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Everything posted by NekoPawtato

  1. What version are you playing on? The waypoint stuff should have been fixed in the latest stable (A21.2)
  2. Thank you for reporting, we're working on a more robust backup system long term which should hopefully address save corruption. In the short term if you are having issues with network stability there are some things both you and the host can try to mitigate this such as adding the game as an exception to antivirus and firewalls, making sure you're on ethernet connection instead of wifi, and try to enable the "Network Workaround" setting in game to see if that helps. If the host does not have port forwarding set up we would recommend them doing that as well. Other suggestions I've heard would be to make sure your OS is up to date, reducing background programs, and disable any sort of network boosting programs. On the other hand, if the game is crashing that sounds like a different issue, see below on how to file a bug report. We'll likely need logs for that.
  3. Thank you for reporting. I've confirmed the issue and written an internal ticket for this.
  4. Yup, that one's already on the known issue list "Road decals disappear as you walk towards them (garbage deco)", been around for a while it seems.
  5. If I understand correctly, are you saying small loot containers are not disappearing as expected if the container itself is damaged before emptying out the container? They were disappearing for me on A21.2 b30 https://i.imgur.com/sNS7fLc.mp4
  6. Thank you for reporting. We'll need a little bit more information about this issue. Please see the below thread on how to file a bug report:
  7. Thank you for reporting, we'll need more info in order to investigate. Please see the below thread on how to file a bug report: Since you are unable to grab logs, other additional info could help in its place, such as screenshots of the console/error, and/or a video of the issue if possible.
  8. Thank you for reporting. We'll need a bit more information on this issue. Please see the below thread on how to submit a bug report: Let us know if you have any questions about it.
  9. Thank you for reporting. Unfortunately this is a known issue with EAC on MacOS 14 (Sonoma). Epic is aware of the issue and is working on this.
  10. It can happen when the trader glitches through the floor and is no longer in their original position. I've had it happen in single player and noticed a new waypoint would get added every time I enter that area ๐Ÿ™
  11. It's a twitch integration thing, they're basically hostile chickens ๐Ÿ™‚ don't underestimate them though!
  12. Thank you for reporting, we'll need some more information before we are able to help troubleshoot. Please see the below thread on how to fill out a bug report: Let us know if you have any questions about it, thanks!
  13. I don't have nicknames for the zombies but I do have nicknames for the bullets... as someone who has no background with guns playing 7days for the first time I could never remember the numbers for ammo like 7.62 or .44 and I would read out the units so 9mm would be "9 em em" (someone did eventually correct me) I ended up just calling them magnum bullets, pistol bullets, and pointy bullets ๐Ÿ˜…
  14. See if this post helps regarding creating a folder for logs If you're still having issues, we'll need more information. Please see this thread below on how to file a bug report. Let us know if you have any questions about it. Thanks!
  15. This has been fixed in a future version
  16. Thank you for reporting. I have not been able to reproduce this. Is there something I'm doing differently here from what you described? I tried a few separate times (outside the video) running back and forth between the two sliding doors at this POI but the zombies would still hit me through the doors or break the door down completely. If you perhaps have a video that might help as well.
  17. Thank you for reporting. Vehicles still existing in the world with permadeath setting is intentional, as we need to take into account multiplayer (briefly discussed here): I see we have an internal ticket related to waypoints not resetting/clearing properly on perma-death, so I've added your report to it.
  18. Thank you for reporting, we're aware of this one and has already been fixed in an internal build. Please wait for a future release with this fix ๐Ÿ™‚
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