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Posts posted by meganoth

  1. If you want to play your 18.4 game again, use steam to download the alpha18.4 game and then load your old save.


    If you want to switch often between 18.4 and the newest version I would suggest downloading alpha18.4, then make a copy of the games install directory. This copy can then be used by first starting steam and then starting 7dLauncher of the copy manually (not through steam). Both game versions will use the same settings and the same save game location


  2. 45 minutes ago, xraDiaNCE said:

    Hi everyone! First post on the forums, so thanks for checking this out. I think 7 Days is a fantastic game with many fun elements woven into it, but some things need tweaking/overhauls.

    Last update, A19, saw a major overhaul to the damage/ailment system and gamestage progression.

    However, I think Quests need some changes.

    Current Issues with quests include:


    -Not worth the time for some people

    -Reward balancing

    -“Tier” system is questionable


    Let’s start with the first issue:

    Quests are really repetitive for lots of players and doing them is boring.

    Below is a list of quests currently in the game, and what they entail doing:

    Clear - Defeat all sleepers in a POI

    Fetch - Recover a courier satchel somewhere in a POI

    Buried Stash - Venture out and dig up a box containing food supplies and return them to the trader.

    Open Trade Routes - Venture to another trader and speak with them.

    Clear/Fetch - Literally just a combination of fetch and clear.


    I would make minor changes to Clear, I think it is a good, simple mission. The only changes I can think of are roaming zombies in the POI, and tier scaling works like this:

    Tier 1- Nothing changed, besides the roomers inside the POI.

    Tier 2- Special infected are 10% more common and 25% more zombies spawn.

    Tier 3- Special infected are 25% more common and 50% more zombies spawn.


    A feature that seems to be coming in A21 is that some zombies in POIs will wander around. See the first post of Alpha 20 Dev Dairy for stuff that is coming.


    45 minutes ago, xraDiaNCE said:


    Fetch needs some major changes in my opinion. I saw another person suggest “What if instead of an objective item, it was to retrieve X amount of Y item from this POI?” So I’m going to bounce off that idea.

    Fetch now has you travel to a POI and activate a rally point, but instead of a courier satchel, the player needs to collect various items for the trader, from small supply caches around the POI. These caches would be unmarked so the player might need to craft or get resources from elsewhere if they can’t find all the caches. Ideas for items include:

    Drinks like beer, water, coffee

    Canned foods

    Crafting materials like duct tape, bottles of acid, paper

    Raw materials like forged iron, brass, and lead

    Here’s how tiering would work:

    Tier 1- No bonus zombie spawns. 3 caches will spawn in the POI, out in the open.

    Tier 2- 10% more zombies will spawn. 4 caches will spawn, and will be slightly secluded.

    Tier 3- 25% more zombies will spawn. 5 caches will spawn, and they will be hidden.


    But why should the player go to that POI then, if the quest objective is to get stuff that is obtainable anywhere? Beer you can even just grow on your farm


    45 minutes ago, xraDiaNCE said:


    Buried Stash needs no changes IMO. It is well-developed and A19 has made it even better with the indicator. However for tiering’s sake, maybe more zombies could spawn upon opening the cache.


    Open Trade routes should be removed. It is boring, and serves no purpose other than to give the player a new trader location.


    Exactly, that is its purpose. TFP seems to not like any form of searching, markers are everywhere


    45 minutes ago, xraDiaNCE said:

    I have come up with a couple ideas for new quests, listed below. 


    Delivery - Bring a supply crate to a POI/White river camp/Trader.

    Defend - Defend a White river campsite or trader from a zombie horde.

    Escort - Protect a white River caravan from zombies and (future) bandits, as it travels to a Campsite/Trader.

    Elimination - Defeat a special “boss” zombie or clear a massive group of regular zombies.


    This post isn’t quite done yet. I still need to think about some things but I’m spitballing here, so I’ll edit this tomorrow.


  3. Read the pinned thread where it is explained how to post a logfile. Then post a logfile of a vanilla game where this is happening (ideally mentioning after what time in that playthrough the controller stopped working).


  4. 1 hour ago, dwallorde said:

    I am sorry you feel this way.  Unfortunately its not really easily done atm as a lot of things are tide into it.  And I really don't want to have to support 2 UI versions of my mod.  Maybe in the future, but not now


    Possibly mentioning in the mod description where the background color is set and how to change it to lets say light gray or vanilla white would suffice (if that setting is in xml and not in a compiled library). Then it is in the hands of each individual player to change it with an editor or not.


  5. There are two ways:


    1) Officially (as far as I know) TFP uses a commercial service to make its translations, they don't use fan contributions. I don't know whether they have planned more languages to support, but if yes, that could take a while and is far from a sure thing.


    2) Inofficially, it should be possible to make a mod. Since steam workshop integration is on the agenda such a mod would be very easy to install in the release version. Until then such a mod would have to be installed manually though that is quite easy nowadays.




  6. 4 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    Well it can be ballanced right?  well you need to wash you hands only before eating - small change but can work. and put 3 types of clean like - clean ,  a little bit dirty and dirty.  Dirty can be  changed  into a little bit just going into water to be clean you need soap. A little bit dirty hands  can have smaller chance to add you ill status that dirty. If you have mud on feet you can put shoes on and first you need clean it out ( well add something like - barefoot is quiet , shoes are loud and terrbile for being sneaky.), you can put shoes on dirty but you will have bigger chance to get infection etc

    It is not really easy to get the **fun** into stuff like this.


    For example 3 types of clean often means I will take the one I can do with smallest effort and still have no serious disadvantage and ignore the other 2. Sure, with lots of balancing you might reach a state where you had to make a difficult decision whether to clean your hand or not, but it is still just a chore to do whatever is necessary for cleaning your hands




  7. Some of the overhaul mods had or have features like this.  For example where you need to wash your hands after mining or bad things will happen. Or after a meal you have to go to the toilet and then wash your hands (that was in exitus_extreme, an otherwise great mod that sadly seems to have been discontinued)


    Result of the first example was that we wasted an inventory slot for soap and always needed to do 3 clicks more after mining. Fun? Not really. Is brushing your teeth in reality (or in game) something you consider beeing fun?


    Result in the latter case was that we put a toilet beside the food box and soap into the food box. Again making eating a bit of a chore of more clicks. The only upside was sometimes if you had to eat while away from base you needed to find toilets.


    Naturally this is just my personal view, people who are more into pure survival games like Valheim might disagree with that assessment


  8. 11 hours ago, faatal said:

    A20 is currently on Unity 2020.3.1. I'm currently on 2020.3.10 for testing. A20 will probably end up on a slightly newer version than that.


    None of that means DX12 or Vulkan will be working great. Unity may have fixed issues, but there can easily be more. In the Unity editor, on the version I am testing, DX12 started to have a huge drop of 40 FPS, so I went back to DX11 and it was fine. There is a reason they still have DX12 marked as Experimental.


    On the other hand I have been playing vulkan-only for 6 months now and can vouch for it running very well. Naturally that does hold true only for the hardware, software and config setting I play on and may be quite different on other machines.


  9. 3 hours ago, uncle.heavy said:


    Had you done so, you would have posted in the Support Forum and not cluttered up the General Discussion subforum.

    I can, and this is the main point of my post, well imagine you'd reach out to a more dedicated audience by leveraging that netiquette.




    I thought of posting this myself, but probably the same people reading and answering here would mostly have also answered there.

    BUT I at least would have immediately asked for the logfiles if this were in "General Support" instead of talking more conversational about possible reasons or whether other games reach 30, 60 or 1000 days without problems.


  10. General method: Go to Data/Config in your installation directory, read and search the xml files for information how it is done at the moment. Usually the stuff has names reminding everyone for what they are used


    In this case looking for the term "radiation" might bring up some relevant hits (don't forget to set your search so you ignore lower/upper case). Also I would think the files buffs.xml, Localization.txt and files in XUi could/should be relevant.


    Change the information there to your liking, test, rinse, repeat


  11. If we assume that the city generator just generates rectangular city blocks of same or a specific number of sizes and then automatically fill these blocks with pois, then I would suggest to add lot

    17 minutes ago, KingSlayerGM said:

     You are right, it wouldn't grow that much.




    The current algorithm divides pois into groups based on their properties. For example all pois that are "city","downtown" and "desert" are in a list. A poi can be in more than one list. Lists are shuffled. Then when KG needs a poi for "village","oldresidential","forest", it will go to that list and use it as a queue. Talking the last recently used one.


    Ok, then you really need to attack the algorithm which parcels city blocks into lots. I would guess this is just done randomly by placing pois until space runs out?


    One idea could be to provide a lot of handcrafted parcelled blocks for the poi placer to use. Or automatically create a few random parcellations and drop the ones with too many small plots or other deficiencies.


  12. 1 hour ago, KingSlayerGM said:

    The idea of lists as "levels" and when you have finished a level you move on to the next one, is pretty cool. Just a couple of thoughts:
    1) it could grow forever because small pois keep getting selected to fill small lots, so they keep getting pushed to another list. Whereas large pois remain in the first list.


    Not forever. The position in list-of-poi-lists is just the number of times this poi was already placed in that town.


    That can't be worse than it is now: If with the old algorithm you would have found 10 of the same poi in a specific city (and this was the maximum) then with this algorithm 10 would be the maximum size of list-of-poi-lists and that poi would be in that last list only if no better distribution among fitting pois were possible. But less if there were more than one POI fitting into that lot.


    Example: Say there were 20 very small lots and only 4 pois available to fill that slot. And the old algorithm would set 10 to have poi1, 7 to have poi2, 3 to have poi3 and 0 to have poi4. The new algorithm would distribute them 5,5,5,5 and the list size of list-of-poi-lists would be 6, with all four of them in that last list.



    2) why the need for a list of lists? Why do you actually need to separate the pois in "levels"? You could just have a single queue and when you extract a poi, it gets pushed back to the bottom of the queue. Thus ensuring that you always get the least recently used poi.


    As I said I don't know the orignal algorithm. If that algo for example picks pois through randomly starting somewhere in the list and taking the first poi it finds, it won't work with pushing back. Or if it creates a tree of pois from the list first.

    I have been using the original algo as a black box. If you know how the original algo works, you can probably change it to work similar with much less CPU cycles, no question about that.





    Point 2 is basically what KG does right now. However cities are large, requirements for pois are strict, so very few are actually a good match for a specific lot, and what happens is that KG is forced to go back to pois already used somewhere else.


    If it already places an optimal distribution of suitable pois then you can't change the problem with a new poi-picking algorithm you asked for.


    You either need to increase the number of acceptable pois for a specific lot footprint or decrease the number of those (small) lots to be filled. That would need knowledge about the current way city layout is generated in KingGen and the rules governing that.






    I've just had this idea. For each city, for each poi, keep a counter of how many times that poi has been used in that city. Sort the list of pois based on the value of that counter. Anytime you need to select a poi, scan the list from less used to most used and stop as soon as you find a suitable one. Update the counter.



  13. 20 hours ago, KingSlayerGM said:

    @gpcstargate and others interested:

    I tried setting a strict rule of no poi repetition inside the same city, but the result is large empty lots with no pois, which is very ugly. For now the system will remain as it is. If you really want to avoid repetition I suggest small cities, small towns, small vllages, large grid size, and long poi list. These settings will reduce the chances of repetition.



    Any expert programmer that has an idea for an algorithm, please share. Keep in mind that when picking a poi for a specific lot there are 5 requirements:
    1) it must fit in the lot,

    2) it must be a city poi if building a city, or a town poi if building a town,

    3) it must be compatible with the zone(downtown,iindustrial...) of the city,

    4) it must be compatible with the biome

    5) it should avoid repetition


    Got a suitable idea:


    1) For a specific city create a list-of-poi-lists. At first the list-of-po-lists contains just one list with all pois available in it.
      listofpois= [pois]
    2) For each plot:
      *) Cycle through the list-of-poi-lists until you have found a fitting POI:
         for listnum in listofpois:
         a) Find a suitable building for that place with the normal algorithm you use at the moment 
            (that algorithm must be able to report back if it can't find a suitable building)
            poi= findsuitablepoi(listofpois[listnum])
         c) if none is found, go to the next entry in the list of poi lists, otherwise remove the poi from the list it is in and move it to the next poi list in the list-of-poi-lists
            if (poi != False):
               if listnum = len(listofpois):


    Practically it makes a priority list so that always the least-often placed poi suitable for a lot will be used. And it simply calls the algorithm used now, so it should be easy to plug in.


    Changing the current algorithm (for example if counts for specific cities were added) would probably save on execution time and memory usage, but to know how to change that algorithm you first would need to know how it works currently


    4 hours ago, Maharin said:


    I get this error when I run the program (from the console, not working through my GUI):


    [28155] Error loading Python lib '/tmp/_MEIDc1As9/libpython3.8.so.1.0': dlopen: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by /tmp/_MEIDc1As9/libpython3.8.so.1.0)


    So maybe it is a glibc issue instead?


    There is a very small chance that you could replace /tmp/_M.../libpython3.8 with a logical link to your libpython3.6 library in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu and it just works. (When you replace, just move libpython3.8 away so you can reinstate it again it it doesn't work)

    Other solutions I can see are

    1) installing a newer python3.8 from backporting repositories and reoving libpython3.8 in tmp as well

    2) installing a newer glibc from backporting repos

    3) updating Mint




  14. The mod is very likely part of the problem as you get an error message "Coroutine couldn't be started because the the game object 'XUi' is inactive!" whenever you drop out ("XUi" is the user interface object that gets changed by the mod)


    One way to find out would be to start a vanilla game and try to recreate the issue. Post logs of that if you succeed, otherwise you might have more luck contacting the mod creator


  15. Please post a logfile and a verbatim copy of the error messages if those can't be found in the logfile anyway. Generally you can remove mods and still play a game (although that is not advisable)


    A pinned thread in this forum section tells you where you can find the logfiles and how to post long logfiles using pastebin



  16. 14 minutes ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    As came up last night while playing with friends.

    Mining helmet schematic makes no sense typical scenario is like this:

    we need lights while exploring and mining, we have flashlights & duct tape. Nobody can figure out what to do....

    Until one day someone finds a chart telling them to tape a flashlight to a helmet and he says “GENIUS!”, then destroys the schematic so nobody else can copy what he does.


    Funny concept to explain, fun game mechanic.


    It doesn't make sense to find ready made recipes anyway, nobody prints pamphlets of how to build mining helmets.


    BUT: Finding the recipe might stand for finding a varied set of half-burned half rotted books in a library that all have bits and pieces of knowledge that allow YOU to have a stroke of genius that makes YOU realize how you could build a working mining helmet.


    Someone else might not stumble over the same assortment of books, might not find the right bits of information in them and even if he did all that might not have that stroke of luck to get the right idea from it.


    The only thing not explained by this is why you can't teach others. No surprise there though, all MP survival games seem to have this same problem for balance reasons.


  17.  The xbox version of this game was developed by a different company (Telltale was the name) based on an older version of the game. It misses a lot of features of the current PC game because that other company went bankrupt.


    In ~2 years an entirely new console port of the game might be getting developed, but only for the new console generation as the hardware of the old consoles is not sufficient for this game.





  18. Can't vouch for people saying they play to 4000 but I can vouch for anyone playing past day 30 without problems, that is the normal way most players experience the game (otherwise this forum would be filled with complaints instead of a handful of people).


    Possible causes:


    1) A bug in the game. The PC platform is so variable that it burned game companies for decades. Look at other games where they release it and suddenly hundreds of users see a strange bug while the rest of the 500k players have no idea what they are talking about. Usually it is very difficult for the developer to recreate the bug on his own test machines and without having a possibility to test the bug himself a developer has a hard time finding such a bug. Bug reports with logfiles and exact hardware config can help.


    2) A bug in any other software on this computer. Libraries, some software running in the background or the driver of your graphics card can all lead to a bug for just this game.


    3) AV software. You say you don't use one but that means you use windows defender (which can't be disabled, so I hear). Really really make sure you exclude the game exe and any directories from defender.


    4) graphics driver. So much depends on the quality of the graphics card drivers that you should at least try two versions, the most current one and one that is supposed to run well with your graphics card (maybe someone else with a 960 2G can help here.)


    5) 2G on the graphics card is low and you should make sure your texture size setting is turned down (even though that should already be the case with a low config setting). If you use 8k worlds I would suggest to also make a 4k world and see if that changes anything.


    6) Are you playing multiplayer? If yes, use a single player game for tests.


    7) I'm not sure if this is the case, but maybe settings were or are stored in the registry as well, not only %appdata%. Make sure you use the game launcher as well to delete all configs. Do not depend only on deleting anything in %appdata%.


    8 ) Even additional hardware plugged in to your computer and software running in the background sometimes can lead to problems. Make sure to test a game without any joysticks, graphics tablets and with all background tasks that are not part of stock windows 10 disabled.


    PS: should you find the cause yourself, please post your solution here to help others.

  19. 29 minutes ago, Stranded_Napkin said:

    I don't outright hate demolishers but I definitely do not think that they are properly implemented. It just screams to me that TFP tried to implement RPG elements into the character types and mashed together two character types into one. The fast twitch sprinter who deals large scale damage quickly but can be quickly dispatched, with the slow lumbering tank that deals damage over time. It is not whining to say that this is a balancing error that is blatantly obvious. It's not even a subjective opinion. Everybody who's played RPGs knows this. Base design can fix this, but it also does limit the usable base designs. It isn't the first game mechanic that broke certain base designs, i.e. digging zombies that dig with their knees, but it does do this. I'm sure TFP are listening and are going to decide if they think it's something that needs to be fixed/adjusted. In all likelihood the demolisher is not going to change. This is why mods are king.


    I doubt they tried to implement a zombie on par with the existing ones. It is more likely that they were going for a boss monster.


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