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Everything posted by FramFramson

  1. I've noticed this error on loading sometimes if I have the console up, but have no idea what's causing it and it doesn't seem to have any in-game effect that I can discern, when I'm used to full errors being critical failures (i.e. preventing the game from loading in). Possibly a mod conflict, but I can't tell because the pathway is missing the folders which might help me identify the exact source of the problem. Can I force 7D to list the entire path when logging?
  2. 2034 Apocalypse finally confirmed for certain.
  3. I was looking for a mod which I was used to thinking of as ubiquitous: a storage mod which makes some non-container vanilla blocks into craftable storage containers, plastic water barrels, for example. As far as I can tell from both modding sites, not one mod with any such blocks in it was updated for A21. Is there a reason why? The only updated mods are ones which add crafting recipes (and permanence, in the case of destructible loot containers like food piles) for blocks which already exist as containers in the game. Did something happen in A21 which broke those mods or prevented blocks from being containerized? Can this be easily fixed in the modlet .xml files or re-modded in?
  4. Basically, is there a way to for a check to be run before a particular items spawns, making the spawn conditional on that weapon not existing as an item on the server already? Not really a make-or-break goal, but I'm curious if there's a way to make this work which isn't too insane or code-intensive?
  5. Something about that area of the map (which I hadn't visited prior to all this nonsense) is Bad Juju now! But I don't know if that's the fault of the original hard-reboot crash or if it was bad along all along during the generation process. It's just the stock PREGEN 8k, and the no-go zone is just north of the right-most Trader Jen and the town she's in (both are in the wasteland biome), as well as part of the pine forest biome north of that area as well.
  6. Ha, well turns out it wasn't so easy after all! I went to the same location on the map I crashed in (without even really meaning to) and I started to see chunk loading errors (like the grass coming in late, and falling through the ground) and after backing off and going another way, I thought I would be okay because the map had had time to load in and whoops, fell through the earth again and this time didn't bounce back (just froze, nominally at ground level). Tried to teleport out, but I was still frozen. Then when I tried to quit and reload, guess what? Back to infinite loading on Building Environment. Most recent log: https://pastebin.com/fryUfiDq
  7. Yep, loads up with a new character just fine, must be some kind of player file corruption. What I might do is just take my backup character folder and put it in the existing world and then just give myself some extra XP. Seems easier than redoing everything for the character. EDIT: Yeah that worked fine. I don't think I even changed inventory, really, other than some trash loot I'd was carrying.
  8. Hm, I'd have to send you my full slate of mods along with the save in order to prevent errors. Much easier to see if I can just get in with a new character - Unless I'm trying to join from another client, I think the only difference here would be to save the existing .ttp somewhere (in case switching characters doesn't fix anything) rather than deleting it? I'll give that a try and report back.
  9. The age of the world should remain the same if all you delete is the player data. Anyway, I just went ahead and removed the lines causing trouble from the stack size mod (which really baffles me as to why there would be a problem, because I remember I copied that code literally verbatim from an established stack size mod, but anyway...), and it still hung around on Building Environment again. Latest log: https://pastebin.com/FF0ESRkn
  10. I don't know if what you're asking is possible, but there's a large vehicle mod with two different sets of flying controls for different helicopters. Unfortunately but I can't recall which one it is. Maybe have a look at the large vehicle overhaul mods (bdub's, vehicle madness, etc.) to see which one it is and then look at that mod's implementation?
  11. That does actually appear to be a critical error. Though it doesn't mention mods, only a base game folder? What's the connection there? If I delete my player save I can just re-issue myself the XP and items via console, IIRC, but will it revert my gamestage to that of a new player? Can I use the console to edit that as well? (Not saying it's not worthwhile to fix the candy stack size error, just unsure how that links to that particular error)
  12. Okay Pastebin is back up, so I loaded the logs there for ease of use.
  13. Those are soft errors (yellow text) I've seen many times before, not critical errors (red). For example the C96 mod soft error is simply that it's not using a more current version of the .xml formatting (but which still works). A lot of older updated mods get that message. The stack mod error just means changes to those specific items don't work (which is fine, it just means I need to cleanup that bit of code). None of those should cause a failure to load a world (I also know for a fact I have no stored candy anyway). They've been installed for a long time, so as you mention, removing them would corrupt the save (because any items stacked with the mod would then not have a basis for being so). Also I'm able to start new games with them all installed in the same way? Also, AFAIK, if those mods failed, they would kill save loading before I reached "Building Environment", though I'm not 100% sure on that.
  14. Had a hard-reboot crash while flying around my main testing world, which I'd prefer not to lose. Nothing out of the ordinary going on. - Game hangs on Building Environment, obviously searching reveals a trillion different possible causes. - Verified game files - Don't see any obvious errors being thrown by the console. No big blocks of angry red text. - Tried to open other saves, those DO load successfully - Tried starting a new world, that also works fine. - Tried the tp to 70 0 0 trick, didn't work. - Longest I let it try to load was a half-hour, normal world loading times for me are about 30 seconds, if that (the game's on my SSD). I can't tell from the console output if something is looping or just loading excruciating slowly. On top of everything else, Pastebin is down lol, so I just uploaded the .txt files for my last two logs my Gdrive. one file , another file. Might be a character profile-related issue if it only affects one save? Really not sure. If the save is garbage, it shouldn't be a huge deal as I have some backups of that save, but they're about 2-3 in-game weeks back. But I don't know if the save is the issue or something else related to it. EDIT: Pastebin is up again. https://pastebin.com/0WrWdUL2 https://pastebin.com/Pyepk17d
  15. - More stages in building blocks (reinforced wood, iron, reinforced concrete/rebar frames) - Cave systems. Not really much apart from those.
  16. Also hoping we get even 1-2 more animals. having just *one* animal in each "weight class" in each biome is incredibly sparse. Pigs being split into boars and pigs is a bit of a start. I don't mean a full zoo, but like, even ten animals per biome would be really nice.
  17. So, with the preview of a new, second high school (T5 POI, Grover High), that gives 7D2D two high schools, at least three or more daycares (as well as a couple integrated into large office tower POIs) and... absolutely zero elementary school POIs? Hey TFP, maybe a type of POI to think about adding? 😂
  18. Actually it's changed for me today. I'm not seeing the cloudflare protection notice, instead loading or posting anything at all on the forum is soooooooooo slllllloooooooooooooooowwwwww.
  19. Another date to use would be the 2034 on some of the in-game calendars you see. Or perhaps if you want to make it a bit later, 2040 or something.
  20. Just going to bump this once in hopes of any possible answer. All I really need is for those two inputs/buttons to work while I'm in both modes, not just the one.
  21. I think it would be possible to create an Airport POI (rural or modest suburban) within the 100x100 tile limit if it did not include runways, so you'd still be back to placing it manually, or else adding something to the road generation system that applied a runway adjacent to the tile (the latter of which is beyond most modders). As for planes, maybe just a cockpit "block" for larger planes the way the trailer wheels and similar objects work in-game for the mostly-block items like RV trailers, semi-trucks, etc. You could also have a couple wrecked or burned out cessnas the way we have various wrecked or burned out cars all over. Those would require Unity models custom specced to fit in as an in-world block, but they'd be static items, so it's not an insurmountable problem for a mod. Those two are really all you need for a decent player-made POI setup without having to use a set map which fully dedicated to an airport. Sure if you want a giant metropolitan airport, then yeah you'll need a huge area that will dominate any map, but I think most people just want some sort of additional large POI to spice up the game. T5 POIs, especially ones which can be placed outside of towns, are something the game absolutely needs more of, considering that raiding T5s is essentially the Endgame currently. I guess what I'm saying is, we don't need to wait for TFP to implement airports. Fans can do it, with a little work and a bit of outlay/effort for a few needed assets.
  22. The biggest obstacle to Airport POIs are that the existing suite of rounded blocks are insufficient to make halfway passable planes. Fuselages, yes, but cockpits & tails & such that don't look look like they're made out of Duplo require new form blocks.
  23. I don't know if you can share this or not, but will the new player characters have much in the way of editable features/morphs (facial... or rough body build/proportions morphs, like say we wanna play a tall himbo or the *ahem* rotund comic book guy), or is there simply going to be a library of stock presets of heads (and maybe bodies)? I'm fully fine either way, considering that aside from changing skin tone and hair colour, right now you can make all of *two* characters; just excited and curious about what sort of options we're going to get.
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