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Wow, why haven't I noticed this mod before? Dogs have been making my gameplay terrible since the day they appeared. Also, what do I do if I want to delete them instead of replacing them?


If you merely delete the dogs from all entity groups in entitygroups.xml using the NO DOGS modlet...


<remove xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup/entity[@name=animalZombieDog]" />


... then it's possible to end up with empty entity groups, depending on what NPCs other modlets may be removing.


Empty entity groups cause entitygroups.xml to fail to load properly, which can also cause issues with spawning.xml. If you then try deleting the empty entity groups, then spawning.xml ends up failing. If you remove all references to all of the empty entity groups from spawning.xml, it becomes a big PITA.


By adding different NPCs into groups that might otherwise be emptied during the removal, we avoid all of those problems...


<append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name=EnemyAnimalsWasteland]">

<entity name="animalStag"/>



<append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name=ZombieAnimalsGroup]">

<entity name="animalStag"/>



<append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name=ZombieDogGroup]">

<entity name="animalStag"/>



It's not a pure replacement, as the animalStag NPC is only added into those entity groups at risk of becoming empty groups, given the very real possibility of people running any combination of my modlets.


Hope this explains, and cheers!


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i like this, is there a option to have them all except ferals? have you done a mod that removes them?


1. Added a new modlet:


NO FERALS - This modlet removes all feral zombies.


2. Updated OP to provide additional information about the new modlet.


Hope this helps, and cheers!


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Oh okey, I will keep them in the game then. Looking forward to the feral horde with chickens and stags in it :D


Just wait until you see a herd of deer where sleeper vultures usually are INSIDE the Dishong Tower. If you don't one-shot kill them, some of them try to flee and end up falling to their death on the asphalt in front of the main entrance. Meat is still meat, and you can still carve 'em up if you hop on down to retrieve them.

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Updated original post...


1. Made document formatting changes for improved readability.


2. Updated the Known INcompatibilities section.


3. Updated the Installation section.


4. Updated the Best Practices/Troubleshooting/Errors section.


Hope this helps, and cheers!


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The 11JAN2019 versions of these modlets are fully compatible with and have successfully passed testing for the latest experimental version, Alpha 17.1 Experimental B9.


Updated Systems Requirements/Fine Print section of original post.


Hope this helps, and cheers!


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1. The newest modlets package as of today ( rev678_realitycheck_16JAN2019.zip, download link in original post ) now has fifteen (15!) separate modlets included.


2. Some of the modlets are in-place updates for previous modlets: NO COPS, NO DOGS, NO FERALS, NO RADIATED, NO SNAKES, and NO SPIDERS.




4. Updated the download link in the original post with the latest zip file.


5. Updated the Description section of the original post.


6. Updated the Included Modlets section of the original post.


7. Updated the Why the substitutions I chose section of the original post.


8. If you already HAVE any old/existing rev678_realitycheck_ folders, remove them from the 7 Days To Die game folder's Mods folder before installing any of the new modlets. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY CAUSE YOU UNEXPECTED ISSUES!


9. Thanks to Ragsy 2145 (https://7daystodie.com/forums/member.php?183155-Ragsy-2145) for sharing jrbarrio (JRB)'s code snippets with me, to help me get the syntax for the contains conditionals working properly.


Hope this helps, and cheers!


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Could you please do one for screamers also or an option where they only come out at night. Also to not jump or climb ladders at all. I removed the ability for them to climb ladders aready and removed jumping gaps, but it's not very realistic seeing a zombie jump on another and over a wall...




Please see my previous post in this thread about today's updates.


While I did add a modlet to let you remove screamers, the other portions of your request are really outside the scope of what the REALITY CHECK modlets are about... replacing existing animals or zombies with other animals, which is actually a fairly simply task, code-wise.


The other parts of what you were asking for (making it so screamers only come out at night, or making them not able to jump or climb ladders) would take more effort than I'm willing to commit at this time.


Hope this clarifies, and cheers!


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1. These modlets are fully compatible with and have been tested for Alpha 17.1 Stable B9.


2. I currently have nineteen (19) different modlets published in these forums and available for download. That's a large number of "moving parts" to test, debug, re-publish, and provide end-user support for every time TFP releases an update to 7DTD.


3. With that in mind, from this point forward, I'm only planning to officially support the latest stable release of 7DTD with my modlets.


4. That's not to say they will cease to function properly with older or experimental versions of 7DTD. They may very well work just fine for you. In all likelihood, they will, unless TFP radically changes the structure of the game's XML files.


5. THAT SAID... If you choose to "color outside the lines," you may be on your own as far as troubleshooting any issues that arise from using my modlets in unsupported scenarios.


6. Updated original post to reflect the current system requirements.


Hope this helps, and cheers!


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  • 3 weeks later...

just leaving a "thank you" here.


I always modded out the dogs , can't stand them. With modlet its even easier.

and my second PC is sooo bad, that wolfs/vulture/bear have to go also, as meele on them is impossible due to slow pc.


So, thanks again for the modlets.

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just leaving a "thank you" here.


I always modded out the dogs , can't stand them. With modlet its even easier.

and my second PC is sooo bad, that wolfs/vulture/bear have to go also, as meele on them is impossible due to slow pc.


So, thanks again for the modlets.


You bet. Glad you found these modlets useful.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The 16JAN2019 versions of these modlets are fully compatible with and have successfully passed testing for the latest STABLE version, Alpha 17.2 Stable B27.


Updated Systems Requirements/Fine Print section of original post.


Hope this helps, and cheers!


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As a reminder...


I strongly advise you to start a NEW game/save AFTER installing but BEFORE running these modlets. Failure to do so will likely result in an "Invalid Cast Exception" error. If you don't start a NEW game/save AFTER installing but BEFORE running these modlets, and get that error, I'm going to tell you to start a NEW game/save.


... every single time you install or update any of these modlets.


Hope this helps, and cheers!


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  • 2 months later...

The latest versions of these modlets are fully compatible with and have successfully passed testing for the latest STABLE version of 7DTD, Alpha 17.3 Stable B18.


1. Added extended version numbers within the modlets (which are visible in the console output as the modlets load), to help users know at a glance which version(s) they have installed.


2. Updated the System Requirements/Fine Print section of the original post.


3. Renamed the attached zip files in the original post, corresponding to the version of 7DTD these modlets require.


Hope this helps, and cheers!


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The latest versions of these modlets are fully compatible with and have successfully passed testing for the latest STABLE version of 7DTD, Alpha 17.3 Stable B18.


1. Added extended version numbers within the modlets (which are visible in the console output as the modlets load), to help users know at a glance which version(s) they have installed.


2. Updated the System Requirements/Fine Print section of the original post.


3. Renamed the attached zip files in the original post, corresponding to the version of 7DTD these modlets require.


Hope this helps, and cheers!



1. What a simple and effective idea :)


Very clear and precise as usual and I hope that things are OK with you REV6:7-8.


Ragsy !!

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1. What a simple and effective idea :)




Just kidding, of course 😎


Lately, I've been playing Guild Wars 2.


In an attempt to preempt any questions other GW2 players might have...


1. I did not play GW1.


2. I only started playing GW2 very recently, in February of this calendar year to be more specific.


3. I'm currently playing on the Gates of Madness world.


4. I'm currently only playing the free-to-play content. I don't have any of the expansion content as of yet, but plan on acquiring one or both of the expansions soon(ish).


5. I'm currently playing primarily open world PvE, mainly map completion (hearts, waypoints, POI's, hero challenges, vistas), events, and world bosses.


6. I've only recently started dipping my toes into WvW.


7. I'm not playing sPVP, nor am I interested in doing so. I don't always play well with other kids on the playground, so being expected to "do something" by others irritates me when I'm simply wanting to play a game my way.


8. I'm not interested in joining anyone's guild. Please see item number seven.


9. My ranger is level 80 and has 100% F2P map completion. No, she's not interested in joining anyone's guild. No, she's not interested in being anyone's in-game friend, nor joining anyone's party, group, nor raid. Please see item number seven.


10. My necromancer is level 34 and has 23% F2P map completion. No, she's not interested in joining anyone's guild. No, she's not interested in being anyone's in-game friend, nor joining anyone's party, group, nor raid. Please see item number seven.


11. My in-game friends are people I know and actually like "in real life." Seven and a half billion people on this big ball of mud, and I just barely tolerate most of them. So I won't subject myself to ignorant or obnoxious people more than I have to, especially not while trying to enjoy myself. Please see item number seven.


12. Yes, I play female characters. I'm an adult heterosexual male, playing a third-person point of view game. I'd prefer not to stare at male posteriors for extended game sessions. To each their own, but that's my personal choice.



BACK ON TOPIC... I'd sort of "back burnered" 7DTD until my Steam client recently downloaded the update. Then I dusted off TextWrangler to make a few minor changes to my modlets, and spent some time re-testing them.


Honestly, the "old" modlet versions worked just fine when I ran them under 17.3, but I've been wanting to add better versioning for some time and just finally crossed it off my list.


Tonight, I'm thinking about doing brats on the grill, then maybe binge watching the latest season of Lucifer on Netflix over the rest of the weekend.




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