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Everything posted by Roland

  1. They are different worlds. And you better believe that there would be those interested in the challenge of surviving in a world without particular POI's that show up. Regardless, it is ridiculous to compare Skyrim and 7 Days to Die locations. Skyrim locations are story based while 7 Days locations are not. If Poopy Pants Daycare doesn't spawn you won't be stopped in your progression. There are other places to get the loot you would have found in PPD. Regardless of you thinking that your subjective opinion is somehow an objective universal truth held by all gamers, I gotta disabuse you of your fixed belief. There are more Not Blakes out there than you seem to realize and plenty who aren't concerned about whether Old_House_01, Old_House_02, Old_House_03,..., Old_House_24 are all present on every single map generated every single time. If every POI always generates on every map then there really is just one map rearranged but all the same places every single time. Nope. Your view is definitely not objective-- given the data we have so far.
  2. I think we should have 7 Days to Die Blue and 7 Days to Die Red and each version only ever spawns half the pool of POI's and the only way to experience all the POIs is to play in a world generated by someone who has the other version.... #gottacatchemall
  3. Well I disagree with that assertion. That isn't to say the developers won't change things for A20 or possibly A21 if you end up being correct in this for A20-- BUT there is nothing at all objective about you saying it is wrong to not have every single POI present in every map. That is your subjective opinion. Mine is that random should be random and a random sample of 80% of the POIs per map would be just fine so that maps have unique POIs and new places to discover for at least the first several playthroughs that you roll a new world
  4. First of all, we don't know whether or not RWG maps of any size will have ALL the POI's. Secondly, we don't know whether or not RWG maps of any size are intended by the developers to have ALL the POI's. You are making two large assumptions. The first is baseless because no technical data has been revealed to indicate it one way or another. The second means that there could be nothing wrong at all when a map doesn't generate one of every single POI. That could be the intended result of random world generation. The developers may make it so you find new sites when you roll a new world and one playthrough on one map isn't enough to experience the entirety of the game.
  5. Wut? How did you get all of that from what I said? Exactly. I can't guarantee that not one single POI repeated somewhere on the map but I can tell you that the problem you described of seeing duplicate water works facilities and radio towers all over the place was not in evidence at all. I cannot speak to the technical aspect of the programming of RWG and I do not know if every single POI will show up once per map, once per city, or some other criteria. I don't know if coding was added to prevent duplication of POIs within the same map. All I know from traveling around in one random map I generated was that I saw no duplicates and that cities were laid out in very satisfying and realistic ways and that there are new POI's that have specifically been added to make the urban downtown areas look really really nice. From the little very generalized description that I gave, you either have mad extrapolation instincts or you are just mad....
  6. A gentleman never kisses and tells. Of course, I have only a passing resemblance so I will say that it is the best it's ever been and the cities-- despite being randomly put together-- all seem very polished and fantastic. There are many new POI's that will knock your socks off that work together to make the cities in particular look spectacular. I did not see repeating POIs as I have in past alphas.
  7. Who knew that playing the game could prepare you for real life construction projects! Finally, the immersion factor of this game has gone way way up!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/osb5pv/giant_legolike_building_blocks_for_construction/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
  8. Looking at building block tiers which (currently) have many steps, we see people mostly skipping and going straight to concrete ASAP. Seems like people would do the same with tools even if the developers gave us full sets in bronze and scrap. Now we see the developers planning to scale back the upgrade steps for building blocks so I can't imagine them ever expanding the steps for tools at this point.
  9. Well, yes…It was completely rebalanced for Alpha 19. The point is that that was for 19.0 which dropped a year ago. Since then there has been no changes to how it works which is why some of us are wondering about Pichi’s statement that in A19.5 it suddenly feels different. But maybe they didn’t play until now and the last version they did was A18.
  10. If they can oversell then I can undersell…
  11. My stone axe is usually better than the first iron axe I get. Where is there room for a step in between them?
  12. If not, I hope it is because A20 got delayed and not because you left the seat up on the toilet one time too many...
  13. Of course the critics are going to just skip years 8 and 9 go right to DECADE... 😆
  14. I've always felt that to be true from the start. Whenever I treated the injury it cut the time for healing in half and I was not nearly as hampered as with the full injury. To be honest, it surprised me whenever people would complain that the timer was still too long after treating their injury and that they still couldn't do anything. To me, it almost felt like normal-- not quite and the timer extension for jumping or running on a bum leg even after treating it made me walk a lot but I felt like I could run and jump close to normal if I needed to and was willing to take the penalty for it. And then, of course, eating a health bar from the concession machine has been the Balm of the Gods ever since candy was introduced. But, whatever the case, glad it is working in a way you are enjoying better now.
  15. What area? A county in Arizona that encorporates mostly Mojave Desert vs one that has Phoenix could result in two very different lengths of games. Greenlee County: 8600 Maricopa County: 4.6 Million
  16. Start a new game using the mod launcher and then you can continue that game even while checking out the experimental versions whenever they become available. Experimental versions aren’t great for a long term game anyway so even if it were to drop in August, you wouldn’t really be ready to start a new long term A20 game until October. So having a long term A19 game on the mod launcher while checking out the new features of A20 on Steam is the best method and you could start now with a new long term A19 game.
  17. It depends on what you like about the game. If you like building highly creative bases and designing POI's then for that aspect of gameplay it really is going to be a dramatic improvement and "whole new game".
  18. Time to start convincing anyone who can help fund you that you absolutely need a new computer with 1 TB SSD, 64 GB of RAM, and top-of-the-line Video Card with 8 GB Video RAM for school/work/research....
  19. Huh....that is not mentioned at all in the changelog. Are you sure you noticed that big of a difference between earlier A19 versions and A19.5? The whole injury system seems to be the same to me and I haven't noticed anyone working on it in the dev work log. Weird but....glad you like what you are seeing better than what you used to see.
  20. I'm glad you're here! Don't mistake disagreement with some of your controversial opinions with annoyance in you. You've been playing the game for years and years but only started posting here last year and I'm glad you decided to start!!
  21. I felt uneasy at first because I couldn't hear anything at all after the 3-2-1. Then I decided probably only dogs and superman can hear that frequency so I felt better. Honestly, if they use that "sound" for nighttime it will be extremely peaceful for me...
  22. It is not the same year the outbreak happened. The Duke built his empire and the Whiteriver rebellion began to grow after the outbreak. The Duke and his bandits are one way in which society has come back after the apocolypse. The little detailed clues you are pointing out about clothes and shoes and car windows are not intentional clues the developers have purposely included to help us figure out the timeline in a Mat Pat game theory. If anything they are oversights and continuity errors because the artists who created the models didn't consider some of the things you brought up. They just modeled the decorations and clothing in ways that "looked cool" and didn't worry about whether such things would signify 3 months after the apocalypse vs 10 years after the apocalypse. In other words, you are reading way too much into the details you are hanging your theories on. What's more....Madmole could come on here next year after working on the Duke and the bandits for A21 and tell us that the Duke grew to power and formed his organization over the course of 7 years following the initial outbreak and nuclear bombing when the player wakes up at game start-- and he may still even then decided to keep high heels on the shoes and windows intact in the vehicles despite the fact that those details don't seem to align with 7 yeas of attrition post apocalypse.
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