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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. Nothing wrong with that. Good luck You want The Legacy Distant Terrain mod in a separate folder than your build target's Mods folder, then have DMT point to that separate folder, with the target pointing to a vanilla version of the game. DMT will take care of copying all the files it needs to the target folder.
  2. You should only need it on the client. Check you log file, it should say something about Creating Legacy Distant Terrain. Then you know its active. You do not need 0-SphereIICore for this to work. In the Mod Launcher, there's also a sphereii-mental / Performance Mod, which only has the Distant Terrain mod in it, if you continue to struggle with it.
  3. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    I am building against that as well with no issues. That error seems like its coming from A17.4
  4. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    What verison of the game you are targetting?
  5. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    What error are you getting?
  6. Originally I was placing it under APPDATA, but then moved to TMP because of some issues people were having. Neither seems ideal. Maybe the launcher needs to play it in its own folder.
  7. It should be placing the database in your %TMP%. Do you have any anti-virus that may be nuking it?
  8. The database file is called ModLauncher.sqlite. That is not being downloaded at all?
  9. So much for the debug code getting put in. Can you close the mod launcher, than delete the database file? Then try to restart it?
  10. Have you tried 2.1.11? I added in some extra debug information in the log file that might be helpful.
  11. New Update: 2.1.11 - Fixed Installed Mods shortcut - Fixed Modlet dependency download - Added troubleshooting for Database Downloads - Added clearing of Steam cache to download correct version
  12. Bloom's has a chance of random infection. It was an experiment using buff chains. The infection is supposed to grow worse as time goes by, with a chance of it beating the infection itself. The intention was to craft something to heal it, but that was never completed. They either fight it off naturally, or die trying. There's 3 stages of infection. The first, there is no indications. The second, there's supposed to be a fire particle. The final stage is electric particle. Oh, and it's also supposed to be contagious.
  13. I am sorry, Mrs/Mr Cow. You have died. I didn't have a lot of particles for testing, so I added electric buffs for when the cow got infected. It sounds like this got got infected, and died from its wounds.
  14. I doubt your saved game is damaged. Sounds like you have a corrupted DLL. You can delete the Mods folder, have the mod launcher start the game. It should download everything again. Any anti-virus updates?
  15. Take a look at the items.xml. There's two examples in there. The SpoilageMax is the total spoilage time. The SpoilagePerTick controls how often it goes down. I would suggest lowering SpoilerPerTick. If you cannot find a compromise, try raising SpoilageMax. You can also apply different spoilage times on different food.
  16. sphereii

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    According to the log SteelBlood provided, the resources.assets file was corrupted. That, I believe, is causing the issue. I am not sure what to do to get it working, as the mod does not touch that file. Some people have told me that once you validate your files, you should run the game at least once, before using it as a mod target, but that seems to be hit or miss on whether it helps or not.
  17. If you have it checked, does it to do the same? If you click on Direct Download, does it work then?
  18. A Full Clone for Darkness Falls is probably around 3G. If you click on the button with the three Dots, it'll open up the folder. Can you check the size of the TempMods folder? Do you have SSL checked? If so, you may want to uncheck it, and try a full clone again.
  19. I have no issue with that. You do whatever works for you
  20. It makes sense to have that problem with multiple instances running. one would try to download the database, while another one would have it open. It's not a very big file, so it shouldn't take very long to download. But I suppose that probably depends on a lot of factors, like bandwidth, congestion, filtering, etc
  21. Sorry for the delay in answering. Maybe there was a corrupted file in the TMP that was causing the issue. I'm glad you got it sorted. SSL is enabled for the downloads, so toggling it on or off won't have an effect on when the app starts. If you have trouble downloading mods, it's probably worth unchecking it and trying it again.
  22. Thank you. Seems like it can't open the database, or the database is empty. Is the size of ModLauncher.sqlite 0 bytes?
  23. This seems like steamdcmd is caching something. A full re-install of the mod launcher didn't work? If you uninstalled, and looked in the folder ( C:\Program Files (x86)\, does the SphereII Software folder still exist? if so, delete, and re-try. maybe the mod launcher needs to clean up after itself better.
  24. Okay, let's grab the file manually. In the same folder as you had copied the database into, %TMP%, there should be a 7D2DLauncher.txt That's the log file. You can try to attach it to a post.
  25. After reproducing the error, can you click on View Log, then click on Upload Log file in the new screen? This should give you a pastebin.com link to share with me.
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