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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 29 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    to be worth of buying


    I have doubts that DLCs will have to be bought for this game. Like I said, once they shift their focus to modding tools and Steam workshop support there is going to be little that they can add that modders wouldn't be able to duplicate for free anyway. Why would they create a new map when anyone has access to infinite maps through RWG? new items? new guns? new quests? new enemies? --all of these have already been done by modders with the current status of the game always being in flux. Once the game is finalized and full dev support for modding tools is implemented there will be all of these possible for free from the community.


    The devs are likely to add their own content updates that will match a lot of what modders will have already done (much like now) but they most probably wouldn't charge additional money for them. (much like now).  If there are any DLCs that would have to be purchased it would be for something that modders can't change like adding new biomes or ziplines-- something completely new that modders have zero hooks for adding. But I see that happening maybe once or twice if at all. The devs have stated that new features that they dreamed of that didn't make it into this game, they would rather make as a big feature of a future game.

  2. 5 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    honestly cod and minecraft is more similiar that 7dtd and minecraft now. why? because it is not a "game" only - in every shop you can buy backpacks , newspaper about minecraft , lego sell sets with minecraft etc. honestly they more earn now on this  that on selling games from minecraft series (minecraft+dungeons).

    Cod? thirts , mugs , bricks similiar to lego , figures , pins etc. 


    You are going to have to tell me how physical stores selling COD and Minecraft merchandise has anything whatsoever to do with content upgrades to those games. I keep telling you that (like Minecraft and unlike COD) this game was designed from the ground up to be modified and used as a system for individuals to create games using the architecture that the developers provided. I just don't see how you are logically tying in mugs with how the games have been coded with modding in mind.


  3. 37 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    and he probably know that only thing it can be done is sue modders but it will be bad for PR

    Uh….they designed the game specifically to be modded. They aren’t going to not sue modders because of PR issues. They won’t sue them because they will have given modders all the tools they need to do whatever their creativity leads them to do. You really have no idea about the attitude of the developers towards mods and modding if you think for an instant they are going to try to limit or discourage modders in any way. 

    They will not which is why updates that add content that could easily be modded anyway will most likely be free.


    Now, the sharknado …..that’ll cost. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Tellis Argonis said:

    the pimps want to make a sequel or a different project after everything is said and done with 7dtd


    TFP doesn't plan to stray too far from what they know how to do. So even if the next project is different, it isn't going to very different. Its not like they are going to shift into card battle games or top down real time strategy. I'm sure that whatever they offer as their next game, people will see it as a spiritual sequel even if it isn't a direct sequel.

  5. TFP has previously said that they plan to continue to add content to the game after release. Whether it will be free content or not is up in the air. They have made this game very moddable and because of that, any content they add that they expect fans to pay for better be significant enough that fans wouldn't be able to just get it anyway for free from a mod. So, most post launch updates in the future are likely to be free content. 

  6. From reports I read there are still people whose vehicles disappear if they leave them parked somewhere and then leave the chunk. It isn't as common as it used to be but it still happens. For that reason, people who are worried that it might happen to them should be able to have the peace of mind that it is safely in their "pocket" when they aren't using it.


    I agree that it is taking the easy way out if you drive into a place where you get stuck and rather than excavating it out the long way you just pick it up and place it back on the road. However, I think in the grand scheme of things such situations should be left to the sensibilities and immersion of the player rather than forced upon them. But if they changed it I wouldn't be upset.


    4 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

    Same here, but I got tired of the vehicles disappearing on me.  Nothing like waking up in the morning and finding your minibike has decided to tunnel downward 100 meters.  Since then, I put them in storage crates (yes, I know I can just use CM and spawn me a new one if it does, I hate the leftover marker from it though).


    Case in point :)

  7. 7 minutes ago, hiemfire said:

    None of the Pass & Gases in the snow biome on Navezgane match the one in the random gen teaser image posted by faatal.


    Hmmm...I wonder if the lights are working in that Pass-n-Gas...? Might need a tweak to the generator. Maybe someone will send somebody over there to do a service call...


    Might take a whole crew if....um....you have a crew.

  8. I don't feel like we're arguing. We're just a couple of guys where one guy ruined the other guy's long standing record of not thinking about something.


    I would love for any of those things to be implemented as well and I'm glad we have the modding talent we do so that we all have a good chance to get most of those things at some point. 

  9. 19 minutes ago, khzmusik said:

    but that doesn't mean that it can't better incorporate similar gameplay elements. It's not like making this more of a survival horror game would mean removing the fun parts of crafting, tower defence, or whatever.


    To a point. Better in most people's minds means deeper and more fully developed. At some point they have to stop and be happy with the depth they've chosen. Usually how well an element is implemented depends on how much of a fan of that type of gameplay you are. I love the guns in the game but talk to a gun nut and TFP didn't go nearly far enough. I'd be down with insanity effects to make the horror aspects more robust but people not into all that would want a hard pass and say the horror part of the game is as robust as it needs to be. People who love farming games would probably be ecstatic if TFP spent six months adding seasonal effects, different types of fertilizers and chemicals, dramatically increasing the types of crops, adding fruit trees, and then adding a better nutrition system for breads, fruits, vegetables, meat and making harvesting and planting have more depth. There have been many threads calling for "better stealth" but I'm happy with the stealth footprint currently in the game. When Madmole talked about fixing water he meant just keeping it basic so that it functions properly but people who had their fan radar attuned to Seafaring gameplay immediately went to rafts, currents, fishing, water zombie lifeforms, etc.


    There just isn't time and resources to go too far in any element so yeah, they should just improve the few elements I like and that would fix it. ;)

  10. Horror and Survival Horror are two different genres. Survival Horror specifically refers to games in which you don’t have enough resources to simply blast your way through everything. You have run away a lot, hide, use some stealth, and sometimes take wounds that give you lingering status effects that make survival more difficult. Sanity levels are often a feature of that genre. 

    7 Days to Die was never meant to be a dedicated Survival Horror game. If that aspect is what someone latches onto and wants to be dominant then they are going to be disappointed. Survival Horror is one of the genres the game borrows elements from. 

    Horror is completely different and this game has never been all that horrific. Some of the effects we will see in A20 (unrevealed as of yet btw) will add actual horror elements to the game more than we’ve seen previously. 

    If you are a tower defense fan and you want this game to be a tower defense game you will be disappointed. 

    If you are Stealth fan and you want this game to be a stealth game you will be disappointed. 

    If you are a survival fan and want this game to be pure survival you will be disappointed. 

    If you are a crafting fan and want this game to be a full crafting game you will be disappointed. 

    If you are a classic zombie game fan and you want this game to be a traditional zombie game you will be disappointed. 

    If you are a RPG fan and want this game to be a fully featured RPG you will be disappointed. 

    If you enjoy how the game has melded elements of all these genres into a single game then you are picking up what the devs are putting down and probably view their path as a good one. 

    As far as being scared when you play, you have to watch new players. My brother sat on the roof of a mobile home refusing to drop down a hole in the roof onto a mattress below because of what he feared might come at him in close quarters. He eventually backed away dropped down the side and busted the door open instead. That’s pretty awesome.  OTOH, I remember going back to replay Silent Hill because I remembered the horror. Guess what was missing the second time through knowing everything? Does that then make Silent Hill neither a Horror game or a Survival Horror game because after the first time it was no longer horrific and scary like it was the first time?


    58 minutes ago, khzmusik said:

    I lost the game too. On a related note: goddamn you. :) 

    please tell me you’d been winning since the 90’s until this moment! 😂

  11. Part of the problem is people defining what the game is differently. (I just lost the game)


    Some people thought that LBD was the core principle of the game. It was the reason to play and grind and progress. But TFP thought of LBD as simply a means by which players could progress. To TFP, player progression was the core principle and LBD was just one way to express that. When they chose a different way to express that, in their minds, the genre never changed. It was still a zombie survival crafting game with elements of tower defense and rpg. But to the fans of LBD, the game was completely thrown out and made new in a completely different genre.


    To me, the game seems about the same as it always has as far as the general genres it hybrids together. Skill points instead of LBD is about the same as list crafting instead of grid crafting to me. The game is still a crafting genre game even though we craft through lists and recipes instead of grids and spacial puzzles. The game is also still a character progression RPG-like game even though we spend points for improvement instead of grind up that improvement via actions.


    Imagine you bought a puzzle in early access... j/k but I will say that in my opinion the picture did not change. It is still the same picture but perhaps the piece count is slightly different and maybe the shapes of some of the pieces have been changed so they fit together differently than they did. But it is still a puzzle and the image of what was promised is still there. Going down the kickstarter list which is what the promised image was, they are closing in on fulfilling every single promise. How those promised features play out exactly have changed a few times as the Pimps experimented but they are there and the genre that was the proposed genre as described on the Steam page hasn't ever changed and is still relevant to what is being played today.

  12. 1 hour ago, Blackgryphon said:

    Do you know how big a meter is? 3.2 feet.. I am a larger guy and I could easily fit through a 1 meter square space with a big backpack on.


    Are you sure? I mean, it would have to be a HUMONGOUS backpack to fit everything we can put into it. 


    1 hour ago, Blackgryphon said:

    1) Careful. If you start ignoring what players want and just do whatever, it will hurt business.


    What you want has not been ignored.  It has been fully considered. Carefully.


    1 hour ago, Blackgryphon said:

    2) When that ability was taken away, Madmole said it was for realism. That he wants the game as real as possible.. Yet, it is realistic that someone could fit through that space.  So which is? Do you want realism or not?


    Not quite. Madmole said it was for level design and appearance as the animations of the time were not good enough to show a character moving through a 1-meter hole without parts of his body and head clipping through the surrounding blocks and it would look bad. I never once heard him say that it was physically impossible for a person in real life to traverse a one meter hole. In fact, we do it all the time vertically with an installed ladder to boot. No.... realism was never the objection. It was 1000s of hours of redoing level design to account for the ability and balance it out and that was when we only had half the POIs we have now.


    I think it was awesome too but I really don't see it happening even though with current animations they could probably make it look good.


    The good news is that crafty modders will probably be able to extrapolate the ability and give it to player characters once it is in the game so it is very possible that 1-meter hole egress will be a reality at some point.


    8 minutes ago, Kalex said:

    Personally, I would rather 1 meter ingress/egress remain eliminated for everything except crawlers, dogs and other small animals than go back to the head-clipping exploits and the teleport to the surface bug in a 1 m high space.


    This very well may be what it is limited to. Everyone keeps assuming all zombies will be able to do it but I'm pretty sure it will be limited to dogs, crawlers, and maybe the smaller females. Who knows...maybe they will give it to everything. If they don't...modders will be able to include everything and if they do modders will be able to exclude whichever zombies they want.

  13. 19 hours ago, Red Eagle LXIX said:

    I will bet even many of the 1.5 places they can crawl through a player will not be able to and that will be and is immersion breaking. 


    Its actually the other way around. The zombie pathing is not perfect and as I tested it out with 1<x<2 holes I made and low places I found, I was able to crouch through all of them without a problem while the zombies seemed really picky about what they would crouch and crawl through vs what they just started bashing to make a bigger hole.

  14. 10 hours ago, Kyonshi said:

    As an overview of the whole thing, i think its a shame that indie developers have to deal with this bull@%$# when they bust their asses with far more limited resources than major studios.


    But then again, developers at major studios have to deal with bull@%$# of another sort from marketing executives and corporate deadlines and work policies... The Fun Pimps much prefer the interaction with the fans even it isn't always pretty. :)


    At least here, the most demanding fans only act like they are the task masters whereas the devs at large studios actually have to deal with real task masters.

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