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Old Crow

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Everything posted by Old Crow

  1. I like it. Has "I'll pay you $5,000 to stay one night in this house" vibes. Definitely a neat "survive the night/defend the POI" quest idea. One idea I had wasn't a new quest type, but more of a sprucing up for the "Open Trade Routes" quests. Have the trader give you a contract and/or a "sample" box to deliver to the next trader as well. Wouldn't change the quest really, but would add a little flavor. Could have the receiving trader send you back with a reply, too
  2. Show me where I asked A21 to get delayed over a few quests or where I said I wasn't a fan? A fan would want a game they enjoy to be better if it can be. Isn't that why you mod? I guess my question is "why make Infestation at all?" They said new quest types in A21 - Infestation isn't "new". Yes, I sound like a broken record, I get it. They've also said other new features for A21, but some of those got pushed back to later Alphas because they weren't ready (bandits for example). Nothing wrong with pushing a feature back if it's not ready - that's the nature of game development. And that's okay.
  3. That's what all quests in just about every game are. Go here, do the thing, return for reward.
  4. They could have waited. Infestation isn't new. It's literally just a slightly harder Clear.
  5. Exactly. They call it a new quest type, but it really isn't.
  6. Defend a point, Escorts, Delivery from trader to X location.. not really things that require storyline.
  7. Or find an Expanded Seating vehicle mod.
  8. While better rewards are great.. I'm a bit disappointed with Infestations. They're just a Clear quest, but a little harder. I couldn't call it a new quest type.
  9. We tried a quest for that POI.. unfortunately it didn't work. My land claim for our base is far enough not to overlap the POI, so I know it's not that. Luckily, A21 isn't too far off so we'll just deal until then.
  10. Loved tonight's dev stream. Super excited for player-buildable vault double doors. Disappointed the new tunnels won't appear in RWG though.
  11. Yeah it's right next to our base. I'm an admin on that server, so I'll teleport to other locations of that POI and see what's up. EDIT: After teleporting around to a couple of other instances of farm_03, it looks like it's JUST the one next to our base. If I can get a quest for that specific POI, I'll try resetting it that way, as resetting it from the admin consoles didn't do anything. I'm now thinking after 20.7, it's not liking something related to our base, due to the close proximity.
  12. This unfortunately didn't seem to affect it.
  13. The only mod on the server is the Eden Center Mall. No other mods are being run by the server or by players. That shouldn't be an issue - the POI was perfectly fine prior to 20.7, which leads me to believe it's an issue being caused by 20.7.
  14. Hopefully someone will look into it.
  15. Looks like it's farm_03. I know everyone else on the server I play on is having the same issue with the same POI - the screenshots I posted were from two other players on the same server. I get the same errors.
  16. Since 20.7 dropped and our server and clients were updated to it, there's a house POI next to our base that is now semi-invisible, and causes the console to pop up with errors whenever we approach it. This seems to be the only POI that does this.
  17. Bugfix.. that now causes bugs. There's a house next to my group's base that now causes the command console to pop open with a bunch of errors, and the house itself is "gone." It's still there but.. yeah.
  18. It does bring up the interesting idea of having normal armor and actual sets together. I'd be down for that if it were to happen.
  19. Aww darn, I was looking forward to the commando armor as a replacement for the military armor. Does this mean those two will be new sets in the same vein as the wasteland assassin, hoarder, and TF2 Scout/Lara Croft desert survivor? I love looting the Shtgn Mssh Fctry.
  20. Yeah.. they won't even add a third tier of batons.
  21. I think A21 is still getting the commando armor and the new iron armor, though I could be wrong on that.
  22. Hey Madmole, thanks for answering! But I wonder now, was this planned during A21 planning? If so, it still seems like wasted effort to update Rekt for A20 only to update him again. Also, I forgot to ask earlier - will the new amour sets support armor mods as well, like the impact braces, armor plates, bandoliers, etc
  23. Still no answer on dyes working with the new outfits, or why Rekt is already getting a new compound after getting a new one in A20?
  24. But will they work with the new outfits? And what of armor/clothing mods?
  25. On that note, how come we don't save the dishes from all the various stews and such that we eat? Serious question though - are empty cans going away as well? They're only used for two recipes right now, and those can of course be changed to no longer require them, much like how the recipes requiring glass jars are being changed.
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