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[MODLET] SMX - Main Menu


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// MODLET: SMX - Main Menu UI Conversion


// EAC: Friendly


// BUILD: A17b197


// DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that this modlet is intended for use with the build mentioned above. That said it may very well be that it can be used with other builds with little to no risk of failure. It all depends on the standard files being updated or not.


// MOD DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this modlet is to enhance the Main Menu UI.


// TERMS OF USE: You are allowed to use this modlet for your own personal use and/or distribute said modlet bundled with something of your own creation as long as the files remain unaltered and you do not claim credit for its creation.

You are welcome to, but not required to, inform the author of this modlet should you wish to bundle and re-distribute said modlet as described above.


// CREDITS: Sirillion (author)


// INSTRUCTIONS: Decompress the archive and copy the Mods folder into your 7 Days to Die install.





(dropbox link for now)

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This looks great Sirillion!


I was looking at your mod and wondering: can we use "insert-before" instead of "append"

So that the first thing that loads is your background and menu instead of seeing the default for few seconds before it switches to yours?


Love your work by the way can't wait for new / updated mods for A17.



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This looks great Sirillion!


I was looking at your mod and wondering: can we use "insert-before" instead of "append"

So that the first thing that loads is your background and menu instead of seeing the default for few seconds before it switches to yours?


Love your work by the way can't wait for new / updated mods for A17.




Thank you, I am glad you like it.


We cannot circumvent the default loading screen even when using insertBefore. That screen is what is seen before the game loads the modified files, and the second it loads the modified files my menu comes into play.


The process with insertBefore and append both result in the same and the mod was built with insertBefore when in testing. Then I realized that another modlet could remove the insertBefore dependency and the modlet would fail all together. Hence me switching it to append as it seems a bit more "secure". Sure one could argue that a modlet could remove the append dependency also but that would be a little more extreme.


I have a few modlets in the works at the moment. SMX Hud is one of them and will be out over the coming days.



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Hello tell me how your mod can make UIAtlas? I am engaged in translation into Russian of the game, and so far as through the mod to replace the texture of UIAtlas no options.


Follow the caption keys to the Localization.txt file located in the Data\Config folder of 7DTD.




<SMXmainMenuBTN1 name="btnNewGame" pivot="center" width="230" height="54" caption_key="xuiNewGame" />


The caption key is xuiNewGame. Now open Localization.txt and search for xuiNewGame then add your change.


If that is not what you asked for, then I do not know how to help you. The main menu does not allow for atlases and you cannot use other sprites than those that are already in the game assets.



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I saw this in Mod Menu_Custom Vehicles. I just don't know how to use it.

if you can see this mod on the link. There's a UI folder with a UIAtlas texture.



This has to be done via SDX and compiled because it contains script changes, howewver I don't think Manux has made it compatible yet for A17 - I know he said he was working on it. I am not 100% is SDX is A17 compatible yet. I haven't seen anything on that part as of yet.

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I cannot seem to replicate the issue at hand.


I am only running a testing DS locally on the same machine and for me it shows up as intended. Is your DS running the modlet also or just the client?


You mention you did some changes to the assets file, did this occur before or after that?


I've not tested this but you could try adding this to the end of the menubg texture code: visible="{notingame}"

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solved the problem without EAC

Tell me, is there a possibility of changing fonts on another server?


Created Mods \ SMXmainMenu \ Config \ XUi \ styles.xml


<append xpath="/styles/style[@type=label]" visible="{ingame}">

<style_entry name="font_face" value="font"/>



<remove xpath="/styles/style[@type=label]/style_entry[@name=font_face]"/>


<append xpath="/styles/style[@type=textlist]" visible="{ingame}">

<style_entry name="font_face" value="font"/>


<remove xpath="/styles/style[@type=textlist]/style_entry[@name=font_face]"/>



but nothing comes out

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