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Posts posted by meganoth

  1. 3 hours ago, meilodasreh said:

    Hm but then, did it work in a previous Alpha?

    I'm so damn sure I saw a vid where somebody drove through a "wired-up" automatically opening garage door with a motorcycle, going back and forth several times, trying from both sides. It didn't work every time though, but the concept in general was functional.


    It is long ago I can't even remember when and also searched youtube for that vid, didn't find it.


    Maybe it WAS done with motion sensors though and not with trigger plates...🤔


    Does it really matter much what worked in A11 or A6? Important is that vehicle+pressure plate is on a bug list and will probably work sometime in the future (line 52 in https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YNo1DLatARAXCyRWwLxOhrjKnZKLL-onr4hwc3IIUuI/edit#gid=0 )


  2. If you fear for your local games you can always make a backup of C:\Users\Sylen\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\SaveGame (or just "Save") and maybe C:\Users\Sylen\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Worlds, before any critical operations.


    If you then make a mistake, you will find the savegame in SaveGame and locally generated worlds in Worlds in your backup and can just copy them back.


  3. What you describe is exactly what happens when the connection to the server gets lost. The logfile says the same, there is no error message, just the info that the connection to the server is lost.


    Happens in my group as well, one specific player in my group often has it multiple times in a play session, yesterday we all were disconnected like this.


    We can only guess about the deeper reason that one of us gets it all the time. It could be a bug in the network code or some special thing happening anywhere between his PC and the server.


  4. 8 hours ago, TWORDY said:


    Dedicated ammo for each weapon would probably make more sense in terms of realism. On the other hand, managing any type of munitions and stacking them up in the backpack is a tricky part. There is probably no ultimate solution for that. What I would attempt to do in such a case... probably the increase of stacking size of 7.62 from 150 to 240 is one of the solutions. Also, I would make sure that players as a reward may receive ammo type that can be chosen by themselves. Ammo could be less present in POIs, but instead, players might have wider access to it through trader somehow or a magic reward box/storage, etc.  When it comes to a grenade launcher, it is a fun weapon to use, especially LMG bouncing grenades. In addition, the launcher might be attached to an assault tactical rifle or to be used separately. Flying AK is next on the list - just kidding. Without pain, there is no gain.


    In addition to vehicle mods, I would like to see vehicles damaging or killing Zombies finally. Also, some XP granted for a confirmed Zombie kill would be cool, let's say 1/4 of XP for roadkill. Huuuge 4x4 truck for 4 or even 5 players inside. Such a vehicle could be customizable and a bit pricey, but might work as a mobile fortified base with .40 cal or rocket launcher during a horde night also. Sounds like lots of fun and more reasons to purchase/download or simply play the game, at least for me.



    I believe that having 4 stiff classes, grand perks - you name it, with certain abilities and weapons behind it is actually a drawback in the production process. I would love to see weapons being developed independently from any list (so more weapons could be introduced for sake of content, same with abilities), perhaps as a separate tree for rifle and melee weapons, etc. So the pistol could behave finally as a basic/early game weapon and fists, with a low cost involved in perking these weapons, etc. 

    Then we could have some more like 8-10 smaller thematical clusters or trees instead of the 4-5 restraining lists that are currently present. Right now any change in Fortitude is automatically forcing devs and community to rethink the entire structure. I would rather break current classes into several categories developed independently from one another. This could grant wider freedom of choice to players at the same time. The main focus should be emphasized on the development of things, later implementation, balance, etc. Thanks to this solution in the early game I could perk in Stealth, and both Heavy and Light Armour at the same time with suppressed Pistol, etc. - why not. I hope that the devs won't give up on revising and updating the game.



    You seem to be long enough here to have played A17. A17 had your proposed system in general and the devs redesigned it to what we have now. There is littel chance that they will go back to a system they already tried and found wanting


  5. If I remember correctly the LCB was mainly a PvP item. I don't play PvP so I can't really speak if it was or still is valuable for that.


    AFAIK unless you are in a group or friends with someone, his LCB will make any block in range have additional hitpoints. If you want to loot his base while he is offline these additional HPs can take a lot of time to break through. Much better to locate the LCB and target it first. Locating it is easy as you can hit surrounding blocks until you find ones with more hitpoints. On the other hand you could just surround it with lots and lots of steel blocks so I'm not so sure this is the real reason why it has so many HPs. Does anyone have a better idea?


    It is perfectly possible that the HPs of the LCB are just a feature someone thought would be needed by PVP players but in reality nobody depends on it for base defense (anymore)




  6. 1 hour ago, Adam the Waster said:

    yeah but best to have something for all classes 

    The Junk turret is the only Ranged weapon in intellect that can be buffed, But its really meant as a Defensive weapon, PLUS TFP can get really crazy with some of the ideas (idk about lasers but god knows)

    Something like a Simple Junk pistol that shoots junk rounds 

    then maybe for tier 2 you got a Junk rifle (Or Junker) where its a much better version but it can fire more things, (Junk rounds, Darts, Bullets, etc)

    then Tier 3 they could get Freaky!

    Hellfire: a Flamethrower with 2 firing types! Flame Blech Classic Flamethrower style And the Fire shot Shoots a fireball that blows up like a Smaller molotov (Kinda like the Incinerator from Fallout NV)

    Junk Tesla: A junk rifle but on Crack, it can fire things like Junk rounds and darts and it Fires the projectile better and adds a Electrical effect. it could even chain but thats rare!

    Or even some other things, Like a Hubcap Launcher, or a even a Discount Junk jet from fallout!




    What I meant was that because INTs own weapons still let you use your hands you already have lots of weapons for Intellect, i.e. all the weapons of other attributes are useable for an Intellect player as well.


    If you are a strength player for example, it does not make much sense to have a pistol as well, because you can't use them both at the same time. But as INT player you can use your turrets AND and a shotgun at the same time.


  7. 15 hours ago, Kyonshi said:

    Yeah, well, there's constructive criticism and there's having a coronary in Caps Lock about AKs not supposed to exist on US military bases in a game where suspension of disbelief is largely used.


    Or losing his @%$# about having too many zombies in a house with 3 bedrooms. Like no, zombies dont walk around into any kind of building, they just chill in a house because they like the wallpaper and invite friends over for a BBQ... Jesus surfing christ 😆


    This guy doesnt really know about the concept of alternate reality? Yeah, thought so.


    At first i thought it was a joke topic and still could well be so. Anyone here taking him seriously? Not really. Creative and progressive criticism is fun, it nourishes discussions and into those can flourish great design ideas. But not this.


    He's free to post whatever he wants. So am i to reply what i said before.



    But there are ultra-realistic games, even when they add a central fantasy like magic or faster than light or time travel. This is just a choice the developer makes and it isn't set in stone. For example the zombie adventure made by Telltale was as realistic as possible, but still had zombies. 


    Now we "insiders" have read all the arguments and we know why 7d2d can't be very realistic. We have the advantage of having thought about this subject multiple times and tested our arguments in discussions. Our good arguments are common knowledge, our wrong arguments are forgotten since someone told us the reason why they were wrong. 


    Lots of newcomers to this forum make a "bad" first post in which they demand stuff that we know will never happen. If they get some sort of new player protection for their first steps they sometimes become valuable contributors to the forum and for example report bugs that otherwise might stay a lot longer in the game or make a mod or build a nice POI that we all profit from.


    But for that to happen you have to give newcomers the chance to drop bad habits learned from arguing in steam forums 😁



  8. 4 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

    i think the game is good in terms of guns, Now maybe a Thumper would be nice but some more range weapons for intellect would be nice, like a Spike rifle or a Junk rifle. 


    More range weapons for intellect? Why? Intellect already has 4 shotguns, 3 rifles, 3 machine guns and 4 pistols and revolvers.



  9. 2 hours ago, Anxiety123 said:

    I do use mods.  Too many.  No DLL mods, though.  The pushing could be mod-related and that thought did occur to me.  I don't remember it happening in A18 though, so it could also be an issue with A19.  That's why I asked.

    The best method to find out more is to start a separate vanilla game and see if the problem turns up there too. To play modded and unmodded at the same time just make a copy of the installation directory and remove the mod folder there. Then start the copied version by executing 7d.launcher.exe (or something similar) directly. You have to have steam running for the copy to work.



  10. 2 hours ago, Kyonshi said:

    Nah, dont bother editing your post to add something more to talk (whine) about.


    Instead, please dont play this game and uninstall it if its making a hell of your life that much. You're welcome.


    Everyone is free to give his opinion here, even if someone likes realism 😉. As a first time poster Enderkatze also does not know that this topic (like almost all topics ever invented) was discussed to death in this forum.


  11. 4 minutes ago, Jugginator said:

    Don't forget to recharge the motor by opening it up then attaching a neodymium magnet onto the top platter and spinning it right round, like a record player.

    Usually people don't have good neodyms around, so I tell them how to reach the same effect with common household chemicals, a lighter and a knife. Much safer that way, you could pinch your finger with a good neodym 😁

  12. 44 minutes ago, Boidster said:


    No no no, I was just trying to make a funny. "Destroy all of your friend's equipment" seems like a funny go-to move in case of problems. "Hey Mark, this bear just glitched through the wall, I'm going to have to destroy all of your stuff again." LOL


    OP absolutely should do as you suggest.

    Ah ok. I'll up the humor factor next time and will recommend wiping the hard disk platters with a clean cloth  😁

  13. 24 minutes ago, Boidster said:


    You get a percentage of normal XP from kills in your party. More than  XP/n (where n=# of party members), but less than 100%. It is significant - like 80 or 90% in my 2-player game - and does turn horde night into an XP bonanza. I'm alright with that, considering the amount of work that goes into getting the base ready, but I do wish the multiplier were configurable. I haven't been able to find the parameter in the XML nor serverconfig, only the shared XP range.


    It would be nice if the shared XP were more nuanced than "every party member gets X% of the XP", but adding that nuance is easier typed than coded. A full-on proportional-to-damage-dealt award (maybe with a small 10% spiff to non-participating party members) would be great. You do 60% dmg to zombie X, I do 40% dmg, you get 60% of XP, I get 40% XP, and Sir NotParticipatingInThisFight over there gets a 10% XP award for hanging out with cool kids like us. But that would be hard to code and probably not worth the effort.


    Maybe a little easier is a 2-tier award system. If I do 100% of the damage to the zombie, I get 100% XP and party members get their 10% spiff. If any other party member contributes, then XP is divided amongst the entire party using a formula similar to how it is now. So no need for per-bullet damage tracking, just a toggle when Player 2 enters the fight. This at least tones down the XP bonanza for the party if I'm over at my corner of the base mowing down radiated with my M60 while they're diligently watching blade traps spinning 'round and 'round. Also the one-off kills when meandering about town - if I blow its head off, you get 10% and BE HAPPY WITH THAT.


    Just adding the current multiplier into the UI so we can pick from a couple of options would be great, though. Or at least expose it in XML files. Or show my stupid face where it already lives...


    Distributing xp on behalf of who does the most damage is fine if everyone uses an m60.


    But this usually is not the case and the agility player would get less xp just because he plays agility. 


    Furthermore it disadvantages players who have specific roles, for example the one who has to repair the vault door or the one who has to (or elects to) remove stragglers from hitting on supportive structures instead of following the prescribed path. It disadvantages players who tag glowies with one shot so their self-healing is deactivated before they run into the trap corridor. It disadvantages players who take perks beneficial to the group instead of gun-related perks. It disadvantages players who try to conserve ammo.


    I could see some need for this in open servers where you might group with relatively unknown players who might then just sit around and try to profit without doing anything. But in co-op games with trusted friends and carefully selected groups there is no need for this. 


    Generally toning down xp gain for groups (or at least an xml setting to do this) would be beneficial though.


  14. 39 minutes ago, Boidster said:


    Just to clarify, the above has nothing to do with trying to fix the problem, it's just for venting your frustration. 😄


    Oops, yes, he already tried that and it didn't work.


    But I assume you think it would never help in the described case? If yes, I would disagree as the null refs sometimes seem to point to the wrong causes


  15. Remove anything you have on you or in your inventory, delete all quests you have and drive a mile away. Log out and in again


    If that doesn't help either tell the server owner to delete your player file (which would mean you have to restart from 0 if the server owner doesn't help you out with some xp). Or post your logfile here (instructions for this are in a pinned thread in this forum part).


  16. Does sound like something is wrong with your game. Have you every used mods? If yes, check if there is anything in a directory "Mods" in your install directory, it may mess with the game, especially if it is outdated.


    Best would be to create a video of dogs pushing you on youtube or similar and post a link to it.


  17. 8 hours ago, doughphunghus said:

    Just an observation: it seems like players don’t like demolishes because their gamestyle is “build a base”  Like, an impenetrable fortress or just a well designed killing base. And those who don’t mind demolishes are more of “run around and shoot and take refuge when you need to”.  I’m betting part of the frustration when you grind a lot to get materials to make a great base, it’s annoying to have to keep grinding just to rebuild.


    Let me add another observation that I see lots of post by people who build a base and still don't complain about demos. Sure, the demo is the ultimate weapon against bases, but without it late game horde defense would be literally boring.


    A few weeks ago I had a horde night with two friends who are relatively new to the game. We had demos before but at that horde night somehow lots of demos succeded at detonating (more than 5 I think). Our base (an augmented graveyard with church POI) was easily big enough and the demos not organized enough 😉 so nothing collapsed but we had lots of holes to fill and walls to repair.


    Next horde night it seemed someone had learned a lesson and demos suddenly were handled with care and repairing afterwards was much easier.


  18. 34 minutes ago, cm272 said:

    Hello!  As per my title, I've been getting "IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array." errors on my unmodded Navezgane MP Local server when my friend is also in the server with me.  No issues when alone.  This began in our late 70s as far as day and I cant think of what would have initially triggered it.  


    The console will randomly open 1-3 times a second, making my experience unplayable; no matter how quickly I dismiss the console, it just keeps coming back. 

    It's inconsistent, though;  Sometimes I will go 5+ seconds where no error occurs.  It may be related to him moving/taking action.  He doesn't experience any issue whatsoever.


    This only in certain unexplored areas (potentially near the N/S borders of the map, as we've only come across it in the desert and arctic).  We can replicate the issue by having him cross over an invisible line.  For example, as soon as he enters the parking lot at Red Mesa, I'm inundated with console notifications.

    I've tried searching the forums for similar issues, but it seems most come across this with modded servers, or in relation to placing blocks/being on inventory screen, neither of which applies to us.


    What I've tried:

    -Verifying game integrity through steam.

    -Restarting server, computers/steam innumerable times.

    -Being very far away from friend when he enters problem area.

    -Having friend be very far away from me while I enter the problem area.

    -Both of us having an empty paper doll and inventory


    Where I'm stuck:

    -want to try having him host, but following the instructions to migrate a world file is not working for us as it doesn't show up in world list in game menu, despite being in appdata/roaming/7daystodie/saves/navezgane

    -cant find info on deleting player profile, and would rather not do this if all he has to do is drop an item or abandon a quest or something to fix this.  I only just came up with this idea because one of the sub-errors in the log below mentions a treasure map.

    -The game also seems fine other than console interruption, so if there's some sort of way to disable console popping up that would be great, but my searches of the forums lead me to believe this isn't possible.


    Example log. Searching for "Index" will get you what you need.



    Thanks kindly!


    Since the error mentions a treasure chest he should delete all quests from his active quest list. If this doesn't help you should too. Probably a good idea to restart the server after deleting.


    If that doesn't help removing and destroying all his belongings including armor would be the next step. Later you can resupply him from creative menue.



  19. 5 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    I hope the will show them fast : but did they say it will be new variants or just HD model like cop?


    There was talk about boss zombies. At the moment there is the demo and a new plague zombie. Not sure they will continue though as they need to add bandits


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