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Hal's Prefab Editor


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Don't poop on the idea just yet, pretty please! :) The more I think about it, the cooler I think it would be; sure, someone could theoretically put drawbridges in the list and screw it all up, but I'm thinking much smaller, and you ALREADY have a damage variablizer (new word, go me!), so this isn't that much of a stretch. :) It would certainly save ME time when decorating...
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;516045]Don't poop on the idea just yet, pretty please! :) The more I think about it, the cooler I think it would be; sure, someone could theoretically put drawbridges in the list and screw it all up, but I'm thinking much smaller, and you ALREADY have a damage variablizer (new word, go me!), so this isn't that much of a stretch. :) It would certainly save ME time when decorating...[/QUOTE] I will HAPPILY poop on your idea Guppy :-P haha.. I think the issue with your idea as awesome and much more speedier it would be would be that the bags drawers etc would be placed randomly and 99% most likely out of place. example office building trying to put desks somewhere nice it be all over the place. Now if you seen my casino i built... for the hotel rooms i simply built 1 room and copy pasted it in every other exact same shaped room. i then filled the other room and copied pasted etc etc. the same with the luxury rooms. i simply completed 1 room and simply copied the exact room into the other rooms of the same size shape and direction. it saved me days if not weeks by doing this in the editor. however the rooms are all identical and not unique. is why also if you wanted to remove layers cause you personally thought it was to tall you could shave a few levels off and it look the same . pros and cons with everything.
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Your casino is what made me think of it. Again, not talking about desks, just bags, purses, trash cans, and other 1 block items... And remember, my idea is to flag which blocks can change, so you can choose the spot above a desk, and have a chance of different items, or more likely, still just air. (No poop for you!)
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;517021]Your casino is what made me think of it. Again, not talking about desks, just bags, purses, trash cans, and other 1 block items... And remember, my idea is to flag which blocks can change, so you can choose the spot above a desk, and have a chance of different items, or more likely, still just air. (No poop for you!)[/QUOTE] Dang you Guppycur (pumps fist in the air angrily) spoiling my pooping fun since 2013 lol :-P
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Update time! Added: A15.0b94 support Just the current experimental support. As usually let me know if anything broke. [QUOTE=Guppycur;517021]Your casino is what made me think of it. Again, not talking about desks, just bags, purses, trash cans, and other 1 block items... And remember, my idea is to flag which blocks can change, so you can choose the spot above a desk, and have a chance of different items, or more likely, still just air. (No poop for you!)[/QUOTE] For now it's going in the 'maybe' pile. I can't really see the work:benefit ratio being high enough. But if I make it easier to add new mouse jobs in the future it could make it in.
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Well I've already gotten enough features in, so although it won't hurt my feelings if it says in the "maybe" pile indefinitely, I would like to point out it would not require new mouse features, other than an additional "mark air block as possible container" option. That's my armchair development flowchart and I'm sticking to it. :)
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Ah, I thought you meant something like the damage stuff that's in where you highlight an area and it does a percentage check to randomly assign loot. Doing it the way you mean I'd have to save that data back to each prefab which is not something I'm doing yet so it'd go in the "nope" pile for now. I have been working on Prefabs 2.0 though where I extend the prefab file format to add additional data. It'll be gold before I release anything but it means being able to add things like the message boards with pre-defined text or adding specific loot in specific positions (or something like "this prefab should be likely to contain X")
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No no no, very similar to your damage system... but instead of adding damage to the block, it just changes the block to a random list pulled from the listbox. Put it back in the "maybe" section. :) After you mark it, you would click a button that would run the randomizer, and still save the prefab as a normal prefab. Really, I've got it all worked out in my head, if you want to grab a drill and come take a peek. :)
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;517894]No no no, very similar to your damage system... but instead of adding damage to the block, it just changes the block to a random list pulled from the listbox. Put it back in the "maybe" section. :) After you mark it, you would click a button that would run the randomizer, and still save the prefab as a normal prefab. Really, I've got it all worked out in my head, if you want to grab a drill and come take a peek. :)[/QUOTE] You could just place custom lootplaceholder blocks with the random replacement blocks you want, spawn it in game (might nee dto use a custom hub, not sure if IP changes the placeholders or not) and then cut it back to a prefab
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;517894]No no no, very similar to your damage system... but instead of adding damage to the block, it just changes the block to a random list pulled from the listbox. Put it back in the "maybe" section. :) After you mark it, you would click a button that would run the randomizer, and still save the prefab as a normal prefab. Really, I've got it all worked out in my head, if you want to grab a drill and come take a peek. :)[/QUOTE] Yeah that's how I was thinking but if you had to mark each air block it would need doing each time the prefab was opened or saving back to the prefab file. First way is time consuming and the second can't be done yet. If you see something in the update logs about rewriting the mouse functions you'll know it's time for a prod on adding it in [QUOTE=Guppycur;517914]How would the game itself recognize the new data you're adding? (please oh please make a "is lootable" checkbox on blocks, so we can have decorations that don't necessarily have loot!)[/QUOTE] By injecting a new class into the game to handle it. It would mean it would only work if the editor DLL is installed (or maybe when official modding support is added there'll be a way to do it). For the "Is lootable" checkbox on any block keep an eye on Kinyajuu's posts, he's already working on something that should make you happy ^^ [QUOTE=StompyNZ;517970]You could just place custom lootplaceholder blocks with the random replacement blocks you want, spawn it in game (might nee dto use a custom hub, not sure if IP changes the placeholders or not) and then cut it back to a prefab[/QUOTE] Yeah that's how I'd do it currently. You could just keep the loot placeholders as the bbb commands replace them before inserting the prefab
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[QUOTE=layarion;520746]You really should add the current version the editor works for. I see a "previous versions" but that really doesn't tell me if it's the very recent b104. i see in a Post that it it, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement.[/QUOTE] If only you had a read the very post above you -- from HAL - Update Time! [COLOR="#FF0000"]Added: A15.0b104 support[/COLOR] Updated: Claims are now saved as prefabs. **Breaking Change** old claims will not be able to be loaded and must be re-saved. Use bbb save no one has had any issue with this mod the way Hal does it. when he updates he posts it in the posts which version it is. reading cant be that hard can it
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Update Time! Added: A15.0 b105 support Just support for the stable release of A15. I've also made a booboo on the breaking changes which may cause you to need to save them again. There was a naming conflict on the new prefab which meant the editor wouldn't save them properly if you wanted to edit them. The new system means you no longer need to use "bbb ex " to export your prefab. Just claim or save it and it will be in your backup folder for the editor. You can also replace the prefab and use "bbb load " to bring changes from the editor. [QUOTE=layarion;520746]You really should add the current version the editor works for. I see a "previous versions" but that really doesn't tell me if it's the very recent b104. i see in a Post that it it, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement.[/QUOTE] Each version of the editor has the build version it's built for displayed on the main menu when you open it. I don't keep links to the latest version in the OP, the editor just uses the auto-update to grab the latest when you open it. You can use the release notes it displays to see which build version you'll be downloading.
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Hi Hal9000, I think there is a small bug in the latest version (or I made a mistake). I cannot insert prefabs with a height of 256. The command "bbb ip testprefab 0 0 0" doesn't work. The error message is "Prefab can not be inserted at this height as it's 256 blocks tall. Insert it with a Y value of zero". After removing a few air layers, I was able to spawn the prefab. [QUOTE=HAL9000;511428] Added: You can now "paint" damage using the Damage selection option. [/QUOTE] Perfect, thanks again.
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[QUOTE=Pille;520868]Hi Hal9000, I think there is a small bug in the latest version (or I made a mistake). I cannot insert prefabs with a height of 256. The command "bbb ip testprefab 0 0 0" doesn't work. The error message is "Prefab can not be inserted at this height as it's 256 blocks tall. Insert it with a Y value of zero". After removing a few air layers, I was able to spawn the prefab. Perfect, thanks again.[/QUOTE] thats because the max height of the world is 255 lol. look for a low elevation in the world something like -20 or something anything higher the -2 wont spawn it.
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[QUOTE=Pille;521042]Imho the index of the lowest layer is 0 and that of the highest is 255. So there are 256 layers and "bbb ip prefab_name 0 0 0" should always work with prefabs created in Hal's Editor.[/QUOTE] Not if it exceeds the height limit of 255. You dont count 0 as a layer lol so it starts at 1. There fore 255. Its the vanilla height nothing to do with the editor. And yeh if it exceeds the height or exceeds other areas hals editor wont spawn it either.
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It's impossible to create a prefab that exceeds the height limit of 255 using Hal's Editor (if you insert it at 0). bbb ip prefab x 0 z has always worked with previous versions for all prefabs with a max. layer index of 255 or lower. Edit: Ok I was wrong. It's possible to create a prefab with more than 256 layers but in my case I used the export function and tried to insert it at another position. Therefore it shouldn't be too high.
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quick note, air counts as blocks, so if you have a really tall structure and more than a box shape, you'll want to trim the parimeter as much as possible of all empty blocks. Too many blocks also will cause issues with spawning a structure. so delete all layers below your structure and all layers above to limit air blocks.
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[QUOTE=Pille;520868]Hi Hal9000, I think there is a small bug in the latest version (or I made a mistake). I cannot insert prefabs with a height of 256. The command "bbb ip testprefab 0 0 0" doesn't work. The error message is "Prefab can not be inserted at this height as it's 256 blocks tall. Insert it with a Y value of zero". After removing a few air layers, I was able to spawn the prefab. [/QUOTE] Hi Pille, Thanks for the bug report, yep there's a problem in the code for prefabs with a height of 256. It'll be sorted in the next release. [QUOTE=stallionsden;521102]Not if it exceeds the height limit of 255. You dont count 0 as a layer lol so it starts at 1. There fore 255. Its the vanilla height nothing to do with the editor. And yeh if it exceeds the height or exceeds other areas hals editor wont spawn it either.[/QUOTE] Hey Stallionsden, Layer 0 does count towards height. It's the bottom most layer in an export so it's usually bedrock but the layers are 0-255 (256 in total) [QUOTE=Pille;521124]It's impossible to create a prefab that exceeds the height limit of 255 using Hal's Editor (if you insert it at 0). bbb ip prefab x 0 z has always worked with previous versions for all prefabs with a max. layer index of 255 or lower. Edit: Ok I was wrong. It's possible to create a prefab with more than 256 layers but in my case I used the export function and tried to insert it at another position. Therefore it shouldn't be too high.[/QUOTE] Nice catch, I've added a check for new prefabs so they can't be more than 256 in height when being created.
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