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bandits a17


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This will get them to move around, but I got other errors im working on afterwards though. Play with it maybe we can combine testing


<property name="AvatarController" value="AvatarLocalPlayerController"/>


I will try using that with my one see if it works as I have no errors in my bandits other then they dont move lol or attack

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This is the test model that ive got working to a point


<entity_class name="npcBanditMelee">

<property name="Tags" value="zombie"/>

<property name="EntityType" value="Player"/>

<property name="Mesh" value="Player/Male/player_maleRagdoll"/>

<property name="AvatarController" value="AvatarZombie01Controller"/>

<property name="AvatarController" value="AvatarLocalPlayerController"/>

<property name="ModelType" value="NpcUMA"/>

<property name="HasRagdoll" value="true"/>

<property name="Prefab" value="NPC"/>

<property name="Class" value="EntityBandit"/>

<property name="Parent" value="Enemies"/>

<property name="PhysicsBody" value="Player"/>

<property name="Archetype" value="BanditMelee"/>

<property name="Faction" value="bandit2"/>

<property name="Tags" value="zombie"/>

<property name="AIPackages" value="Human Basic ,Human Melee"/>


<property name="Weight" value="70"/>

<property name="IsEnemyEntity" value="true"/>

<property name="SurfaceCategory" value="organic"/>

<property name="WalkType" value="7"/>

<property name="ParticleOnDeath" value="blood_death"/>

<property name="SoundRandomTime" value="200.0"/>

<property name="SoundRandom" value="malehateroam"/>

<property name="SoundAlert" value="malehatealert"/>

<property name="SoundSense" value="malehatesense"/>

<property name="SoundHurt" value="malehatepain"/>

<property name="SoundDeath" value="malehatedeath"/>

<property name="SoundAttack" value="malehateattack"/>

<property name="HasDeathAnim" value="true"/>


<property name="MaxViewAngle" value="180"/>



<property name="ItemsOnEnterGame.GameModeSurvival" value="meleeBanditSledgeHammer"/>

<property name="ItemsOnEnterGame.GameModeSurvivalSP" value="meleeBanditSledgeHammer"/>

<property name="ItemsOnEnterGame.GameModeSurvivalMP" value="meleeBanditSledgeHammer"/>


<property name="WanderSpeed" value="0.5"/>

<property name="ApproachSpeed" value="1"/>

<property name="NightWanderSpeed" value="0.5"/>

<property name="NightApproachSpeed" value="1"/>

<property name="PanicSpeed" value="1.15"/>

<property name="CanClimbLadders" value="true"/>


<property name="HandItem" value="meleeHandPlayer"/>


<property name="ExperienceGain" value="1039"/>


<property name="LootDropProb" value=".03"/>

<property name="LootDropEntityClass" value="EntityLootContainerBandit"/>


<property name="TimeStayAfterDeath" value="30"/>

<property name="DeadBodyHitPoints" value="251"/>


<effect_group name="Base Effects">

<passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="150"/>




<entity_class name="npcBanditRanged" extends="npcBanditMelee">

<property name="Archetype" value="BanditRanged"/>

<property name="AIPackages" value="Human Basic, Human Ranged"/>


<property name="ItemsOnEnterGame.GameModeSurvival" value="gunSMG5,ammo9mmBullet"/>

<property name="ItemsOnEnterGame.GameModeSurvivalSP" value="gunSMG5,ammo9mmBullet"/>

<property name="ItemsOnEnterGame.GameModeSurvivalMP" value="gunSMG5,ammo9mmBullet"/>


<property name="AttackTimeoutDay" value="0.5"/>

<property name="AttackTimeoutNight" value="0.5"/>


<property name="HandItem" value="gunSMG5"/>




- - - Updated - - -





<ai_package name="Human Ranged"> <!-- Ranged Attack AI -->

<action name="MoveToEnemy" weight="2" distance="6">

<task class="MoveToTarget" run="false"/>


<consideration class="TargetType" type="EntityNPC, EntityZombie, EntityPlayer"/>

<consideration class="TargetFactionStanding" flip_y="true" max="127"/>

<consideration class="TargetDistance" min="10" max="20"/>



<action name="Flee" weight="3">

<task class="FleeFromTarget" max_distance="10"/>


<consideration class="TargetType" type="EntityNPC, EntityZombie"/>

<consideration class="TargetFactionStanding" flip_y="true" max="127"/>

<consideration class="TargetDistance" flip_y="true" min="1" max="6"/>



<action name="RangedAttack" weight="3">

<task class="AttackTargetEntity" action_index="0"/>


<consideration class="TargetVisible"/>

<consideration class="TargetType" type="EntityNPC, EntityZombie"/>

<consideration class="TargetFactionStanding" flip_y="true" max="127"/>

<consideration class="TargetDistance" min="1" max="5"/>



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Use the range guy for a test the issues are a error from the controllers and invisable weapon which is caused by the player controller but he will roam ,kill , ect alittle to good




note this is a test model



The error from the controller only seems to happen when coming into range but gose away if ur right beside the bandit


The zombie01 controller has way better reaction time then the uma in this setup


If I had to guess the playercontroller is setting a handitem by default and its blocking or not letting the weapon mesh load in cause if u kill him the weapon appears

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Use the range guy for a test the issues are a error from the controllers and invisable weapon which is caused by the player controller but he will roam ,kill , ect alittle to good




note this is a test model



The error from the controller only seems to happen when coming into range but gose away if ur right beside the bandit


The zombie01 controller has way better reaction time then the uma in this setup


If I had to guess the playercontroller is setting a handitem by default and its blocking or not letting the weapon mesh load in cause if u kill him the weapon appears


Great work to get this far, will def look at it.

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you may need to set there factions in the npc.xml




<faction name="none">

<relationship name="*" value="neutral"/>


<faction name="animals">

<relationship name="*" value="neutral"/>


<faction name="undead">

<relationship name="bandit2" value="hate"/>

<relationship name="trader" value="neutral"/>

<relationship name="*" value="hate"/>


<faction name="bandit2">

<relationship name="*" value="hate"/>


<faction name="whiteriver">

<relationship name="*" value="neutral"/>

<relationship name="undead" value="hate"/>

<relationship name="bandit2" value="hate"/>


<faction name="duke">

<relationship name="*" value="neutral"/>

<relationship name="whiteriver" value="dislike"/>

<relationship name="undead" value="hate"/>

<relationship name="bandit2" value="hate"/>


<faction name="trader">

<relationship name="*" value="neutral"/>

<relationship name="bandit2" value="hate"/>

<relationship name="undead" value="hate"/>




I did put the range bandit in to the groups all zombies to spawn them in , if I can get these to work the rest of the way they ll have to be nerfed way to deadly



If I could get this 1 error to go away id put them in my game right now I don't really care about the invisible gun its there u just cant see it anyways ull be runnin or dead probally never even notice it


on a side note if u don't set a archtype they ll randomize there looks

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k, that did it, nice work hex. The melee guy works great other than the weapon not showing up and the brief nre. The ranged guy isnt shooting, at zombies or me. How come you have 2 avatar controllers in there? Are they both working together, and if so then why not put in the uma or npc controller too. Gonna try it.

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Ive only been able to get it to work the way its setup atm it seem that its inheriting the movement from the playercontroller and the actions from the other controller I used the zombiecontroller cause it has better reations the others.Did u put the code in for the range ai?



utilityai.xml file



<ai_package name="Human Ranged"> <!-- Ranged Attack AI -->

<action name="MoveToEnemy" weight="2" distance="6">

<task class="MoveToTarget" run="false"/>


<consideration class="TargetType" type="EntityNPC, EntityZombie, EntityPlayer"/>

<consideration class="TargetFactionStanding" flip_y="true" max="127"/>

<consideration class="TargetDistance" min="10" max="20"/>



<action name="Flee" weight="3">

<task class="FleeFromTarget" max_distance="10"/>


<consideration class="TargetType" type="EntityNPC, EntityZombie"/>

<consideration class="TargetFactionStanding" flip_y="true" max="127"/>

<consideration class="TargetDistance" flip_y="true" min="1" max="6"/>



<action name="RangedAttack" weight="3">

<task class="AttackTargetEntity" action_index="0"/>


<consideration class="TargetVisible"/>

<consideration class="TargetType" type="EntityNPC, EntityZombie"/>

<consideration class="TargetFactionStanding" flip_y="true" max="127"/>

<consideration class="TargetDistance" min="1" max="5"/>



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So I see yall are gettin NPCs going again, I been trying too. I want to make a friendly survivor, but I couldnt get them to do anything. I got their weapon to appear but gave up when they wouldnt fight or move.


I know this is a lot to ask, but can I get the entityclass xml? I got an archetype I want to use, but what about NPCID? I dont need a whole new xml just for the survivor, I can change the bandit to my liking. I just want the one thats working, please



EDIT: I am making a melee survivor

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