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Everything posted by rev678

  1. /Copied from the VERY FIRST post in this thread: System Requirements/Fine Print: The latest versions of these modlets have been tested on the vanilla/base install of 7 Days To Die for PC/MAC, version(s): Alpha 19.6 B8 Stable WITHOUT OTHER MODS, MODLETS, OR CUSTOMIZATIONS "They [... snipped...] may or may not work with other mods or modlets or customizations [... snipped...]" /END COPY I'm sure it's POSSIBLE. But IS it something I want to put in the WORK to do FOR FREE? Probably not, because I do also have a life outside of 7DTD modding. If YOU want something specific to YOUR environment, please feel free to use my work as a foundation to produce a derivative work that better suits YOUR specific needs. All it takes is a working copy of 7DTD, a text editor, YOUR TIME, a little coding aptitude wouldn't hurt, and plenty of patience to work through the frustration of testing and re-testing things ad nauseum. I can always make more money, and buy more stuff. But time is the one resource I can't make more of, so I jealously guard mine. If something doesn't add value to my life or the lives of those I love, I don't have it in my life. I don't see working on the task you're asking about as something that meets any of those criteria, for me. I really wish people would TRY the things they ask me about BEFORE asking me, for the reasons I explained above about why and how I value my time. Sorry for my rant, but not for the substance of my message, REV6:7-8
  2. Have you even tried it with A20? It hasn't needed substantial update to work for the last few major updates. If you HAVE tried it and are having a specific problem with it, if you explain what you've experienced, then I may be more inclined to offer assistance. Otherwise, I'm too busy having a life to play whack-a-mole and guess what people need help with. Please see my response to Michu.
  3. i haven't yet been able to reproduce the scenario you've described, so I don't have a "fix" identified as of yet.
  4. @7DaySonney, Thanks for your comments, and for being willing to do some troubleshooting of your specific setup. I try to make things work for the lowest common denominator, which generally works on the premise that many (most?) people tend to install in default locations. Given that, it's not always possible to predict and instruct for other scenarios. Cheers! REV 6:7-8
  5. That's why I learned early in my IT career not to call users back right after they leave a message. Most end users are capable of figuring it out, if they put in the effort. And I was confident in both my release testing and the accompanying installation instructions I provided. Glad it's working for you now. Cheers! REV6:7-8
  6. The latest versions of these modlets are fully compatible with and have successfully passed testing for the latest STABLE version of 7DTD, Alpha 19.6 (b8) Stable. 1. Updated the extended version numbers within the modlets (which are visible in the console output as the modlets load), to help users know at a glance which version(s) they have installed. 2. Updated the System Requirements/Fine Print section of the original post. 3.Updated the link to the zip file in the original post. Hope this helps, and cheers! REV6:7-8
  7. The latest version of this modlet is fully compatible with and has successfully passed testing for the latest STABLE version of 7DTD, Alpha 19.6 (b8) Stable. 1. Updated the extended version number within the modlet (which is visible in the console output as the modlet loads), to help users know at a glance which version(s) they have installed. 2. Updated the System Requirements/Fine Print section of the original post. 3.Updated the link to the zip file in the original post. Hope this helps, and cheers! REV6:7-8
  8. The latest versions of these modlets are fully compatible with and have successfully passed testing for the latest STABLE version of 7DTD, Alpha 19.5 (b60) Stable. 1. Updated the extended version numbers within the modlets (which are visible in the console output as the modlets load), to help users know at a glance which version(s) they have installed. 2. Updated the System Requirements/Fine Print section of the original post. 3.Updated the link to the zip file in the original post. Hope this helps, and cheers! REV6:7-8
  9. The latest version of this modlet is fully compatible with and has successfully passed testing for the latest STABLE version of 7DTD, Alpha 19.5 (b60) Stable. 1. Updated the extended version number within the modlet (which is visible in the console output as the modlet loads), to help users know at a glance which version(s) they have installed. 2. Updated the System Requirements/Fine Print section of the original post. 3.Updated the link to the zip file in the original post. Hope this helps, and cheers! REV6:7-8
  10. The latest versions of these modlets are fully compatible with and have successfully passed testing for the latest STABLE version of 7DTD, Alpha 19.4 B7 Stable. 1. Updated the extended version numbers within the modlets (which are visible in the console output as the modlets load), to help users know at a glance which version(s) they have installed. 3. Updated the System Requirements/Fine Print section of the original post. 4. Updated the target of the Download this zip file hyperlink under the Installation section of the original post. Hope this helps, and cheers! REV6:7-8
  11. The latest version of this modlet is fully compatible with and has successfully passed testing for the latest STABLE version of 7DTD, Alpha 19.4 B7 Stable. 1. Per my previous messages, Admin Skill Points 279 is currently the highest item and corresponding quest. 2. Updated the extended version number within the modlet (which is visible in the console output as the modlet loads), to help users know at a glance which version(s) they have installed. 3. Updated the System Requirements/Fine Print section of the original post. 4. Updated the target of the Download this zip file hyperlink under the Installation section of the original post. Hope this helps, and cheers! REV6:7-8
  12. The latest versions of these modlets are fully compatible with and have successfully passed testing for the latest STABLE version of 7DTD, Alpha 19.3 b6 Stable. 1. Updated the extended version numbers within the modlets (which are visible in the console output as the modlets load), to help users know at a glance which version(s) they have installed. 2. Updated the System Requirements/Fine Print section of the original post. 3. Renamed the attached zip file in the original post, corresponding to the version of 7DTD this modlet requires. Hope this helps, and cheers! REV6:7-8
  13. The latest version of this modlet is fully compatible with and has successfully passed testing for the latest STABLE version of 7DTD, Alpha 19.3 b6 Stable. 1. Per my previous messages, Admin Skill Points 279 is now the highest item and corresponding quest. 2. Updated the extended version number within the modlet (which is visible in the console output as the modlet loads), to help users know at a glance which version(s) they have installed. 3. Updated the System Requirements/Fine Print section of the original post. 4. Renamed the attached zip file in the original post, corresponding to the version of 7DTD this modlet requires. Hope this helps, and cheers! REV6:7-8
  14. The latest versions of these modlets are fully compatible with and have successfully passed testing for the latest STABLE version of 7DTD, Alpha 19.1 b8 Stable. 1. Updated the extended version numbers within the modlets (which are visible in the console output as the modlets load), to help users know at a glance which version(s) they have installed. 2. Updated the System Requirements/Fine Print section of the original post. 3. Renamed the attached zip file in the original post, corresponding to the version of 7DTD this modlet requires. Hope this helps, and cheers! REV6:7-8
  15. The latest version of this modlet is fully compatible with and has successfully passed testing for the latest STABLE version of 7DTD, Alpha 19.1 b8 Stable. 1. Admin Skill Points 279 is now the highest item and corresponding quest. 2. Updated the extended version number within the modlet (which is visible in the console output as the modlet loads), to help users know at a glance which version(s) they have installed. 3. Updated the System Requirements/Fine Print section of the original post. 4. Renamed the attached zip file in the original post, corresponding to the version of 7DTD this modlet requires. Hope this helps, and cheers! REV6:7-8
  16. I had a First Sergeant who used to respond to what he perceived as whiny requests from "Little Soldiers" with ," WTF do you think this is? Let's Make a Deal?" His candor was refreshing in that it let us know just how close we were to spending a day on punitive details like cleaning out porta-potties or "mowing" the battalion command office lawn with swing blades.
  17. With enough RAM in your gaming rig and a decent-ish GPU, you could probably handle 64+ concurrent zeds without killing your framerate. I'm maintaining 30+ FPS with 64 concurrent zeds on my 11 year old MacPro 4.1 with 32GB RAM and a 3GB GPU, using all the lowest video presets, but still.
  18. Glad it worked out for you. You can have the WorldWarZ zombies. I'll stick with Romero zeds for my own gameplay. Cheers, REV6:7-8
  19. Every living creature in 7DTD, including zombies, get spawned into the game according to the criteria in the entitygroups.xml and spawning.xml files. Entitiygroups defines what creatures are in what groups. Spawning.xml defines which groups of entities spawn where and when. Look for the "vanilla" versions of those files in the Data/Config/ folder of your game install directory. They'll answer your latest question. Hope this helps, REV6:7-8
  20. You're welcome. Please let us know if that work for you, so maybe others can be spared the same confusion. Thanks, REV6:7-8
  21. My modlets don't "bake' anything into your game saves, but things like currently-spawned entities are something that do get stored in game saves. My modlets have no control over that. If you had my modlet installed when your game loaded in-game entities from the enttiygroups.xml file, including the substitutions my modlets make, then you got zombieMoe wherever the original entities were triggered to spawn. Simply removing my modlet doesn't affect what entities were loaded into your game world at the time your game save was made. Don't want the currently-loaded in-game entities anymore? Either start a new game, or issue a "kill all" command from the console, and let new entities spawn into the world per the vanilla entitygroups.xml file.
  22. What you're reporting isn't a problem I can "fix" for you. It's a FEATURE of this site. To download most of the attachments from these forums, you need to signup for a free membership. Hope this clarifies, REV6:7-8
  23. I just checked and the download is working properly. The download link does NOT look like a typical underlined hyperlink. Instead it's a white rectangle image at the bottom of my original post that looks like this...
  24. The way this modlet package is designed, end users (individual players, if installing for locally-played games, or server admins for shared games) can decide for themselves which of the supported creatures to replace out of the game, by merely only installing those portions of this modlet package. When you unzip the provided ZIP file, you'll extract a Mods folder containing seventeen (17) modlet subfolders. Each subfolder corresponds to the in-game entity that modlet is replacing out for a zombieMoe. So for example, the modlet contained in the rev678_realitycheck_no_bears_standard subfolder is what replaces the non-zombie (standard) bears in the game with zombieMoe. Modlet downloaders who DO WANT to replace non-zombie bears with zombieMoe should copy/move that subfolder from the Mods folder of the extracted ZIP file into their 7DTD Mods folder per the instructions in my original post, or into the appropriate location on their shared server. If you want any of those animals to remain in-game, simply DON'T copy/move the corresponding modlet folders(s) from the Mods folder of the extracted ZIP file into your 7DTD Mods folder. There is absolutely NO requirement to have ALL of these modlets installed at the same time. Any or all of them can be installed independently of each other, and still provide replacement of that specific in-game creature with a zombieMoe instead. If what you're really asking me is if these modlets can replace out creature "X" with a wolf, coyote, or bear INSTEAD OF a zombieMoe, you can accomplish this yourself quite easily by editing the entitygroups.xml file in each modlet subfolder you install to replace zombieMoe with your desired animal replacement. You can get the exact animal names by looking at the entitygroups.xml files in the animal-specific folders I've provided within this modlet package. But that's not the kind of change I want to do "universally" for everyone who downloads this modlet package, as I specifically chose to replace out the "potentially aggressive" animals, because they can run at/away from players regardless of the ZOMBIE DAY SPEED setting choice the player/admin makes during pre-launch game configuration. Hope this helps, and cheers, REV6:7-8
  25. The latest versions of these modlets are fully compatible with and have successfully passed testing for the latest STABLE version of 7DTD, Alpha 19.0 b180 Stable. 1. Updated the extended version numbers within the modlets (which are visible in the console output as the modlet loads), to help users know at a glance which version(s) they have installed. 2. Updated the System Requirements/Fine Print section of the original post. 3. Renamed the attached zip file in the original post, corresponding to the version of 7DTD this modlet requires. Hope this helps, and cheers! REV6:7-8
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