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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 1 hour ago, Morloc said:


    I (think) there also used to be a ropey frame for building with stone (flagstone, cobblestone, other??) in like alpha 5-ish?. You'd lay out the frames, and when you "built" them they'd visibly fill with stone...in layers. Like 4-6 layers to complete the block if I remember right. So...if you were building a wall, and put 10 of these in a row, you'd slowly raise the height of the wall as you clicked each frame. Kinda' immersive.



    -Arch Necromancer Morloc

    Yes, that was the one I was talking about when I said cobblestone frame. It was pretty cool throwing rocks into it.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    What I'm worried about is that currently, with the new A20 block placement system, we don't have really a choice for higher tier materials.


    If you want to build an all-concrete base quickly, you can't use iron frames anymore, right?

    So in A20, if I understand it correctly, you have these two options.


    Option 1: place all the particle wood blocks and do the full upgrade path to concrete, wasting materials and time. Yes, TIME! Not everyone has a nail gun handy in the first few weeks, Roland. That's actually the best case scenario.

    Option 2: is to directly craft the concrete blocks in the mixer (if you have one) and place them to build your base. But as I said, you completely lose the opportunity to quickly handle misplacement errors, and you'd be forced to destroy each "wrong" block with (again) a huge loss of time.


    So, in the end, if this is how it works, I'll try to live with that, but IMO you (TFP) lost an opportunity to make the building system even more sleek.


    OPTION 3: You do a hybrid of options 1 and 2. Your first layer you place as frames and upgrade but then as you build upward switch to placing blocks. There is no rule that you must build your base using either all upgrades or all placed blocks. And once again, I just don't think you realize how fast it is now to get to concrete by upgrading from the new wood frames. I think emotionally you are still rooted in what you know from experience.


    I totally agree that rebar -> Concrete would be sleek. In fact, I think it would be too sleek. Nobody would ever do anything else and it would be the no brainer single way to ever build. Might as well get rid of concrete block crafting and the cement mixer because who would do that? That simple upgrade step would be so much better than any other option that there would be no other option. The way it is in A20 there are times when you will choose to upgrade and times you will choose to craft. There are benefits peculiar to each choice.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    i know about that but by upgrading stuff you get exp + a defence - tons of walls spikes etc


    If you upgrade that slider to 300% you will still get a defence and tons of walls and spikes by building and more xp for doing so than if you kept it at 100%. 


    I don't know the exact gain in xp for doing a full upgrade path to steel but Im thinking it will probably be less than it was in A19 since there are fewer steps. But it isn't like builders have been barely keeping up with friends who go out and quest and kill. Its more like the other way around. Perhaps it is a bit more even now and in my opinion it would  be better to be a bit less. You know? Risk vs reward and all that?

  4. 15 minutes ago, Jugom said:

    a new player builds everything on particle board, then continues to remove 1 block at the time to replace for concrete or steal but... you should have not removed that particular block timmy... now your whole base has collapsed.

    that is the safe space rebar provided for me :p


    Never fear. faatal has you covered in feeling safe with regards to SI as you build.


    17 minutes ago, Jugom said:

    I just want a way to skip upgrade steps if we already have the final raw resource.


    You can. Craft the block and place it directly.


  5. 1 hour ago, Jost Amman said:

    so that means that now we'll have to go through the full upgrade path EACH TIME?


    The "full" upgrade path is four clicks of the mouse if you have a nail gun and stacks of wood, cobblestone, concrete mix, and steel in your inventory. You keep talking like it is this big long upgrade path like it's still A19 or something. That's gone. Use a nail gun and have your mats on hand and it is click, click, click, click done. And that is only for the blocks that you are worried you might place wrong so you want to use the frame block that can be picked up. For most of the base you can just craft the block directly and place. Nobody is being forced to use the upgrade path if they don't want to have to go through it.

  6. 1 hour ago, Jost Amman said:

    Since apparently it's not like that, I guess you'd better be steady while placing concrete blocks, or you'll pay dearly your mistake! :frusty: :nod:

    Or perhaps you could upgrade just the critical ones that will make or break your structure and just place the rest. The upgrade path is pretty fast and cheap if we are just talking about specialty blocks and detailing rather than doing it that way for the entire structure.

  7. 28 minutes ago, Darklegend222 said:

    So it wouldn't be ENTIRELY impossible the modders have an endgame (or devs)

    heheh...I would say that this wording would be bit more realistic. :)


    Even more realistic would be to play 7 Days to Die first and once you reached the point of survivability and are thriving...load up Empyrion and start playing that. 


    And in either game if you die even once, load up Valheim and play that... ;)


    From zombie apocalypse to space to viking hell. What single game could be better?

  8. Well....starting a quest and going straight to the loot room and looting it and then logging out and then back in again to disrupt the quest and repeating is a lot speedier and therefore a lot more exploitive if you are playing competitively on a PvP server. If you are not playing competitively then it is really just a pointless gamey thing to do that ruins immersion and the great progression pacing that the game has built into it so you are just hurting yourself. Opening the creative menu and just using it for everything would be simpler. If you hate the slow progression there are in game options you can choose to speed that up without resorting to using logging in and out of the game as your main tactic.


    So I can see a need to close this particular exploit to keep competitive play fair and square. I see someone spamming different quests as a legitimate way to try and outpace competition-- which your competition can do as well and it is all within the confines of expected gameplay and the more skillful player would come out ahead-- which the act of logging out and back in again to disrupt a quest is most decidedly not part of the game and tests no particular gameplay skill against another.

  9. There is now one frame block and it is wood. If you want to place a frame and then upgrade it you will have to do frame -> wood -> cobblestone -> Concrete -> Steel. It only requires 10 mats to upgrade each time so it really isn't a big deal as long as you have wood and cobblestone rocks and Concrete Mix in your inventory.


    Place a frame and (with a claw hammer) click it six times and it is concrete for the cost of 10 wood, 10 cobblestone, and ten Concrete Mix. WIth a nailgun it would be three clicks. If you don't want to spend that much in mats then place frames to plan it all out and then replace them (by picking them up) with concrete blocks that you crafted.


    There used to be once upon a time wood frames, cobblestone frames, scrap iron frames, and rebar frames. One of those is all that is left. However, the variety of shapes we can use to build in interesting and beautiful and satisfying ways has skyrocketed. So fewer starting points but many many many new toys to build with and you merely need to decide to craft blocks and place or start with frames and upgrade through the path which is very short and simple now.


    I'm sure you will get even more details in the next stream and see it in action.

  10. 8 hours ago, dxbydy said:

    Now they just tend to line up and wait to be smacked on the head, I rarely play anymore.


    You can control this to a degree with how you build your base. If you build a base that specifically exploits them into lining up and waiting to be smacked then that is what you will get. But build a basic bunker style and you will get more of the random surrounding behavior that you remember. There is a current meta with designing a base that creates a killing corridor that they will mostly follow and predictably killing them all-- but you don't have to follow that meta. Make a simple tower surrounded by spikes like in the old days and you may get some surprises. Make an exploitive base that you saw someone build on YouTube that grinds up all the zombies in predictable ways and you will kill them all efficiently and boringly.  Its true that they will tend to go to the weakest point but there is also a lot of randomness in their behavior now.

  11. 4 hours ago, samljer said:


    OOoooh, this... I actually like the baton. A T3 baton would be great.

    Maybe even if the damage was the same as T2, but the AOE was greatly improved.

    Spiderwebs sparking out across the hordes.




    Is the starter quests disappearing fixed in A20


    Reproduced 100%


    start a game, get the intro quest, save game, exit, reload....


    No way to get them back. theyre lost.




    Or the loot bug


    Coop partner opens a container in a POI.

    Start a quest from a trader for the same POI while that person is still in the inventory.

    That person can no longer loot anything from inventories (trash cans, garbage, boxes etc)

    And not just for that POI, but in that game anywhere until they relog.

    as far as i know they can still pick up something that isnt inventory (like a rock off the floor) but

    opening inventories is now broken without a relog.


    please post these in the bug report thread. It is our QA guys that vet bug reports for the programmers. 

    46 minutes ago, Games'n'Grumble said:

    the upper limit is clear. But why can't the lower limit be changed? I make different videos, and sometimes I need aimed shot (for example, in dialogs), but I can't do it in a way that would be correct. Can you contribute to changing the lower FOV limit? Because my past requests really went unanswered :)

    I’ll bring it up. 

  12. I can't think of a reason why I would joke about TAA being utilized nor can I think of a reason why a topic on it would ever be censored or deleted. 


    At any rate, it is posted on the first page of the Developer's Diary as one of the A20 features:


    On 10/28/2020 at 6:49 PM, madmole said:

    14) Environment

    • Weather changes more often and has more variety
    • Wind dynamically affects leaves and plants and wind will gust
    • Improved textures for environment art
    • Temporal Anti Aliasing option with a separate sharpening option
    • New mesh generation, shaders and lighting for plants and grass and optimized colliders
    • Bedrolls can be recolored during placement
    • Fuse Boxes updated and made into triggers
  13. On 9/10/2021 at 5:27 AM, iconlyblue said:

    As a long player for many years I have been waiting for so long to see TAA antialiasing support or the option to switch between different once. The force of 1 specific antialiasing is not cutting it for many. It is a effecting our game experience to the worse, up to the point of the game been unplayable due to simply not having the right antialiasing for us. Please, add a proper antialiasing so we can finally actually enjoy the game.


    TAA is coming to Alpha 20.


  14. If people have questions regarding the topic of POIs, the Shape Menu, and Quests, go ahead and ask them below. I will compile the list and send it to Lathan on the day of the stream. I can't promise he will answer them all but he might be able to answer some and it may work better than them trying to glean from the 150 mph chat during the stream.


    And let me just get this out of the way for the On Topic Challenged:


    When will you update the console version?



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