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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 24 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    Well newsstands are just perfect: they give you money, warms, safe. 


    Can we be honest for just a moment? Zombies in this game would rip through a newsstand like it was made of tissue paper and a newsstand is completely open on one side and not fully enclosed.



    money: maybe

    warms: no

    safe: heeelll nooooo!!!

  2. 7 hours ago, Viktoriusiii said:

    It is more that it is useless at the time of being able to craft it.


    Crafting one yourself is unlikely to be the only way to get one. There are plenty of tier 3 items that come into the player's possession long before the player could craft those items and some are things that player may NEVER be able to craft on their own. I'm trolling a bit but not much. This really is just the first iteration.


    Why is it that all the people who are the loudest critics of how TFP always redo and redo and redo features-- all of a sudden are certain that this first implementation is going to be the final implementation? (Now THAT was a troll ;) )

  3. 31 minutes ago, Slaasher said:

    I am never in enough danger outside for me to have to create a distraction to disengage.


    Its not usually about being in danger. I throw rocks at night when on the roof of my base when zombies are below me. They run out into the open to chase the rock and into my line of sight. I throw rocks to cause zombies to run into hostile animals because it is fun. Mostly I throw rocks at night to distract zombies and move them out of my path so I don't have to go around them and I can just keep sneaking along. I find it enjoyable to cause them to run in a direction of my choosing.


    Throwing rocks does nothing to animals but you can distract animals by directing a zombie at them so the two of them fight. I once sent three zombies at a wolf and then attacked the wolf and it went down in one hit. That was cool.

  4. 59 minutes ago, Scyris said:


    I dunno, how does stealth work when you have one out? or does it work at all? As for its heal ability, if you have to tell it to heal you that kinda makes the function pointless as the time its going to take you to tell it to heal you, you could have used it yourself and been back shooting much faster.


    I'm pretty sure the zombies are completely unaware of the drone so it doesn't factor at all in whether they notice you or not.

    31 minutes ago, Slaasher said:

    The drone is a tricky thing.

    IMO one thing we dont need is something that is OP and will take the danger factor out of the game.

    I would rather see them add mundane things at first and see how it goes before giving it too many features.


    Heh...heh... The funny thing is that for YEARS people asked for the devs to please allow them to push the shopping cart around and be able to fill it with loot. So the devs give us what amounts to a shopping cart and everybody wants it to shoot or shock enemies too. 


    What happened with being happy with a loot cart? :)

  5. Hopefully there will be more to it at some point. Even being able to send it back to your base to deliver items to a special container it is linked to. That way you could keep exploring a large POI and every 5-10 minutes the drone would return for you to transfer more loot for it to take back to your base ,dump, and return.


    But even despite its current limited use as a hover cart, there is something about it that is so cool as it follows you around and tries to stay near you. It feels like a pet. I bet once most people try playing with one they will always want to play with one even if it remains as it is. You kind of get attached to the little droid...

  6. 1 hour ago, Fanatical_Meat said:


    I would love to know how many players throw rocks. I always hear about these “stealth” players but the entire idea seems to defeat the purpose of playing.


    Poll is up in General Discussions. I throw rocks frequently and for different reasons which I shared and hopefully others will share why they throw rocks as well. I don't think throwing rocks defeats the purpose of playing. I think it greatly enhances it and I'm glad it is a feature. I think that throwing a rock at and hitting a player in the head should have a high degree of probability of causing a concussion debuff. That would be hilarious.

  7. Does anyone REALLY throw rocks in the game for any reason? Is there an actual strategy involved with throwing rocks? Share your strategies and reasons for throwing rocks down below. 


    I do frequently throw rocks and my number one reason is to distract zombies. My number two reason is to make them fight hostile animals.


    But I have trolled my brother by throwing a rock into his mine at night while he was down there to make a few zombies jump in and surprise him. We've also played "Bocce" or at least we picked a landmark and competed to see who could land a rock closest to it from the roof of our base.

  8. 4 hours ago, Blackrook said:

    am I only allowed to play when she's in bed  if the game is 'M' rated?


    Yes, if you desire to behave in alignment with your stated convictions. No, if you're willing to live below the standard you claim to believe in. No judegment here. I don't think anyone successfully lives up to all their ideals all the time. But since you asked, waiting to play when children aren't present watching the M-rated content is absolutely what someone would do who both believes that children shouldn't view that material and intends to live by that belief and enforce it in their own home.

  9. 2 hours ago, John Black said:


    The suggesting of building bigger is completely valid but for me the plan breaks down for one main reason. Zombies will seek out weak points from too far away, hence my main post suggestion. If I may ask, in your builds, how many breaching points to you have during horde night without moving the breach by patching?


    My preference is to take over pretty good sized brick building

    POI's. I gut the the first floor and put a second wall inside the existing one. I fight on that floor through windows at the 2m height and make repairs as I can. If I notice zombies are through the first layer and beating on the second layer I retreat to the upper floor to shoot from above. I usually have about two to three points that could potentially breach. Usually the weakened points are on different walls so even once one breaches the zombies still pound on the other but it is true that once the breach occurs most of them come in through there. But by that time I've moved to my second level so I don't care where they come in from. That's the first couple horde nights. After that I usually fill in the bottom floor and simply fight from above.


    I have noticed a significant relaxing of their rigid "one best pathway" behavior of A17 and they definitely path from a shorter distance than they used to. For horde night that is a good thing as it promotes more varied behavior but for the rest of the game week it is getting depressing as more and more zombies act erratically and choose ridiculous paths as they wake up in POI's. I really wouldn't like to see things get any more random from them as most of what I consider my preferred game happens during the other six days of the week than horde night, tbh. Horde night can be thrilling but it is just one event and I enjoyed this game long before horde night was even a thing.


    If I had one wish it would be to have separate pathing rules for horde night and then I would hope that longer path detection and less random behaviors could be reinstated so the zombies behave more like they did in A17 while exploring POIs. Then I wouldn't mind if they made the zombies even a bit dumber for horde night. That being said, I don't want a return to pre-A17 horde nights. The way it is now if you build a basic bunker with sunken spikes you get a pretty close to classic experience. But if you want to design a kill corridor and funnel the zombies through it you can also do that and that also has a lot of appeal and it is something that could not be done effectively under the old AI.

  10. 48 minutes ago, Laz Man said:

    The zombies also dont come from the same direction which some people still don't know.  The direction changes throughout the night..  The AI also won't go out of its way to go through a hole that is too far away.  I've seen this often in bases that are too large.




    This is true. But there are some players who will build a base small enough so that the "hole" at the end of the kill corridor will be pathed by every zombie that comes to the base. They could build a larger base so that the zombies wouldn't all path to one spot but they won't even if they claim that they wish there was more variety in zombie behavior. They won't let go of that design no matter how you explain that it is their own choice that is leading to a gamestate they aren't enjoying.

  11. 20 minutes ago, Viktoriusiii said:


    Weird. but I guess that is a cultural difference after all. What seems normal to me, is a near taboo for others.
    Thx for explaining. I've heard about it, but I always thought those were just the christian fundamentalists that protest basicially everything.
    Didn't know it was like a common thing.


    Its definitely not merely a Christian Fundamentalist thing as there are many towns and cities that have statutes written into their local laws that prohibit certain establishments from being built within a certain radius of residential neighborhoods and schools. In those cases it doesn't even require any local activism to prevent it. The businesses can't even get a permit to begin with if they try to build in a particular area. It is just those cases where there is no statute but the local neighborhoods don't want it in their neighborhood and they get together to protest and have it moved.


    And it's not just businesses that are deemed sexually inappropriate by the locals but also for other reasons. We had a Walmart that had to change its location because the local small businesses got all the nearby residential zones to protest it. Walmart decided not to fight and just found a new location elsewhere in town. Marijuana dispensaries are also often blocked from being able to be built near neighborhoods that don't want them nearby.

  12. I can't speak for others but it is mostly the clientele that would be hanging around the neighborhood for me. In the USA, especially smaller towns it is common for members of a neighborhood to actively protest certain businesses from going up too close to their residences or their schools. Strip clubs aren't the only types. There are others as well.

  13. 23 hours ago, JCrook1028 said:

    Actually no. In talking about adding new models it's as "simple" as knowing a friend that can do graphics and having them make the models for you.


    Now we have to figure out how to be friends with someone else in order to fix the game the way we want? If I knew how to make friends I wouldn't be typing with strangers on the internet!!


    Matt, just learn how to mod. Its so much easier. ;)

  14. 1 hour ago, retrogamingdev said:

    Does Twitter count as a 'site'? I have over 5k followers there.

    As of now Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc don't count. Sorry. Basically Twitch or YouTube is predominately what we are looking for. Some countries have alternative services and YouTube and Twitch are not allowed so in those cases we allow it since those are comparable services.

  15. 2 hours ago, meganoth said:

    By the way, the 800 bullets on day 1 you mentioned: This is another unfinished work, trader loot and rewards should have been rebalanced in A20, but this was postponed to A21, I assume because they fundamentaly changed the looting code because of the RWG changes and so had no time for that. Yes, TFP is slow for anyone looking from outside, don't expect this to change.


    Actually I just saw a ticket this morning that changed ammo and throwables quest rewards to half the amount they were in A19. But....this won't change the fact that someone can still spam the quests and get 400 bullets instead of 800 and probably a dozen or so molotovs and pipe bombs. 


    And if someone wants to do that and is happy with the result more power to them. I can respect min/maxers who min/max and enjoy it and have fun with the results they get. What I don't respect is someone choosing to play in a way that destroys their fun and they will not (or cannot) stop themselves even when it is pointed out to them. Why continue to suffer when the solution is so easy?  Don't we all have a huge pile of unplayed games collecting dust or sitting there greyed out uninstalled in our Steam Library because we stopped having fun with them and so we...uh...stopped playing them? Why self flagellate with a video game? At least with this one instead of uninstalling you can play a mod or you can (in classic sandbox fashion I might add which is also one of the genres in the mix) set your own goals, challenges, and limitations and enjoy that for yourself.

  16. 1 hour ago, pahbi said:


    That would be pretty funny.


    If I was a developer, I would want to sell my game to as many people as possible, and if parental controls on a game helps that, then why not?


    The decision imo should be purely about money.  How much does it cost to add the controls vs how many extra income said controls might generate.




    This is the best answer. Good Job! Have a Cookie!!

  17. 50 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    Well but it could lock some schematics right? so now in theory- what if you get schematics from skill and you doing it in workbench but you die bettwen this. So it could create bug becaue now you can't do this thing. 

    Well i forget it can be create in this way.  I was thing in grandpa's elixir but 1 lvl only.  So do this in this way could be very hard to implement

    Can't that scenario happen now if you are wearing glasses to give yourself a level to be able to craft something but then remove the glasses? What bug happens?

  18. 16 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    1.Well unfortunatly i'm right - because now game keep your 1 profile, but with lvl 20 you would need 20 profiles. Because you can put  points in diffrent way. and will need "space" so this is problem and level is connected with gamestage.


    I don't think you are. They already implemented virtually the same thing as level loss for death except it was temporary so people (min/maxer oriented people again) sat around waiting for the curse to end because they couldn't stomach the thought of harvesting or taking any action at less than optimal efficiency for their character. It was a 60 minute death curse that got reduced to 30 minutes and then finally removed.  But they could easily implement a permanent level loss for dying. It's already all there if they want it and they would just make it permanent rather than on a timer. I'm not sure why you think this would result in 20 different profiles You would simply lose the level and any skills that no longer could function would become red until your level was recovered.


    I don't think they will return to this though-- not because of technical limitations but because of memory of the backlash the last time they went down this road.

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