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Everything posted by FramFramson

  1. The tree models are actually alright, IMO, but we could use more variety, and maybe slightly more varied outcomes for planted seeds (since planted seeds always generate identical trees).
  2. Are there any new specialized components besides the existing light/heavy armour pads? Seems like an opportunity to spice up armour crafting a little and provide more varied loot short of full armour pieces.
  3. *drives on top* *hears sudden crumbling sound* "LaaaaaaazzzzzzzMaaaaaaaaaa...."
  4. Rooftop parking lots are definitely a thing, even if they're not super-common. Nice to see one appear in 7D.
  5. One thing the devs did which I appreciate is adding infestation - infested T6 POIs on higher difficulty & more zombies is more my endgame, because I find zombie night is easier to deal with as long as you crank out enough ammo. Base designs have been solved for years and are quickly re-solved if TFP add any wrinkles. Infestations were only a quick-n-dirty stopgap measure which required basically no new resources, but they ended up working out not too badly for that purpose. But we need real endgame challenges, something which lets us USE our souped up vehicles and endgame weapons and armour against really tough challenges. Because if you get a new toy, you want to have the chance to PLAY WITH IT.
  6. I love these ideas, lmao. POI defence quests are confirmed as planned for the future, IIRC.
  7. Or, and hear me out here, make the CHAINSAW an actual viable weapon instead of the pathetic electric toothbrush it is right now against zombies. Like, I didn't even THINK about the motorized harvesting tools, that's how deprecated they are. Only the Impact Driver is still useful. Why we can't viably chainsaw zombies in a zombie killing game just BAFFLES me. It's not like it would ever beat the M60 or the rocket launcher or similar weapons, even significantly beefed up. Just give it steel axe damage and, like, a high dismember chance. Boom, probably playable as a main melee weapon/axe replacement.
  8. Yeah, I mean, if they want to keep it a tool make it a tool at least. Steel axe is just really unwieldy though. Too damn heavy and slow.
  9. Correct, it was a fan project. I just couldn't remember who was doing it (thanks bdub).
  10. Curious what happened to the project to make a Trader Thick. Regardless, I know TFP have said nothing will come anytime soon, but we really do need another couple traders. Hitting 3+ of the same trader on large maps is asinine.
  11. Only if they give axe combat some love. Fire Axe has been my go-to melee for more than half a decade, in spite of no perks buffing it (Even the dedicated fireman's axe mod is terrible). It's the perfect balance of range, damage, stamina use, attack speed, and ability to one-shot zeds. Hunting Knife would be better but the range difference is critical - axe allows you to escape with little to no damage taken. Axe wins IMO; nothing else beats it as the holdout melee weapon for non-melee builds (though steel shovel comes close).
  12. Is that large building slated for demolition in the background new as well? I don't recall seeing it before.
  13. BTW, does anyone have a small complementary modlet for this which dramatically increases the vanilla cost of vehicles? Or removes them (or at least removes them and their specific parts from traders, or prohibitively increases the cost there too)? It's easy to just ignore them if you're playing solo, but in multiplayer I'd prefer if vanilla vehicles were more actively prevented or discouraged.
  14. I mean, it's not so much being unable to learn, it's that we have an environment where every 7D modder has to reinvent the wheel, and that is a HELL of a lot of wasted time.
  15. I wasn't aware of there being a shortage of biolab-themed POIs...
  16. I don't really hold this against the devs very much because they do allow us the thing single most important thing a game dev can do these days: Allow us to mod the game. It really is impossible to please all players. Some complaints will be silly or small, and some will be big or legitimate, but may involve a different philosophy about how the game "should" be played. Modding the game allows us to tailor our experiences to what we want more precisely, instead of desperately hoping some random employee will do what we, a random individual customer, wants. Any game that leaves you mostly at the mercy of a corporation has a very high chance of disappointing and frustrating players, often to the point where the game is intolerable. The freedom and agency to fix our own problems seems like "lazy" development, but no, it's one of the the most important things a game's developers can give to players. It also requires work for the game to accommodate it - the true "lazy" option is not putting in code to enable mods in the first place.
  17. I've recently been feeling some dissatisfaction with the current magazine system, but it's hard for me to put my finger on what I don't like exactly. Yes, part of it is that trader rewards will invariably beat out what you can craft, but that can be dealt with by nerfing trader rewards. But another part of it is that both the old and new systems have this oddly guaranteed slow-but-steady incremental progression. There's never any Eureka! or lucky moments when you jump a couple levels in a crafting skill. It makes it feel like you're going to school rather that scrounging in an apocalypse. One idea I had was what if we went back to some iteration of learn by doing but that it only worked at an abysmally slow pace. Meanwhile magazines could still exist but would be rarer and offer several point of that skill at once (and thus more exciting). An added wrinkle could be that magazines could have a randomized range, like they give 3-6 skill points as opposed to a fixed 5 points (in a system where they're rarer) or something. I don't know if that's really the situation I'm looking for, but I do want skill increases to feel more meaningful. Perhaps making do with worse weapons for longer, but also having your upgrades really be upgrades and not just "Oh I can make Q4 now instead of Q3." Some element of finding "broken" but repairable higher-tier weapons which require a lower to repair than to craft is also an interesting possibility for making loot something more interesting than just dozens of identical books.
  18. Could do a diagonal wood fence for the lowest block level (and by extension the rest of the ground level fence would be wood). I think that's possible as there are at least some diagonal wood panels? I do kind of agree diagonal chain link fence blocks would be most optimal. Surely they'd have many uses if added? If not, the single-level wood fence plus some tall lights might do. A field less safe, maybe, but older. Probably would limit it to more rural towns though, as you'd expect a diamond in any decent-size city to be proper chain link. EDIT: As suggested in the other thread you could just do a squared-off fence behind home plate. Maybe still some wood fence, but only for the outfield. Oh and if you do include any little dugout inserts, that's a fun place to hide a couple sleepers.
  19. Had another idea for one of those T0 filler/vacant lot POIs that could go in both cities and small towns and most districts other than industrial: A baseball diamond.
  20. An assembly plant is indeed the first thought which comes to mind. You could also do a component plant, in which case you wouldn't need some sort of half-built or empty shell car model for the assembly lines.
  21. If you're an aussie, maybe. If you're Canadian. that would be a lumberjack toque. Or some sort of vehicle-themed T5 (IIRC, there's no T5 Pass n' Gas, but a T5 gas station plaza doesn't exactly feel like the right way to go with this) They did make a refinery. But that's a T3.
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