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Old Crow

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Everything posted by Old Crow

  1. Because it would make sense, and we can't have that.
  2. Any info on what kind of set bonuses we'll be seeing from the new armor sets?
  3. I'm guessing NVG will become a helmet mod as well? And the Lucky Goggles?
  4. Could work for a man-portable homemade coilgun though.
  5. Any info on set bonuses for the new armors and clothing?
  6. 7DTD is a game. Unity is the engine.
  7. Hell, I just want a third baton in the game.
  8. Any chance we can get an idea of what the set bonuses will be for the new armors/outfits? Or is that info not ready yet?
  9. Same. I do enjoy looting them anyway, early on, as they're a great source of a LOT of cloth, as well as clothing filler and (less so now) dyes. Hell, on my buddy's server, on our current map, I even managed to find a few perfect stat BDU pants and shirts from a single Savage Country, as well as suit pants and jackets for later.
  10. Hmm, maybe older clothing items aren't going away, but are used as early game "slot fillers" until you start making or finding armor? Just a guess.
  11. Yeah.. that's what I thought. Nothing really works well for those tools (outside the ironbreaker mod you mentioned). I feel like there should be some mods added to better serve those tools, or just remove the mod slots for the hammer (I'm not sure if the nailgun has any outside of a dye slot). Either way, missed opportunity.
  12. I know the ergonomic grip and structural brace mods are kind of givens, but I'm curious - what would be some other useful mods for salvage tools (wrench, ratchet, impact driver)? Also, what are some recommended mods for the hammer and nailgun? They aren't affected by stamina or damage when using them for their intended purposes of repairing/upgrading blocks, so structural braces and ergonomic grips aren't really needed.
  13. Well, if it's still considered heavy armor, no perk is going to get me to wear it. But that's mainly because I don't like wearing heavy armor.
  14. Yeah.. I'm just gonna be an edgy boy and stick with the wasteland assassin outfit. Because.. PEPMEP.
  15. Gods that Nerd set is so freaking stupid and fugly.
  16. It would also be cool if the rental vending machines worked better. I hate going 100+ days with nothing being bought.
  17. That's still pretty generous, I'm still expecting it closer to December. Just to clarify though - that's not my screenshot. It was posted by someone else in the recent TFP Twitter post showing the character wearing a suit.
  18. You... you know you can already sell books you've already read, right?
  19. Books that would no longer apply under the new outfit system would be changed, much how books and even perks were changed under the new crafting system for A21.
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