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Laz Man

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Posts posted by Laz Man

  1. After speaking to some of our local players and a couple of friends who've been watching the vids, there's a few things I feel I should explain as the end result will not be super concentrated zombies over every inch of the city.


    It's a city. That means it has to at least look like 10,000+ people lived there. This also means that there should be around 10,000+ corpses or zombies too. Stop complaining, in alpha 15 we had none.


    Game stage modifiers are set to hard and will slowly decline to easy the closer to the edges of the city you get. The stucco housing that makes up the edges in the south as an example, can still potentially have a decent amount of sleepers, but those low value loot areas will be a lot less troublesome than what you've seen so far.


    Once you get so far into the city, I am actively trying to kill you to death with every step you take. Every single area is being assessed and I will shamelessly drop ferals in that area with lots of loot or whatever else I feel should stand in your way without hesitation. People soaked up starvation, valmod and other packs simply because it was hard, well welcome to the concrete jungle ladies...


    A testing version will be out sooner rather than later, leave your hand bags at home tho, slaanhatten is now about the challenge of simply being there and I will upscale looting and access to the point people feel it's worth it rather than tone down the difficulty.


    Ofc when Gertle heights and a party of a few players drop the server to it's knees I may have to address the spawning, but so far with some thought, most sleepers are not active until they need to be so performance is not too bad surprisingly.


    Thats one seriously awesome vision. I know people love higher risk / higher reward areas. Let me know if you need any custom prefabs to add. Im almost done with my mcdowells restaurant and will be looking for my next project.

  2. Hi Laz Man,


    you can use the front view or the side view to remove layers:


    1. click on front view


    2. (optional) Go to layer 0


    3. (optional) click on the x-ray mode button to find out which layers you want to delete (this will deactivate the "remove rows" button)


    4. select some blocks that belong to those layers (right mouse button)


    5. (optional) click again on x-ray mode to reactivate to "remove rows" button


    6. move your mouse over the "remove rows" button (this should show you the selected layers)


    7. click the "remove rows" button






    Maybe that would be easier for most of the users.^^ So probably yes.


    Thanks Pille! That works just fine. :)

  3. Hi Pille,


    Thanks for the editor. Based on your OP and that the remove layer button/fields are greyed out I am assuming that feature is not implemented yet. If so, do you have plans to add it soon? When using Hal's bbb command to export a prefab, it saves all blocks vertically between a specified x,y coordinate set. I need to be able to delete unwanted layers in order to properly edit these exports.

  4. You seriously underestimate the man hours required to populate a city sized prefab with sleepers =p , 400+ buildings and the spaces in-between them, I lost at least another inch of my hairline assessing the scale of work to be done manually this alpha.


    I can only imagine given that the slaanhatten project is essentially an entire city converted into prefab files (.tts files) which now require sleeper spawn definitions. On the flip side, that means you have full control on where every sleeper spawn can occur in your entire city. Imagine the creative spawn definitions you can create on streets, alleys, wherever. Will truly be epic. :)

  5. Are you talking about "store_pawn_01"? There are many sleeper blocks in this prefab (activate "show class symbol" in extras -> options- > view to show the sleepers).


    Sorry, yes i was aware of the normal sleeper blocks, i was seaching for a special one that spawned the irridated zombie spawn.


    Thanks, i forgot about that post. What is interesting is even with a somewhat lower game stage there is a chance to spawn irradiated zeds. I remember seeing my first irradiated zed in the new pawn shop POI.


    I opened up the pawn shop POI in pilles editor and didnt see any special sleeper blocks in it so not sure how one spawned for me.


    I have to go through the gamestage xml and see if any of the early gamestages has a small chance to spawm irradiated zombies.

  7. Hello guys, can any of you prefab guru's point me in the right direction regarding sleeper configuration. From the limited reviewing of XMLs I have determined the following files need to be looked at to make sleeper changes.


    gamestage XML file (defines the different sleeper spawn groups)

    prefab XML file (specifies which sleeper spawn group is used)

    prefab TTS file (sleeper blocks)


    My general understanding is each prefab has a specific sleeper spawn group assigned to it. I didn't see something about a secondary trigger? Am I missing something? Thanks in advance.

  8. Eta to a16 version?


    Was debating on waiting until stable was released. With my available time i have so far only played past the first 7 day horde.


    Been reading up on the posts from others on the changes to the mixer file off/on to prepare myself in the meantime.

  9. [Just to clarify, TL;DR...]


    I was curious what people would suggest are some good seeds for very new players that from their experience has a lot of resources within range, et cetera. I started up a world, and man I went literally everywhere; found no water towers, no rivers or lakes, barely even found any random bottled waters.. Was rough. HAd more than enough food though, but water was... Yeah. So yea just curious :)


    [it might have been because I named the seed, More Food, so it was like "Well, here is tons of food, but you never asked for water."]


    Haha thats hilarious....becareful what you ask for....

  10. Hello Survivors,


    It has been a while since I have done any prefab work. I went ahead and attempted to open the last release of TWD prison within Alpha 15.2 b7 and I am glad to report that the prefab is mostly intact. Some block ids were shifted around but for the most part it shouldnt take much time to update the prefab to the current released version of 7d2d.


    I am glad to report that the strange voxel vertices and random holes in the world are now gone. TFPs must have fixed it at some point as I didn't see any vertex glitches in the terrain. Hurrah!


    I plan to update the prison once again incorporating new blocks and such so future generations may enjoy :).



  11. I installed the combopack & randomly ran into the prison in my travels across the world.

    I'm a HUGE fan of the Walking Dead & the moment I randomly came across this poi I actually was stunned.

    Loved it, 10/10 - I'd love to help you in creating more TWD themed pois.

    Alexandria, Woodbury, Negans compound, Terminus & many more :D


    Glad you liked it :) I started on a Woodbury but havent gotten very far on it. Life has gotten super busy atm so im a modding hiatus.

  12. Stallions,


    Thanks for the response man. After some debugging attempts, heres where I currently am.


    Writing the lines in myself into the original rwgmixer file did NOT work. Overwriting with the xml provided with the download does work. So I am confident that I probably messed up syntax of some sort in the xml earlier.


    However, now I am trying to install the multi-combo pack. I copied the prefabs and the rwgmixer from the download, but the server is hanging again. Any advice is appreciated. I don't see an output file under logs? Whats the path?


    Hi Dox, Thank you for taking interest in my prison. Good news, I believe my prison is included with the multi-combo pack (Magoli's pack). So if you are able to install his pack successfully then you won't need my separate installer. :)

  13. I assume the fix was to put roads right around it again?


    btw if you have little stub roads where you originally had the roads leading out from the prefab paths it has a good chance of attaching the rwg roads at those points rather than the corners like in your screenshot (it likes to attach to the outermost road)


    Yes, putting roads around it forces the terrain elevation outside of the hub to be more gradual. Thanks for the tip about the stub roads, will test this in the future.


    As a side note, minor update to version 1.51 has been posted in OP. Enjoy!

  14. Hey Survivors, I just finished updating the prison so it spawns more flat with existing terrain around it. There were some seeds where 50% of the prison layout would be floating in the air. I have updated the download in the OP. Thanks to Magoli for finding the issue. :)



  15. Is that so you can laugh at them having to treck 15 miles to grab their backpacks after they were eaten alive! awesome work dude, defo one of my fave prefabs just because of what it is, nevermind the awesome job you made of it. We've only just set a fresh map up and im itching to burn it already =p


    I reduced the amount of dog spawns so it should be more managable lol...

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