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A couple things about the new temperature system


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I haven't seen the "warm by the fire" buff effect anywhere, has it been removed? If so, that's kind of a pity... It made the hypothermia effect much more dynamic and interesting.


Which, speaking of, I've taken a look at the buffs file and it looks like the hypothermia effect doesn't kill you anymore. It only affects the stamina and strength/fortitude perks and speeds up hunger.


So, if I happen not to care about those perks and I carry enough beers and food, I can run around naked in the snow forest at night without further consequences?


What are your thoughts on the new temperature system? I like certain of the new aspects, yet some others feel a bit unnecessary.

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It still feels quite an early stage of development. I'm still getting hot and cold from one minute to the next. I'm not constantly changing clothes now but it still feels like a lot of work is needed in relation to changing biomes.


Tbh I didn't mind carrying an extra warm jacket in my inventory or taking off a warm clothing if I get too hot, seems a normal thing to do. And I agree in extreme hot or cold conditions, having to build emergency campfires or going into water seems legit survival tactics.


I also don't get the warm by fire icon or notification.

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I also noticed being wet (from rain or swimming) doesn't cool you (or at least no indication), also red tea/yukka juice don't cool you either. Weather survival was simplified, we don't have to constantly change clothes, but still we lost some depth.


I've never gotten a wet debuff in rain, which is weird.


I used to have serious problems freezing instantly in some parts of pine forests and overheating instantly in burned forest patches, and having to swap hats.


Put on a duster and everything fixes itself.

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I still haven't figured out how to be in the desert without getting too hot. Currently have the cowboy had, leather poncho, white-T, white skirt and drinking yucca juice and have 2 points in the temperature perk. Still can't go in the dessert... What more can I do???

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I noticed the lack of an icon saying that you're wet or getting warmth from a fire. A campfire clearly warms you up now but the icon for it is gone for whatever reason.


Temperature stuff was overall nerfed. Before being too cold or hot would accelerate how fast your hunter/thrist decreased, which still happens. However, temperature no longer directly results in HP loss and you can no longer die from hunger/thirst. They won't drop below 25% now. Having 25 stamina does suck a lot though as you're nearly completely disabled.

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I was just running through an area and there was a small spot where I could stand and my temperature would be in the mid 90's F. Take about 10 steps away, and it'd immediately drop a good 15 degrees. Certainly seems like the new environmental system isn't done yet, and is mostly a placeholder at the moment while they work out how the new system will fully interact with all of the other changes.

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I had some great moments of life and death in previous alphas due to the temp system.


I once had a map in which I was stranded in a small patch of maple forest, and everything else was surrounded by snow. I tried entering it without enough protection, and it got colder through the night. The next morning I had to go back to the forest because I was dying of hypothermia.


I got to stage 3, couldn't run anymore. I had a bunch of lumberjacks behind me who almost kill me. I managed to get rid of them and get to the forest, with little health left.


All that adrenaline is now gone with the new system, which is an incredible pity. So far, the absolute worst change for me.

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