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RStarphoenix last won the day on November 27 2023

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  • Biography
    Twitch Affiliate (want to be partner) & variety streamer. Indie Game Promotional Streamer. All-around loveable(?) grumpy Immortal that loves his video games & just likes to be chill while doing it. Retrogamer from the PC/NES/SNES heyday. Might even sing (badly) sometimes.
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    United States
  • Interests
    Video Games, Pizza, Explosive Kitchen Accidents

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  1. So I'm trying to use the effect of twitch integration "burn near" and "shock near" but flip them so when something spawns, the effect will only attack the player. So far I've done seven iterations and none of them work. The code seems to be correct, but no matter what tags I use it refused to target the player(s) and I really need it to happen. Anyone ever tried it might be able to see what I could change in my loop code for it? Don't mind the time value on it, i was trying to get it to proc faster on testing just to see if it worked. I really need help as I've beaten this over my head for way too long. If i remove the attempt to hit the players, it'll still attack all the animals and zombies in the area. <loop class="For"> <requirement class="NearbyEntities"> <property name="phase" value="4" /> <property name="target_type" value="entity" /> <property name="entity_tags" value="player" /> <property name="max_distance" value="50" /> </requirement> <action class="AddEntitiesToGroup"> <property name="phase" value="4" /> <property name="allow_player" value="true" /> <property name="group_name" value="targets" /> </action> <property name="min_loop_count" value="15" /> <property name="max_loop_count" value="50" /> <property name="phase" value="5" /> <action class="Delay"> <property name="phase" value="6" /> <property name="time" value="15" /> </action> <action class="AddBuff"> <property name="phase" value="7" /> <property name="target_group" value="targets" /> <property name="buff_name" value="buffShocked" /> </action> </loop>
  2. So I'm trying to make a spawn that will have a shock_near check where it will zap the players every so often in a set interval. I can get the thing to shock itself but when I try to set it to target the player it won't do it correctly. Need Guidance on this one. Code snippet below <loop class="For"> <property name="min_loop_count" value="15" /> <property name="max_loop_count" value="50" /> <property name="phase" value="4" /> <action class="Delay"> <property name="time" value="15" /> </action> <requirement class="NearbyEntities"> <property name="allow_player" /> <property name="entity_tags" value="Player,human" /> <property name="max_distance" value="100" /> </requirement> <action class="AddEntitiesToGroup"> <property name="phase" value="4" /> <property name="allow_player" /> <property name="entity_tags" value="Player,human" /> <property name="group_name" value="targets" /> </action> <action class="AddBuff"> <property name="phase" value="4" /> <property name="target_group" value="targets" /> <property name="max_distance" value="30" /> <property name="buff_name" value="buffShocked" /> </action> </loop>
  3. I haven't seen this around (maybe I haven't looked hard enough) but is there a way to take the Fire effect of a molotov after it lands on the ground and make it so a zombie can randomly spawn x-amount of those around itself? I'd like to make an entity that's fire-based and have it just generate flaming spots near it to make it harder to fight it while providing an appropriate effect. i'm hoping i can just put the correct effect into the existing framework of spawn emberpiles from twitch integration
  4. I was thinking about that or the code for the Junk Sledge.
  5. (mimics Conan O'Brien's skit "in the year 2000" but it is in Alpha 22 instead) In Alpha 22, glass jars make a comeback. But much to everyone's chagrin instead of providing a vessel to boil clean water, everything put in them gives you a 99% infection. Pimp Time is finally defined by scientists as being equal to the time it takes for one McDonald's ice cream machine to be fixed. Toilets are made their own separate vehicle and only work when the No Stealth is used on Twitch Integration, but you move at 30 m/s during that time along with a sludge trail that zombies will ragdoll on. Arrows are given bells on top so you can hear when they eventually stop in a random place in midair you didn't even shoot at because arrow physics. The cheerleader and football player zombies will be brought back to the game, where they will sit in the upper bleachers of the football field and cheer on survivors in magnum duels. Trader Joel finally follows his true life goals, gets jacked and dresses like The Undertaker in his American Badass motif, and sports a fluffy pink bunny tattoo on his left buttcheek (which is clearly visible thanks to the mirror behind him and you can't unsee it). ....i ran out of ideas. i have visions of a giant electric bunny ragdolling me to death
  6. or just do what i did and mod their code so they're faster than a motorcycle, hit 2 times per second, have a radioactive bite and 4000 HP each. and they're 2.8x times normal size.
  7. So what I'm trying to do is link a repulsor/ragdoll effect to the meleeBearHand so it does the zap & yeet like the stun baton does w/ the repulsor mod attached. I can get it to work, but it does it every time and just makes it so you never get up again. Anyone know a way to make it more like the repulsor mod effect so it doesn't happen on every hit?
  8. I haven't noticed much of a difference with the cooking books. I still progress the same as before the last patch.
  9. I get the feeling the crying about jars/cans isn't because of mechanics, it's because people lost easy-mode survival with infinite water. The more I hear justifications about why they should exist, the less reason they should exist. And we never needed them based on how the game plays now. Water is still way too easy to collect & produce. Logic would also mean we'd have empty jerry cans for gas, empty plastic bottles for oil, dirty dishes & bowls along with forks, knives & spoons, empty paper boxes for candy, coffee cans for the loose coffee grounds we find, containers for glue, syringes for meds, etc...... It's weird and illogical we don't have those in a real world environment, but in a fictional environment that logic don't apply.
  10. 3 drink canteen tops. 10 would just be mod yourself jars back in at that point. game has entirely too much water as it is, even with the dew collector and thirst is still not much of a problem early game.
  11. Only time the Quest Tier repeats itself if it is a new instance of the same trader (i've never see it work otherwise since I been playing). If your map has 3 trader Joel and 1 of each of the others, the others will always be at Tier 1, but if you get directed to a new Joel, it'll remember you have Tier 3 (for instance) with the previous Joel and carry over.
  12. i been fighting with this for about a week now. i can get regular spawns to work but I'm trying to get non-violent entities (deer for now) to spawn inside a safe zone. I know it can happen because votes can spawn in safe zones but trying to get a regular command to do it isn't working. The only thing I can find is gameevents.xml has a "spawn_safe" but it doesn't respond. I've looked at the code for some of the boss votes and tried various ways to pop it in. Outside of a safe zone it works fine. Anyone got a suggestion on how to get it to work? I put the XML i'm trying to use below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <action_sequence name="deerhunt"> <property name="action_type" value="TwitchAction" /> <action class="GetNearbyPoint"> <property name="phase" value="0" /> <requirement class="InSafeZone"> <property name="safe_spawn" value="true" /> </requirement> </action> <action class="SpawnEntity"> <property name="phase" value="1" /> <property name="entity_names" value="animalStag" /> <property name="spawn_count" value="1" /> <property name="air_spawn" value="false" /> <property name="spawn_type" value="Position" /> </action> <action class="SpawnEntity"> <property name="phase" value="2" /> <property name="entity_names" value="animalStag" /> <property name="spawn_count" value="1" /> <requirement class="Gamestage"> <property name="operation" value="GTE" /> <property name="game_stage" value="40" param1="gamestage1" /> </requirement> </action> <action class="SpawnEntity"> <property name="phase" value="3" /> <property name="entity_names" value="animalStag" /> <property name="spawn_count" value="1" /> <requirement class="Gamestage"> <property name="operation" value="GTE" /> <property name="game_stage" value="100" param1="gamestage2" /> </requirement> </action> <action class="PlaySound"> <property name="sound" value="stagpain" param1="alertsound" /> <property name="phase" value="4" /> </action> </action_sequence> </append> </configs>
  13. there's an explanation (possibly outdated) on the wiki https://7daystodie.fandom.com/wiki/Gamestage
  14. yeah it was a little busted having robo turrets being able to 1 shot demolishers instead of setting them off
  15. To my personal head canon, Moe's Cathedral belongs to Zombie Moe who is a fallen holy man.
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