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Posts posted by pApA^LeGBa

  1. PS 5 uses a Zen2 CPU with RNDA2 and 16GB Ram. Similar to the Ryzen 4000 i guess. Looking at the release date it could be 5000 series aswell. 


    What the PS6 will have is impossible to say now. We may have a complete new CPU architecture by then. At least Intel should have something, looking at the generational "increase" for Intel´s 14th Gen at least Intel should come up with something.


    Also not sure how much the X3D Cache can do for future AMD CPU´s.


    Going with a 7800XT wasn´t a bad decision. I would say to be a bit future proof you should have 10GB for FHD, 12GB for 1440p and as much as you can get for 4K.


    I would have bought one too, but my old 1070 gave up last year when the GPU prices were still high af and i got a RX6600XT. Could get a RX7800XT for the same now. For now not a problem as i am playing on 1080p, but there is already games that need the full 8GB of VRAM.



  2. We do play a map with a lot of custom POI´s and the traders simply don´t give out some POI´s as a quest. And yes they are quest POI´s we had them in earlier playtroughs in A21 and it´s also the ShotgunMessiah Factory that we don´t get so it´s not only Custom POI´s.


    I know how to give my self things like the starter quests or treasure maps with the givequest command, but i can´t figure out how to do that with clear quests.

  3. Sleeping overnight is propably not going to happen aswell. The SP mode is technically a MP game with one player, if you don´t set a password or set the number of players to one, people can join your game. If i understand that correct the game has no real SP mode. I am not sure, but i think you can´t implement that without effecting MP aswell. Might be wrong though, i have no clue about coding.

  4. On 10/22/2023 at 11:22 PM, ElCabong said:

    The stars have called and I have not been playing lately but I played the game continuously since Alpha 7. Was that 10 years ago?


    Pretty much. I think it released with A7 on steam, that was in december 2013. I started right after christmas 2013, but i can´t remember wich alpha that was anymore.


    Also could all the people complaining about the development time please stay in the steam forums. That would be nice. Remember Fallout 76? Remember No Mans Sky? That´s what happens if developers don´t take their time. So be happy we don´t get an unfinished product full of bugs and missing a ton of features.

  5. You need a tool like filezilla or similar. There you connect with the server, all the data you need for that should be easily found in the command center of your Server (at least it´s easily found when using G-Portal, no clue about others) then it´s simply drag and drop from your folder into the servers world folder. 


    Maybe check out Tallmann Brad on youtube, he has a lot of tutorial videos.



  6. 1 hour ago, Gamida said:


    I thought it was mentioned sometime ago that you could have a possible chance to get a filter in a broken dew collector in the world? Maybe that was in some mod. Was long ago so I don't remember.


    Lootable dew collectors are kinda rare to beginn with. Haven´t seen a single filter in them so far.

  7. 8 hours ago, manOyore said:

    I'm not using traders on my current playthrough so I don't have any dew collectors to supplement my water supply. So the difficulty of obtaining that much purified water is all my fault, not the games.


    Actually it is the games fault for having a game mechanic that kinda forces you to use the trader. Impossible in MP Coop to play without dew collectors, you have to use the trader.

  8. On 10/17/2023 at 8:43 PM, Darthjake said:


    Well you can set Z's to walk in the day, then sprint/jog at night, so that's working, and who knows the outfit system might let the toolbelt make a comeback.


    I do like the streamlined version of the UI for the stats, even though my buddy prefers to mod the UI.


    No that´s not even close to how it was.  They did start running troughout the day where they usually walk, like in the shadow of a tree or in a building when there was a dark room. As soon as they didn´t have any direct light on them basically.

  9. I am more for bringing them back, but you need a forge and an anvil and you don´t get them back when drinking and you can´t find the empty ones in loot nor can you buy them. Anvil needs to be set to not beeing craftable for a while, i don´t know, like 30 magazines or something also no anvil at the trader until a certain trader stage. Level cap would be better for limiting this (and a lot of other stuff) as the current system is highly abusable with fergettin elixir and hardcore questing for better trader stage.


    Or any other solution that isn´t the dew collector tbh. Be it with or without glass jars. I don´t care about them, i just want the current system gone. I don´t care if we suffer from thirst the whole first week. Just remove that riddiculous system.

  10. Well early on there is basically not a lot to sell in MP. Sure in SP i get a lot of stuff i don´t need, but for 5 people things look different as the loot isn´t instanced and we don´t play in a group to go looting alone. It´s a stupid mechanic. It makes absolutly no sense. It doesn´t catch rain, the huge barrel only gives out 3 jars, it somehow calls screamers even though the drops come in very slow. I thought hard about if there was a worse way for water. Couldn´t think of one.


    And the worst thing is that in SP it makes no difference at all. It´s still a all you can drink buffet, while MP is now even worse than before. That alone should be enough to rethink the whole mechanic. And it´s not even because i want the jars back, i don´t care about jars. Make water harder, TFP let us sufferr from thirst, no problem. Not like that though. The current mechanic simply sucks.

  11. @RolandAs you have to do quests early on to be able to buy water filters, we can´t just say we take it slow so the quest rewards don´t overtake us in progression. Especially in MP Coop you need a lot of water from the beginning. It´s not about speeding. It´s about beeing able to get a steady supply of water without beeing dependent on looting only. 5-6 players in a coop do need a LOT of water.


    There needs to be a lot of balancing done regarding quest rewards. That´s not an opion because we want to speed trough, it´s because we need to "speed" trough. It´s a direct consequence of the new water system.

  12. @Callum123456789 @Roland Well let´s take T4´s on public servers. There is towns and cities that don´t have a whole lot of T4´s. If you just traveleld there from the trader, just to see that someone is already in the POI you gotta either wait or go back to the trader and get another one. It´s hard to tell if people are on their first run into the POI or not. And no you can´t just simply start your quest, that´s usually a rule on servers that you don´t start quests when someone is inside, also some do place a bedroll while looting.


    I don´t know how often that happens, but in my few attempts on public servers i had it  happen a few times. Guess it entirely depends on the map. If there is a lot of cities and towns it´s unlikely i guess.


    Still would like to see the NPC idea. It would make the world a tiny bit more lively. And this game desperatly needs that. Just yesterday went trough a town and didn´t see a single zombie. In SP.

  13. 22 hours ago, Roland said:

    I don't think this is a problem that needs to be solved since it is very easy to just not double loot if you believe it is an exploit.


    If I were to suggest a fix to this it would be that instead of the quest displaying the POI name and direction, simply have it give the distance away and then instead of the rally marker being in front of the POI, have it be about 100m away from the POI in front of an NPC who will then lead you to the POI after the rally marker has been activated. Now you don't know exactly which POI is going to be the quest POI and by time you get to it by following the NPC it has already been reset for the quest.


    Double dipping -- fixed

    Seeing the POI reset in front of your eyes  -- fixed

    Immersion issues with a bobbing exclamation mark -- fixed


    One of the NPC guides could even be named Trolland and he would arbitrarily lead you to the wrong place...


    It´s a problem on public servers. And some people often clean them out entirely. And by that i not only mean loot everything, but also wrench everything. And when i say that i literally mean everything.


    But the NPC idea is nice. I like it. For T5 and T6 it´s easy to guess wich one it´s gonna be though as they usually aren´t near to each other. And yes, people even double dip those. Even though roof main loot isn´t a thing anymore, the main loots are still reachable pretty fast if you know where they are. Wich isn´t hard as there is not a ton of T5 POI´s.

  14. 5 hours ago, Morloc said:

    Yeah, that's the thing I was asking about (I should have been more specific)....


    "GameSparks collects and creates data charts for the Pimps to get better idea of how we play. Which will in turn help them balance aspects of the game better."


    I was wondering if the Pimps were able to dynamically respond to trends in how we play.



    -Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀



    Afaik that´s exactly what GameSparks does.

  15. The balance should at least be in a way that you don´t get endgame gear before demolishers show up. They do show up at gamestage 150, in A20 i got them at day 42 or 49 in SP i think. Before that you shouldn´t get Q6 of the highest tier as a trader reward. 


    And you shouldn´t be able to craft a M60 or anything similar on day 7-9. That´s just badly balanced. I hope those things get fixed before the game goes gold.

  16. @warmer Day 25? Seriously? You don´t even get a full horde night until 4am at this point. Or demolishers. And while i can reach T6 at day 25, i really don´t want to. That would be rushing for no reason tbh. Do you even get a lot of rads in your games?


    And actually this is his point. That the trader is currently designed for a too short playtrough. You can have engame gear way too early. Way before demolishers show up wich are supposed to be endgame enemies. That´s not a good balance.

  17. You are again only judging from your situation. Ofc no one abuses the system on a private server. But there is a lot of public servers and given the balance for it, a surprisingly high amount of PvP going on.


    If TFP really wants to support PvP after launch, like they claimed several times, they shouldn´t rely on a system favoring min/maxing. That would become dull as everyone would do pretty much the same.

  18. 6 hours ago, meganoth said:


    Go on, start a new game and klick on the pistol perk 5 times. See what it gets you


    I am not here to tell you that the LBD system is bad. I am just telling you that I don't like it. And granted, there is an elixier in vanilla that is, especially at its new price, as OP as the trader and nearly as OP as creative menue. So what? The elixier is not an integral feature of the perk system. Just like getting more resistant by hopping on cacti is not an integral feature of LBD.



    Well this game continues after starting a new game obviously. Weird that i have to point that out tbh...


    Also, hopping on cacti? You really wanna compare that to fergetting/learning elixir? Do you have any idea how many cacti you needed to hop on to get a significant raise in your skill? Besides that armor shouldn´t be an action skill (and isn´t in DF). That was a thing in TFP´s LBD wich was a very faulty system. That´s like taking a chromebook as reference for gaming PC`s.


    But this isn´t about personal taste here but about what is good for the game. A game focusing heavily on MP (technically it doesn´t even have SP, just an MP mode with one player) should not be based on a system that highly rewards min/maxing.

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