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Everything posted by Fanatical_Meat

  1. Excellent point how maybe a Mad Max kind of world where you explore new areas to avoid a chemical storm. Find and modify cars are you move around?
  2. Everyone let’s speculate. What type of game would you like the unannounced game to be. I would like: a survival aspect little tighter shooting than 7d2d I find shooting slightly clunky as of now Crafting/Base Building but not as many traps or turrets Exploring and procedural worlds Big POI that ideally are randomly generated like an underground bunker some game like Pulsar or Valheim where you can build bases but defending the base isn’t the main goal of the game Maybe a plot where you travel thru “Gates” to new worlds and that world is going to die in x hours but in during that time you need to find the next gate to escape and possible repair the gate I want serious consequences for death I want something that could be played single player but also could be played multiplayer again I think Valheim hits this point well I want a dead is dead option I want *in the escaping to a new world* there being unknown as to where you are going to bring oxygen and cold weather clothing Ideally I want food to spoil and calories to matter as in no eating the same thing over and over and over and getting the same result. However I don’t want to starve to death that often. Again Valheim handles this part well. What would you all like to see? @madmole wanna give us a hint as to what the unannounced game is/what game play would be like? We all know it could change so everyone don’t be turds. Be kind if Madmole gives us a hint
  3. I don’t get these threads. Who cares in its current state it is absolutely a finished $20 game. So consider it complete and be happy there are additions still being made to a $20 game.
  4. Personally I believe we will see an A20 experimental/highly unstable playable build by the end of August.
  5. I am sure it will however understand that the screen is not 1080, connecting to a higher resolution screen will likely impact performance. I do believe it has 16GB of ram which is a good thing for 7D2D. Pretty cool how you can connect a mouse & keyboard to it. I do have to say a regular desktop is probably a better choice even with the video card shortage if the portability isn’t something you want as in you are going to use the deck like a desktop.
  6. Haha treading water all night. I never thought of that even with all my playtime. That’s awesomely simple.
  7. Always felt the rifle line perks were pretty useless. Being able to fire thru a zombie with a single shot rifle??? How often does that happen even with the perk. How often a two perfectly lined up. Maybe on a horde night but single shot rifle while they are all running seems to be a bad weapon choice. conga line would change all the above and make that perk totally worth having.
  8. I found a bug too! You have an awfully wrong shaped body if when looking down you only see the wrist to fingers of your hands. Perspective makes it seem like you eyes are in your chest. come on man
  9. Thanks for that mod. Not sure if my friends liked not knowing the time because I forgot to update day length and had it set to 3 hours but I thought it was set for 50 minutes. we were waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting for the horde.
  10. I completely agree. IMO this game gets boring fast if you do single player.
  11. I would like to see more zombies and particularly more during a horde. I want hundreds in a horde, most fairly easy to kill, most of them pretty dumb. I don’t want the all to look identical, I am okay with them not being high def or if their movements are a little strange to help performance. sadly I do not think this is possible with current unity & the machines 7D2D is designed to run on. Maybe the unannounced game will be space marines (war hammer or Aliens kind of marines or starship troopers kind of marines) fighting massive hordes of bugs on an alien planet. Clown Zombie
  12. I want a clown zombie dammit! I want it to have squeaky shoes I want it to explode when dead in glitter or make a squeaky horn sound. I have been shot down with my suggestion. Also: I could care less about Bandits, I really want a steam workshop setup like said earlier find mod or frefab push subscribe and everything just works. Bonus if a dedicated server could push the mods to the clients like Conan Exiles works.
  13. I want to build a bunker in creative mode, all the dev blocks with lights do no light in game when placed, I have tried the lights that are obviously on and the ones that are off. What am I doing wrong? Ideally I’d like the red light to be on and red, a flickering light would be great if possible
  14. Loaded it last nigh and panicked because day/time was still there. Added it to my client and time/date still showed. slept on the issue and remembered I added a UI mod to the server. Deleted the UI mod(let) and all is fine. No day/time displayed. perfect solution for what I needed. Also for anyone who asks the server pushes out to the clients so no day/time shown without them adding the mod. *at least with my test
  15. They say otherwise but I agree. Simply a normal early access thing. Majority of interested buyer have bought. However I want to state what I have said before. Even if the game went gold and released next week it is totally worth the $7.50 sale price it currently sells for and have totally been worth the $20 or so I spent on it.
  16. @faatal I like what you said and seem to be doing about weather & grass. Sounds like it will be a nice touch. Will it impact performance of the game doing weather & wind simulations or can unity handle it without much effort or is my amateur understanding of this sound dumb?
  17. You have won the internet today Sir and I also deem you the Mac Daddy. Thank you!
  18. I want to remove the game time from being displayed on my home server. What file do I have to edit and what should I edit it to so that the server doesn’t share game time with connected clients. Goal is to keep what the exact time is unknown, sun goes down and find a place to hide or bunker down or maybe there is enough time to make it home.
  19. I get it, I am just saying the combination of frequently misses due to the unpredictable path and not doing much damage makes it a very unsatisfying weapon to use imo. I make a primitive bow and a few arrows but I barely use it, I stab with the spear 10x more.
  20. Starting bow is useless in current form. Too frustrating to bother with. I would like to see the crossbow make a comeback too, they were fun. Problem is by the time you find the parts and can make even a low level crossbow you have moved on to pistols. shotguns do too much block damage when perked up, funny to clear a home with a shotgun and leave with multiple walls & floors destroyed or only a wood frame left.
  21. To my admittedly amateur understanding most mordern(ish) CPUs have the TPM built into them just needs to be enabled in the bios however, getting average joe to enable that in the bios will be problematic. I suspect MS will ultimately either: come up with some funky way to enable it in the bios/ufei during installation or that is a system builder feature that needs to be enabled as in Dell, HP, Lenovo and so on will need to build new machines with it enabled. MS will say that requirement is not enforced for consumer installations *but you won’t get enhanced ransomware protection*
  22. It has taken me a long time but I have finally realized don’t mess with what people want when it comes to tech. Even if you think what they are doing stinks or is complicated or wasteful. ”Selling” someone on the benefits of a change that they don’t see as a benefit just leads to misery. great example is my Father. They have a smart TV (don’t get me started as to why one shouldn’t own a smart TV). The TV has a YouTube app, he has fallen in love with random YouTube videos. Watching him hunt and peck thru the on screen keyboard to search using a standard TV remote is painful to me. I get frustrated watching him do it. I suggested using their iPad for YouTube, showed him how and to this day he I never have seen him watch YouTube on their iPad. I have never had him email me a YouTube like like we went over on the iPad. I have had him text me a recording of a YouTube video from his phone. I bought a cromecast to plug into the tv so he could use the iPad keyboard to search. Asking him to change the mode on the TV was more effort than he wanted to deal with, without even opening the chrome cast I returned it. No sense taking this fight on if he wants to use the TV remote to search that’s his choice. I made another attempt with a roku stick I was hoping they’d get comfortable with it and it has a talking remove. That has to be easier than using a remote. Same problem changing the TV mode is not something he wants to do, going to a different TV for YouTube is off the table. Last month I showed him how to send a YouTube video to the roku, again he has zero interest. I have finally given up. He has what he wants and why mess with it. Fortunately I have finally become smart enough to make sure I can return something or even not bother setting it up if I get the stink eye. Agreed and as of today I trust Microsoft with my data more than google, amazon or Apple. sounds strange to say that. *apple is getting better so they may be trusted soon*
  23. Don’t get me wrong, Linux is a viable choice provided you are willing to learn a little about it or deal with small random frustrations. I do not and I know my wife would go nuts if something didn’t work like accessing her work email via a vpn. Linux is a fine solution, just not the right solution for me.
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