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Everything posted by Arez

  1. A21 newb here. Last week or so I downloaded and started playing A16.4, just to get a feeling for the flavor. So I'm out exploring, looting as I work my way from the desert to the forest, not really paying attention. I grab the glass jars I had picked up along the way and filled them up in a river...again, not really paying attention. I eventually find a group of houses and one of them has a cooking pot, so I thought it was a perfect time to cook me up some fresh water. I click the max button on the murky water in the campfire and it said "52". Day 2 and I have 52 jars of fresh water? 🤣 No wonder everybody is losing their minds over the empty jars. Was thirst ever a concern before the water changes?
  2. There are still whispers in A21. It's far more subtle than what's in the A11 video, but they're there. And you can still hear a baby crying in the Wasteland along with other creepy sounds. I think the sound design is a little more fitting now.
  3. Excellent work! Hopefully all is well. I would love to build an A21 world with the Uneeda building and Night of the Living Dead house. They look perfect!!!
  4. You're the best. I'm gonna mess with it tmrw. Now I can get my stuff back from where I died in Diersville. This no bag spawning is no joke.
  5. I started playing with A21 so I might be too new to the game to be bothered by the bandits delay. But I have put a lot of time in so far (I'm embarrassed to admit how many hours I have now). Zombies are my fav genre and this is the best zombie game I've ever played. Hands down. And possibly the overall best game I've ever played. I'm still having way too much fun. I use a couple overhaul mods, but they just expand on vanilla (Romero Mod and the Winchester Mod). The only thing I'm upset with having to wait till March or April's A22 release is the zombie recolors. I would prefer additional new zombie models, but I'm surprisingly satisfied with what I've seen from the recolors. And I'm not a fan of creatures so I'm not interested in mods like that, and those are the only ones where I've seen human NPCs. They don't seem very good to me (though I don't have 1st hand experience with them), but I'm pretty sure TFP can easily implement AI bandits at that quality. So I don't think it's a matter of the modders being more capable. I think it's TFP wanting the bandits to function at a higher quality.
  6. Really?! I'm pretty clueless when it comes to something like that, so forgive me for asking, but can you explain how to do that? A21 is such a massive improvement, but A16 is a vibe.
  7. It really is. Oh and I didn't stop playing though. I got 5 different A21 saves going and one A16 save (though I'm probably gonna avoid that one until I can get around it resetting my keybinds). 🙂
  8. The other day I hit too many keys too quickly and I swung my pistol like a melee weapon.
  9. Thanks for the fix! It worked! No more null errors. The music still cuts in and out and the horde night still happens, even with the removal modlet and manually having it set to disabled and 0 days. I'm actually not mad at it because the zombies don't run. It's a lot of fun actually, so I'm pretty happy with the way everything's running now. I did. I posted a message a week ago and there were no replies.
  10. Not only did you check out the issue but you created an edited file that fixes it. That's incredible. I'm gonna check this out later and report back.
  11. I've been playing A16.4 for a couple days, just to see what it's like, and when I switch back to A21 all my key binds and game settings get defaulted. I have separate Steam folders for A21 and A16. I found the UserOptions file in the AppData folder but I don't see anything for key binds. Would there be a way for me not to have to keep redoing my settings when switching between the two alphas?
  12. There's a guy Reddit posting info from TwitchCon. From what he was told, it appears to be a 4v1 asym horror game.
  13. There are a plethora of "finished" AAA games that are riddled with bugs, run like @%$#, have minimal replayability, etc, etc, etc. I've played enough games that look beautiful; impeccable graphics, but should be registered as a sleep aide with how boring they are. I don't care if 7 Days is in alpha, beta, gamma or delta - I think it's delightful.
  14. That's like Red Dead 2. I think that would be great in 7 Days. But I really like the Rebuild Mission idea. I got a bit of a compulsion to fix busted up houses in this game so that's right up my alley.
  15. Thank you! This has got to be the most helpful community and dev company I've ever engaged with. People like you and @Jugginator are awesome.
  16. Someone posted in the mod thread that they removed something relating to the cop and it stopped it from happening. I'm gonna look into that later. I got a question though. I started playing at the beginning of A21. I have two game saves from before (b16) that I still play. Is there any possibility that could be causing these issues, especially seeing that the mod creator said he couldn't reproduce them? Could keeping those old A21 saves be causing conflicts?
  17. @w00kien00kie Excellent work with this mod. I'm playing it right now and it's so far everything I want from this game. Headshots only. Warrior. These @%$#ers are giving me the business! Zombies, brother! ZOMBIES!!! They're everywhere!!!! They're scaring me. And I love it!
  18. Thank you for taking the time to look at this. There's a folder called "Force Bloodmoon and Zombie Move Speed" that's part of the mod pack and the description in the xml says "Sets bloodmoons to off and zombies to always walk for Romero Mod". This is supposed to automatically turn off Blood Moons. I checked the settings and Blood Moons were not set to Disabled but the Blood Moon day count was set to 0. After the Blood Moon happened I manually set it to Disabled. I haven't reached day 14 yet. As for the cop, I believe the mod is supposed to disable cop spit. I downloaded the A21 version that's in his opening Mod post here on the forum. I'll go through the post again. Maybe he posted the fix later on in the thread. EDIT: I just went through the thread and someone else posted the same exact issues as I'm having (null and music issues). Khaine said he couldn't reproduce the cop null and that was his last post on the subject.
  19. I caught the Exorcist on TV and figured it would be pretty easy to build the house. It turned out to not be as easy as I thought. I'm gonna have to exclude the attic in this build. If I am to do a more screen-accurate interior, I'll probably have to make the exterior (possibly) a little too big. I also won't be including the infamous stairs on the side of the house. The house IRL is basically built on a mountain, which can be seen in the opening shot of the house in the movie. I built this in Diersville, where the burnt down house usually is. As of now I only have most of the exterior built, Regan's room and the steps leading to the second floor. The screenshot was a little too dark so I enhanced it. The steps leading to Regan's room. It's also where Father Merrin and Father Karras sit while taking a break during the exorcism. Regan's room when viewed from the door side. Regan's room when viewed from the window side.
  20. I would easily pay good money for the Tarman zombie and Uneeda building from Return of the Living Dead. A Day of the Dead Bub zombie and the underground bunker as well as the opening street in Florida. The list can go on and on. You can add survivors from these movies as well. I would imagine these IP holders would be interested, seeing that this game already has a lot of concurrent players, and it's only gonna go up once the new console version goes live.
  21. If you have an extra copy of the game saved, for the purpose of using it for mods, does verifying apply to both?
  22. It would be great to have all blocks be capable of intersecting within their transparent boundaries. It would add much more flexibility when building and also allow for more true to life construction. I'm not sure how possible this is technically, but it seems like it's possible, with shapes such as the counter and sink being able to intersect.
  23. I'm using the Romero Mod. The Blood Moon is supposed to be disabled but on the 7th day it happened (I'm on day 9 now). It has a lockable inventory slot option but it keeps resetting every time I relaunch the game. Traders are supposed to be accessible at all times, but pressing E on them after 21:50 hours does nothing. I can go into their compounds, I just can't interact with them until 6:05am. The suspense music when fighting zombies randomly cuts in and out. I get repeated Null errors while in the Wasteland. And when exiting to menu, I get an endless string of console errors. I've checked around and I haven't seen anyone report issues like this with this mod, so I'm fearing that my game is corrupted in some way. I played a little on one of my vanilla saves and it was seemingly ok. Here's the log for when I last played on the Romero Mod. I had to split it up into two links. https://pastebin.com/embed_js/mKSUzqdu https://pastebin.com/embed_js/nX9tQfcL Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  24. The installation instructions provided in the original post are outdated. I followed what Guns, Nerds and Steel said. Make a copy of your 7 Days To Die folder and rename it. I renamed mine "Romero Mod". In the Romero Mod folder I created a "Mods" folder. I extracted the Romero mod zip and put the contents into the Mods folder, but what happened to me was everything didn't extract. I got everything but the KHA21-xxx folders, which is why only some of it was working. I redownloaded the Romero mod zip and this time everything extracted properly and all of it works now. Here's a picture of what should be in your Mods folder: And here's a link to Guns, Nerds and Steel's video: Just remember to launch the "7DaysToDie" file and not the "7DaysToDie_EAC" file. You might also want to launch the game from the "7dLauncher" file. You'll have to uncheck "Use EasyAntiCheat (EAC)". When you use the launcher you'll be able to create log files, which you'll be able to provide to people that could help if you run into a problem when running the modded game. When I launched the game just from the 7DaysToDie file, it wouldn't generate logs.
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