a tree. And it would need rebalancing of perks.


    Not to say that a rebalancing of some of the perks isn't needed anyway, but at the current time my impression is that TFP is satisfied with the current perk system and will probably only do isolated corrections to specific perks. And any discussions about a new perk systems would only apply to a sequel of 7D2D.


    5 hours ago, TWORDY said:


    As a matter of fact, nowadays players jump from Fortitude to Strenght, Intelligence and choose necessary abilities to their needs. This is what I am trying to convey and make it easier in general, have a more neat and flexible system that follows the same rules. Rolling out a map would be easier. So, simply put, the only thing that would be gone is actually the 5 primary perks, and the rest of the abilities would act on their own.


    So, simply put, primarily the only thing that is gone is the 5 primary grand-perks. Melee and Rifles would be a whole different branch. Some other perks would be in other branches in nicely graphically presented progression trees instead of tables like it's nowadays. That's what I think and it's solely my opinion on how the things might have looked around. I'm opened to criticism rather than stagnation. I am not sure if anyone would follow this concept without having it drawn on the board. It's merely a concept and I wrote an essay again at 5AM in Saturday...


  17. 5 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    Or he had idea that some types of ammo are this same groupe but have diffrent caliber : i was watching a dude who was shooting with diffrent amount of gunpowder or with diffrent caliber using this same gune. So something like diffrent types of bullet casing like it was in previouse versions but more "extended".

    I wasn't talking about ammo, I was talking about his idea in the second section, about the thematic clusters of perks

  18. Then use the console (F1) and enter "listents". It will list all players and all vehicles and show their position. You can see if there is a vehicle at your position but maybe high in the sky. Not sure there is a command to delete a vehicle (try "help"), if not, as a last resort you can delete ALL vehicles by deleting the file vehicles.dat in your savegame.


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