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Laz Man

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Posts posted by Laz Man

  1. Excellent job Laz! Looking forward to finding it in game!


    If you follow the included installation instructions, the prison should be roughly one biome north of the central city. Follow any road heading north and you should find it.


    I recommend moving the prison farther out if used on a dedicated server with many players.

  2. last i knew kitty wanted navesgane lol. But she using the rwg. There isnt a navesgane prison is theree Laz yeh or. But I did find this which is not needed I dont think it would matter tho but yeh not needed -



    <prefab_rule name="wildernessPOIs">

    <path_material value="gravel" />

    <path_radius value="2" />


    <prefab name="TWDprisonRWG" prob="0.03"/>


    <prefab name="indian_burial_grounds_01" prob="0.03"/>

    <prefab rule="militaryCamps" prob="0.03"/>

    <prefab rule="wildernessMisc" prob="0.14"/>

    <prefab rule="waterPOIs" prob="0.2"/>

    <prefab rule="campsites" prob="0.2"/>

    <prefab rule="cabins" prob="0.2"/>

    <prefab rule="barnsAndSheds" prob="0.2"/>





    for navesgane i am cluseless havent played navesgane since rwg came out alpha 8 lol.


    The current version in this thread has the prison configured to spawn as a wilderness POI, unlike the version included in mags compo pack which is configured to spawn via hub_layout.

  3. @ JaxTeller718 didn't go either


    Here are the xml files, would be nice if someone could tell me what i forgot or did wrong.


    That's what i added in the prefabs.xml:







    <decoration type="model" name="xcostum_ZombieZoo(by_Wsiegel)a12_v1" position="69, 61, 185" rotation="0" />

    <decoration type="model" name="TWDprisonRWG" position="209, 61, 11" rotation="0" />



    Thats changed and added in the rwg.mixer:



    <world ruleset="vanilla" />



    <ruleset name="vanilla" cell_cache_size="16" cell_size="1200" cell_offset="0.8" generation_distance="10000">

    <cell_rule name="wastelandHub" position="0,0" prob="0.1"/>


    <cell_rule name="lowDensity" prob="1"/>

    <cell_rule name="highDensity" prob="0.5"/>

    <cell_rule name="prisonHub" position="0,1"/>

    <!--<cell_rule name="customHubTest" position="0,1" prob="0"/>-->






    <cell_rule name="prisonHub">

    <cave_count value="0,4"/>

    <path_material value="asphalt" />

    <path_radius value="7" />

    <hub_rule name="prisonHub"/>


    <wilderness_rule name="wildernessDefault"/>





    <hub_rule name="prisonHub">

    <hub_type value="town"/>

    <hub_layout name="prisonHub"/>

    <prefab_rule name="townSmall"/>






    <prefab_rule name="UniquePOIs">

    <prefab rule="TWDprisonRWG"/>



    <prefab_rule name="wildernessPOIs">

    <path_material value="gravel" />

    <path_radius value="2" />


    <prefab name="TWDprisonRWG" prob="0.03"/>


    <prefab name="indian_burial_grounds_01" prob="0.03"/>

    <prefab rule="militaryCamps" prob="0.03"/>

    <prefab rule="wildernessMisc" prob="0.14"/>

    <prefab rule="waterPOIs" prob="0.2"/>

    <prefab rule="campsites" prob="0.2"/>

    <prefab rule="cabins" prob="0.2"/>

    <prefab rule="barnsAndSheds" prob="0.2"/>





    <biome_spawn_rule name="burnt_forest"/>

    <biome_spawn_rule name="wasteland_hub"/>

    <biome_spawn_rule name="wasteland" />

    <biome_spawn_rule name="radiated"/>

    <biome_spawn_rule name="water"/>





    <hub_layout name="prisonHub">

    <township_type value="town"/>

    <street start_point="-50,0" end_point="128,0" path_material="asphalt" path_radius="7"/>

    <street start_point="-50,144" end_point="128,144" path_material="asphalt" path_radius="7"/>

    <street start_point="-28,7" end_point="-28,133" path_material="gravel" path_radius="4"/>

    <street start_point="110,7" end_point="110,133" path_material="gravel" path_radius="4"/>

    <lot min_x_y="-23, 8" prefab="TWDprisonRWG" rotation_to_road="3"/>



    <hub_layout name="customHubTest">

    <township_type value="town"/>

    <street start_point="-64,0" end_point="64,0"/>

    <lot min_x_y="0, 8" size="60,60" rotation_to_road="2"/>

    <lot min_x_y="-32, 12" prefab="oldwest_jail" rotation_to_road="2"/>





    But both buildings don't show on the map.:grumpy:


    Hi Kitty,


    Sorry for the delayed response. Did you want the prison to spawn in a RWG or Navesgane map? From your xml snippet, it looks like you are trying to do both? I am updating my prison prefab again which will include better spawning (unique in a specific location). Look for the update very soon. :)

  4. Can you please explain to me how the probability parameter works?


    It seems all a bit odd. tbh I couldn't find a prison at all at first. Then I tried to upper that value, which at a point did influence the spawning of military bases (when setting to 1.0 or simply 1) I had military bases all over the place but not as expected the prison. (also I have enabled it to spawn in other biomes (desert,plains) as well is that not a good idea? In a singleplayer game I managed to find a prison, when simply disabling the other prefabs in that section.


    The probability of a prefab is dictated by its value in relation to the total prob. Of all prefabs in its group.


    For example, let's say you have a prefab group called town which contains 4 different prefabs with each set to prob=1. Each prefab will have a 1 out 4 chance (25%) to be selected.


    If we increase the probability of one of the prefabs to 2 then it will have a 2 out 5 chance (40%) to spawn while the rest will have a 1 out of 5 chance (20%) to spawn.


    You can allow it to spawn in other biomes but it might look out of place since it's configures with forest grass.


    Lastly, post your XML code in here if you would like us to take a look.


    Edit: FYI, I will be creating a custom hub for the prison in the near future to improve how it spawns in the world.

  5. Yes - thats exactly the 2 reasons.

    I added additional layers under all prefabs I added to the Pack.

    Small ones get a basement of stone of 5

    Prefabs bigger then 45X45 get a basement of stone of 10 !!!


    Yes - this is not elegant - but the only way i know to stop the collapsing-problem.

    (again: IMO this is a nasty gamebug and I hope TFP will fix that very soon. Also the other Spawning-Issues!)


    I like ur pyramide-like-edges to make the extra-basement a littlebit more hilly and let it fit better in the landscape.

    But if u wanna go 10 deep - the prefab becomes 10blocks bigger in each direction !!!

    And not every Prefab should stand on a hill. They have to fit in the natural landscape in future !!


    But the most important problem with this right now in RWG is the OVERSIZE-PROBLEM ;( !!!



    Just wanted to mention that again :)



    The pyramid fertile grass blocks was actually not to improve stability but because the prison has multi-level exterior terrain. I wanted it to be as close to the real prison that I could make it. I wish we could make elevated organic blocks smooth like how the terrain looks on world generation but sadly we cannot. :(

  6. You could utilise the materials xml. Increase the stability of each block to something ridiculous. This stabilises the building more as well and you can build further with out a support every 2nd block.


    In regards to your compopack mag realeasing the pack with the extra material xml will then add all the new material/changed material to the dl users game to. Maybe those whom make prefabs can do this to before starting to build. So they use these blocks that use the changed stronger stab stuff.


    The problem is not stability but the fact that buildings shouldn't be floating over drops in terrain. It just looks......wrong. (lack of a better word). My guess is the general terrain is generated first and the prefabs are inserted afterwards. It would be nice if the developers could somehow update the prefab generation part of their code to analyze the amount of flat terrain is available prior to inserting a prefab. This is most likely harder to implement than it sounds. But one can dream :).

  7. Ive added it on a fresh wipe and on an already running game and both worked. Although if you use it ona preexisting game you would either have to a) go to regions noone has currently explored yet or b)delete the region files your base isn't in and try it that way. both ways i have had it spawn though, so you should be fine.


    Edit: I have no idea how to do prefabs yet, but i am starting to play with Hal's editor, so i can make an Alexandria-esqe prefab. Laz how did you make such a big prefab spawn on the ground? instead of floating?


    Floating prefab issues usually occur because of 1 of 2 reasons.


    #1 The Yoffset value set in the prefabs xml file is not low enough.

    #2 The Prefab's footprint is so large that its edges will hang over lower elevation terrain in RWG. The only way I have been able to overcome this problem is to generate additional layers under the large prefab so even if it goes over lower elevation terrain, the gap is filled. It isn't the most elegant fix but at least will allow the prefab to look somewhat more blended with the terrain.

  8. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (sorry I have nothing to add beyond my enthusiasm)


    EDIT: Except to say that your included rwgmixer.xml includes non-vanilla brownstones_01


    Whoops, thanks for catching that. It is fixed now.

  9. Wow! Awesome prison.

    Please remind me how to turn off GUI elements (belt, crosshair, etc).


    I believe it's F7.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Heya folks,


    The original post has been updated with a new version. FYI, the included rwgmixer.xml file is configured to allow the prison to spawn in the forest biome roughly 3% of the time. Enjoy!

  10. Hello survivors! I should be ready to release an updated prison for RWG this weekend.


    Not only will this update compatibility with A10 but also have added detail.


    -Populated more rooms for scavenging!

    -Replaced all doors!

    -Added new blocks (shotgun messiah box, bookcases, etc.)

    -Added more block decals! (Blood, newspapers, trash, etc.)

  11. Is it possible to manually spawn a POI like this in a random world? I used this on my server for random gen but I just can't seem to find this anywhere. Just too hard to find this. Would love to play with this!


    I haven't looked at the prefabs.xml after the a10 update but judging from the amount of prefabs in the wilderness. Finding the prison will most likely be a rarity. Once I get back up to speed I will see if there is a way to increase the frequency.

  12. laz man this is such a great prefab man. enjoyed clearing it out as well :-) You have done great :-).. Now off you go & build woodbury & terminus lmao :-P haha.. so we can have a true set up of TWD :-D (OFC this is only joking,)


    :-) great work again


    Once they add tallow candles...you may see terminus in the future :)

  13. Yeh took me a bit to get the planes right.. the tanks look crap house lol but for now they do. The truck in my new prefab TonysRanch/tourist stay/honey farm isnt bad either :-). Yeh love trying new things & making new prefabs... Gonna make a castle in the burnt area/wasteland next (esp use the mist/smoke to its advantage to :-) ) Keep up the good prefabs :-)


    The barrelsmoketest block is awesome. I hope they add more blocks with special effects so we can create more immersive prefabs 😀

  14. haha not yet only just c;eared the zombies lol haha.... But loved it. The attention to detail is amazing... Haha yeh woodbury would be a fairly big job. Terminus not so much but still detailing will be a job and a half.


    Did you look at my prefabs :-). i finished a new one last night :-) I posted pics to


    Pictures look good. Haven't had time to play much but when I do will check them out. love the airplanes. I love it when people get creative with the blocks in the game. It inspires me to create new prefabs. 😁

  15. laz man this is such a great prefab man. enjoyed clearing it out as well :-) You have done great :-).. Now off you go & build woodbury & terminus lmao :-P haha.. so we can have a true set up of TWD :-D (OFC this is only joking,)


    :-) great work again


    Glad you enjoyed it. I have a few smaller prefabs in mind before I take on another massive one like the prison. Did ya find the secret rooms? 😀

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