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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=unclevlad;582610]Don't know if I am not seeing a post in this thread, but will the current download work with Alpha 15.2b7?[/QUOTE] Well, I tried copying the dll into the appropriate folder, and the game will not launch. Just sits on the same screen after I select "Continue Game"
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;582461]DLLs don't really work like that. You can't move bits between the two. If you want to have a look at the code you'll need a [URL="https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=.net+decompiler&oq=.net+decompiler&aqs=chrome..69i57.3911j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8"]decompiler.[/URL] Any on that list are worth checking out but there isn't really a tool for merging two DLLs in the way you'd need.[/QUOTE] Hey, im sorry, I asking without find enought information by my way, now i know how works and I understand its not like a simple code to edit. Im learning other tools before edit any file and understand how works all. Maybe someday I can edit for SDX compatibility. Thank you again and sorry for my language.
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;582565]Hi Hal, just downloaded the new update. For some reason the editor crashes when I click on the open from disc/memory open in the file menu. Let me know if you need additional details. Cheers. :) Edit: i just realized there was a game update a day ago. Let me update and report back.[/QUOTE] Hey Laz. Just tried it on my end and there's no crashes. What's the error? [QUOTE=unclevlad;582610]Don't know if I am not seeing a post in this thread, but will the current download work with Alpha 15.2b7?[/QUOTE] No the editor is for b6. You'll need to roll back to that version to use the DLL if it's not working. [QUOTE=unidad2pete;582812]Hey, im sorry, I asking without find enought information by my way, now i know how works and I understand its not like a simple code to edit. Im learning other tools before edit any file and understand how works all. Maybe someday I can edit for SDX compatibility. Thank you again and sorry for my language.[/QUOTE] No worries unclevlad. Have fun modding.
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[QUOTE=unidad2pete;582812]Hey, im sorry, I asking without find enought information by my way, now i know how works and I understand its not like a simple code to edit. Im learning other tools before edit any file and understand how works all. Maybe someday I can edit for SDX compatibility. Thank you again and sorry for my language.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=HAL9000;583208]No worries unclevlad. Have fun modding.[/QUOTE] Sorry unidad2pete, just noticed I called you the wrong name when replying to you. [QUOTE=unclevlad;583465]I was afraid of that. Any chance of an update to support the new build?[/QUOTE] Not for a while. There's no breaking changes in B7 from the codebase point of view and it'll probably be about a week if not more before I'm back in the code.
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Hal. Can we export the sake way we import, as an option? Right now I stand in the center, export, the move to the sw corner to import. I would love an option to export FROM the sw corner, so I can reimport without having to move. My sick addled mind thinks this has been asked before by someone, but I can't recall a response.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;584680]Hal. Can we export the sake way we import, as an option? Right now I stand in the center, export, the move to the sw corner to import. I would love an option to export FROM the sw corner, so I can reimport without having to move. My sick addled mind thinks this has been asked before by someone, but I can't recall a response.[/QUOTE] I don't recall anyone asking that before but seeing as it's you I don't see why not. Expect bbb exportsw in the next release
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Looking for information on running Hals editor on our family dedicated server. We have it loaded but I cant get the comands to import right. (I am doing it ok in singleplayer and on my own mp games ) I suposidly am set as a admin. Do I have to upload the prefab to the dedi server or can it pull it from my prefab folder?
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Hey guys, for some reason, my copy of the editor won't update to version 15.2. It reads A15.1 b16 on the initial menu. When I log in game it says in the chat window that there is a newer update so this leads me to believe I don't have the most current version? The end result is I can't use any of the bbb commands. Edit: Where is the location of the assembly dll file? I suspect maybe the problem is somewhere there. Thanks.
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;588534]Hey guys, for some reason, my copy of the editor won't update to version 15.2. It reads A15.1 b16 on the initial menu. When I log in game it says in the chat window that there is a newer update so this leads me to believe I don't have the most current version? The end result is I can't use any of the bbb commands. Edit: Where is the location of the assembly dll file? I suspect maybe the problem is somewhere there. Thanks.[/QUOTE] Hey Laz, How's the younglings? Must have given you a couple of quiet nights if you're back prefabbing ^^ A15.2 b7 is the latest DLL in the OP. There's a bug in it though that will tell you there's a later version when you enter the world. It's wrong but I'm hoping to get the b8 version out today or tomorrow. The editor DLL is in the editor folder and goes into the 7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\Managed game folder Hal
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Update Time! Added: A15.2 b8 support Added bbb exportsw command The new command is for exporting from your current location (like bbb ip inserts at current location). Syntax is: bbb exportsw width = x-axis depth = z-axis name = if you don't know this you've got bigger problems Alias is bbb exsw Let me know if you find any problems.
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Thank you so much Hal. Great program. Im having a problem with the world editor. I have installed/renamed the Assembly-CSharp Dedicated dll edited the halglobal.txt on my server and successfully connected with the world editor but it does not map. i just get and error that says "Server Error: Field not found: 'Chunk.BO'" Its been a while since I have used the editor did I miss a step someplace?
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;588574]Hey Laz, How's the younglings? Must have given you a couple of quiet nights if you're back prefabbing ^^ A15.2 b7 is the latest DLL in the OP. There's a bug in it though that will tell you there's a later version when you enter the world. It's wrong but I'm hoping to get the b8 version out today or tomorrow. The editor DLL is in the editor folder and goes into the 7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\Managed game folder Hal[/QUOTE] Hey hal, actually i got sick so im quarantined from the babies....lol. Thanks for the continued support. :)
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[QUOTE=Impenitent;588687]Thank you so much Hal. Great program. Im having a problem with the world editor. I have installed/renamed the Assembly-CSharp Dedicated dll edited the halglobal.txt on my server and successfully connected with the world editor but it does not map. i just get and error that says "Server Error: Field not found: 'Chunk.BO'" Its been a while since I have used the editor did I miss a step someplace?[/QUOTE] Hello Impenitent, Are you using the .73 DLL with the .73 editor? I've just tried to connect to a dedi and all seemed fine. [QUOTE=Laz Man;588756]Hey hal, actually i got sick so im quarantined from the babies....lol. Thanks for the continued support. :)[/QUOTE] Lookin forward to your prefabs Laz, just shout if you need something.
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Man, thought this version was broke; imported a prefab I knew worked, and every block had been replaced by a gore block. ...thankfully I thought to look, and sure enough the block ID's were changed on my server. :) But, a pyramid of bodies did look cool. :) Thanks again Hal, love ya buddy!
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Stupid question time. I've been through the whole thread since I can't figure out how to search within and still not found any mentions of this. How do I actually enable trader protection on a prefab? Using 15.2 b8 and even with vanilla trader prefab I imported (settlement_trader_01), there's no protection effects in-game. No block protections, no teleports, etc. This is using bbb ip . In-game after import I tried the console traderarea which accepts true and false but doesn't provide any feedback, I tried F6 spawning a trader, and I tried placing some weird block called traderspawner all without any noticeable effect (aside from an NPC trader standing there looking at me). I've edited the XML through the editor, and then manually, again without any noticeable impact. Closing and restarting the game also didn't change anything. So clearly I'm doing something wrong or missing a step, can anyone clue me in? Appreciate it!
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You're not missing anything, I tried enabling the protection for prefabs when importing but because of the bugs in vanilla where it doesn't get set properly it was hit and miss. I decided to stop trying until the vanilla bugs get worked out. Probably A16 will be the one where it gets sorted.
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