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Jost Amman

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Posts posted by Jost Amman

  1. 4 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

    But the game could uses difficultly in terms of wildlife again. Cuz they made it to easy in A21. As of yet I have not found 1 bear in the forest! I need some danger! Add a mountain lion or 2 or something!

    The forest biome is the safest there is... they can't add bears or wolves back in!

    Maybe a zombie kitten? :fear:


    kitten licking GIF

  2. 3 hours ago, Obsessive Compulsive said:

    If I had a few suggestion for the code monkeys on the team, would posting it here take any notice? Is there a better place to mention some stuff about Unity.
    Not trying to tell you guys what to do, that is your call. Just some suggestions if someone wants to look at it.

    I will post it anyways and if there is a better home for the post, maybe a mod can shift it or direct me to whom I should speak with?

    I have been looking through the Assembly-CSharp.dll file for the game and noticed someone has written FindObjectsOfType() in various classes
    This is known to be very slow for Unity to run. There is an alternative that is faster. GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag()

    My suggestion would be to only use this during game initialization. Avoid it at all costs or use the alternative if you have to.

    An entity object pool can be setup for the Transforms to handle the spawn and unloading of players, falling trees, falling blocks, items and all other world based entity such as the zombies. I setup one in tests for an optimizer I am working on. You can set limits on the pool size and unity has a built in pool system. UnityEngine.Pools can be referenced inside a class for use. I made my own with a queue and use the entity type as a way to sort the game objects. The one stage of the entity spawn with instantiation went from 0.04 down to 0.004 with the use of the pool so the impact on bloodmoon spawns, sleepers and players joining a server should all benefit tremendously. Falling blocks, falling trees also benefit from it. Even if you dont implement it for all of them, a transform object pool for falling blocks or zombies would make a big difference. It is already done for chunk allocations. This also has the benefit of reduced garbage collection.

    The last one is a little bit weird. Order of operations. If you have to multiply a few things such as a vector and some floats, placing the floats first in the equation is almost twice as fast. Unity recommends this.

    Happy Halloween

    I don't understand most of the stuff you said (not a programmer)... but you seem to be on to something here! :madgrin:

  3. I don't think The Fun Pimps have any problem "focusing", they just lack in the communications department.


    Most of the complaints (so called "gates") I've witnessed over the years were not so much about unwanted or unexpected features, but about them (TFP) often not communicating enough with the player base until it was too late to give any reasonable feedback.


    Take as an example the water changes. When they informed us of the new water mechanic that was coming in A21, most of it was already in the new version.

    Now, let me be clear, I'm not opposed to this particular change as many are, but I think they could have benefited from an early announcement on the changes.


    See for example the armor/clothing change. That was showed to us when still in the early concept-art phase. That was good.

    A lot of people immediately gave their (mostly negative) feedback and, as far as I know, it was either ditched or reworked for A22.


    I like developers who know what they want and I hate developers who start a new game and develop it mostly by "polling" the player base: that's nonsense.

    But there's also the other side of the coin, where developers like TFP are so focused on their own plan, that they forget to at least "check" with their players.


  4. 3 hours ago, Koishi said:

    I'd like to chip in help on the architecture side of things without anything in return except maybe some vague credit if possible.


    2 hours ago, Koishi said:

    That entirely goes against our professionalism. 


    I'm sorry if I'll sound a bit blunt, but there's no "professionalism" if you're not being paid.

    I would never, ever, give my professional help away for free.

    The only exception could be charity or something like that.


    Let the professionals do their job, and you keep doing yours.

    This is not a scientific community or a social project or an open source software.

    This game is developed by professionals to earn money, and, as icing on the cake, maybe have also some fun. ;) 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Fanatical_Meat said:


    Reddit says A22 will arrive in December with the console update.

    Correct. It was a blood-pact signed by @madmole himself, as usual, don't you know?

    Don't believe the silly people who'll try to tell you it was just an estimate. 

  6. On 9/23/2023 at 3:24 PM, Jost Amman said:

    The simple solution to all water balancing issues would be to make water evaporate (or spill out) over time from containers (jars) because you can't close them tight enough. That would mean that you could store water, but you wouldn't be able to build a huge stock of water if you're far away from a water source.


    4 hours ago, Riamus said:

    There's also the fact that it'll evaporate over time, so even if it didn't go bad, it probably would be gone by the time the game is based.


    Hmm, this reminds me of something... :smokin:

  7. 1 minute ago, Adam the Waster said:

    Yup! Just gotta wait for them to finish I guess 


    But we are loyal disciples of the cult! And speaking of.  Where is the Alpha Dev Diary and overlord armor  ;)

    Have you ever considered a position as "News Guy" @TFP

    I think you'd do one heck of a job! :nod:

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