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Old Crow

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Everything posted by Old Crow

  1. What you neglected to mention or show, is that Runemaster (one of your examples) is an 8 piece set, but only requires 3 pieces to be worn in order to achieve the full set bonus.
  2. I believe appliances are craftable, and you can change the block shape to a computer.
  3. Torchlight 2 will give the full (yes, FULL) set bonus for not wearing the full set.
  4. We can craft Purified Mineral Water, which uses coal as a FILTER. There's no reason we shouldn't be able to craft water filters for dew collectors.
  5. To be fair, nothing is official from the Fun Pimps until they actually release things.
  6. The bigger question is - Will the mountain lions stop looking like uncircumcised roosters when they die?
  7. I mean given the track record and how unpredictable programming can be, I don't think anyone actually expects it to release in Q1 2023.
  8. Especially since A22 is supposedly coming in Q1 2024. I have a feeling they either forgot to start the A22 dev diary, aren't starting on at all, or A22 isn't coming Q1 2024.
  9. Yeah same here. I'm guessing server issues, or another DDOS attack.
  10. In about 10 more years.
  11. They're not bringing them back. There's better ways they could have handled the water "issue" yeah, but they're not bringing jars back.
  12. If I remember right, the devs have said they do not want to or plan to allow passengers to shoot from vehicles.
  13. I'm wondering what's going to happen to Magnum Enforcer volume 2 (Take 5% less damage when wearing a suit) and nearly all of Needle & Thread, since these all deal with clothing items that will apparently no longer exist when the new system comes out. Thoughts? Ideas?
  14. Ah, gotcha. I wonder why they did that..
  15. Do these not drop anymore? Or is the rate just ridiculously low? I haven't seen the Candy Cane Club, Knife, or Santa Hat appear for about 2 years or so now. I know they're still in the game via Creative Mode, but it'd be cool if they still dropped.
  16. You mean the only thread there?
  17. I got that warning on my computer. I wonder if maybe there were DDOS attacks?
  18. Okay, so it's not just me. Site's been slow loading, like SUPER slow loading for the last couple of days.
  19. Nah, they already confirmed A99 on the Twitter thread!
  20. And in another ten years, it'll be almost done! XD
  21. As the topic says. If the machete and hunting knife can be both, why not the axe?
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