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  1. I have never used any commands on the server, so i really have no clue what caused it 😕
  2. Deleting the power.dat file didnt fix it but removing the region file did. I do wonder what actually caused the curruption and what was reset. I guess i will find out with playing again. Thanks for the help
  3. got it, is there anyway to identify where this regoin file is? We built our base close to the desert trader.
  4. Im using a server providor to host but it keeps getting stuck and wont let anyone connect / find, i tried searching for a fix but found nothing. I contacted support but they were not helping. Im not using any mods and on the vanila navezgane map. It keeps getting stuck on this specific line: at RegionFile.Get (System.String dir, System.Int32 rX, System.Int32 rZ) [0x00086] in <5135e30b517b4368a94317ce6e11f1c3>:0 at RegionFileAccessMultipleChunks.GetRFC (System.Int32 regionX, System.Int32 regionZ, System.String _dir) [0x0005c] in <5135e30b517b4368a94317ce6e11f1c3>:0 at RegionFileAccessMultipleChunks.ReadDirectory (System.String _dir, System.Collections.Generic.HashSetLong _chunksList) [0x00088] in <5135e30b517b4368a94317ce6e11f1c3>:0 at RegionFileManager..ctor (System.String _loadDirectory, System.String _saveDirectory, System.Int32 _maxChunksInCache, System.Boolean _bSaveOnChunkDrop) [0x000a6] in <5135e30b517b4368a94317ce6e11f1c3>:0 at ChunkProviderGenerateWorldFromRaw+<Init>d__16.MoveNext () [0x009fb] in <5135e30b517b4368a94317ce6e11f1c3>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <544fca0986d54eca88fc7c56e2a8b4b4>:0 Here is the log: https://pastebin.com/MfiWCvhq [line 975 - 981]
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