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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 18 hours ago, Kyonshi said:

    Can you quickly point me out which xml file has that zombie vision value? There's still a full month or so until A20 lands, so id like to fiddle around with this. Or maybe just drop a link to another thread if this already has been asked before. Thanks!


    In entityclasses.xml looking in the basic malezombie AI Targets and Tasks there is this line that you might try playing around with:


    <property name="AITarget-4" value="SetNearestEntityAsTarget" data="class=EntityPlayer,0,0,EntityNPC,0,0"/> <!-- class, hear distance, see dist (checked left to right, 0 dist uses entity default) -->


    So class=EntityPlayer,50,30 would make it so the zombies could hear the player from 50 blocks away and see the player from 30 blocks away I'm assuming.


    The list of classes that can be made into targets for the AI is:


    <!--Classes for AITarget:
            <property name="Class" value="EntityAnimalRabbit"/> and chicken
            <property name="Class" value="EntityAnimalStag"/>
            <property name="Class" value="EntityBackpack"/>
            <property name="Class" value="EntityBandit"/>
            <property name="Class" value="EntityEnemyAnimal"/>
            <property name="Class" value="EntityLootContainer"/>
            <property name="Class" value="EntityMinibike"/>
            <property name="Class" value="EntityNPC"/>
            <property name="Class" value="EntityPlayer"/>
            <property name="Class" value="EntitySupplyCrate"/>
            <property name="Class" value="EntitySupplyPlane"/>
            <property name="Class" value="EntitySurvivor"/>
            <property name="Class" value="EntityVulture"/>
            <property name="Class" value="EntityZombie"/>
            <property name="Class" value="EntityZombieCop"/>
            <property name="Class" value="EntityZombieDog"/>


    So you could conceivably make the zombies chase animals and other things by adding them with commas keeping in mind that their hearing and sight is checked vs entities in the list from left to right.

  2. 7 hours ago, Kito Ballard said:

    That 5k limit killed my chance instantly =\ My BF showed me the link and I was all "Sure, I'll take a look" and I'm at 1.1k. That kind of limit kind of discourages me as it always feels like bigger names get more attention.. But I'm honestly not here to b. Congrats to all those who did get it though~


    I sincerely hope your channel grows so that you can join us for the A21 event. If bandits truly make it for that update, THAT will be the big one. :)


    3 hours ago, Kyonshi said:

    Can you quickly point me out which xml file has that zombie vision value? There's still a full month or so until A20 lands, so id like to fiddle around with this. Or maybe just drop a link to another thread if this already has been asked before. Thanks!


    Not quickly. :) If I have time tonight I can look for it but I suspect someone will show you. I'm pretty sure it is a property listed under the main zombie male in the entities xml folder that is then extended to the other zombies. I'm at school already this morning so can't check. Maybe someone else can toss the ball back to us...


  4. 42 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    A few points: Like Roland said but wrongly implied it was because of realism


    Since I obviously was unclear in my thoughts since three people now have attributed my point to some call for realism let me clarify what I was talking about. I was not trying to imply that there ever could be a real zombie apocalypse. What I meant is that rewards like loot and xp attach an artificial incentive that disproportionately emphasizes attacking and killing. Rather than comparing it to some imagined reality let me compare it to the feel and setting of The Walking Dead as well as many other zombie shows. In those other depictions the first rule is survival by any means-- even running away. Nobody farms zombies or takes unnecessary risks to confront and kill large numbers of them. Rick and company never lit up with excitement when confronted by a herd imagining how many levels they could increase or what possible loot they might find. A herd was always to be avoided or even distracted and turned away. There might be an odd crazy character who goes actively hunting zombies or a group might actively clear zombies out of a building they want to inhabit but normally avoiding and sneaking are more viable and safer strategies than direct attacks.


    But, thanks to XP (and back when we had loot that too) we have a very opposite feel in this game. Its not bad, per se, but it does make it difficult to play the game in the same way that survival is depicted on The Walking Dead since the humans never receive any reward other than continuing to survive when they kill a zombie or a thousand. Now, I understand that a video game is a different medium than a television show and what makes for poignant and gripping viewing could very well translate to boring and uneventful gameplay. But I can say that when I modded my game so that xp was a function of time survived period and actions the player took in the game were purely to meet the demands of survival and not also to earn gamey rewards, the whole feel of playing was different. I won't claim that it was better because I've played both vanilla and 0XP and had fun with both-- and I haven't gone back and updated it since A18.


    All I am saying is that loot on zombies and xp on zombies changes drastically how we see them and interact with them into a much more video gamey manner. Well...this is a video game after all. It isn't real. I know that. Perhaps I'll get the assistance I need and get 0XP updated for A20.

  5. 8 hours ago, meganoth said:

    And I'll never loot backpacks again 😉


    Never say never. Backpack loot is way better in A20

    12 hours ago, Renathras said:

    Now it's just something to kill and get XP from


    A big problem in my opinion. Zombies shouldn't award xp or loot in my opinion. Those rewards artificially incentivize us to seek out zombies and kill them and in a true zombie apocolypse, avoiding should be just as rewarding as killing.

  6. 4 hours ago, BFT2020 said:


    Sometimes a change doesn't have to be huge to make a big impact on something.  A small change can have a cascading result.  Throw in other changes, and the impact can be felt long after you exit the game  😁


    That and the fact that adding options to the top menu of the game is always a solid update. You could approximate the feral option with xml edits even now but then you have to be comfortable making those edits. In A20 it will be an official option that can be enabled by anyone without modding knowhow not to mention that faatal spent time testing and making other adjustments so that it works better than it would have by us changing the value for radius of zombie vision.


    Bach just doesn't care about it so he minimizes it. If faatal announced a new option to remove traders from the game with a simple toggle on the main menu, he would be much more excited and see it as a legit update even though it is basically the same type of thing. ;)

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