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Everything posted by sphereii

  1. This sounds like a feature in the SphereIICore was turned on. Can you check the 0-SphereIICore/Config/blocks.xml for AdvancedItemRepair? Is it set to true or false?
  2. The latest core should be targetting the underwater biome; if your version had water, then it seems like it was an older version. The spawner in the latest core is set to about 0.01, I think. If you had a much higher probability count, it probably laid a lot of spawners. it draws from the entity groups AnimalSwiming. From what you've said, they spawned a lot, so the random number generator probably didn't get a chance to refresh and pick another fish type.
  3. It does work for me. I hope it works for everyone. Adding them to zombieall would work, but you are probably generating a lot of dead fish in the world, as they try to spawn out of water.
  4. I had changed the fish spawner to be birds nest. if you see any birds nest under water, I'd wait by one for a few moments to see if they spawn.
  5. Shouldn't matter but you may have to visit a new area or new world
  6. I increased the chance of the fish spawner; let me know if it works better, or if there's too much. Also pushed a fix on MecanimSDX for server-attack animations, and made a potential fix for the re-scaling zombies.
  7. The fish are spawned in via a underwater spawner. It's possible that the pool of water you found didn't generate it. I'm not sure if the edge of the world has them either. I'll re-tet them. I was testing them in navezgane. Did you find that your snake was smaller after you went swimming searching for fish? I've heard that happens.
  8. A log file may help. I had bad performance on my PC for awhile; then I realized Windows was using my IDE hard drive as a swap device, rather than using my SSD. I don't have a lot of RAM, so I tend to swap a fair amount. If it's lagging out after awhile, then it could be garbage collection. If she uses the Mod Launcher, she could try sphereii-mental/Performance Mod and see if that helps her any. That just installs the Distant Terrain Mod, but she wouldn't have to use DMT herself to do the build; the mod launcher will do it for her.
  9. https://github.com/SphereII/SphereII.Mods/tree/Alpha18.2 It may not have all the fancy updates, unfortunately. What part of the game is lagging for her? Has she tried my Legacy Distant Terrain mod?
  10. The latest version of SphereII.Mods works against 18.3. Seems like you are either targetting 18.2 with the latest, or targetting 18.3 with out of date download.
  11. Yes. I should clean up the repository, because it is causing confusion. It's a place to put all my mods, but they are not meant to be all used at once.
  12. Yes, that's perfect. Looks like it's missing some dependencies. Grab these, and see if that helps: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?143515-CreaturePacks-A-community-entity-project
  13. I found the issue, and fixed. I pushed to the latest.
  14. Either attach it to the forums, and post the contents on a site like Pastebin.com, then send me the link.
  15. I'll take a look at the waters and whatnot. I think the Syx bots have old xml; I'll take a look at them too. enjoy the water and chilli until then
  16. Okay, I think I understand how you have things set up. Here's how you can fix: 1) Delete the Mods folder from your 7 Days To Die folder 2) In the DMT, uncheck SphereII Winter Project, SphereII Clear UI, Syx Security Bots and Dishong Tower Challenge. 3) Rebuild That should get you going.
  17. In Windows Explorer, copy and paste this: %APPDATA%..\LocalLow\The Fun Pimps\7 Days To Die
  18. Do you have a player.log?
  19. Take a look in the 0-SphereIICore/Config/blocks.xml. There's an xml called HeadshotOnly and is by default to false. You could add a modlet to change that value to true, and enable its functionality. With that method, the zombies's damage is reduced to something like 0.1. It's not 0, but it's close.
  20. That's great! I was testing them but had trouble finding water in my worlds. I never thought of nitrogen. I cleaned up some of the xml for A better Life. Some old stuff in there needed to go
  21. Updated again. Music Boxes brought up to date from Winter Project tweaks; Quick Continue is moved out to its own modlet. Winter Project updated from latest. reduced the default spawn rate of herds of animals. Also fixed GotoPOISDX on dedis for quest lines. Oh, also fixed and enabled birds and fish in waterways.
  22. Small tweak: Disabled the Quick Continue feature, which auto-loaded your last saved game. This was leading to confusion.
  23. 0-SphereIICore is updated for 18.3
  24. I will take a look and see if I can extend the time out. It's a balance, since you don't want the users to wait forever for something that will never end, but also give a chance for high latency connections to work. I may not even have access to adjust the time out.
  25. You will need to run the DMT Tool on it: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?117235-DMT-Modding-Tool Move all the Mods from your 7 days To Die folder to another folder. Have DMT point to that copy and build. DMT will take care of copying the mods over to your 7 days To die folder.
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